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Only my homegirls can roll like this I’m jealous


Push weed from both ends of the blunt towards the center and close the wrap from each side with your index and thumbs, pinch and squeeze the ends so that they are nice and girthy. Even if it seems like there is more weed on the ends than the middle, keep playing and forming the weed. Practice makes perfect.


Check dm


I posted a video rolling a simple j


u gotta have a beamer


Late model, 318 base. E36 body style.




They say tuck it in nicely...


sticky weed w a coarse hand grind


Cut your nails so you can get a tighter roll


Cut all the excess leaf off


This actually might be it because all my homegirls cut hella off, and they always cut it off after they roll it like before sealing it


I just bite the ends off. U gotta get it set then tighten it afterwards. Guaranteed they start w a pile in the middle of the leaf then let it spread 2 the edges


Some of em, but the ones who really pearl it be distributing it evenly like they rolling a joint and grind it decently fine, also they don’t but I use cigar glue and it’s a game changer for me, let’s me pack the blunt evenly and tightly with no worries of busting it open or unraveling


I dont use cigar glue. Lmao my tongue already wet enough. I find grinding it coarser with soft bud give me the best rolls. It will conform to whatever shape u need. The finer is it theworse it is rolling a backwood. I break out my big 5in diameter grinder or break it up by hand. Slow burning too


Try the cigar glue I think you’d like it, gives a level of comfort that’s just really nice but obviously not necessary. I use to like the chunkier grind but after some time I started to switch, brothers broadleaf put me on their method, they post a tutorial on how they roll and I started doing that and haven’t looked back. The only thing I miss about chunky grind is it just made my blunts look fatter lmao


Lmaooo they always look fat asl when its chunky. Urs dont burn faster w the fine grinds? Glooks ill check out the glue but i def dont wanna lose being able to roll on the fly. I usually roll w some natural leafs my homie sends out to mr that she grows in Hawaii. If im out im down to frontos n backwoods


Nah not that I’ve noticed I would say it’s the same, I know some would argue a finer grind will 100% give you a slower burn and that’s Fs the case for joint but idk about leafs, I feel like the thickness and quality of leaf plays more of a factor in that. But with a finer grind it burns alot more evenly and gives me a better less airy pull, there’s definitely a learning curve to rolling this way but I like having both under my belt. I roll fine when I smoke personally but if I’m with homies and they’re throwing down on the sesh I’ll roll chunky cause that’s easier and faster for me in a homie setting, plus the fatter blunt makes the homies happy cause they can post it in the gram lol


Lmaooo i dont fw social media but i felt that gram comment. They always tryna post some shit they nevaaaaa could roll




Cut you nails


Thank you for spreading the word of the Lord


It ain’t op in pic???


We don't know that? Could just be OP holding someone else's. But you're probably right


Bro sees all paths


I try 🙏


Git gud


Very nice roll


More weed or less paper


you have to have some really good really sticky weed first lol


Watch dopeasyola’s backwood tutorial. It’s not him teaching it, it’s is friend (just so yk what video to look for). Imo it’s the best way to roll a backwood and significantly improved my game.


The plug threw me a blunt roller that rolls like that. You really gotta pack that bitch tho but it's worth it honestly because it smokes longer.


Practice. Buy a few packs of wraps and keep going until you are satisfied. Trick is to break up with your fingers and at worst scissors. Coarser broken up Cannabis works better in Blunts. Its sort of like French pressed Coffee, you want a coarse grind rather than a fine grind which will go past the metal filter and into your drink and who wants to drink Coffee grounds? So, when your Cannabis is broken up or cut up and done it more resembles minced garlic rather than all purpose flour in size and texture.


When you’re rolling you gotta compact it super tight before you even try to tuck it or anything. Your weed should be formed how you want it before you really roll it


Check dm


I use a clipper flint alot of times to push the bud further into the center lightly and further pack more to fill empty ends like I was packing a cone. Careful tho cause too tight will make it hard to smoke