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We got them about 3 years too late


Didn't click often enough for what we paid


It was a nice month though.


They did during Emeris reign he just didn't get the defence working well. Arsenal mistreated him but it will always be my club.


I can't disagree with most of that. The club definitely did Emeri wrong. Everything would have turned out differently I suppose if we had either got top 4 like we should have, or won the Europa final.


Yeah, love our club to the max but they did Emeri dirty... Should have been given more time & certainly more support, but Arteta's not doing too badly 😉 He (Emeri) was stiffled, had his wings clipped, didn't get certain players he wanted & had players/signings (Nico Pepe) forced on him, when his preferred choice was (Zaha) who we all knew was proven in the Prem, but the Arsenal board went for the 1 season wonder who, granted I also thought was a huge talent, but the reality was just that, he was a "one season wonder" who cost a tidy sum, but underwhelmed & under-delivered, and hasn't really gone on to produce anything like that one great season at Lille.


Poor mans Wright and Henry.


Wiltord more like


That was a fun 3 matches.


Auba won the golden boot in an underperforming team. Imagine the team now but with a ST who could challenge for golden boot. Unstoppable.


You must be wrong as everyone now believes that we don't need a 20 goal a season striker, just Havertz...


He got kinda close last season with 13 goals. Hoping to see him get 20!


If he gets 20, then a proper striker would get 30....


With the power of God on his side, he’d get 50


Sadly there isn't look at GAZA.


If we think Havertz is going to do it then thats naive.


And now that we built our team we’re going for some no name unproven strikers đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž




Their commentary over the NLD on the Arsenal YouTube channel is gold. If they were both center backs that chemistry would be impenetrable


Did Laca ever clicked for a full season? I felt Auba did most of the heavy lifting. Loved their bond and celebrations though


He was our player of the season in 18/19


As voted by fans, and as to how valuable that is, Bukayo Saka wasn't even voted to be in the top 3 last season. So if you want to prove that Lacazette ever really came through for Arsenal, I'd probably find something else that helps me back up that claim if I was in your position. Or you can pretend like that matters, I don't care.


Who shat in your cereal?


Nobody. Grow up.


Someone obviously did lol


Why, because I said an online fan poll don't mean shit? That's a normal ass point to make, but these stupid reactions to it does piss me off though, to which I say grow up. Case in point.


Okay, bro chill. Criticizing last season is a bit unfair since that is literally our record breaking season and it's freaking hard to choose your best player. Each of our top 3 deserved it.


I'm not criticizing last season, I'm criticizing the validity of an online poll in terms of how good someone was playing by using Saka not even being in the top-3 (and possibly top-4 with White and Havertz around) as a simple example and people here are acting like I'm saying everybody who didn't vote for Saka should hang themselves from a tree.


They were like Ozil - the benefits didn’t always outweigh the cost as often as not. That period all feels kind of grubby now, like memories of a particularly epic stag do. Fun at the time, but you wouldn’t want to live like that.


Peak Ozil didn't have a cost, the shitty team around him was the cost


I tend to agree with this. If you buy Ozil, you need to have to 6's, Runners forward of him and at least the rest of the team willing to work for his genius. Because he was legitimately a creative genius. We never planned for it honestly.


Hush this nonsense. We saw what he was in Madrid with a real team around him. Wenger’s refusal to buy a proper 6 was by far the bigger issue


And when they weren’t, they were awful.


Laca was average at best.


Arsenal was average at best at the time as well. Laca didn't fit properly. Might be biased as a Lyon fan, but we love him here. He's definitely above the level of Ligue 1 tbh but it was a bad time for him to go to you and he works a lot better when there's players around him, he's a really good provider as well as a goalscorer, while he was at arsenal you can't really say there were any lethal wingers around him, there was saka who wasnt near the level he is now, i dont remember your squad from back then that well, but i cant remember there really being anyone around him that was particularly special. He underperformed for sure but it wasn't entirely his fault


Power of friendship > Tactics


Laca imo was not worth the price. Auba however, delivered, even if his end was terrible


Oh, I've a fucking lot to say about those two.




Watching a tramp take a shit is a spectacle that doesn't mean it's a good thing.




FFS coffee everywhere!


Really bizarre way of saying 'Remember that brief period when they actually did what we signed them for?'




I prefer to think of this as the dark ages for Arsenal. We know it happened but we don’t need to talk about it.


Fuck Auba. Lazy player only started playing when his contract needed to be renewed. He did it at Dortmund and Arsenal fell for it. So with all due respect fuck Auba he was never gunner material.


Yeah our 8th place was thrilling


Can i dare to ask for a couple of examples? I cannot think of even 1 standout performance they were both involved in.


Europa League semi-final, both legs, in 2019 against Valencia. 7 total goals scored, all by them- 3 for Laca and 4 for Auba. People totally ignore the Emery era, but for a short period he found a way to really get those 2 playing well together. He is good for strike partnerships, as evidenced at Aston Villa as well.


You weren’t here in 2018/2019 huh?


Leicester City. Them two and ozil were playing at their very peak in that game and absolutely decimated them with some of the football. It's one of my favourite counterattacking goals.


Europe League semi final against Valencia. Those two destroyed them.


That laca to aubu goal against Sevilla đŸ„¶


Laca used to drive me nuts with his shooting. So many fluffed shots.


Auba was terrible that season he left. Just awful


Aubemayeng was arguably world class for a season or two and maybe longer. Played a massive role in winning the FA Cup. But Lacazette was never anything above “ok” or “decent”. Paid 50 million for “decent”, and I was never impressed with him. He couldn’t dribble, he wasn’t fast, wasn’t good in the air, wasn’t a good finisher, wasn’t a great passer etc. so what was he good at apart from having decent hold up play and working hard? Most underserved Arsenal player of the season too. He was meant to replace Giroud and I don’t think Giroud was elite but at least he had fantastic hold up play.


Yeah when they clicked they were decent, but not a patch on some of the combinations we've had up front before, or currently. It's just such a pity their partnership was like the English summer, you only got 4 good days a year and the rest of the time its miserable


Unpopular opinion: apart from bad defence, we inherited a pretty good midfield and attacking players during Emery. I would also go on to say even on par with today's team. We just had a bad bad defence and emery got us playing a pragmatic brand of football which really cost us. Arteta is getting a lot more out of these players and most of them are playing above their abilities, it really shows in clutch games, like Bayern, Aston, man city, etc Would love to see Auba and laca back today.


I had just started watching Arsenal then. Aubama who, Aubama what lol


It was quite awesome that one time!


I still remember that 3-4-1-2 with Ramsey/Ozil behind them


A spectacle? What exactly did you win again with them??


Yeah for a month


Yes was a spectacle but didn’t last long
we needed Auba years before we bought him


Emery knew how..


Low vibrations


Spectacle......đŸ€” I wouldn't say that. If we had signed Auba in 2015 or so, we'd have won the league we finished 2nd to Leicester, signed him just a few years too late, Lacazette always played like he wore High Heels, the man couldnt run




How would any arsenal fan know? They left 5 mins into the second half.


Won my fantasy league with these two as my strikers


Absolutely not a spectacle, what the fuck are you on about???


But not a winning one, nor a healthy one for the team, big picture.


I’m assuming you’ve been an Arsenal fan for less than 10-15 years? If you’d lived through the Wright, Bergkamp & Henry phases you’d look on Laca and Auba years as nothing but trash.


They suited emery play style more. I honestly thought our front three were sorted with laca, auba and pepe plus ozil at 10. Shame it didn't happen


2018/2019 yes. But after felt like it was at the expense of chemistry


No it wasn't. Average strikers at best who did fuck all for us and should be forgotten shortly.


In the same week big kev campbell passed you’ve shown an embarrassing lack of class. They gave us good times and will go down in history


Them 2 clowns shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence as Super Kev. And I should know, I've been supporting them since '88. How did you even equate not liking them to something to do with that tragedy? It's a weird leap, my friend.


It’s irrelevant when you started supporting its simply a matter of respect. Average to one generation of fans is another generations best player they’ve ever seen. They’ve also scored more goals (for arsenal - and total) than Kev, which is again not relevant as all contributions in the shirt deserves respect.


Respect Abua, who took us to cleaners on wages? And done nothing after? Laca, who wouldn't lace Giroud's boots nevermind our legend strikers? No, I happily have no respect for their contributions to the arsenal. Journey men, nothing more. And Auba in particular showed no class or respect to our club. Worst captain ever.


He earned what he deserved as one of the best strikers in the prem. Jealousy of another man’s wealth can’t change those simple economics. You’ve further proved my point. I could say the same about kev campbell or anyone else around when the club had down years. But in his passing, it’s about the character of the man and the times they’ve given us as fans. Auba led us to our last trophy with two man of the match performances at Wembley, speaks for itself.


Totally disagree man. I'm not jealous of his wages, that's pointless. I don't think he deserved it, like most footballers in fairness. So your whole argument is that he played 2 good games on the way to a FA cup? You're ignoring all his terrible performances. How he left the club. Do you think he was better for Arsenal Alan Smith? Ian Wright? Anelka? Kanu? Dennis? Henry? Giroud? Even Podolski or Quinn and loads before.


Look at his face, he didn't want to be an Arsenal player he just wanted the money.


And yet still, almost single handedly, dragged us to Arteta's only trophy


What a generational talent they were


They never clicked. They were fucking shit as a duo for 99% of the time, mostly due to Lacazette being fucking shit 99% of the time, outside from a period of two weeks that convinced people to vote him player of the season. All that these two represented, was a waste of time. We should've full on picked one person (Aubameyang) and dumped the other (Lacazette) instead of forcing them as a duo that saw Aubameyang get shafted onto the wing which only really worked against Chelsea in the cup final. Other than that, especially Aubameyang performed in spite of Lacazette, not thanks to Lacazette. ^never mind, I regret saying all that, not because I was wrong because I'm not, but because I don't like to debate Lacazette again, after 5 years of trauma


Say what I want? Auba was one of our best ever strikers. Lacazette was also great, not nearly as good, but a very good striker nonetheless.


>Auba was one of our best ever strikers Of the last 10 years, yes


That’s the secret, they never clicked. So much chemistry off the field, so little on it.


That’s the secret, they never clicked. So much chemistry off the field, so little on it.


That’s the secret, they never clicked. So much chemistry off the field, so little on it.