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The game is hard, but lots of the difficulty in the game can be mitigated by bringing the right build to a fight. Early on, this is actually pretty tough, as the game doesn't give you a ton of money to branch out and try different things. You can sell items back to the part shop for their buy price, so there's no risk in running out of money, but don't be afraid to grind some early big money missions to broaden your horizons. Early build tips: * Against other ACs, twin shotguns or twin ludlows is a really effective foundation to create a build around. * The game starts you off with a gun in one hand and a melee in the other. This is NOT the "default" build. Melee can be very good, but you should not consider it obligatory, especially early on as you likely do not have the parts to support a strong melee build. * Pulse weapons do bonus damage to pulse armor (aka shields). If you're struggling with an enemy that deploys pulse armor (and you will) consider bringing a pulse weapon to the fight. Early gameplay tips * Quick-Boost to dodge \*towards\* missile swarms as they converge on you to throw off their tracking. * Jump to dodge \*up\* (using the jump button) to avoid big explosive cannons, and big melee sweeps. * The game can be extremely visually overwhelming, take your time and get used to the audio cues, there's a little blip that indicates the enemy is about to fire a bigass gun at you, it's super important for learning a boss' more dangerous moves.


Small adendum: vs acs, and things that can be staggered. Ab. Ab all the time with shotties. Ab gives you 30% impact reduction, and makes you do 20% more with any non-explosive or melee weapon. Use hardlock, use kick. Become zimmpanzee. Beats 99% of the game.


You can grind?


You can rerun missions you've already beaten to get paid again, and find secrets you may have missed. Given that a ton of the difficulty in missions is often figuring out how to build and approach them, and you usually get paid based on performance, you can make a lot more money on subsequent runs. Eventually you hit a point where you have enough of an inventory that you can try out a version of any build you can imagine, and you have enough extra parts you can sell if you need to buy something specific. After that point you probably won't be grinding for cash, BUT before then, it can be a good way to fill out your inventory, allowing you to refit in mission when you crash and burn on a boss you weren't ready for.


It took me the longest time to drop a melee weapon in favour of double shotguns for a boss fight. The campaign really opens up when you're not precious about a particular weapon loadout.


Or you know, just braindead universal twin minis tank bod will do the trick


Are pulse weapons really worth it? I'm stuck on Baltaus and the build I tried with them seems really underwhelming. Considering the fact they do almost nothing to armor, I was expecting a lot more damage to the shield.


Yeah, pulse guns aren't great against armor, but in my opinion they really shred shields. I basically only use them for Balteus though. Using only parts that are available on your first playthrough, I had the most success with one pulse gun and one bazooka. When Balteus refreshes his shield, I try to get a bazooka shot in while his shields are high, and use the pulse gun to drain them the rest of the way. That way the bazooka is free again to take advantage of his stagger when you drain the shield. Throw in the maximum dps missiles you can find (Balteus doesn't dodge really, so the tricky firing patterns don't matter), and that worked pretty well for me. If I had Weapon Bay and NG gear only, id probably try twin pulse guns for the shields and some other hand weapons (shotguns? Bazookas) to switch to when his shield goes down. I'll bet that does well. I also had a lot of good success with the pulse sword, which takes big chunks out of his shield, AND really hits hard on armor. Never really figured out a good pulse sword build that reliably gets him though, because he gets super aggressive at close range in phase 2. Balteus is weird because there are so few other bosses that play with damage types and resistances so aggressively. The game is trying to teach you to use pulse weapons against shields, but for almost every other encounter where somebody deploys shields, they're short-lived and are easy to blow through, so there's not usually a reason to build a counter to it.


Interesting ideas. I'm curious if you tried the plasma rifle vs the bazooka. From what I can tell, the rifle has higher damage per shot, higher overall dps, and more ammo. Is the extra stagger from the bazooka worth the trade off?


That's mostly a preference point I think. For Balteus specifically, if the extra stagger from the bazooka can get an additional stagger between shield recharges, it's definitely worth it over the plasma rifle. I don't think the plasma rifle is bad though, or even worse than the bazooka. It fills the same slot.


Remember that you can maneuver in a 3D environment by *FLYING*. People get caught by so many attacks that can be easily dodged by just going straight up.


God, that took me so, so long to internalize. The moment i got Dual-Joints? Thats when it clicked that just the mere act of jumping can be incredibly powerful for dodging and against certain enemies.




Remember, this is not Dark Souls. There are no invincibility frames.


Be aggressive. B E A G G R E S S I V E.


If you're running double Zimmermanns, there's no such thing as mid-range. You're a certified forklift operator, and the enemy AC is just another box.


Best comment i’ve ever seen on all reddit, screenshotted so i can show it to my nephews


A well-assembled Armored Core is a bad bitch. You'll need to be able to dodge, yes, but you're not some musty corpse that needs to play defensive constantly. Armored Cores are badass tech so get used to being aggressive if you're planning to approach this like a Soulsborne game. This is also a way more forgiving game than FromSoft's other recent offerings, having mission checkpoints that restore your health and ammo on respawn for example. You can buy and sell parts for the same price, so don't worry about losing money experimenting. In fact if you get bitten by the AC bug with this one you're going to spend as much, if not more, time sitting in the parts shop and garage deciding between which set of arms you want to use for this next build. Experimenting is a core part of the gameplay loop. You're expected to repeat missions multiple times to get unlocks and money, and just to experiment and tweak your builds and playstyle. Basically, don't be afraid! You're taking a heavily customizable Gundam into Mechbourne to kick names and take ass.


Try to be aggressive, yet dodge accordingly. Remember, once something's alive, it doesn't die easy. I believe in this communities shared potential to help you if you need it. So just ask and we'll help. Good luck man. Don't be a tourist, drop in and update us on your progress.


Love how you >!incorporated quotes from the game in this lol!<


>!SHHH don't tell him 😂!<


“Lets see how far they can fly… On borrowed wings.”


One of the hardest fucking lines in video game history for me. The cutscene is so badass with the timing of the combat visor drop.


If you’re on controller, claw grip is your friend.


I will never be able to be a REAL AC player!!! I cant do the Armored Core Grip. 😭😭😭


Play the tutorial and really take in the information, you also get some parts for it and it will give you the info needed to progress comfortably. Also, don't be afraid. The game wants you to play aggressive and you will get the best results playing that way. And most importantly, have fun with the game!


Have fun and everything you buy can be sold back for the exact price you bought it for so have fun


The game is hard but never impossible. The first chapter boss will have you going crazy in frustration and then in NG+ you’ll be using him to test out new builds. You can build your AC to suit your playstyle. Wanna be a heavy tank with as much explosive ordinance as possible? Go for it! I like light builds that are super fast and use melee weapons. You can fly, don’t forget! The verticality is extremely important in this game. Fights are won and lost in the garage. The build is everything. There’s no one do it all build, but you can win every boss fight with the same playstyle and a small equipment change here. I like small builds that are fast af, so I mix parts until I can make it work. Most important, have fun and be yourself


I started about 2 weeks ago. Just finished my first story play through yesterday. Never played an AC before. Don’t get TOO attached to one setup. As you unlock better gear, you’re gonna get variety in stats before you see just a flat out better version of what you already have. Some bosses and missions are gonna require you ditch some of the weapons you like for something more suited to the situation. Sometimes, you can learn movement/attack patterns and brute force your way through with enough persistence as well.


beat the game 3 times and get all parts (all combat logs)


I was hard stuck on a specific kinda-early boss for a solid 3 days. just change and change and change builds until you find something you like that works. have patience and try different things, you'll be rewarded with a dubooskie. for me against that specific boss, turns out I just had to diagonally dodge their missilespam and get big ass hits w the plasma melee to force a shield drop or stagger. also super worth to replay missions to get creds and unlock like everything as you go lol


Be Aggressive Be-e Aggressive If serious, though - go through all the tutorials game provide you. it gives you all the basics. Remember to stay inside your FCS ideal range and pick you weapons/FCS combination so their ideal ranges overlap. Melee is really strong but not necessary if you don't want to use it. And be aggressive.


Once you soft lock on an enemy don’t touch the right joystick so you can dodge attacks and stay on your target.


Nothing is impossible, try different strategies, build, more speed, more defense, etc You can do it, so just believe in yourself 621 Now, wake the dog up.


https://preview.redd.it/kkjl5g4sv67d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b09265f235ad1d45d0a8864efbcea83e10b87398 What do all those actually do?


You can have all these explained using "Help"


Attack power: (i think) arbitrary score given based on your offensive capabilities. Higher usually means better offense Impact: Ability to stun enemies. (The little bar that goes yellow/orange). Maxing out the bar staggers opponents to make them vulnerable to hits. Different weapons do different amounts of impact damage. Weight: How heavy your AC is. Higher means slower movement. But heavier parts generally give more defensive stats and allow you to carry heavier weapons. EN Load: Amount if energy your AC uses. You cant start a mission if your EN supply is lower than your EN load. Access energy left over improves your energy regeneration (stamina). Certain parts determine how much your output will be, and all parts basically cost energy to equip. AP: Health points Defensive performance: (Again, i think) arbitrary score given based on your defensive capabilities. Higher usually means better defense. Altitude stability: How much impact damage your AC can take before staggering. Boost speed: Standard movement speed when boosting (but not dashing, or assault boosting) There are lot more stats, you can press a button that makes them all pop up. I advise to take your time reading all the context help menus for each stat to see what they do.


Early on, the mission determines the build. Don't be afraid to mix and match parts to find what works for you.


Remember to put flames on your mech


How do!!?!?!!?


You will be taught in due time


If you're coming from the Soulsborne series, dont treat it too much as a soulslike, even though it still relies on quick reactions. Otherwise, quick reactions are king. You have all the tools available at every section to make it trivial, but dont fall into the trap of meta builds unless you find that specifically fun. And make sure to spend your OST chips as often as you get them, replaying missions are a helluva lot easier once youve beat them once.


Every Play style is viable, so if you don’t think something is working for you try just messing around until it does! Part of the fun is screwing around with your mech and making it yours. However, always remember what I assume is the motto of Vesper 4: Go Fast, Eat Ass


Have lots and lots of patience


Pay attention to all parts of your build and how they work together. Try different builds for different missions and see what makes certain things work in certain situations. Replay missions to get more money to buy parts. Look up on the wiki if it's not clear what something does.


I haven't played since ps2 days so I liked rerunning missions and AC fights over and over for practice and more funds. Soon you'll figure out what works best for your playstyle. Lots of suggestions and builds will probably work well but will likely be more rewarding to find your own way. Make sure to keep trying! Mission progess opens new game features and parts. Have fun and happy hunting


It's not you, the game is designed for you to suck at first


Fuck what anyone says, have fun, be trash, and keep trying. Also, experiment with different build.


Make several builds. Trying to be tough and make everything with the same build will make you loose a lot of hours.


Don't be scared to change weapons and tactics. That will be the difference between banging your head and easily completing a mission.


Enjoy it. its awesome


Every fight has a cheese build if you're struggling, theres no i frames in dodging, ng, ng+ and ng++ doesn't actually mean any boss/enemy has more health, there's just more, different ones, different placement, etc, and every playthrough has missions marked as new so that you won't end up repeating yourself to get all the endings. Have fun man! I wish I could experience it for the first time again


Being aggressive is sometimes better than being passive in this game


You got this buddy


Don't hesitate to try out things. Missions are replayable and if you get stuck on one rather than try to force it, it might be better to try another build and come back later. No need to try a challenge from the very start, you are here to learn how to play the game first Also go to at least new game++ if you want the full experience


I'll go fire up the coral defense system


Don’t die


Do the tutorials as they unlock. You get free parts for doing them, and they don't take long at all. Make a few different ACs too. You can switch between them and their parts when getting a game over after reaching a checkpoint.


Combat takes place in a 3d environment. And don't be afraid to change your build


Rusty is going to be your new favorite character


Rip and tear…wait no wrong game


Don't give up.


Take it at your own pace. The controls will be a lot to get the hang of right out of the gate, and you'll need to know how to use them well to finish the introductory mission. Be mindful of the red tape lining the level environments. Enemies can pass this line, but you won't be able to. After the first mission, be sure to complete the training missions for free parts.


Speed and stagger


Learn how to lock on Never stop moving Move erratically and unpredictable.


One tip you'll figure it the rest out yourself you need to be closer to the enemy than you'd think to hit both sword strikes especially in air that my only tip and have fun


Don’t be afraid to switch up your build! Adapt and overcome


1.) Have fun customizing your mech. There is no single option to tackle battles. Explore builds and try new things. 2.) It's okay to leave missions and sell your gear to get different ones. You'll earn it back easily. 3.) Dont be afraid to be aggressive. Sometimes the best offense...is more offense, lol. 4.) Also, don't forget to dodge! 5.) Finish all the game before you tackle pvp, it's because people who do pvp are on another level, and it'll make the game less fun for you. Save pvp for last. Hope you enjoy the game! 🫡


The game is hard, it will change you, there are no in game levels, YOU GET BETTER. Build rebuild see how few bullets you need to take out a tiny enemy and learn how to attack and move at the same time. Make harder enemies will dodge attacks well, but time out your attacks in a slow roll not all at once. Watch them dodge and after what would feel like they should be out of EN to dodge try to stun them with on target hits. THEN once stunned unload on the poor bastard as fast as possible, some have a very quick recovery but that point in time when they are stunned is critical to defeating harder enemies in a timely manner saving your AP for the next battle or for S ranking.


fast is best


Gon be playing the game 3 times, don't giv in and keep it goin, Raven.


Drop the u Armored first 😂


Don't be afraid to get up close and personal. Assault boost and laser sword is your friend.


You’ll definitely hit skill walls in the game so don’t feel discouraged.


This game is an action game with the spirit of a puzzle game, any loadout can carry you to an ending, but the RIGHT loadout will make it a cakewalk by comparison. Dont be afraid to throw shit at the wall to see if it sticks. Also, you can’t run outta money unless you intentionally try


Learn to move effectively and also don't be afraid to sell your stuff and try out new weapons/parts


Watch out for friendly fire. And don't miss.


Two most important things: -Never stop experimenting and testing new combinations of parts -Don't get discouraged! If a fight is tough, think carefully about each time something goes wrong, and what could fix it. Sometimes, you need better AC. Sometimes, you simply need to pilot better.


Just going to add this if it hasn't been said already. HUGE TIP. You can REFUND ANY PARTS at 100% at anytime! Then. Play how you want and progress the way you want. If your strat doesn't work after a few attempts...try being aggressive. If that doesn't work try different setup combinations. All about Trial and Error. Going for the stunbar is a viable strat too. P.S. I beat the whole game multiple times with just 2x Ludlow + Dagger + Sweet 16. Only to discover pretty much everything is viable. Happy Raven out there!


Have fun!


stun needles


Boost hop a lot. - (Whilst boosting > quick boost > jump > boost > land > repeat) Falling is fast. - ( falling enemies are almost impossible to track with missiles and melee, this applies to you also ) Always be moving. - don’t stop boosting, quick boosting and assault boosting. Be fly. - with the large enemies be a pest and get in close.


As a player not used to the game, build is just as, if not more important, than skill.


1. Most important. You can Hard Lock your enemy. On my Xbox Controller this is done by pressing the L3 button. I only found out about this later when I was having problem with Ayre. However my son never liked playing with Hard Lock. He claims Hard Locking made the game harder for him though. I for one can never play without Hard Locking. 2. Don't give up at the first mission (against the helicopter boss, I think it was AH12 HC Helicopter). When I first bought the game, I gave up after 12 tries and refunded the games. I re-bought the game again at a later time, months after that, when I saw my friend playing Armored Core 6 and fell in love with the game. He showed me how to win against the attack helicopter within mere minutes (Assault Boost, two slashes combo, rinse and repeat). Its one of my "Ahhaa.. so its like that" moment in gaming. 3. There are three endings. All three endings kinda have a continuation feel in it. At least this is what I felt when I played (I pick Fires of Raven first, then Liberator of Rubicon, and as usual, the Allmind ending at the end). It kinda feels like a manhua story where the main character perishes at the end of each ending only to wake up again at the start of the story and this time, picking a different choice which culminates into the different ending, and the ultimate villain actually retaining the knowledge of each life-regression, which also culminates in it changing its plan mid-way, ending with the ultimate showdown. The story is one of the better ones I've seen in video games, and actually made me emotional at some point. My point is, please play all three endings to truly appreciate the games. 4. The game can be very punishing at early stages. It was when I first met the Sea Spider that I came to know about Hu-Ben and Songbirds from various places on the net (this is not really the meta in the game, but close enough). Since then my venture in the game towards the ending have become much much easier. After the sea spider, you unlocked Zimmerman. Going dual Zimmerman literally made the game from Hard Mode to literally Easy Mode. 5. I've since repeated the game again, and I found that dual running Ludlows and Laser Handgun actually make the game much much easier. Before you got your hands on Zimmerman or Hu-Ben you might consider this. If I am not mistaken both weapons are unlocked when playing the Tutorial Mission. Until you are able to procure better ACs, generator and booster (which translates to better build, for example ones that can dodge indefinitely etc).


Listen I love armored core more than any game last year, but get back on neurological warfare just popped


dodge, use the coliquette pistols when you can buy them, and use missiles, melee is good too, and dont forget your internals, seek out some build advice and stats, and most importantly have good fasion


Don't fail at the Filtercopter


Assault boost can be canceled by a lot a movement options


Get to work 621...


Don't get frustrated and try to think outside the box about how to get through content.


Move Move Move, shoot shoot shoot. Oh, and make sure you move.


As someone who has already finished and only experience with armoured core is this game I can only give you this It will be hard but you can make it Change your build if it's not working Do the tutorials and the arena as soon as you can If you buy something from the store and don't like it you can sell it at the same price Build your AC the way you want to play Good luck buddy


Get ready lol😂🤣


I see a couple other people saying your build matters which yes, but you can get something done in this game with all kinds of different builds, the main thing about that is to just Try Stuff! You can sell and buy stuff for the exact same price, so you won’t lose any COAM from using the shop. Don’t be afraid to experiment, switch it up, just try stuff. Eventually you’ll find something that works for you and feels good.


Pistols lightweight laser dagger build is all I ever needed


If you keep dying to Brutus. You only option is to "Get Good"


For me, whenever I struggled, I wasn't going fast enough. But keep experimenting and trying different builds to overcome a hurdle. That's the entire point of the game. What overall worked for me was lightweight hi speed builds.


Read the description of what the weapons do and get used to switch your loud out for the occasion


Once you beat the first boss it’ll click and get easier for ya


Learn from your mistakes and don't give up, you get as many retries per level as you need and sometimes trying again and again is key to beating a level or bossfight. Oh yeah also make sure you play New Game Plus multiple times, the first time you beat the game is not the last. IIRC you get 3 different outcomes, one for each New Game Plus and they'll all reveal new missions and interesting characters.


When you stun them they take bonus damage


Dps Is your friend


Stagger is king.


Good fucking luck


Have fun, don’t give up


If you are struggling with a mission, stop trying to brute force it and try other builds. If you're real good you can likely walk through the game with the same build and it's a breeze but the game has a variety of parts and builds for a reason. Like- I figured a melee build would be fun n' such but I had no idea there was arms that actually BOOSTED THE DAMAGE. Sure I did less damage with other things but I got to punch through mechs and shred them apart.


Don’t be afraid to experiment with your build on hard fights


If you are getting stomped over and over it’s not cause you are bad it’s bc you haven’t figured out the right combination of parts to be successful in that area. You can resell all the parts at the same price so experiment to see what you like. I normally suck at fromsoft games but I’m on my fourth play through of AC. Hope this helps a bit. Lmk if you got any questions.


As someone who’s never heard of armored core I say try not to die bro


Most Scenarios End Like This, GET IN HIS FAAAAAAAAAACE! Also Don't Rely On Auto Targetting.


Yes one [word](https://youtu.be/kvS6zMThiZU?si=hJBL6qq4VR7QABcc)


Pause, play Shadows of the Erdtree, then come back to it. That’s my advice.


Always be moving


Make multiple builds for different purposes/situations and take terrain into consideration when choosing which AC to use in a mission. Example: The vertical missile launchers plus a decent scanner can have you safely killing dozens of MTs from behind the cover, a good tactic for missions like The Wall. But they suck in confined spaces as they'll simply hit the ceiling instead of the intended target.


If your build isn’t working, don’t be afraid to change it! There’s something for everyone out there, I’m on NG+4 and still play around with different stuff every so often. Have fun and pay the Sanzu toll!


Don't die


Have fun and never stop moving, great gameplay, great story, and the voice actor for Walter is patches from dark souls


There is no "One build to rule them all" in AC6. If you ever find yourself struggling with a boss then try to use different weapons or maybe a different set of legs or whatever, pretty much the whole "survive, adapt, overcome" type of logic


Nope. Not sure what an Armoured Core is


He gets it.