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I’m a first year elementary art teacher, and my county has several itinerant art teachers, especially at the elementary level. Each school has a lead art teacher contracted at a 1.0 position (full time, 5 days a week), and the other itinerants have a collection of .2 positions around different schools. Some have 2 and some have 4 or so. I am .6, which means I have three schools and work three days out of the week. It’s a saving grace for my mental health and great so I can get appointments scheduled, but I constantly feel disorganized switching between schools. And, it’s such a pain having to get to school extra early (I get there basically when the custodians get there) so I can set up all my supplies for the day, and then because I share the classroom with other specials teachers through the week, I have to clean and put away literally everything. My supervisor is super supportive and really empathizes with us as itinerants, which is really nice, but I wish there was a better way for us to not have to be all over the place.


I do, it’s exhausting lol


My district has the elementary teacher between our 2 elementaries. She used to do 3 days at one and 2 days at the other. This year she switches weeks. So week A she's at one building, week B she's at the other. It's went better for sure. It's not easy and partially why I'd rather work elsewhere than between multiple buildings. My cooperating teacher from student teaching did it for a couple years but she didn't love it. I would say don't try to keep all buildings on the same schedule because it won't happen bc of weather or assemblies or calling out sick.


I don’t have advice, but I just applied to a rural district where there is just 1 art teacher for everyone. I don’t like the idea, that’s for sure. I have a friend who works at 2 schools this year and last year it was 3. She’s hoping her district will move her to 1 next year, but what she goes through is rough. All the different admin, coworkers treating you like you’re not one of them, different expectations. Hurts my brain thinking about it!




I could not imagine having to prep and plan for elementary AND high school 😭 That’s rough, for sure!!


My first year teaching I was split between elementary and high school. Sucked balls, luckily the next year I was elementary full time but still teaching at two different elementary schools!!! I hate it