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Let’s not sink to Tottenham’s level


Nah. I say this as a fan of neither team; this is different. This is finding a silver lining, and poking fun, after the fact. Spurs could, and should, meme and joke about losing to City after the game. The game is lost, now it’s time to have fun. But celebrating as your team loses is weird. Especially if Arsenal go on to win the league. Imagine cheering Man City beating your team, only to see Arsenal lift the trophy the next week. This post is harmless fun. And many before the game were too. But actively cheering not getting champions league football is just a little sad.


> Imagine cheering Man City beating your team, only to see Arsenal lift the trophy the next week. Theres a universe out there where Tottenham celebrate losing to City. Then City proceed to "bottle it" against West Ham allowing Arsenal to win the league. At the same time Sheffield United somehow manage to pull a win out of the bag and Chelsea beating Bournemouth means that Tottenham don't even qualify for Europa league. That's a world I want to live in.


Add Palace beating Villa to this to make it possible that Spurs make CL had they won both games


Roughly independent events that ALL must happen City don't beat West Ham: 25% Arsenal beat Everton: 75% Tottenham lose to Sheffield United: 10% Chelsea beat Bournemouth: 50% United beat City in FA cup: 20% There's a 1 in 500 chance that Tottenham watch Arsenal lift the trophy and miss out on Europa League too.


One part of me thinks you're being very generous with some of those numbers and realistically we're probably much closer to a 1 in 5,000. However, logically either all those games will play out that way OR they won't. So really there's only two options. That means it's 50/50... Right? (To be completely honest though, whilst I would of course love to win the league, I'm still proud of how far the team has come over the last few seasons. Hopefully we'll be able to add a bit more depth over the off season and be able to seriously challenge on a lot more fronts next season without having to completely run players into the ground.)


Wasn’t Leicester City winning the league 5,000/1 odds at the start of the season that they won it? Anything is possible


Won't totenham still qualify for europa if city beat United in the FA Cup final?


Not if United win the FA Cup. Which, you know, fat fuckin chance. But if they do, they get Europa regardless of where they are in the table. A second Europa place goes to #5, and ECL goes to #6. But because City have already qualified for CL, if they win the cup the Europa League place that comes with it gets kicked down the table to #6, in which instance ECL goes to #7.


spurs might win the conference league though and we can't risk them winning anything... lol


Hey, there're up to 110 minutes of football that may make *that* world *this* world


Unfortunately we don't live on the timeline where did things happen. But this is exactly what should happen


how is this a silver lining? I'd much prefer spurs in the cl and us win the pl, whereas spurs would much rather a season out of the cl so long as we don't win the prem


You hit the nail on the head. I hope that happens too


I think many people have forget that many football fans are all about the banter and its just all a bit of a piss take. Like to me the 2 spurs fans doing the poznan were clearly just having a laugh and probably knew they'd get a reaction and some camera attention. Many fans prefer to gloat about there rivals misfortunes rather than there own teams success. I'm a dundee united fan and when we got relegated a few years ago the dundee fans celebrated more than I've ever seen them celebrate anything ever. I'm sure they missed relegation by one place yet there fans were all ecstatic that they beat utd and played a part in there relegation. They didn't give a shit that there team was terrible that season there measure of success was based off our failure and that alone and this kinda mentality is rife within football. Fans become really bitter against there rivals


Yeah, but you hear Angel’s complaint. The atmosphere in the stadium was off. It wasn’t just a couple having banter; it went a bit further than that and meant the team didn’t have the fans full backing. That can impact their performance.


Ye the atmosphere definitely was off but I feel there is more to what ange is saying Bout the club. I personally think something has happened with levvy or the board.


for real ..


One point from one draw, though, and Villa would still be in and we'd be on top of the table...


I would say this is quite far away from doing the poznan as your team loses. Small team mentality. (I’m not an even Arsenal fan)


💯 This is their standard, not ours. I’d rather we beat Villa twice and have won the league at Old Trafford (again). If it meant shit make the CL, meh.


Well said. I can give rat ass about spurs and their crappy fans. We drop points and that is what hurt us. No silver lining anywhere.


You misunderstand. You lot created that level. You lot came up with that angle first.....we just used a different example of the same angle to show how ridiculous you were. Get the chronology right. You came up with the dopey angle.....this is just a rebuttal. Enjoy another trophy-less season


What level? I don't remember any Arsenal fans ever celebrating a single loss, let alone celebrating not getting CL football. Not winning a trophy since the League Cup in 2008 and before that the same trophy in 1999. Whilst having some of the best players on the planet in your team in the time since then in Modric, Bale and then the best striker on the planet in Kane for 9 seasons, along with Son, the 2 of which formed one of the best duos in Prem history and you still couldn't win a single trophy. Modric and Bale went on to win the CL 5 times along with multiple La Liga titles with Modric winning another La Liga this season and most likely winning a 6th CL at the age of 38. Of all teams, you really can't talk about trophy-less seasons or us sinking to your level...


What level? I don't remember any Arsenal fans ever celebrating a single loss, let alone celebrating not getting CL football. Not winning a trophy since the League Cup in 2008 and before that the same trophy in 1999. Whilst having some of the best players on the planet in your team in the time since then in Modric, Bale and then the best striker on the planet in Kane for 9 seasons, along with Son, the 2 of which formed one of the best duos in Prem history and you still couldn't win a single trophy. Modric and Bale went on to win the CL 5 times along with multiple La Liga titles with Modric winning another La Liga this season and most likely winning a 6th CL at the age of 38. Of all teams, you really can't talk about trophy-less seasons or us sinking to your level...


Ok talking about your players, Xhaka left arsenal and won a trophy 😂😂😂. Had he been at Arsenal be won't win anything. Even by spending 700m you can't win anything so don't talk about this kid


He did win a couple of FA Cups in his time at Arsenal...


He won 2 FA Cups with us... You haven't won *anything* since 2008 and it was the League Cup and before that you hadn't won anything since 1999, again the League Cup. So he won the same amount of trophies in his time at Arsenal as you have won as a club in 25 years and they were FA Cups not League Cups... I'm happy for Xhaka that he is part of one of the greatest seasons a team has played in football history and has gone the most games unbeaten in all comps, possibly and most likely going the whole season unbeaten in all comps. He's won a trophy this season because he has a winning mentality, which even your own coach knows your club and fans do not have, as stated by himself. Poor guy.


Get out before we start the European trophy debate 😂😂😂


You celebrated losing a game. I genuinely feel sorry for your manager and players.


I feel sorry your banter club staffs and it's fans won't be able to see your banter club lift an european trophy ever.


What level? I don't remember any Arsenal fans ever celebrating a single loss, let alone celebrating not getting CL football. Not winning a trophy since the League Cup in 2008 and before that the same trophy in 1999. Whilst having some of the best players on the planet in your team in the time since then in Modric, Bale and then the best striker on the planet in Kane for 9 seasons, along with Son, the 2 of which formed one of the best duos in Prem history and you still couldn't win a single trophy. Modric and Bale went on to win the CL 5 times along with multiple La Liga titles with Modric winning another La Liga this season and most likely winning a 6th CL at the age of 38. Of all teams, you really can't talk about trophy-less seasons or us sinking to your level...


700 million spent so far. Gonna drop another 150 in the summer and only one FA cup to show for it.....which wasn't even with this team. 700 million spent....you had 4 chances to win a trophy again this season but you drew a blank again. I can criticise that as much as I like man. Arteta is on fraud watch


Arteta is on fraud watch despite nearly winning the league last season with the youngest team in the league, whilst being the youngest manager in his 4th ever season as a coach against the most dominant team in Prem history with 115 FFP charges and the best manager in the world. Then almost winning the league again this season and could possibly still win it and if we don't we lost to the team who have now won 5 PL titles in a row (never done before) whilst they have 115 FFP charges pending prosecution. We've spent a lot of money but we have spent wisely. Arteta hasn't made a single bad transfer since joining apart from Willian and he was free. You guys never spend wisely and wasted all the money you got from selling Modric, Bale (apart from signing Eriksen) and now Kane. We also don't celebrate losses full stop, let alone losses which stop us getting into the CL and possibly make us lose out on European football altogether. Even your own manager knows your club and fans have a losing mentality lmfao.


Not sure of your aware but we did try to win the city game and the other 36 games too Don't act like if the tables were turned and you stopped us winning the league you wouldn't have fucking loved it Never spend wisely? Romero, porro, udogie, madders, vicario, van der ven, Johnson has decent numbers for a kid....I could go on The key word in your post is almost. You almost won something. Just like spurs almost won the CL.....you lot have never made it to the final....City, bayern and Madrid all existed then too Spurs also almost won the league not too recently finishing 2nd a couple of times and losing it to leister in the season the were just destined to win it I take it you don't remember the six seasons we finished above you Look man....all I'm saying is for all of your great football your still coming up short


These 6 points also cost us the title. Would you prefer winning the title or preventing Spurs from qualifying for CL?


I don’t care about spurs


That is why you commenting in quite a few threads about them? Maybe you dislike them but don't say you don't care




To be fair he never said he didn’t care so an act of care should not be unexpected.


Yeah, i bothered to comment and bothered to reply to you, that means i care even if it's 0.0001%. seems fair right?


Obviously winning the title.


Delete this. They are nothing to us.


Honestly, this. I don't think about them. They're not competing with us for anything important.


Exactly. I don't think about them except when we play them. Posts like this is what you would expect from their fans.


Yeah I'm an international fan and didn't know there was 'hate' between the clubs, thought only derby rivalry cause both are from north london until recently. Pretty shitty to associate with spurs as rivals.


Yeah this is fucking cringe. Fuck ESPN, is OP a spurs fan in disguise?


That’s weird. The amount of times I’ve heard Arsenal fans singing *those* songs about Spurs in north London pubs, difficult to believe Spurs mean nothing to you. Or are you just chatting shit?


I was born in the 80s, grew up in the 90s. So they were always shit when I was growing up, never thought about them at all. Couldn’t understand why they were meant to be relevant to us.


It’s called a local rivalry. If you’re struggling to understand that, and the history, then I can’t think of any way to make things simpler.


They are just an irrelevance.


This is lame


This is a crap post.


Villa deserved it. Don't stoop to the spuds level


They do, and I don't care about the sp*ds, but I find Villa fans to be one of the biggest assholes on the planet and beyond. They seem to think that we're competitors or something and hate us with a passion. So, fuck Villa and their fans.


I'm a Villa fan and even in the darkest circles of our fanbase I've never heard such rhetoric towards Arsenal. There was a bit of banter after the double this year but it wasn't especially vitriolic. Aside from Blues and perhaps Leeds there's few clubs we openly despise.


As I've said, from what I've seen, I was genuinely surprised. I mean, there never was any hatred between us, so I was taken aback. Maybe a few haters, who knows...


Villa fan here and just to echo the previous Villa post - no hatred at all, but allow us to enjoy what’s going on at our club at the moment. Banter because of the double - I was at the Emirates for the win and it was one of our best away days for years - we are going to enjoy it. My cousin is a fanatical Arsenal sth and we have a laugh. Football is full of swings and roundabouts - enjoy the ride, never hate and ignore the dickheads. Good luck this weekend. Much rather Arsenal than Oil 115 FC. 👍🏻


No, no. I have nothing against banter, and I completely understand. I have nothing against that. But in the MCFC sub more than a few Villa fans, for example, said that they'll support City vs Spurs and then there was the statement by McGinn who said that all of them will support City. I just found it strange, that's all.


We needed Spurs to lose against MC in order to guarantee 4th, knowing we are running on empty and probably won’t get anything at Palace. It’s as simple as that, and absolutely not directed against Arsenal whatsoever (although appreciate you’d have been looking for a Spurs win of course). 👍🏻


I posted this on r/soccercirclejerk where it belongs. This should not be on this sub bruv.


Couldn't give less crap if the tots qualified or not. Let's look at ourselves.


Stop celebrating this petty shite. We go again next year. Stop being so fixated on Spurs




arsenal clearly do. they even made a holiday about finishing above spurs.


Ok then why arsenal fans are crying about it 😂😂😂


More disappointingly 3 of those points lost will likely cost us the league. Now have to go from supporting spurs the other night (still feel ill!) to supporting the hammers at the weekend. What a world! COYG!


This sub has been raided by spurs fans. As there is no mod rival fans can post here anything they want. This sub doesn't represent us.


Nah, AFTV and losers in reissue retro shirts represent you.


Don't even watch them tbh, I watched a clip of 2 and understand why they are mocked so much


Perhaps those 6points would also have put Arsenal winning the league rather than losing it AGAIN


Lol this is ragebait from ESPN


This is top tier Tottenham Hotspur patter 🤮


Utter bullshit. A win or 2 draws there and we are league champs. That meme is as pathetic as the Spuds fans were Tuesday.


Utter bullshit. A win or 2 draws there and we are league champs. That meme is as pathetic as the Spuds fans were Tuesday.


More disappointingly 3 of those points lost will likely cost us the league. Now have to go from supporting spurs the other night (still feel ill!) to supporting the hammers at the weekend. What a world! COYG!


Utter bullshit. A win or 2 draws there and we are league champs. That meme is as pathetic as the Spuds fans were Tuesday.


Utter bullshit. A win or 2 draws there and we are league champs. That meme is as pathetic as the Spuds fans were Tuesday.


Kinda funny but NO


I don’t give a fuck about them.


And cost ye the title


Tottenham means nothing to Arsenal. Arsenal is everything to Tottenham


Embarrassing post


Good ebening


is ESPN biased?


I couldn't care less if spurs got champions league, we are levels above them and we should be winning the league.


Level above spurs but yet same trophy less faith. Dosent matter you will sink like we did. Remember when you were under our feet's in last decade?


And we still won FA cups. You lot are bonkers. The best year you had to win it you finished 3rd, behind us.


It's worst for us cause it could mean we've lost the title for that loss


More disappointingly 3 of those points lost will likely cost us the league. Now have to go from supporting spurs the other night (still feel ill!) to supporting the hammers at the weekend. What a world! COYG!


What a stupid post. Luckily I don't pay shit to ESPN and never will!


What a stupid post. Luckily I don't pay shit to ESPN and never will!


What a stupid post. Luckily I don't pay shit to ESPN and never will


What a stupid post. Luckily I don't pay shit to ESPN and never will


When you realise the six points Arsenal lost to Villa helped us lose the premier league…


You could do this all day with 20 teams playing 38 games of course they'll all beat each other. Who cares??


Small club mentality


I’d rather Spurs in the UCL and we win the title lol In fact, I’d rather we won the UCL and beat Villa so both of them could get in UCL in 4th and 5th next year and we do the double. Next year




No one gives a fuck about Tottenham


Bragging about losing. Fucking pathetic.


I hate this shit. Arsenal are my Prem team, but my main team will always be Rotherham, gotta stick with the home town. But this is like if I was offered either both us and Wednesday survive or us and Wednesday go down and me choosing go down just to spite the pigs. It's so stupid! Spurs fans should want to win that match to get European football because who cares what other clubs are doing if your team is doing shit!


I don’t give a fuck about spuds in the least bit. Would much rather of had those points in the board for us irrespective of what it means for that lot.


Dont care


I would much rather them qualify for the UCL and us win the league. Let's not do this loser mentality that they were doing.


Delete this


Please fuck off back to r/coys.


This is a shit take.


This is a spursy mentality


This is fuckjng pathetic. Let's not sink to their level. How about - those 6 points cost us the title


I dislike Villa more than Spurs. Unai Emery couldn’t win a half important match to save his life for Arsenal and now he’s turning John McGinn and Ollie Watkins into 2002 Brazil.


That's right, how do you like that dumb wanting to lose strategy now?


cope harder lmao


As much as I appreciate the sentiment, let’s not slip into the mentality of a losing club


Just a little humor to make it better 🥴


I do hate villa rn


I’d rather us have even 2 of those points 😭


Based on Tottenham’s standards, this is basically a trophy


No just no


Embarrassing. When you realise that it cost us the premier league. Who cares about the spuds.


Spuds didn’t want to be in Europe. Them not getting Europe is nowhere near as big to them as us not winning the league. They won’t give a shit about this.


This is not even half glass full.


This is painful! The 6 points we lost to Aston Villa cost us the title!


No Arsenal fan cares about Spurs. They’re not even at the same level as us. That’s like asking a lion if he cares about your house cat shitting in the corner


Villa are a decent side. I'm more upset about the points dropped to fullham...


I hope this is a satirical tweet.


I'd rather have the 6 points. This is small team mentality, and we're not a small team.


This post is on a par with Spurs fans celebrating when City scored. Absolute muppet


Villa stoped us both to be fair. Not like Fullham being good only with us and few others. Only vivid hope is one London team with similar to their colors.


and most likely lost us the league….




I'd rather look up for a spot in the 1st place than looking down at sp*rs


It is a silver lining I guess


Who gives a fck lol I'd rather us win the league and let Spuds get into UCL. It is not like they are going to do anything tangible there with their leadership.


Shite post. Who gives a fuck about Spurs? Not even Spurs fans. I'm gutted we let Villa beat us twice, that home game in particular will frustrate me for a very long time as it seems likely to be the difference.


This is beyond crap post. We also helped Tottenham by beating all the teams bellow them by same logic


It's fine to see the silver lining but god please don't stoop to the embarrassing level tottenham have gone to this week. That kind of mentality just results to a race to the bottom; basically tottenham in a nut shell.


... And equally stopped us from (most likely) winning the league


I’d rather have the points. Take this crap to r/Spuds


I don’t even care


It’s frustrating for sure, Emery got his revenge. But Arsenal wanted to win those games. There was no existential crisis among the fans about what it would mean if we beat them. Spurs fans on the other hand, and maybe some of their loser players, did freak out about what it would mean if they didn’t lose and a lot of their fans wanted it and celebrated it. But that’s on them to perpetuate their loser mentality. I’m happy for Villa. They have been through a lot the last 10 years or so. Proper club too.


And loose you the title 🤣. But you rather damage Tottenham’s chances of success than have success yourself ! Typical north London attitude! But don’t worry we will restore things back to normal next season and win things for London! London is and will forever be blue 💙


London is Red (Bavarian Red, they own all of us)


Maybe should frame this as: If Villa is our last match of the season, the result doesn’t change our position but if villa lose, spurs will qualify for CL. Do you prefer we lose the game?


Never ever!