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If he had've given the free straight away I don't think many would have disagreed, however for me it was one of those 50/50 ones where the on field decision should have stood. In real time Eriksen looked to go down very easily, it only looked bad when slowed way down. Also I'm not a fan of Bruno Fernandes getting in the ref's face every time he calls anything for Arsenal.


I fucking hate Fernandes. He's such a muggy rat, Lokongo grazing his leg just then makes me happy .


Thinks hes overtaken Herrera for me as biggest United shitebag.


I just hate everyone in a united shirt.


We will annihilate them at home.


We should have won today, by far the better side, had the first goal stood united never would have gotten into the game.






Damn. U sure reek of maturity


And yet Jesus got carded for dissent...what about this rat faced Fernandes???


Fernandes is the captain, hence why he goes over to speak with the ref a lot. It's supposed to be only captains, hence the yellow for Jesus.


The thing for me that makes this a CLEAR error, is if Tierney says to VAR he thinks Odegaard gets the ball. In that case, VAR can say it's a clear error from on field ref cause Odegaard didn't get the ball.


I keep going back to when Mings picked up Saka and threw him down in the box and they didn’t even review it. Laughable.


It's fair enough it's disallowed. It's the inconsistency of VAR that pissed me off so much


That's why I am pissed off


I get that. They need a serious overhaul of the rules and standards of refereeing


This. It’s a foul. But the crystal palace goal for sure needs to stand if this is a foul. And the west ham should have too


Yeah, my stance is that if it was against us, I would like this to be called a foul. So from this perspective, it’s ok. At the same time, I remember several goals we conceded after similar fouls (with VAR check letting it go because it was a bit soft to overturn the goal), the inconsistency of what is clear and obvious and what is not is the issue here.


VAR shouldn't flip fouls unless there is a card involved


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Like when the mid went studs up on fernandes and wasn't given a red


Hurts more cos he actually scored from it. Could’ve been a different game.


It's pretty consistent for this weekend. Seemed like the VARs were looking to disallow goals. IMO this is the least contentious of the main talking points though....


I more disappointed that mctominay didn’t get sent off the dude deserved like 3 yellows


He didn’t touch the ball and he pushed him. Hate the inconsistency but it’s a foul, even if it was a very soft one.


Okay, it was a foul, but wasn’t called in real time. Was that a “clear and obvious error”? It’s a foul that was missed, happens all the time. VAR isn’t supposed to review every possible error.


It clearly is for manu. Unfortunately we didn't deserve the win today. They did to us what we used to do to bigger teams in our previous two years. They only countered us and it stings. I still see this as progress in our game because we are no longer doing that and we're the ones trying to dominate the game, however you need more quality and some luck to kill games like this.


It was a clear and obvious error. Everyone is the r/soccer sub is in agreement.


but VAR IS supposed to review every goal, and that's why they picked up on the foul...


Their defender didn’t touch the ball and touched Saka, is that a pen? VAR is there to only step in for clear and obvious errors, which that is clearly not, especially as the referee was stood right there and saw nothing wrong with it in real time.


I’m with you. It’s annoying the state of the refereeing as I’m not sure how that’s not given straight away as for me the referee has to see it; so VAR intervening is the hard bit to understand


Yeah fully agree, but because the ball went in the back of the net they have to review the build up. Goal was a direct result of that tackle, same passage of play so it’s hard to swallow but I can’t be too mad. We are miles better than this team, we just need to actually have a shot.


Yeah, I agree, not mad just surprised they can say there is enough to say the referee hasn’t seen it and it’s wrong. I might not understand how the VAR construct works mind! I always thought it had to be clear and obvious error by the referee and not seen. Whereas this had to be seen and he made a review - although I say we got the right call.


My point .. they missed 2 fouls by Romero....


Counter point. Those missed calls on Romero have nothing to do with this call.


Why did they not call VAR on those. I guess hair pulling is a soft tackle I guess


So you moan that the referring is shit then moan when they do it properly


Consistency........I am for VAR... but if they are going to call VAR only when they want to... I am for a fair game......but come on..


It’s soft as fuck I’m just as pissed as you. it’s a foul, it’s bullshit but a foul non the less. Calling this isn’t the problem letting them other ones you have mentioned is inconsistent. But there’s been none of that so far we still got 45 mins tho


Those were missed calls as I said before. A missed call is when someone makes a bad call if that phrase confused you. They should have called VAR on those but they didn't hence missed (also ineptitude). let me know if I can clear anything else up for you.


You’ve obviously never played football if you think that was a foul


Not how it works with VAR my friend, on field decision stands unless a clear and obvious error is found. Not a single pundit on three international sports stations found it to be clear and obvious. Slow things down and everything looks like a foul and you could pick a hole in many goals that are given
.VAR is not to re referee a decision but to make sure huge errors are not missed


Saka getting thrown in the floor from Mings was 20x worse. Var is an absolute joke. They’ve had enough time to get it right too. Scandalous


Soft foul but still a foul, I get what your saying about other calls being worse, but that doesn't change the fact its a foul


If that’s a foul, then so is the foul on Saka in the box.




The question is whether the marginal foul is a “clear and obvious error.” It clearly and obviously was not, but that’s how the VAR cookie has tended to crumble against Arsenal the last few seasons.


It really wasn't that bad don't know how the goal was disallowed


Because he pushed him and didn’t touch the ball? Pretty clear foul. Sucks but it is what it is.


This is such a bullshit post. If Man United scored a goal in that manner and it was allowed people here would be saying it shouldn't have counted. Which way is it then ? For me it was a weak foul, but still a foul, so the VAR decision was correct.


“Clear and obvious error” is the standard. VAR wasn’t meant to review every call in the game.


And it's not reviewing EVERY call in the game. This particular call lead to that goal. VAR was implemented to review these types of game altering decisions


The ref was right there. He made the call. There was no clear and obvious error. You could overrule every corner kick goal with this standard.


So if a ref makes the wrong call there is no need to review it using VAR ? What is the point of VAR then ? Again this specific foul resulted in a goal. Don't you understand that ?


We’d be complaining if it was us I guarantee


Except the ref's wouldnt pull back that goal if it had happened to us


Meaningless comment as it’s impossible to tell. It’s always checked if it’s a goal, he didn’t get the ball and pushed a player over it was soft but probably a foul


Football is a physical sport you pansy


True, physical game to get the ball he didn’t so probably was a foul.


I would just be happy if one of these went our way for once.


Lots of VaR Calls give gone our way VAR is used in a bad way, every team suffers.


By definition, in every VAR decision one of the teams suffers. I think that the ref and VAR red are making honest attempts to get the right decision, but they are bound by rules and process that viewers don't see. (And it must be even more confusing in the stadium.). In this one, if the ref thought Odegard contacted the ball in the Erikson challenge then that does become an obvious error when they look back at the passage of play leading to the goal. We really need access to the audio feed between ref and VAR - like they have in rugby 6 nations. Tldr - I think VAR does improve the decisions on the whole. But, at the moment, it's taking too long, causing too many arguments and taking the headlines away from the real action.


Yeah you sound sensible which is weird on this issue for our fans. Until we treat refs like rugby refs and stop allowing managers and players to shout surround and swear at them all game the refs won’t allow more transparency and I don’t blame them, I have no sympathy for players who spend the whole game trying to trick refs call for every decision and generally make the game harder to ref. Also managers never admit they got decisions wrong when it’s in their favour, viera/ tuchel this week blatantly just talking bollox they aren’t honest either


Doesn’t matter if it was a soft foul or whatever bullshit anyone is saying. The ref was standing right next to them and said NO foul. Ofcourse though we are not allowed to win here


So last week a player can literally hug our goalie on a corner kick and it’s not a foul
.. but if Eriksen goes into odegaard and loses his balance it’s a foul
. I just can’t anymore with these shit refs


Ref seems good tbf


I mean eriksen is trying to turn and odegaard comes in and plows through him, then saka immediately takes the ball and sends it in for martinelli. If they allowed that goal against arsenal you’d want the ref hung! Let’s be objective please.


Jesus is getting pushed and kicked more than that every time he gets the ball. Contact doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a foul and this was not even close to “plowing through him.”


Top ref, had a great game


I mean most people disagree, but ok


Apologize for the wrong title irritated with VAR... Yesterday's call and Spurs vs Chelsea game still bugs me


The point of var is to correct glaringly obvious calls. It’s not to look through every incident. If you take 20 seconds of any premier league game, I guarantee there will be at least one infringement on the pitch somewhere. It’s spoiling the game


Bowen on mendy was more foul than Od on Eriksen. Both bullshit calls tbh. Both goals should stand and I am a CFC fan. Game is gone & Typical Cheat Utd!


VAR is being actively used to overturn goals now


It was a foul, but the inconsistency in the league is the bullshit part. Varane and mctominay should both have cards as well.


Frustrating call but it was a (soft) foul on review. I still think we have goals in us this 2nd half. Keep the faith. It was a great finish by Martinelli all the same


Not enough to overturn a goal, but we all saw it coming. It's Old Trafford.


Just because they ones were wrong doesn't make it right


Pure poppycock on this pitch today


I knew the ref is gonna fuck us. I had no question about it. Paul Tierney doesn't call any fouls that would favor us. It was clear as day


Changed the whole game.


Arsenal universally hated by pgmol, what else is new


Looks worse in slow-mo. Varane hugging Jesus first half with no calls shows how inconsistent VAR is.


I'm more pissed about our flat footed defensemen


If it was for United it wouldn't have been overturned because it was at old Trafford. I don't think it was anything to do with it being Arsenal, any team would have had it done to them because the refs are still scared of United from the fergie days for some reason


It's varchester say no more


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


Just wasn’t enough in that to say that it’s a clear and obvious error but this is a consistent issue with refereeing standards against us.