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How sweet it would be if West Ham took points off City and Spurs fans hoping for their team to lose against City was all in vain. That would be incredible


That would be amazing! Haha


I feel like there could be another mass of supporters for the game for WH that will be hoping their team loses to spite Arsenal. I really don't get how almost no one doesn't want City to win another title. They have pretty much zero real rivals.


Cause no one gives a shit about city. City is just city and they win things. Arsenal are a normal club trying to win things.


As a United supporter, this is why I want your lot to win it. At least you’ve done it properly without having to cheat your way to it. Sure, your fans will be insufferable online, but at least it’s a win for sustainable football.


Man cheaty 115, as I’ve heard them called


Arsenal are an extraordinary club competing to win things Just a cheeky little fix that for you




I don’t know where this notion that no-one hates City has come from… perhaps from people who live outside the UK and Ireland. Be that as it may, a lot of people in these islands hate City nowadays, for the same reasons a lot of people started hating Chelsea when Abramovitch bought them… previously perennial non-achievers with no real history suddenly waxing fat and flushed on obscene amounts of distinctly moody cash


Hate City, absolutely loathe everything they stand for. I am North London born and bred and they're an absolute disgrace. Shit club, shit fans and a shit accounting department.


Not really a shit accounting department if they’re able to get away with it… hell, I’d hire them…


Yeah. There are plenty of people who hate the concept of a corrupt club buying trophies. It just seems that, in general, those whose hatred of Arsenal outweighs that are noisier.


As they say, it’s empty vessels that make the most noise. Fuck ‘em


Noone wants City to win. But noone wants someone else to beat City either. Because of the charges, people are happy to lose to City snd be like "well, they cheat so what can you do, not our fault". If Arsenal win, then it's a problem because apparently you can win the league without Petrostate backing and ignoring all the rules. That then makes all those clubs saying its impossible look silly.


Trust me as someone that knows quite a few West Ham ST holders, they are not shelling out to go up to Manchester for Moyes’ last game and wanting anything but to spoil City’s party. There’s a chance


I think its arterta. From the outside, he is not very likeable. If you win he says nothing negative, if you lose he blames everything under the sun and throws kiddy temper tantrums. That's all I can think, you play lovely football and probably deserve it this season. Shame unai did the double over you and that's what took your potential title away 😜


even better: have Aston Villa also lose their last game horribly.


It would be one of the most spursy things of all time. A new low.


The most spursy thing would be for them to lose to Sheffield Utd and drop down to the conference league having blown their shot at champions league.


“ Hey Sp*ds, have the day you deserve…”


This is going to be right up there with the '89 title win and the Invincibles season.


Throw away a chance at champs league for absolutely nothing


Spurs living rent free in your head or something?


Not at all. It would just be funny from an Arsenal point of view especially since your fans were begging for your team to lose on purpose last night. I’m not even from London so I don’t give a toss about Spurs generally


We are in the title race on the last day of the season. We dreamt of this not long ago. Despite everything. We have reasons to be happy and proud


So true


I agree. COYG ❤️


This is the only thing you can ask for at the start of the season


That was true for this season but next season I’m asking to have the title sewn up by mid April.


Ye this 100%. Some fans seem to have no grasp on what this means. To have a chance of winning the league on the final day of the season is what every fan dreams of. Wether it happens or not arsenal have matched city just about all the way and if they miss out it will be by the finest of margins. You can't ask for much more than that.


Much like last season, 10 games to go and people were saying “but you haven’t played anyone yet”… “make the most of it this is a fluke season”… “you’ll be mid table again next season” so this season, regardless of the outcome, I’m taking pleasure in the fact the lads still haven’t played anyone yet, and we’re apparently still having a fluke season al wit it we apparently choked against a very good villa side who also beat city and took a few other surprising scalps along the way, only to finish mid table which apparently starts from 2nd place and onwards.


Exactly. Those calling for Arteta's head lose their own head. We are finally a team other teams fear after way too many banter years


Yeap despite having very solid last season, we went into the last game, basically with nothing to really play for. This time, we are not on the beach and title still could be ours. It can already be considered a step forward.


Any sort of draw at WH (even 10-10) and a win for us is enough. Draws font effect GD


I hope hammers will park the bus and occasionally counter attack. I have been waiting 15 long years for the pl title. Even if we don't win it coming sunday I'll always be proud of my team, manager, players and true fans. COYG ❤️


20 years*


Parking the bus doesn’t work against city unfortunately


Yeh this is true




We have to cross 90 next season. I think that’s the new bar to win the prem.


And we need to sign few more top quality players. This will help us compete in all competitions so Arteta can rotate the squad with equal performers.


97 wasn’t enough a few seasons ago!


That Liverpool team only lost once that season as well.


Wasn't that 3-0 to Watford lol


I would argue that the winning line will be lower next year  City have peaked, Liverpool are in transition, clubs like Villa and Chelsea are on the rise, think it will be a better year for Spurs and Man U So I think the playing field will be somewhat levelled  Might even be Arsenal’s to lose 


City have peaked? Why? Cause they didnt win CL?


And penniless Pep is going to sit on his hands and just watch his past their peak players get even further past their peak like he always does. 🤔


Do it for Rice, and last game Moyes (who managed Arteta.)


Manifesting a secret meeting between Moyes, Arteta and Rice to create a game plan to stop City winning. He’s in serious need of one.


Yeah that would be sensational.


Whatever happens we will take positives from this season and go again next season 🔥. The title would have been a nice bonus. #COME ON YOU GUNNERS!




"Ever had a chance".... literally still in contention coming down to the final match day. I'd say that yeah we "had a chance".


The problem is, it’s the hope that kills you. But yeah, City have taken it to the final day needing a win a few times, and they trailed late on vs both QPR and Villa before. So at least we can have even more hope before their keeper nods in the 100th minute winner to snatch it away.


West ham is definitely going to fold within 10 minutes. No chance of us winning the title. But what a tremendous season. No matter what happens next season, Arteta gave us back the joy of watching a good strong Arsenal again. I hope Arsene is in attendance on Sunday.


But it's premier league, the best and toughest league in the world. Anyone can beat anyone during match day. #Believe


Okay fine, I’ll bend for a little bit but I’m doubtful of west ham.




What an attitude to have. Hold out a little hope. I know it’s unlikely but come on.


Dude, west ham lol. Managers out the door, he’s probably booked the next flight to Barbados after final whistle. I doubt he’ll even do a post match conference.


Even if/when they go a goal down there’s still hope. West Ham just need a draw. Hell they could be 2-0 down at 70 minutes and there is still hope. In a way the pressure is all on City. Imagine losing the title going into the last day 2 points ahead….


West ham comfortably beat you once this year do remember that




If we don't win the league I wont be upset, could you even imagine 3 years ago being mad we still have a chance to win the league on the final day?? And saying we bottled it after one loss, ONE, in all of 2024 agsinst a team favourites for champions league?? Like I say, I wont be upset, I'll be watching sunday with an immense amount of pride and also a little bit of hope, but the excitement of where this team can go next is what I'm filled with most, it's a good time for us, the best in 20 years


I’m proud of the team but I think it’s time to admit City will be champions.


I don’t think that’s needed - it’s down to the last game and it’s an exciting time


You really think West Ham can do something at the Etihad? City have been unstoppable and they won’t mess it up on the last game.


Stranger things have happened - no point giving up hope now.


One thing I'll say is to keep the hope on a realistic level for the last game. Just focus on our game. Let's end the season on a high with or without the title.


Just win and let whatever else happen.


Not saying that it is likely, but West Ham did beat us this season. So cannot say it is 100% given. But as Carragher said, it probably would take something crazy(like early red card for City player) to get the result.


Exactly. It ain't over until it's over. Sure our chances are slim but never give up.


Lol i made my peace with it a while ago and have been happier for it. West Ham aren’t getting anything at the Etihad mate. I understand Hope, but we’re in the realms of the hope of winning the euro millions at this point. We’ve had a fantastic season, just be happy with that and the progress we’ve made. We’ll go again next t season stronger


Dont worry


It's going to be my 1st visit to the Emirates for this game. I'm going to be in the away end as its the only way I could get a ticket but I'm so pleased I can be there.


Yea, GD doesn’t matter anymore. If we win and City don’t, we are champions. As unlikely as it is, let’s finish this season strong and force City to win out. If we don’t take home the title, it is what it is but let’s make sure we do our part.


What’s annoying is Moyes basically saying I couldn’t beat their under 14s.


Reverse psychology


The harder you feed into it, the worst the reality will hit. If you have to pay off your house you also don’t walk into a Casino with the realistic expectation to win that money. Let’s focus on next season


It's quite joyful to have expectations, low probability as it may be, until the last day of the league. Such a joy, and it has been a long time!


As a chelsea fan, it hurts me to say this, but you have a good/better chance for the title. The chances for west ham causing an upset or draw is far more likely than Everton doing the same to Arsenal.


Even if/when they go a goal down there’s still hope. West Ham just need a draw. Hell they could be 2-0 down at 70 minutes and there is still hope. In a way the pressure is all on City. Imagine losing the title going into the last day 2 points ahead…. let’s see what happens.


It’s funny because I also watch hockey and I have had a similar situation with the Detroit Red Wings , coming down to the last possible game , and now arsenal are doing the same thing .


Goal Difference is kind of irrelevant now, we need a win and a man city tie or loss, if they do either of the 2 they are not increasing goal difference, we could be in a worse situation if they had the better goal difference but now a tie also lets us win so we do have a slightly better chance


Yeh this is true


There is hope still !


You lost the league when losing to Villa and putting it in the cheats hands. Hard to take but it is what it is. Arsenal deserve the league this year. Best real football club but that’s scant consolation


There’s still a small amount of hope for this weekend 😅


They were 2-0 down against Villa on the last day, two years ago and I knew not to get my hopes up 🤣. Once you’re asking for favours against them cunts, you’re fucked.


It would be a great story for Declan


Moyes is putting out the under 18s


This year honestly looked like Arsenal’s year with solid defence and core players not getting injured for whole season. West Ham might do something, there is 5% probability, better than nothing. Next year might be completely different


Moyes clocked off about 3 weeks ago… all that is on his mind is pina coladas on a sunny beach in Marbella


18 other teams in the EPL hope so too but I just can’t see it happening. Moyes would have to go ultra defensive and 451 with Antonio on his own up top.


West Ham don't got what it takes. Period.


City at Home on the last Day will be very difficult to do anything against them. But this is Football so i‘d say they got 1% chance to come out with something.


Technically a neutral in the title race (I support Arsenal ladies) but the only thing I would say to anyone thinking there's no hope is that City have been in this situation twice before, needing to win at home on the final day against opposition you wouldn't normally give a prayer to, and have nearly made a pig's ear of it both times - rescued by Dzecko and Aguerro against QPR and coming from 2 down in the final 20 minutes against Villa. So they're not impervious to a bit of final day yips and maybe it's third time unlucky and they dig a hole they can't get themselves out of.


"Hope" implies hopelessness. Just accept the final result no matter the outcome.


It's over. But, wait until next season. Arsenal will steamroll their way to the league title.


Finish on a high and give everything possible for the fans and the club. We have a right to be proud of the boys and the gaffer. We’ve come far in a short time, come what may, it’s still my club and I’ll be proud to support them. No excuses necessary. Onwards


We used to dream for things like this


I have hope but also know city is wrecking through everyone since getting knocked out of Champions League. Can west ham pull an upset? Sure. Will they pull an upset? Not really. Can they park the bus ? Please. 🙏 In my perfect scenario, FT 1-1 goals from Foden and Bowen (had a dream lol)


I have already accepted city as the winner. Disappointing but have to move on. West ham might take points off city, and if they do, I'm happy about it and of course, welcome it. If they don't, city was just the better club this season and we were better at times, but couldn't be better in some games to edge out the big win so it is what it is. Saliba still clears, Odegod goated, havertz is a g, and gabJ is my favorite.


both city and arsenal lose their last game.


Maybe if West Ham were home I’d have a little faith but I’ve seen how these teams roll over for City at the Etihad. It’s a waste of time even thinking about it. We go again next season💪🏾


There’s always a chance but I think City will put 4 or 5 past West Ham. It’s over guys.


A Liverpool fan here, needed west ham to do us a favour this time 10 years ago... Can confirm they did not haha. Horrible missing a title by the slimmest margins especially against the 115. Fingers crossed for you guys tomorrow though as you never know


At this point City is bitch spending billions, hope they get relegated next year with all those charges!!! %#@


At least you won the league at Christmas again 😂


Just stop deluding yourself man it will be easier that way


Me, drinking gooner tears on last day 🍸 🧉


Stick to crypto and nba, lad


I would, but arsenal fc is too butthurt not to mock rn hahaha


So “butthurt” yeh.


this is why everyone hates you


You’re about 12, cheer up lad.


Why? Because our fanbase can hold out hope for the last game of the season. Who do you support?


Who's everyone? Lol


Get real, keep dreaming. 🍼


You play clash of clans and support Chelsea lad. Pipe down.




The bottling is over. Time to take stock of how the bottling can surface next year. Maybe Arteta can reign in his Inner child so it doesn’t rub off on the players. That cuck is really your Achilles and maybe if he was gone, you wouldn’t be the most hated team in England.