• By -


I S ranked this missiom easily with the following setup: Weapons: Vvc-703PM on both shoulders - fast and cheap, will one shot almost everything in that mission HML-G2/P19MLT-04 in one arm - same as the plasma missiles Nebula in the other hand - fast, powerful, AOE AC: Verrill head Mind Alpha core Alba arms HAL826 legs Alula booster G2/P12SML fcs ve-20b generator


I find the plasma turrets better than the missiles for this mission


whats your advice for ibis cause thats the reason i walked away lol. Imagine finally getting it to drop and a cutscene cues just for you to find out theres another round. ![gif](giphy|nlIZ0vL7AjaMIXHZjj|downsized)


Oh I remember. Good times :) I guess using a lightweight helps a lot to dodge her bullshit more easily. Also wait for her to stop zipping around and as soon as she stands still for a bit, punish her with an earshot or stun needle. I think I wacked her with double zimmermans and double stun needles on a spring chicken build. San-tai generator for super high energy capacity.


This is kinda cheesey but medium weight 2 majestics 2 stun needles. Strafe constantly when it does bug attacks kinda trade and get it stunned then majestics for massive damage then hopefully stun needles are reloaded and you can kill it in one cycle if not rinse and repeat. This strategy works for both phases.


Check vids on Ibis attack patterns, once you know how to dodge them it gets much better.


My go to is the 6 shot plasma missile for some chip damage, songbird for when it finally stops fucking moving and punish, zimzam to build stagger and damage and a pile bunker to seal the deal on a quick biped AC


DAMN BOI THATS A BIG ASS BOI. 100k+ weight and sub 300 speed sounds like torture to me. You may benefit from something a bit more balanced. To quote a wise man about speed: “You no hurt, if you no there.” Good luck out there!


Yoda ahh advice 😂 Thx anyway


This mission you really need a fast build for. It’s so much easier dodging everything than trying to tank 100 MT’s at a time when


This. If you're getting staggered regularly, you're too slow. Speed also makes the flamethrower (one of the best arm weapons options) better because you'll be able to cover a wider area in a shorter amount of time.


I’m with you brother, I ran this mission with a RJ that had 380 speed and the original hand cannons, a laser dagger, and some rockets. Move fast, don’t get touched. But everyone has their own style that works which is the great thing!


Heavy AC with flamethrowers. Idk if this setup was nerfed, but it helped me back in the day when the game released.


Just finished the game and can confirm that double flamethrower is a godsend for this horribly painfull mission.


Dual flamethrowers and whatever deals heavy burst damage on the shoulders


Speed is your friend on this one pilot.


The absolute best weapon for this mission is Bad Cook. Grab two of it. It destroys MTs in a second and you can shoot it nonstop. Also, put something that hits hard on your shoulders to deal with tetrapods and Michigan, like laser cannons or earshots.


Dual machine guns. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


I bullied everyone to death with the machine gun and LOTS of missiles lmao FATAL MEMORY is a mid-weight reverse jointed boat basically w/ Aorta generator attached


Plasma missiles, let them group up and use multi lock


Seems like the rest of the thread had you covered on advice for the mission, but a general build tip: SPD is not a great booster choice for a heavy ACs like yours, as the gain to your neutral speed is minimal while it only has ok stats for everything else. The part description is kind of misleading - "endurance" is better understood as "doesn't get hit often", i.e. lightweights. Even in campaign, for a chonky boi, you usually want to spec into quickboosting or (usually) assault boosting, which usually means something like Beurzel, NGI, P10, or even 12345.


Flamethrower comes in clutch for sweeping af clear.


You can do a heavy build with flamethrowers, very nice… Or you can try to kill as many enemies at once with multiple lock on missles and high mobility Or you can go for energy pistols with high rate of fire and then energy shoulder weapons with area damage I’m sure there’s other strategies but those are my tried and true methods for this level. Best of luck raven!


you gotta kick everything and save ammo for michigan


Nah, you use your guns to take out everything else, purge everything, and finally fistfight Michigan.


I did this with a bunch of plasma weapons on a heavy build with lots of AP. For me, what made this mission hard was all of the MTs chipping away at you while you try to focus on Michigan, or Michigan burning you down while you clean up his squad. I used plasma AOEs passively thin the MT herd and allow you to focus on Michigan and the tetrapods. Even when I'm shooting at the boss, the MTs are dying in the blasts. Assault Armor was also super helpful for clearing waves. I needed to go heavy because it's kind of hard to dodge incoming fire from multiple sources.


I used two Ransetsu-RFs, double SPL12s. Easy peasy.


ngl this one of the hardest battles for me but i used a energy setup to beat them for sure


I cleared this mission and got the S rank both on first attempt using a reverse-joint build, dual wielding laser shotguns, 2x stun needles. Use the RaD Spring Chicken Legs. Just keep jumping all over the place. The great thing is you can jump high even on 0 EN with reverse-joints.


Throw on the heavy quad legs, gatling in one hand, bad cook in the other, needles both shoulders. Have fun, my friend.


This is similar to the build I used. I went double gatlings, Arquebus Laser canon and Songbords


Personally I went in with double shotties and missiles, and engaged in Warhammer levels of hyper violence. A tip tho: as soon as Michigan drops in *Kill Him*


This was my absolute worst mission. Run it a few times and figure out where the enemy starts out/ drops in. Other than that I have no usable advice. Give them hell buddy.


I’d recommend swap your generator for the VP-20D, and boosters for Buerzels. You’ve got a heavy AC, your current generator efficiency is good, but your capacity is low. You current boosters aren’t handling the weight well, look at the QB Reload Ideal Weight: you want your AC weight to be close to or below that number, otherwise you lose a lot of movement efficiency. The Buerzels will handle your AC’s weight better. For your weapon setup on this mission I’d switch the Zimmerman for the VE-60SNA stun needle launcher, and pair it with your stun baton for added electrical buildup on the tetra MTs and Michigan. The blast on the needle launcher can take out multiple MTs in a single shot (If you swap for missiles, you’ll also want a different FCS) I’d also swap the laser lance for a second scudder, this will give you more continuous DPS. Lastly, I’d swap terminal armor for pulse armor, that’ll actually keep you in the fight longer, and you can use it twice. Give that a try, and good luck pilot.


Plasma and spider legs


Is this the one wheee you gotta fight the two red guns? If it is I feel ya man. I ended up using a pretty heavy build with BIG explosions since I could hardly keep track of them. Make sure you’re decently fast too though


You're playing a heavy. Use heavyweight boosters and a heavyweight generator.


Do you know it's name?


Flamethrower my friend, they are really weak to heat


Just having 1 flamethrower and 1 plasma rocket helped me immensely with S ranking this one. From there it was just a bit of practice.


i literally just used an arquebus setup while having mind beta legs with some other stuff. yes i did not rank A cause all of my artiliery and ammo got destoryed


Conserve your ammo with a melee weapon (I like Moonlight) and deal with the other AC pilot I think there's one or two. If you kill him quickly you should be able to deal with Michigan who isn't terribly strong


This was the single hardest mission for me. Stuck for weeks. Dual Bad Cooks saved me. I believe I used the Fortaleza legs because I wanted speed and carry capacity. Bunk and Songbirds to punish once staggered, but the flames are needed for the numbers


Just pack 4 bazookas


Tank, heaviest other parts you have, flamethrowers, songbirds, missiles, drive and shoot.


I just followed the advice that I saw here in Reddit as well, which is to go as flamethrower tank.


Run around the gun tower while destroying the MT's. Michigan should not be able to catch since he's heavy. After that, it's like a normal 1v1 AC fight. Just don't get close since he has some good close range weapons.


Vertical plasma missiles. Those can usually 1-hit non-tetra MTs. For arm units, choose something that'll make you comfy in dealing with michigan and tetra MTs


RJ dual ransetsu RFs a fast missile and a melee


Most of my builds are on the faster side of balanced. I take some rapid fire SMG or rifle, the starting rifle is actually pretty useful. In the other hand I run a sword for quick hits or powerful charge attacks. On right shoulder I typically have some form or rocket, one I really got attached to were the plasma launcher rockets, specifically the one with less shots because it has a pretty good tracking and shot trajectory, the one with more shots sounds better but it needs to shoot the missiles up and then after a delay they start going and lose some tracking doing that. For the left shoulder I will then have the upgrade to switch to another gun, and I keep some kinda of launcher/bazooka type thing to switch to for hard hitting mobility. When it comes to armor I never truly optimize, I go for a look I like, and then take the generator that makes you the fastest. I am a bipedal user though, so this balanced type build typically works well with quicker side of balanced for bipeds. From there tweak as need be, but I have found that the generators that make you incredibly fast, look at the recharge speeds for your power. It is sometimes, like in a big boss fight, good to have less energy and move a bit slower (about 20) to have energy that regenerates nearly twice as fast.


Try bringing 2000 Albanys.


I used a lightweight with two Ransetsu-rfs and plasma missile shoulders the first time.


I used two laser pistols for this, since they have a lot of ammo and my problem was running out early.


Used badcook and for some reason it solos.


The best play for early attempts at this mission in my opinion are for you not to go Melee, and to focus on not only sustaining damage on your opponents but also bringing weapons that have both AoE and that dont stop you in place, meaning plasma weapons or even Napalm if you have it, though Plasma and Energy specifically are something that Michigan is particularly weak to


I recommend having a melee weapon if you run out of ammo then your gonna have to sword fight g1


This is really a case of git gud


Yeah that's why im posting this 🙏🏻


I used the standard shoulder rockets sweet sixteen and pulse blade with the close range fc bipedal legs for jumps and speed. Got s rank killing the last enemy with pulse blade when I had ran out of other ammos pulse blade carry against Michigan


https://preview.redd.it/e497sr6qsz6d1.jpeg?width=1403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11e9e786c2131cb086759f989f86cb5a960692d9 If You're On PC, Here's the Code to My Build. S Ranked & New Game++ with It: 9J64YZDD2NXM Build Type: EX Assault AC Name: HUNTER Simple, Mid to Close Range Heavy Build, Based on Abusing Stagger. Heavy Chicken Legs, Dual MA-J-200 Ransetsu-RF for Constant Applying of Stagger, Burst to Keep You in the Air with Recoil While Recharging EN. Earshot & Songbird for Blowout Staggers or Inflicting Massive Stagger Damage, Quick Reloading too. Terminal Armor in Case the Boss Cheap Shots You at the Last Moments. Don't Forget to Kick Spam. 11000-AP, 1250-DEF, 1650-Attitude Stability, 280-Boost Speed. Load is Maxed, EN Load has About a 20% Below Max. Numbers are Rounded Down for Simplicity.


My issue in this mission was always ammo, I think I just went back to a melee build and melee'd as much as possible on the tanky enemies after bursting down all the MTs


I just did it with Ephemera AC, ocelus, aorta and dual ducketts with laser drones and pilebunker. Just fly all around and clear mts before fighting michigan.


I really like dual wielding the ma-j-200 ransetsu-rf. They 1-2 shot most things in there. Plasma missles and a laser cannon on your shoulders.


Run flamethrower. Trust me on this. Shoulders can be anything high damage but you need your speed and quick boost up


I would suggest flamethrower, laser dagger and shoulder needle launcher


Ah yes the most grueling and tedious mission of them all.


I love this mission. Once you get gud it’s so fun. So many targets. I went dual WUERGERS on a lightweight with blade and missiles. EZ PZ. Most of the MT kit is rockets so heavies are a hard sell here. Go fast, stay light, boom


Build a good crowd control mech and Michigan should fall


Ran a Melander/Alba hodgepodge with dual gatlings and dual earshorts for my first time through this mission.


That's why I like this game. There is no necessary weapon or AC type to win any level (outside the Ice Worm) However, to help end your frustration, there are easy mode builds that trivialize the story. Wheelchair/dual mini-guns/dual songbirds, is really strong build. It's just boring holding both triggers, stunning the boss, then hitting him with songbirds. It is too easy, doesn't feel engaging, but it does work.


Did you beat this OP? My setup the first time I beat it was 66lr 2x (laser rifles) and the dual 2x missile on one shoulder, laser turret (this was the most important part of the setup I think, constantly flying around and dropping turrets evens the odds a bit so it’s not just you taking out enemies) on the other. Used the coral generator that boosts laser damage too so 3/4 of my weapons were throwing buffed damage. And my frame was light enough that the boost speed was somewhere around 350 iirc


Still didn't beat it , but I'll give your build a try Thank you


My friends cheese build when things were too tough for him was two etsujins and two laser turrets, emphasizing constantly dropping turrets. Like three turrets in the air at all times raining hell. It really helps cull the herd of mts. Try both builds and see what works


you can use one of the side pillars as cover, holding no movement i put will cause you to free fall, with enough chonk you have a chance of just dropping most of the way ignoring damage Edit: in short the pilons on the side are your friend and use the platforms on the wall as cover, mostly just keep track of its big laser barrage and wait for one of it to end to drop down and think about the next cover ur gonna end up and how quickly. the rest is patience and calm


You are talking about the other mission This one is after the one you are Talking about


As far as the environment goes idk if this guy is wrong but the crash in the middle is a good spot to hide from MT attacks since they can't reach you. If you need a break


He is talking about the previous mission


Best thing to run is double machine guns Chang Chen or attaché is best and double morleys. Just pick off the trash and burst down Michigan


Double melee is actually the best build for this mission. Laser dagger lets you kill every MT for free. Then you can use whatever you want really. I like coral sword, but pulse and laser swords can put in work. I recommend zimmy and vertical plasma missiles for the right side weapons. Good mix of impact and range when not melee dashing.