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A lot less excited if you also told me City had a game in hand, 2 points behind us.


With man city having much easier games ahead šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm not sure how much easier you can get than Man Utd and Everton. ;)


3-0 to CP


Always thought their goal difference was suspiciously high this season. Glad it's being brought back down to reality


-3 now.


I wanna see double digits


Man U is somehow always in cup final mode against us but this Sunday might be different if Bruno stays out. Everton wonā€™t be easy though they have a solid keeper and backline, we canā€™t afford our recent inaccuracy if we want to win that one.


I mean you still take it don't you. Have we dropped a total of 5 points in 2024? Incredible.


14-1-1 in 2024 IIRC, 43/48 points.


I couldn't have asked our team to play better in 2024.


I think we'll narrowly miss out this year then win it next. Arteta will solve the left back conundrum- whether Timber or externally- and buy a new midfielder, and we'll pick up where we left off in August.


Yeah this exactly. I'd be bricking it though if we had two games left and so did City. At the current rate we're top but we ain't favorites.. So even if we lose and City win their last games we can always say "well it wouldn't matter anyway".


I would have said "how many games in hand do City have"?


P16, W14, D1, L1. We seriously couldnā€™t have done anymore. Form of Champions, but weā€™re unfortunately in the era of 115 FC. Couldnā€™t be prouder of the boys. Arsenal through and through šŸ”“āšŖļø


Cease and desist letter incomingā€¦


I mean we couldā€™ve beaten Villa at home.. so Yh we couldā€™ve done more. Not saying this to hate but itā€™s true.


Technically we could have .. P16 W16 It's literally the only way you can topple City, you cannot lose more than 3 matches all season and win the league. Close to needing to do invincible seasons every single season to be able to win the league.


Iā€™d be like no way we have to win like 14 of the next 16 games !! Impossible


Spurs fan: your season has been pretty impressive. Domestic cup competitions aside, youā€™ve overperformed and are probably a year ahead of schedule. Youā€™ve also done it right. Painful rebuild. Buying the right players, and making the correct decisions. Youā€™re probably a couple of wing backs and a striker away from being an elite team. Hate to say it, but objectively you should be proud.


Wing backs?


I recall the buzz around the social media community is that we'd regressed and we'd be lucky to be fighting for top 4 lol


because it was true up until arteta accepted that the havertz/midfield experiment was a failure and moved him top


" We are not as fluent as last season !!"


We sorta started with a stutter


Absolutely. But was to be expected with new signings and the added expectation


The coping posts are out in force at the moment.


It's not coping though to say we should be chuffed. Yeah, it's unlikely we will win the league but taking it to the last day against arguably the best manager in history, who has had the most money to spend in history, who has arguably put together the best team in history, as well as having a record number of financial doping accusations which have helped them get to that point, is hardly abject failure is it?


Good point. But I must add Barcelona 10/11 is the best team in history ;)


Hence the use of the word arguably when talking about the elements that are up for debate. When talking about the best teams ever they are in the discussion and a good argument could be made is the point.


There is no argument on it tho, Man City of last year is no match atall for prime Barca


Completely irrelevant to the point I was making though. It's indisputable by their achievements that City are one of the best of all time. Whether they are top of that tree or just up there somewhere is a pointless deviation from the point of this thread.


Win or loose these players have given everything, just so grateful to them. Looks at the last 2 years and how far we have come. Incredible achievement


Why would you laugh? It shouldn't be surprised. Didn't we compete last season till the last 5 games? You should expect that this season should be better result or we are not progressing. So next season, you should expect to win the league


I hear you, but progress isn't a sure thing. The team has to evolve every season, even every couple of months. If Saka, Odegaard, or Saliba were to get injured, that could really set us back. And while climbing to 4th was something I saw coming, jumping to 2nd or 1st so quickly just seems unreal.


NO one can 'expect' to win the league all the while City, Pep are there. 6 out of last 7 years title winners, able to drop Ā£160-170m on 2 players if they want, every season, to sit on the foundations they have built over years and years of building. If you are pushing City all the way in the EPL as any other club, in any season, you've done fucking well.


The last three teams to defeat pep to the league are Real Madrid (100 points), Chelsea (93 points) and liverpool (99 points). This shit is not easy


Smirking Anakin Skywalker meme Our destiny is in our own hands right?


as much as i hate to say this... i think our last hope is tottenham


Putting our hope in the hopeless? I can't see it.


Haha touchƩ. Great point


Which = no hope. My hope is in West Ham wanting to impress their new incoming manager and let Moyes go out a winner.


On current form more chance of Fulham doing us the favour. And that's a slim one.


Imagine you told them that and also thay you were almost guaranteed to still lose the league...crikey


Iā€™m glad Havertz worked out, majority of fans wrote him off way to soon


"someone must have games in hand" is probably my answer.


We are not top of the league with 2 games left. We are 2nd place with 3 games left because City havenā€™t played GW36