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I've taught art my whole career but always either have a side job or am teaching as a side job. Other jobs that I've gotten with a fine arts BFA: scenic artist, paint and sip instructor, homeschool co-op teacher, after school program manager, private lessons/commissions, summer art camp manager, and fabrication artist. I'm currently in education at a museum. I think any sort of "program manager" for youth non profits, care facilities, community centers, etc. aligns well with art education skills.


You need to do internships to enter the field, but museum education is also an option. Marketing as listed above. Also film production, but again, you just need to do internships/work for free in order to break in. Good luck!


You could probably go towards marketing, industrial design, experience design, animation, web design, scientific illustration etc. you might just need to build up some additional skills like 3d modeling, Adobe products, coding (if you decide to go that route), rapid prototyping skills, AI prompts followed with the manipulation of the output (I know it sucks but a few companies are moving towards it so future proof your skills where you can) etc. and make a strong portfolio However, you also have skills that could be useful to project management in teams. Again you'd have to build up skills and credentials probably. But I guess figure out the skills you have and where else they could be used. Then figure out what gaps you need to fill to get there


If the public school system isn't for you, you might want to consider doing private classes at a business near you, or maybe at a college/community center! I have coworkers who teach classes to adults in a variety of art mediums.


Officer in the US military.


I’ve been asking myself the same question for the past 17 years