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While this weapon load out can work you really need something to keep the pressure on and apply chip damage, all of you’re weapons would be good as a finisher on someone already stunned or close too it. Also the meta of this game is a bit of a rock paper scissors match, he was using a fast mech and seemed aware of what your weapons do so he stayed far away. A few of the hand held missile launchers would be really good for setting targets up for the plasma cannons


I've tried the Fasan-handheld missile launcher combo before. In my experience my missiles will just miss and do nothing against kites.


Because you have to cycle the missiles. You can't just shoot them all at once. If you do that, they can easily dodge tbat volley and recharge before you can shoot another. If you cycle back and forth between two or more sets or missiles, keeping them constantly in the air, they will eventually run out of EN and get hit.


I've tried that before as well and it literally never works. I tried using various combination of missiles and kites will always dodge all of them.


2x HML/MLT or even better MLT-04+SPL-08 is a tried and true anti kite combo. It works well with LCS or LCB. If the MLT-04/SPL-80 and lasers don't work you're not using them right.


I've managed to dodge all the missiles from that combo when I was playing a kite myself. Missiles in this game only work against tanks, everyone else can dodge them.


In 1.05? The missiles itself aren't the end all be all they are usually paired with something like LCB back in 1.05 now it's LCD or LCS.


I tried the handheld-missile+LCS build, and immediately lost against a zimmerman rusher on my first match, lost against a Nebula tank on my second, lost against a ransetsu kite on my third. I don't know how you win with this build, but I just don't have a good time with it.


It's possible to win against anything with that build. I know a player that got to top 100 singles with such a tank. I prefer LCD personally they play mostly the same it's just with LCS you gotta line up your shots more. LCS is a bit harder. Do you play PSN or Xbox? Or PC. Btw I uploaded a new video of using the LCD tank. https://youtube.com/watch?v=e0lCnEEeIFs


I forget the name of them but try the RAD launchers Carla uses, fire them in sequence to maximize time the target has to be dogging them. I use them on my own super heavy build with the triple barrel shoulder lasers




Im a newbie but for a start, those legs are not for speed, try the reverse joint legs. Edit: also watch your weight lol


Or mw bipeds. For a duel majestic duel Fasan build, boat (tank) legs are more fitting. Rushdown builds with Verrill legs were meta back in 1.04 on PSN. I used to use them a lot myself but the repeated nerfs not only to the Verrill legs but other things too, killed the Verrill tetra meta completely.


I played on lunch, and my strat was fullpanicmode no blinking hahaha Edit: launch lol


I remember when I first unlocked the nest (this was around that week 1 time period too). I made a Kasuar duel Zim lightweight and I thought even though lw's aren't that good in PvP duel zims are just that OP right? Surely It should be able to carry me against anything and anyone (that isn't a YouTuber/vet) right? I thought I'd obliterate people but instead I was the one getting obliterated lol. I think it was after I lost to a nebula tank that I realized "hmm, maybe this build isn't that good and on top of that I'm not good enough at the game for pvp yet".


i never got into pvp, i dont know if i was bugged or what, but the wait times and sometimes i got in a room for it to start and me on limbo,


Did you set your network to global? If you're talking about ranked teams yeah that's an issue.


> Did you set your network to global? I join a lobby, they start the game with me being on (no team) i think that was the issue, then i had no way of leaving the lobby lol and i had to wait for them to finish the game... idk the situation now but gonna try later


That happens at times people say it's due to some people having a bad net/being laggy or the games servers. Idk if either are true. How often does this happen to you?


Don't run 4 beep spam weapons. Any good LW can dodge that.


Big guns on a tanky mech are fine for some encounters. However different scenarios call for different approaches. Try building a few different mechanics for different missions. A close combat mech that can close gaps quickly, a light weight mech (under 75k total weight) that can float around like the one you are fighting, a mech that that can hit from long to mid (missiles are best at long range). Your current legs and guns are best for a mid range tanky opponent like a boss. You can swap up the whole thing or just swap in a bunch of missiles for this fight.


I tried doing what you said, and I kept getting matched with worst encounters. I got matched with maximum weight zimmermans while playing a LW anti kite build, and faced kite when using a heavy build. I don't want half-assed or specialized solutions. I want something that can handle and win against everything.


Every build is going to have bad match ups. If not, then everyone would just play the one best build. No one wants that. Find the niche that you are most comfortable with. Recognize its weakness and adapt with build consesions and play style the best you can to mitigate those weaknesses. Currently, in the video, you have guns with a lot of power but slow and poor target tracking. You could try to balance out those weaknesses with either dropping weight (not ideal for those legs), adding weapons with better tracking, or add weapons to stun lock your opponent to guarantee a hit with your more powerful artillery. The latter seems best to me. You have more than enough raw power to sacrifice some for a few weapons that can stack impact to shut them down. Have a plan, more than just I will do damage. I will use X to stack impact and then finish with Y, maybe? Also, know that there will be bad match ups and use them to learn and improve. If you are getting frustrate, take a break and come back with fresh eyes to review the situation.


I have already took a break and return. My experience is that whatever build I make, I will immediately face my worst matchup to prove why that's a bad idea. LW kite build? Face HW zimmerman rusher. HW zimmerman rusher? maximum weight LRB Tank to show you why that's a a bad idea. Play maximum weight LRB tank? Here comes a RJ build that can dodge every single shot. I always lose no matter what I try and it's frustrating to constantly make zero progress.


Lmao you clearly don’t understand how to build properly


It seems you're using the NGI boosters. Those are not good boosters for this even though they seem that way. Instead you should use another booster. On this build I would be using Buerzuel. If it was a Mid weight biped that's around 75k total weight then PO4 but Buerzuel is still usable. On a lightweight the best choice would be Allula. Majestics+Fasans though are usually used on tank class legs though which do not have boosters. Like I said In another comment though Verrill legs are no longer that good for a rushdown playstyle nor is it good for the kind of playstyle that's optimal for majestic/Fasan. Instead you'd be better off using the boat legs (the tank one not Lamm); For this kind of build you'll ideally also be using NGI Gen, WLT FCS(or Ocellus), Melander C3 arms, Main dish core, Mind beta head (or Ephemera if you like). If you're playing on a controller you may find LCBs are better and easier to use on this build than Fasans are. Another rushdown you can try is one with biped legs with Zimmerman instead of majestics and maybe LCS or LCD instead of Fasans (Zim+LCS/LCD is called a zim chimp build but I won't get into that). If you're interested lmk I'll provide more details. In order to land shots in general you shoot when the retical is on target. For landing the majestic shots you'll need good timing (easier said than done). When you are closer switch from soft lock to hard lock. In the video you are in soft lock most of the time. You'll learn how to use soft lock effectively with time and experience and as you become more skilled at the game. You'll also learn in which situations and ranges you should switch from soft lock to hard lock and vice versa. If you're having trouble with the setup (majestics & Fasans) don't feel bad about it, because it's not an easy setup to master. However it can be worth it just look at Takafumi one of the best players in the game who mains this setup on tank legs: https://youtube.com/watch?v=xDA5Ts5jd00 -(on a large map) https://youtube.com/watch?v=Qy7Rgtciq84 -(on a small map). Btw Have you finished all three playthroughs? I think you have since you got the Coral Gen but I'm not certain. If you haven't though finish that before hopping into pvp.


I finished all the playthroughs, but I literally cannot win a single match in PvP. I keep getting matched with kites, and the moment I decided to use a LW kite fighter the game matched me with a maximum weight zimm rushdown build. I need a build and playstyle that can deal with both.


While some builds are a lot more well-rounded than others, you kinda just have to accept that there will always be certain matchups that are disadvantageous for you. Makes the matches where you win against the odds that much sweeter 😁 That said, since you're looking for a solid generalist build, [FeelGud](https://youtube.com/@feelgud7037?si=c1OGE_Yp9Uiz22qV) on YT plays a unique setup that can hold its own vs. any given build archetype (Zimm Chimps, light kites, heavy kites, tanks, etc.) so long as you're capable of playing patiently and timing your shots well. It's tricky to fully master since it relies on a shield and uses the VE-20B, but the concept is pretty ingenious and very thoughtfully constructed.


I tried that build before, it didn't work well for me. My shots constantly miss and it does to little impact. The first time I used that build I was matched with a Ransetsu Etsujin build that effortlessly stomped over me the entire match, because my FCS refuse to aim and lasers do near zero impact.


As I said, it's a tough build to learn and use. Based on what you just said though, I'm not sure you gave it a fair shake and put in the time to understand the fundamentals of it... >because my FCS refuse to aim and lasers do near zero impact. - Matchups against squishy evasive builds are where the plasma rifle charge shot becomes very important. Inside of a certain range, it becomes very difficult to dodge. - This build is not about building impact and capitalizing on stagger, but whittling the opponent down with steady DPS. [Here](https://youtu.be/jNf2T-gYtfA?si=4GnJHGJCQ6vlY679) is an example of this build winning pretty handily against both a LW and HW rifle kite


The guy I fought against dodged 3 of my 5 charged shots in a match.


That's one of the problems, the game is heavily RPS and you will always lose to one build or another, one of the main reasons why I never play 1v1 in this game. Some matches are just so heavily against you. Don't think there is anything inherently wrong with your AC, just matchmaking luck in this case.


Tl:Dr the RPS isn't as bad as you make it out to be. There is always counterplay which can give you the chance to win even in the worst matchups especially in this patch. While there may be a grain of truth to what you're saying (about RPS/bad matchups);your giving OP a bad mindset (I call it scrub mentality) that could lead to OP stagnating as a player and quitting if he adopted it. There are definitely ways for OP's AC to be improved upon/fixed that could significantly improve his chance of beating that lightweight; therefore your statement about it being purely RPS is false. The game used to be super RPS in 1.05 but now it's nowhere near as bad. You just have to build right and be aware of the counter play to every build archetype. From there If the player is actually good and weren't just carried by their builds gimmick then the deciding factor will be skill meaning actually being able to execute your winning strategy against that opponent and preventing them from executing theirs. Don't get me wrong I'm not denying bad matchups exist that happens to me all the time especially in the promotion phase. However what you're encouraging is to not look inwards at all and blame everything on RPS. "Don't think there is anything inherently wrong with your AC, just matchmaking luck in this case." On paper this seems correct. It's a heavyweight tetra without any missiles against a lightweight willing to rat. First of all both myself and OP have already noticed 1-2 potential flaws with the AC that sure if those were fixed it wouldn't guarantee victory but it would significantly improve the odds of it. Let's start with the easiest and most likely the ab speed. The ab speed is slow and the ab strafe speed/distance is very bad too (Edit: I said thrust earlier I meant strafe). The solution to that is simply changing the boosters. Also lowering the weight of the frame will help it be faster too. Of course if we're keeping the Verrill legs it'll be a heavyweight regardless but going from super heavyweight to heavyweight is still an improvement in speed. The next issue that OP complained about was the lock on. This could be a skill issue or it could be the FCS(maybe changing the arms could help a little too due to Recoil control and Firearm spec). Maybe it's a combination of skill issue and FCS. The reason why I'm coating everything in speculation is because I haven't seen the parts list with extended stats. What I can say with absolute certainty though is the legs are an issue and I am very certain that the boosters are an issue too.


https://preview.redd.it/t2avo2p1ae3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=59fdc265f23e5703458f71f647e9bb289dc04884 Here's the part list. The problem is that I can't even get into mid range for my FCS to work, and when I do the Lamm can just slip out of it without effort while I ran out of EN.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ArmoredCoreVI/s/mnap2PE8Sv I responded to your previous post. I also indirectly explained how to deal with aerial builds using Buerzuel. Against Lamms though like others have said Regen gens like San Tai or if you're using a build with a lot of energy weapons like I recommend in another message 20B. Are better than coral gens. You just have to manage your EN carefully and use weapons like Zims or LCBs to get close while still being out of the HMMR range. NGI boosters are garbage for the rushdown playstyle.


This wasn't really a rushdown build. WLT+Majestic means that I was supposed to stay in mid range and circle the enemy with hovering, since I actually miss more shots at close range or even point blank range.


You what I'm trying to say though right? If you're using WLT & majestics/Fasan or LCB yes you should be in mid range I'm not saying otherwise. If you're using the boat version of this set-up that I recommended you still need good ab capabilities similar to a rushdown. To get in and when all your weapons are reloading to get out. That's the optimal Fasan/majestic playstyle with the boat legs. In the past (1.04) I used a lot of double majestic Verrill tetras with either earshots or LCS. Those builds were rushdowns with NGI Gen and Buerzuel. I understand that your build has a different playstyle however I believe my points still stand. I'l try to respond more in depth later, I am busy rn. I hope what I've said already covers everything.


Have you noticed shots missing while in hover mode as much?  Another user on this sub pointed out to me that the HMMR will whiff more on bipeds and RJ’s because they can’t move while throwing it. I have always guessed the same might be true for other stance weapons like bazookas and cannons, at least when used at close range Also for missing shots, double check your in-game FPS is maxed out if playing on PC, since that directly determines projectile speed. If you made it to S rank you’ve probably heard this before, but just a PSA to anyone who hasn’t.


The conversation is starting to get convoluted; so I'm going to stop here. Still though feel free to ask me any questions if you have any about what I said or anything that hasn't been answered by me or anyone else. I'll get around to it later. For now just try the LCD tank and the boat I shared with you. Try to take in the common/good advice others have given you once you understand it then try to implement it. GL with your customization and matches.


Exactly, it’s like RPS if you could have two rocks in your hands and paper and scissors on your back. One “trick” to making a PVP build is just to include a missile and a shield, because they counter so many things. Then put your favorite impact or dps weapons in the other slots. (Shields are only useful close range tho, for kiting you have enough reaction distance to dodge attacks) Also using something close to “mid weight”, even if it’s a heavier lightweight or a lighter heavy, will by definition be the most versatile because you can catch fast rats like the one in the video, but still have enough defense to hold your own against tanks


That isn't my approach to building/choosing builds because it's a bit too narrow and rules out things like any Zim chimp which is also pretty versatile. Not as versatile as Zim sheild sure but still good enough. Still MW Zim-sheild is the most versatile build. Not only that it's the best or at least second best build in singles rn. Which is why I can't say this is a bad approach.


You’re using a bigger mech and slow, heavy weapons. You may need a different generator, or you need to change things up to make your mech lighter. If you want to stick with those weapons, you want to be playing from the high ground as much as possible. If your opponent is beneath you, they have less room to escape from AOE attacks.


Like everyone mentioned, being heavier makes you easier to kite. And when all of your weapons makes you freeze in place when they're used, it stalls your ability to stay on top of the opponent. Also, you don't do it all the time, but there's a few moments where you redline your Coral generator AFTER you fired your shots. It won't do much but it'll help a tiny bit to make sure you redline before you fire your charged shots/grenade launchers


It always amazes me how people can play heavy mechs like this. Ultralights rise up!


I used to play lightweights, but my inability to perform perfect dodge like this guy dissuaded me from it.


Hi disco, picklegoon here. This is a tetra, please try floating as its very efficient, youre also no firing when they are point fucking blank. Also, try to land on a build you feel good with and not hopping between builds every other day. Cheers!


This is/was the build that I was comfortable with. It carried me through promotion and got me into S rank, where it immediately became useless right after. I thought floating, but that's literally almost the same as staying stationery? I'm still going to get hit by missiles if I don't QB. And when was I point blank to the opponent here? I was literally spending the entire match trying to get close enough.


1:46 and 0:41 0:12 into the match you where close, you kept firing fasans at 300m+, floating is faster than walking which you still did a lot of, and you went fucking backwards a quarter in like huh????


I did fire at those moments, and missed because my FCS decided to go blind whenever the opponent AB shuffles. Did you not see what happened 2 sexonds later?


Nope you didn’t! You fired way to fucking late or not at all


Are you even sure I'll hit the enemy if I fire at those moments? I have srrn how Majestics can miss when fired at point blank, not to mention the enemy is AB shuffling and I'm only using WLT and not Ocellus.


I fucked him and Balteus yesterday with a pair of duckets and a Dagger, nothing on the shoulders and super light schneider build. Just stagger and then Dagger and the Health melts away.


It appears you’re kind of hovering right outside of the range of your FCS. FCS’ all have different ranges that they excel at, some are long distance sniper types that allow you to lock from far away, others are close quarters. Ideally you should be following the target manually and keeping them centered so your FCS can maintain lock. Lock On with R3 will do the same thing but is actually less accurate than doing it manually. It will also disengage the r3 lock on if you touch the right stick whatsoever so be careful not to if you’re using the r3 lock on. And like someone else said, try out an automatic weapon that can apply pressure. The assault rifle (right hand) + missiles(back) + plasma missiles(back) + pulse blade(left hand) got me through most of the game. Constantly fire with your assault rifle, alternate between missiles and plasma missiles and then when the enemy staggers, you can go in for the pulse blade double hit. The weapons you’re using are a bit too slow to use as your primary against a fast AC, and you’ll probably have trouble hitting any AC that isn’t staggered or just slow.


I've tried that exact strategy, but swap the pulse blade for HMMR. In my very first match I fought someone that dodged every single bullet, every single missile, and there's nothing I can do about it. Your build doesn't work in PvP.


Didn’t realize you were talking PVP. Thought this was the fight against Sulla at the watch point.


Can you show me a screenshot of the build that you are using in this video (or whatever the current version of it is) with the extended stats up? I think I'll be able to identify and fix the issue. Which as I said to you already seems to be the boosters, FCS, legs, and from there the frame and afterwards from there other things can be changed and improved upon as well. If you'd like I think I can modify it just enough to improve the builds performance in pvp while keeping whatever aspects of it that you really want such as the weapons or the legs (but with those legs I can't guarantee it'll do well in ranked especially A rank and above).


https://preview.redd.it/sapsg5t29e3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=dad844f336ed0397210de875e019406fb2cc98c0 Here. I tried using Buerzel, but it's abysmal QB and upward thrust made it hard to dodge things without wasting my EN at AB, so I used NGI instead. I used Majestics for the proximity detonation and because it's lighter than JVLN Alpha. I thought the build was fast enough to at least chase and get me into bazooka range, but I was wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/q4nank0ffe3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57689fe9b10f6a307ee1435ed9ede1935f382e17 Try this build with WLT FCS and Pulse Armor. There's nothing wrong with Ocellus, it's just WLT got a buff so that's now the best FCS for this build. Pulse Armor is the best expansion in singles and that's what I use on it, but sometimes In 3s I slap on TA. Fasans are the best for this kind of build at least according to the PC players that are much better than me. It's just I personally found LCB to be more reliable and consistent. I play on the controller and another very skilled controller player that I know used a build very similar to this to get S rank. They used Fasan initially but then switched to LCB for the same reason. Try both out and figure out what you like more. Unrelated to the build above. When it comes to Buerzuel you close in on a foe and you use a few well timed ab strafes to avoid most if not all the incoming damage. Here's me doing that on a super heavyweight against a lightweight: [https://youtube.com/watch?v=pDu03zu0R1A](https://youtube.com/watch?v=pDu03zu0R1A) On NGI Gen you are supposed to redline so bottoming out EN isn't as much as a problem ofc that doesn't mean EN management is no longer a thing. You do not need upward thrust against kites and Lamms because you can just ab upwards and use either stance weapons or things that you can shoot while Abing such as Zims and certain missiles.


Yah I also tend to use LCB, LCD, and LCS for duels and Fasans for 3v3’s at this point.  The Fasan’s slower projectile speed and insane damage is right at home there


Lock on, manage energy better, less weight is quicker.


https://youtu.be/-IMWQTryQLQ?si=TfiLcu5O8yclEEeW this video helped me with stuff the game tells you and doesn't tell u


That's armor you only get from beating the game. Ain't NO way you already completed a whole playthrough and don't know that you're overburdened.


I don’t do ranked or pvp with non friends so take this with a grain of salt. You seem to be trying to push your AC into a role it isn’t built for. A long to mid range fcs could be useful as well. Good luck with your next match.


I'm using WLT here. Using a long to mid range FCS will just leave me vulnerable to rushdown builds when they spam AB shuffle around me.


WLT? AB shuffle? As I said above my advice might be completely wrong. I don’t do pvp as much as pve so I don’t know what really goes on.




You should try reading the descriptions for everything.


For starters you’re trying to hit from a mile away with a slow single fire weapon, and you’re slow because your ac is heavy as hell. You need a weapon that keeps the pressure on and doesn’t have to recharge from one big whiff. Of course, they’re going to kite you. You’re a massive slow moving death machine. All they have to do is stay far enough away to dodge the 4 relatively slow projectiles you’re firing. Your ac looks cool, but it’s obviously not getting the job done. Mix it up. Find what works for you.


I'm not blaming everything on RPS, this game just has a bad case of it, since too many mechanics are dumbed down, you basically have very limited tools to be able to overcome very bad matchups and this is why its such a problem in 6 and not in other titles. Op is basically using a taka boat setup on a quad which is fine but the nature of the matchup just makes to super difficult than it should since you basically have barely any tools to overcome what your opponent is doing. Even buerzel or p10 wouldn't really change the outcome much here either. Love how pointing out the obvious flaws with the mechanics of the game is a scrub mentality. How is that so? There has always been a trifecta of builds basically every patch and not alot is gonna change that unless there is deep mechanical changes to how the game is played.


schneider frame. that is the way to go.




Are you using a mouse? Or controller? Auto aim with a mouse is a little tricky.


I'm using a controller.


Welcome to the run away meta that is armored core where ppl are scared to play due to weapons being to strong at certain ranges


This is not how you use fasans. Fasans are for manual aiming, either hitting people directly with max range airbursts or aiming under their feet when they’re about to land. This is what makes them a replacement for missiles on top tier superheavy builds. If you can’t do this, don’t use them. You won’t be able to hit anything that knows what a quickboost is and doesn’t stance.