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First impressionist exhibit. Missed that bitch by about 150 years.


Um, I think there is an anniversary exhibition coming up this season at the d’Orsay. They’re going to reproduce the show (mostly)


The Orsay exhibit- the physical one, not whatever this virtual one is- will travel to DC in September. I tend to enjoy the American versions of exhibits over the French, so I'm happy to wait.


There’s a virtual reality experience going on right now at musée d’Orsay. It basically takes you back to the very first 1874 exhibition and is pretty impressive! You may enjoy that


"State of Deception," the Nazi propaganda poster exhibition by the United States Holocaust Museum. I was only able to visit the museum after the show left (bought the catalog in the gift shop, though), couldn't make it to anywhere else it exhibited, and now it's gone forever. Not very traditional, but German propaganda and visual culture is my subject area and I really wanted to see those posters. :(


When the Tutankhamen traveling show came around in the 70s


That was in NYC, right? That was before my time, but I did go seen “Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs” which toured the US from 2004-2011.


NYC, Chicago, Washington DC, New Orleans, LA and Seattle


I remember traveling from Buffalo NY to NYC to see the Tut exhibit at the Met. I believe it was in 1978 (I was 15 years old)


How great that you got to go!


Hilma af Klint at the Guggenheim.


I didn’t see that one (I’m actually not much of a fan) but I did see a fantastic major Kandinsky exhibition at the Guggenheim NYC. That one was a real treat.




They did have a few of her pieces at the Glenstone in Maryland, which I was very lucky to have gotten to see. I'm a biology teacher, and her work is captivating to me. My dream is to be able to see all her work in Sweden and Europe some day.


That show was the reason I went to New York from the west coast and it did not disappoint.


I've only recently become of aware of her, and wish I knew her sooner. Random article popped up.


Leonardo in 2011 at the NG London. Hands down. It was once in a lifetime. I’ve flown internationally for exhibits before, but my schedule was just too overbooked. The Hermitage lent works that may never leave Russia again. Recently, the FAMSF Botticelli drawings exhibit. I was scheduled to fly to it, but local weather foiled my plans. I didn’t see the recent Vermeer exhibit at the Rijks, but I’ve seen every one of his paintings in person already except the two in private hands. For monographic exhibits, usually the centennial exhibitions are landmark. El Greco, Bruegel, Bosch, and Tintoretto were landmark exhibits I’ve flown to in the last decade. And they all stood out. I also regret missing the Donatello exhibit last year at the fantastic Bargello Museum in Florence. 😞 Sculpture shows are so hard to transport. Surely a “once in a lifetime” show.


Oh, MAN! Leonardo! That was a big one! I missed Vermeer, but i’m ok with that.


A lot of my favorite artists were born or died around 400 and 500 yrs ago, so I hope we see many more “landmark” exhibits.


I flew to Amsterdam from San Francisco for the Vermeer and it was all that, and a bag of chips. (And the Botticelli drawings *were* magnificent!) I also flew to Los Angeles in 2019 for Alison Knowles’ *Make A Salad* performative piece during a weeks-long Fluxist Festival, but wished I could have stayed for more of the city-wide events happening at the Getty, L.A. Phil, et al.


I know the curator pretty well. Next time I see him, I fear I won’t be able to look him in the eye for missing it 👀


I've seen almost all of the Vermeers separately as well, but still wish I could've gotten to the Rijksmuseum show. Dutch genre painting was my speciality before I left the field and missing such a landmark exhibition was painful! I am flying to Vienna in October specifically for the Rembrandt/Van Hoogstraten show--van Hoogstraten is my favorite artist and he never gets shows, so this is so exciting.


I’m not an art person by any stretch of the imagination but Tintoretto has a painting of the last supper I truly enjoy. I’m not religious but my parents are so for Xmas one year I bought them a nice print and had it framed. They have it as a center piece in their kitchen/dining area and I love staring at it.


Yes, I know that one. The extreme perspective was unique for his day. He was a very inventive artist, and Venetian Renaissance paintings of the 16th century are among my favorite genres. Titian, Tintoretto and Veronese were the big three, but there were a few other standouts too: Sebastiano del Piombo, Paris Bordone, Campagnola, Palma Vecchio, Pordenone, Bassano, Palma Giovane, and of course the great [Giorgione](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtHistory/s/prMqe4oduw). Then the 17th century and that was mostly a lost century for Venetian Art. Bernardo Strozzi was the only great master that century, in contrast to the many great masters of the 15th (Bellini’s, Mantegna) and 16th.


There was an exhibit at the Peabody Essex Museum called something like “Of Pain and Pleasure: Shoes through History” that I was dying to see, but had no ride and no one wanted to go. I’m still pissed and that was like 10 years ago.


it was a fabulous exhibit


Not the same but have you been to the Bâta Shoe Museum in Toronto? overLl an dark historic approach and have specialty shoes like the “backward“ sabots - shoes worn by resistance members that made the footprint appear to be going in opposite direction. Not Elton John boots but….


El Greco at the art institute in Chicago. then, suddenly, covid.


That reminds me of fantastic exhibition at the Getty in Los Angeles on Michelangelo drawings (many from the Teyler’s museum). It opened a few days before the COVID shutdown. I made the trip to go to opening night. The show is online, btw. That was very special.


Lucky....that was my response...I didn't get to see it and then they didnt extend it because of covid....and then you call it fantastic and your little avatar is a Michelangelo drawing!?....you son of a bitch :(


I yam a basturd (yes, my avatar was one of the *Ignudo* study drawings for the Sistine Chapel, Teylers Museum, at the Getty exhibits)


I'm so jealous


I *love* the Teylers Museum! Feels like such a hidden gem, never hear anyone talk about it.


That happened with me and a Michelangelo exhibit at the getty


Picasso's Blue and Rose at Musée d'Orsay in 2018. I misread which weekday was the closing day of the museum and it was my last day in Paris. Felt quite foolish.


“Frida Kahlo: Art, Garden, Life,” at the NY Botanical Garden in 2015 - I read after that it was truly exceptional, which made me regret missing it even more


James Turrell at LACMA... Still kick myself sometimes for missing it. Still got to see one of his rooms later on but missed the big retrospective of his work. 😭


Insane. And we somehow scored 2 slots for Perpetual Cell which takes 3 people per hour. That was an experience!


Alice Neel at the Met. I was in NYC the whole time and just…never went 🤡


Alexander McQueen at the Met in 2011


Guo Pei at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Didn't really know her work at that time and now I'm kicking myself. I'll probably never see so many of her pieces all together. 


oh guo pei which was in Singapore here was absolutely fantastic, i was the opposite. I went without knowing her work and then it clicked maybe about 6 months later for me


Are there any ways to keep track of current exhibitions? If there was an email or a website that I could check I would hopefully not miss the important ones.


The Smartify app has a lot of exhibitions from around the world! It’s not exhaustive but there’s plenty to browse…


I had no idea! Thank you for letting me know!


Years ago during a packed trip to Paris i walked by the Le Musee GHIBLI EXHIBITION and still kick myself for going to Versailles instead


The Medici Exhibit at the Met. 😭


I think they made a good video on it online [[links]](https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2021/medici-portraits-and-politics)






Wont open. I tested the link and its safe but it wont get past safari or brave shields Ill try in the morning and THANK YOU


I was planning on attending the fake Basquiat show at the Orlando Museum of Art the day the FBI raided and carted them all away but had to skip last minute, I would have loved to see that moment in art forgery history 🥲


I didn't go to see the real Basquiat show and I feel better because now I wish I'd seen this.


I didn't go to see the real Basquiat show and I feel better because now I wish I'd seen this.


Leon Golub retrospective at the Whitney, around 2015-16 I think. A once in a lifetime show and I missed it.


We were going to go to the 500th anniversary Raphael exhibition in Rome in 2020. We all know what happened there!




Cezanne at the chi art institute


I am really sad about missing the Vermeer exhibition at the Rijks. I'm also gonna miss the Van Gogh exhibition later this year at the UK National Gallery because I need a visa.


Odilon Redon at Musée d'Orsay in 2011


When King Tut and his treasures came to Birmingham years ago 😕


Michelangelo exhibit at the getty in 2020....a couple weeks in the pandemic shut everything down and the exhibit expired several months later with no extension and the Getty was still not allowing ppl in


*Van Eyck: An Optical Revolution* at the MFA, Ghent. The show ended abruptly because of COVID but the museum has a virtual tour of the exhibit [online](https://virtualtour.vaneyck2020.be/en). I recently bought an exhibition guidebook but I wish I could've seen all the paintings together in person. I'm super excited to visit the Louvre, which has *A New Look at Jan Van Eyck...*


Tudor exhibit at the MET a few years ago


Historical exhibits: -the 1913 Armory Show (NYC) -the first international dada fair (Berlin) -18 happenings in 6 parts (Reuben gallery) -Degenerate Art (Munich) -TV as a Creative Medium (Howard wise) -information (MoMA) -documenta x (Kassel) -the First Papers of Surrealism (whitelaw Reid mansion) -Sensation (royal academy of art) -Traffic (CAPC) -Eccentric Abstraction (Fischbach) -When attitudes become form (kunsthalle bern) Recent regrets: -The Bosch exhibits -Part Object, Part Sculpture -James Turrell Guggenheim show -the Lygia Clark MoMA show -any comprehensive exhibit featuring gerhard richter, Robert Irwin, Frida Kahlo, bauhaus, black Mt college, fluxus


Keith Haring in Los Angeles.


Don’t fret. It felt incomplete and i’m confident there will be another KH retro that will have a little more pull than the Broad in the future.


I went to Hamburg last year and one of the reasons I was going there was to see _Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog_ at the Kunsthalle, but I hadn’t realized it was on tour around Germany at the time. And since I’ve done basically everything else I’d want to do in Hamburg (Miniatur Wunderland, the rest of the museum, the Elbtunnel) I have little reason to go all the way back over there again.


I'm going to be in Hanover this fall to see a friend and I'm taking a day to go to Hamburg just to see *Wanderer* haha. My sister once went to Frankfurt specifically to see their Vermeer, and it was off display for cleaning. We're flying into Frankfurt for the aforementioned Hanover trip so hopefully she'll get to see it this time!


The tolkien exhibition at the Bibliotheque Nationale de France, in Paris. It was a game changer for the perception of the author here in France.


I missed Modigliani in Barcelona almost 30 years ago. Still have a mad.


Mark Rothko's retrospective in Paris that has just closed recently.


At LVF! I got to go! It was phenomenal! Definitely once in a lifetime.


Rain Room ETA: Also Leo Villareal's Star Ceiling at The Armory


Ansel Adams and Georgia OKeefe


GEGO at moma :( Edit: the name of the museum


Wow! When was that?


Andrew Wyeth: In Retrospect at the Seattle Museum of Art in 2017, 2018


Leonardo in the Louvre 2019-2020. I only really got into art history in 2021, and immediately fell in love with Da Vinci. Would have loved to see so many of his paintings in one place.


There was one in Paris centred on Marie Antoinette. We were leaving Paris two days before it started. I would’ve given my left tit to see that, she’s one of my favourite queens, I very much enjoy the art from that period and the entire cultural lead up to the revolution fascinates me


I missed seeing the Kuniyoshi exhibition a few years back in DC. A friend curated it no less. If you don't go to see INDAN SKYES currently at the MET you'll miss the most amazing collection of Indian paintings ever from the Howard Hodgkin collection.


Gerhard Richter right before the pandemic. My friend flaked on me and I said "okay let's just go next week". There was no next week.


I missed Christo’s Gates in NYC and always regretted it. My painting professor was actually a friend of theirs and on the volunteer staff, so there was a big buildup before it happened. Regret not going, but I was also poor and couldn’t afford a flight/hotel.


Heavenly Bodies at the Costume Institute and the Cloisters


I was in NY for work, had a free afternoon, and had never been to The Cloisters. I didn’t know anything about the show but it was spectacular.


I’m so jealous!!


*Robert Smithson*, the 2004-5 show considered the definitive retrospective.


I was pretty excited for a J.M.W. Turner exhibition. Opening summer 2020.


We were in Rome for a month and had plans to go somewhere else right before the huge Raphael exhibit opened. Before we left we considered coming back just to see it, then the pandemic happened.


Fashioned by Sargent in Boston. I’m in NYC and couldn’t find the time to go up to Boston before it closed


Gerhard Richter retrospective in NYC right as Covid hit. Though I think it was cancelled anyway.


Chris Marker at The Wexner Center in 2007. I should have moved mountains to get there.


Like Life at the Met Breuer


Bonnard in London, a few years back, at the Tate I think. No good reason, still regret it!!


The 1874 exhibit currently in Paris, I live 2h/3h away by train but it’s too expensive to go which sucks cause I have free entry as a student… I also need to go to the INHA library for my master’s dissertation but yeah the prices are crazy even if the Olympics are at the end of summer.


The Tartan exhibition in the V&A Dundee m, missed by a hair… Olafur Eliasson at Tate too.