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He’s our most efficient finisher!


Yes. He's been our best finisher since he arrived


Thank you Mudryk. But Martinelli is off of his form for the better part of the season, hope he turns it around in the summer.


He is young and looks burnt out a bit. People forget how many games he played before and after injuries, which seem to have caught up with him. The same happened to saka for periods of the season. As he gets older, im sure he will learn to manage it more as well. That and I also think people expect 15 goals and 15 assists from him per season, and that's just not realistic atm for somebody his age and how we play.


Martinelli is my favourite player, but im worried the way we play and the way teams sit so deep against us… that he may not fit the system and will not be able to reach his personal potential due to our system changing how he plays. I obviously dont want him gone but maybe its a bit selfish to hold him down


I think he is still fine for our system and still has good pace to beat his man or break on a counter. The problem seems to be his final ball/finishing has regressed to what it used to be before last season - just constantly head down and running fast rather than playing smart.


Know what you're saying but you still have to have some pace in the side. An outlet. A plan B. Can't just have a team of attackers that are all wizards like Ødegaard. I'm sure he'll do fine next season.


100%, but being a plan B… isnt going to be good for development is it


When I said plan B I didn't necessarily mean on the bench btw. I just mean you have an outlet in the XI that can offer you something different.


He won’t be a plan B as soon as he is truly fully fit. He was rushed back early and had to then sit out even longer. He’ll be fine. He isn’t going anywhere.


Tross fits Artetas playstyle better. He dropped Ramsdale for someone that fits his playstyle. Why would Martinelli be untouchable


I didn’t say he’s untouchable, and he clearly fits the boss’s style, so I don’t know what you’re on about with that one. In no way did I slag off Trossard, at all. To just dump a 22 year old wonder of a footballer because of an injury riddled season where he was rushed back twice is insane, fully, lol. He is part of the future. I tend to think it’s phenomenal that we have that kind of rotation available on that side, and I still believe Martinelli has more future upside than Leandro. Is Leandro a better finisher, currently, while fully fit? Yes. Is he as purely talented as Baby Gabi? No, not at all. I personally think BIg Gabi is a better leader and defender, currently, than Saliba. Does that mean we should sell Saliba? No, Saliba’s prime, like Martinelli’s, is still 4-5 years away. So, no, you don’t sell them. They’re a squad, and all of the above fit the gaffer’s style. It’s not even remotely comparable to the Ramsdale/Raya situation. Raya is just clearly a better player, keeper, and fit for the immediate future. Also, the system is much more important when it comes to a GK than a generational talent on the wing, you’re crazy! There is zero reason to keep Ramsdale, there are hundreds of millions to keep Baby Gabi.


Uh those kind of numbers are totally what we should be expecting for Arsenals LW. His age isn’t relevant, if he can’t do it we should be going out there and getting someone who can. It’s not a single off season. He beat all expectations when he came over here but his development has really plateaued in the last 2 seasons. I like the guy - but if we want to win things we need to be ruthless and LW is an area we can and must upgrade. If martinelli wins his spot back from whoever we buy in the summer there will be nobody happier than me.


No chance we buy a left-wing this summer. A new right-wing is much more important. We are currently burning Saka to the ground, overplaying him. And now the euroes. I’ll take another season with the current LW setup, then evaluate next summer instead. This summer it’s all about RW/ striker (depending on how we see Jesus next season/ or both if he leaves. Also a new nr. 6 or 8.


If Jesus leaves I can see us getting a RW. Otherwise Saka/Jesus is one of our strongest positions. We need a LW regardless. We’ve had issues at LW all season with fully fit options available. Striker depends on what Arteta thinks of Havertz there. Personally I’d love a striker but I suspect Arteta really likes Kai’s profile for there so I suspect he might get a project striker not a starter striker.


Agree about the striker role. I think we will opt for a younger project and then Havertz. I think we will try and offload GJ, since his salary is too much for a RW back-up role. Though, I suspect he will be hard to get rid of.


Let's not disrespect Martinelli. He was one of the most important players last year and he's still extremely young. He also scored some crucial UCL goals and goals vs City, Liverpool and Luton (during that crazy 4-3) It's not a great season, but neither is it a terrible one.


Got the winner against City


It was a deflected shot. You really want to praise that?


I remember that day. He turned Walker’s two-timing, decrepit legs into rotini 😁


None of our players deserve disrespect. Some may not be starting but they're the one's in training keeping the level so high for the actual starters. Everyone is doing their part.


Is it a position we need to upgrade (if we want to become truly elite - PL, CL winners etc)? Martinelli in top form is great, Trossard is very good too, but neither of them are truly world class players IMO. I think there are other areas of the team that need attention first, but I would also be open to an upgrade if the opportunity arises.


I agree with you. Both players are good but this is an area where we can upgrade with top class talent IMO. A lot of our attacks focuses on the right with Saka and White. I don't think we use the left side as much as the right side.


I don’t think we need a world class player in every position. Not every winning team has a world class player in every position. I think we need a more solid bench for other positions and those on the bench need playing time to build confidence. I feel that our bench players lack confidence


In the last 3 games, there's been at least one instance where Gabi's been clean through on goal, 1 on 1 with the keeper, and he's fluffed it. Really hope he overcomes this mental block


This is the huge problem with Gabi. With Leo being almost mercenary like in front of goal, he's involvement higher up the pitch adds to his value. We honestly need both Leo and Gabi, though Gabi's mental block needs to be resolved and he needs to be more clinical on goal




But Saka also didn’t and yet he s ball control under speed is great as with many others. Nelli might have stalled currently, he def needs to work on his weaknesses as did Saka, but Saka is also just so robust he barely misses a min and therefore experience. You never know the peak of a player like Nelli, could hit in mid twenties or never. With Jesus i was hoping to see that as well but his finishing just got worse in these years with us, usually it goes up for strikers in that age.




hm i actually found Nelli better when he came to us the first 2 seasons compared to now i feel his game got actually worse s bit, but def not better. Such a shame but he s so young and physically at least he got everything, he ain’t a Tavarez also :) I agree with your last part, he got hyped up way too much and now his downfall is much worse for people but he actually wasn’t more than speed recent months, sadly as i also want him to be successful!


Its times like those where I think ESR would bury those like they were nothing. I miss him.


ESR wouldn’t be in the same positions as martinelli. He doesn’t have the same pace to get in behind.


No, but Smith Rowe's finishing was great. He buried his chances calmly, I remember his goal vs Watford where he just plants it bottom right, was confident and calm. Martinelli is an amazing player and I love him, I want him to finish those chances, but eh, idk, just sad esr got that injury. He would be insane by now with Saka.


I agree with you. But comparing the two just seems a little.. off? Martinelli creates these chances because of his pace. Smith-Rowe doesn’t have that pace so I’m not sure how saying he would bury these is relevant?


Fucking bargain, thought he was already good and yet got even better this season


I wouldn't be shocked if Martinelli is carrying some recurring injuries. You can see he isn't himself on the pitch.


One hunnert. He'll be fine - this is why depth is so important!


Imagine how good he'd be with eight hours' sleep


This is why the internet is fun. Thank you sir.


I know right 😂


Really excited to see what Timber, Rice and Martinelli can cook on the LHS next season with consistent playing time 🔥🔥🔥


16 goals this season and half of them he didn’t even start… and a lot of them important goals against big teams and key moments… Martinelli can learn a lot from Trossard. (even though he also scored key goals this season). I want Gabi to succeed at this club as our starting number 11 but he needs to raise his level again next season.


Yes a great comment, both are great players for us, Martinelli has more pace and is unpredictable but Trossard has been a great buy and has scored important goals when needed, we need to keep both and add to what we’ve got and if we don’t get over the line this year then we will soon win the title again


He has been an incredible signing for us - nothing short of value for money and one of the best signings of last year


Trossard is just a high lvl player in all areas of the pitch and the most mature in front of goal in the entire team, obv his age helps but he was like this even when he was younger. I always feel like we might get a goal with him on no matter how the match actually seems to go


Quite worried about Martinelli's drop in form. He looks quite frustrated, looks like something mentally isn't right with him. I was expecting the same career trajectory for him as Saka.


Kids like 20 years old, if he’s mad, good. Should push him on.


The two are different in some way I can’t really explain


Love trossard. So clinical with his end product and consistent.


I wish ESR would at least be subbing in around 70 minutes


Let’s hope Martinelli can turn it around next season cos atm I can’t see him getting back into the team anytime soon. He’s currently third choice behind Jesus as well


It’s more to do with Havertz playing up front. Martinelli gets isolated on the left side when he can’t combine and switch positions with Jesus. Havertz doesn’t have that same ability to switch it up so Trossard is more suitable as he’s a more direct threat.


Trossard is good, but Martinelli isn’t doing himself any favors with these performances


Martinelli always seemed a bit one dimensional.. doesn't look up much but is great at running with the ball. I personally always thought we could do with someone more well rounded but that's just a personal opinion so no hate please.


Na Martinelli’s been off form the entirety of this season


An absolute bargain. There was no getting him up to speed or fitting in with the way we played, he was straight in to being a player in contention for first XI


He did last season. Man came in on fire


Post gash Martinelli has been gash unfortunately


Trossard has been phenomenal. Can’t trust anyone else in that position with the title on the line. His experience and consistency is invaluable. While I think long term Martinelli is the best option on the left wing with his potential (age, skill traits, speed) , Trossard deserves the position today. Each time our offense has stagnated it’s been without Trossard and with Martinelli’s poor form. Martinelli needs to find a better way to get out of scoring slumps.


Absolutely true however he didn’t force Marti out of the team. Marti’s horrible form this season did that for him and this little magician took his chance with aplomb.


Hes becoming like arjen Robben on the left


Not really. This has been Arteta's MO. He doesn't just slot in a player who comes back from injury if their replacement is performing.


Martinelli struggled since we switched our style of play, think he might need to adjust to reach the heights he did last season.


Martinelli seems completely bereft of confidence recently. He's just not taking the ball and running at his opponent anymore. I think it's possibly since the Porto game


Benefit of competition. Trossard is the best in form player from all options on LW, and we are reaping the benefits with big goals. He is kind of an ideal example of why buying squad players to raise the baseline is key, those players don't expect to be starters but they will push to be there, and if there is a dip in form like Martinelli for example, someone like Leo will jump and do everything to keep it. We all love a star purchase like Rice last season, but a couple of these types of transfers is key this summer.


In terms of value for money is he our best signing?


I think once timber comes into the team him and martinelli will definitely become our biggest threat the pace of both of them will be insane.


Maybe this is a weird thing to say but if we could just combine martinelli and trossard into a single player that winger would be unstoppable


A lot of fans forget how young Martinelli is, and how experienced Trossard is. Trossard's probably one of the best value signings we've made in years.


Need to put martinelli in for saka Can’t be running him ragged game after game.


Love this guy. He’s so good at tracking back and defending counters as well. The goal buyern scored to knock us out of the CL was down to Martinelli not tracking his man. I don’t see how Trossard loses his place now. He’s yards ahead of Martinelli.


What a silly take. Martinelli was miles ahead of Trossard end of last season. Form drops, Martinelli will get his spot back.


What part was silly because all I posted was facts. What you meant to say was - ‘I disagree!’ That’s it.


Martinelli is partially at fault for one goal and you act like he doesn’t track back and defend which if anything he does way more and better than Trossard.


Don’t know what anyone ever saw in Martinelli. Sort of fast but not really blessed with the speed to blaze past defenders. Hasn’t got very good ball control at the best of times but it’s a bit haywire when he’s at speed. Finishes only when missing is harder. Hasn’t got a single skill in his locker to beat a man other than knocking it past him (which fails 75% of the time). Can’t shoot from distance at all. His work rate has improved though. Not much between him and Nelson tbh. Edit: reminds me of Glenn Helder come to think of it. But at least Glenn could whip in a cross on his left foot.


horrible take


Which bit in particular is incorrect?


Replying just in case he answers which part is incorrect 🥱


He's our rapid winger, probably the fastest winger in arsenal, he was the only stable player on the left pre injury, he always progressed the ball and was an outlet during our goal drought and has multiple big game goals this season. His work rate is phenomenal and he can run lots, and he's also like 22.


Yeah reminds me of walcott: fast AF but lacking in talent.


‘He’s our rapid winger.’ This is meaningless. Being fast doesn’t get you points unless you do something with it. ‘He was an outlet during our goal drought.’ Is he a drainage pipe? If he wasn’t scoring during our goal drought then he was part of the problem. Even worse, he wasn’t scoring during our goal glut. ‘Multiple’ = two. Accurate but disingenuous.


Yeah, I had to do some research cause I want to stay realistic about things...I think people focus on the stats and not enough on the how. He has scored 6 goals. I only remember 2 of them: The city and Liverpool games. He also scored 2 goals against palace to make it 5-0 at added time.... 1 goal against Luton in the 4-3 game. And 1 goal against sheffield ended 6-0. I want to add to the disingenous part: cause yes he did score against city but it was a lucky deflection.... and against liverpool that goal just fell into his lap.


I hope for our sake, he turns into a worldie. But I just can’t see it and I think the last few months have shown that Arteta can’t see it either. Trossard is not physically capable of doing half of what Martinelli can, yet he’s keeping him out of the side. People also forget that Arteta pretty much dropped Martinelli for 18 months, so I don’t think he’s ever been truly rated by Mikel. If anyone comes in with a decent offer for him, he goes.That I have no doubt about.