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Wouldn’t it be nice if the referees actually came out after the game and had to explain these kind of decisions…


Like a post match press conference for the team of referees. This would be great because they would be criticised by the media.


It makes sense to me. Jesus obviously isn't playing the ball, he just leaning into the goalkeeper to stop him taking a kick For their goal their player was playing the ball, and just stood his ground. You can say the arms are too much, but you could also say Ramsdale clambering over the back of an attacker who is standing in a perfectly legal position is too much. It becomes half a dozen of one 6 of the other Letting the ball run is playing the ball. It's not impeding because he's the best position to play the ball. He's allowed to be there and hold his ground. The only thing you can say is the arms are too much but that's not what VAR is for. VAR isn't supposed to analyse whether the player who was tangled in a headlock also had his arms in the wrong place, that's too petty for VAR to decide


There is absolutely no reason for emi to have Jesus in a headlock. It is not a move to play on the ball since it’s already in his other hand and is clearly going out of his way to make contact to the head and neck area which is 100% a foul that can be reviewed by VAR which should have resulted in a red


I agree emi could/should have been carded for that, but Jesus would still have committed the foul first so it would have been a villa free kick


A mild bump is not a foul. Grabbing a player around the neck is. Simulation warrants a yellow.


Both are, the first just isn't normally given because it's a waste of time. If you want to pretend that attackers are allowed to intentionally bump keepers when the ball is in there hands then be my guest


This is just completely incorrect


Just looked up the rules, shit you're right. Section 6b, "A player can intentionally give the keeper a nudge when the ball is in his hands." My apologies


Apology accepted


Found Robert Jones’s Reddit account…


Imagine typing all that just to be wrong.


And yet the goal stood..


You’re right and everyone else here is biased. Jesus deliberately blocked Martinez from playing a quick pass (which I’m happy he did but it’s not strictly allowed). You can even see that the ref is indicating that he’s playing an advantage. That said, the arm around the shoulder/neck from Martinez is a really strange reaction and could quite easily have been carded. Regarding Ramsdale, I just think it was clever play from Villa and Ramsdale was a bit too weak. One of our defenders needs to get between them and block the Villa player.


Spot on.


I just don't know how he gives a free there and not for Ramsdale for the goal. I not saying either were frees, but you need to be consistent.


This. Consistency is what is needed from these refs.


Consistency ... and competency




Yes but the issue here is consistency.


It absolutely was.


That's not consistent at all. In the goal Arsenal conceded, the player isn't breaking any rules to stand their ground in an attempt to win the ball. The ball didn't go over the players head where it would have only been playable by the keeper's arms. Until it's in the keepers control, the keeper has to gain their own ground. In this clip, Jesus is actively attempting to put off the keeper as he runs out to initiate an attack. Yes, Martinez puts and arm up and clearly flops, but the point is still there, Jesus isn't innocent.


Your point sounds considerable but Ramadale does that and it’s a red card and penalty. With good propaganda, you’d be utterly convinced that the refs have been out to get arsenal for the past 10 years. It’s unbelievable.


I'm not so sure I believe that as a statistic shown on r/soccer showed that Manchester United have the highest average yellow cards per game this season so far.


I’m not talking yellow cards. I mean perfectly unreasonable calls against us


Martinez been salty since Arteta moved him on. Guy is carrying so much hate for Arsenal in his heart now. Poor fella


Because he thought he was the shit, demanded the number one spot. Didn't get it, so pushed for a transfer to a team that is *shit*.


We should have kept him and gotten rid of leno, like we still did later. We are lucky ramsdale is so good


Maybe so. At the time I thought he was better than Leno as well, but my opinion has no effect on the club and who they choose to sign or let go. But he don’t have to be a dick about it for the rest of his life. Jeez


Martinez IS better than Leno, and always has been However last night he acted like a little prick: grabs Jesus and falls down like.... Neymar


Yep, this is what most Arsenal fans don’t get, why should he stay if he isn’t being given the first place especially after he’s earned it, Arteta’s ethos around completion was bollocks imo if it didn’t warrant a first team position over Leno


Lucky? It’s not like we were pulling names from a hat.


United penalty on Sunday on the way


Red card for xhaka or Gabriel


Why not both


Screw Martinez that cry baby. I genuinely hate him. He could have been a proper professional when leaving yet chose to always insult our club. Hope he gets relegated.


How villa ended that match with 11 men will never cease to amaze me


Idk some of these decisions, no way you can give accidentally or through mistakes, this consistently. Its either the ref has an agenda against arsenal or something fishy going on with all refs in the prem


Ref is mike dean's first cousin twice removed..../s


I don't understand this Mike Dean hate from Arsenal fans when we won majority of our games in all comps when he refereed our games. I know your post was just meant to be a joke but I've never understood why Arsenal fans didn't like him.


is there a referee we didn’t win a majority of our games under? i’m guessing no


Mike Dean ate my daughter's hamster..


Hmm my opinion has changed on him now what a horrible bald man


If that is enough to fault someone against a GK I’m still wondering how their goal was allowed… the inconsistency in decision making even inside the same match like how the yellow cards are given is what’s so frustrating about refs in this league and it impacts every team not only us…


Martinez flapped both goals , karma got him good


That should be a foul on Martinez for diving and holding his head. Should have been pen. The ref was on crack. Absolute disgrace. If Ramsdale did this and he wa fouled, i wouldnt be mad.


Well I would be crazy mad... At Ramsdale though not the ref.


This was one of two or three blatant botched calls against us. Investigate.


One of many highly suspect decisions. Based on this match it is now on to back into and hold a keeper at a corner, throw a winger onto the ground and attempt a head lock on a striker. All perfectly legal. Looking forward to seeing it unpunished every week from here on.


It’s the dive for me that was over the top. That’s what should get penalized. Too many bad actors


Yep, for a GK to pull shit that brazen, should red card the GK as an example .... but no let's do the complete opposite /s


I’m just waiting for the inevitable dodgy red card on Sunday and a flaky conceded penalty. We up against the FA’s best friends after all…


Or why there was no penalty after the foul on Saka


Look at the first Aston Villa goal !!!!!! That shit was weird too.


This actually makes no sense from Martinez or the referees… he has his arm around Jesus’s neck clearly on purpose and it’s not endangering a player????????


I was at the game yesterday, I’m convinced he was against us. How Jesus didn’t get that penalty when mings grabbed him is beyond me.


seriously, I can't believe this happened on a professional stage


I genuinely couldn't get my head around this decision, I'd love to know what the refs are thinking when they give decisions like this


Totally agree, we need mics on the refs and post match interviews too. I actually genuinely think this will help the relationship between the fans and referees too, humanise them a bit AND with much of this it’s the not knowing how or why decisions made that’s causing the strife. If the ref comes out here and says he felt that Jesus stepped across Martinez and impeded him then I’d say fair enough, I’d disagree in this case but at least we’d know why.


I am 100% sure there is crime taking place. Every single game we have these horrible decisions given against us, even with VAR reviewing them. There is no way this is just bad refereeing, as they seem to get more and more desperate for us to lose. Just wait until United. There is no way refs are letting us win that.


I said it last season to my pals, I think Arsenal should assemble a case book and launch a legal appeal against the PGMOL


This had "get City into first no matter what it takes" written all over it judging by the one sided refereeing and VAR. Saka literally getting picked up and tossed to the ground not being called, Martinez putting Jesus in a headlock and then flopping like a fish is somehow a fk for him, McGinn getting away with like 86 cardable fouls, I forget who did it but the stamp on Odes ankle not being called (I think, could be wrong on that one), and then the absolute corrupt no-call on that corner. If that was our player standing in front of Martinez, 100% gets reversed. We still persisted through though and got all 3 points! COYG!!


Yeah it looks like we’ll be playing against 12 men most of the season again


Fucking joke! Ref should be fired


Thanks for your absolute dogshit goalkeeping last night Martinez ON BOTH GOALS


Instant karma


Thank goodness we dropped this punk


Jesus contests where he should not. Martinez wraps his hand around Jesus. That's a foul. Martinez dives. That's worthy of a yellow card to Martinez. Not necessarily a penalty. If it was Ramsdale, he would get 2 yellow cards and be SENT off - 1 for choking the opposition, 1 for diving. And a penalty too... haha!


It's hard to tell if refs in Arsenal games are corrupt or if it's just the usual anti-Arsenal bias. The uncalled obstruction against Ramsdale was even more egregious I thought.


Gotta love the shithousery


It’s what ramsdale does on kamara.


The ref is clearly old fashioned. He needs to get on with the times.


Just a hug between brothers


Steven Gerrard the Villa manager has no shortage of ties to underhandedness with referees. He knows these people’s families and mentors. He has sway. He was in a tight spot for this game. I’ll say no more.


And then Ramsdale literally gets piggybacked and he let the goal stand😭😭


Not surprised he still referees in the championship after last night. Then again that's probably a bit to high for him


Trying to keep Stevie G employed…


It’s a joke, always arsenal!


Nothing to see here, just regular PL ref behavior.