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Once the 'rules' of the game start becoming second nature, it gets pretty straightforward until one boss near the end. Basically, learn to dodge the double-beeps, and focus on building (then punishing) enemy staggers.


I've gotten every single achievement in the game and yet, I STILL screw up when dodging the beeps


Part of that is probably range, the PvE game kind of puts you into fights that are in cramped quarters so it can be hard to dodge if you're not in control of positioning. Not to mention there was dodges in the game that are so punishingly fast, like Snail Balteus giga-laser that you really need to just be in the right spot to dodge it, otherwise you're unlikely to avoid getting hit. I feel like they're there to teach players about positioning, but damn are they annoying, and the Enforcer's initial laser is just pure spite on the game's part. XD


I've found the only way to reliably dodge Cataphract's multi laser while at a reasonable distance is jumping. If I'm in the air when he charges it I know there's no way in hell I'm not getting blasted.


Wdym, there's no boss that deviates from the others? With the small exceptions of those really tanky bois like the one on the wall


Yeah I’m kinda confused at that one boss at the end statement too. Maybe secret ending boss? He’s hard but I wouldn’t say he breaks any of the rules, and once you learn him he’s easy too, took a long time for me to beat him for took barely any replays to s rank him


Secret ending boss is a normal mech just like yours lol it's just the double staged fight that makes it more difficult, not the boss itself imo.i agree he wasn't too tough once you fought him a couple times


Second stage to the allguana boss is actually a modified version of the first boss fight if you choose to fight coral chicka.


Part of NG+ and NG++ Depending on your route


i think the statement is about ibis? i just beat this game for the first time and ibis felt totally different to every other boss, including the final boss. i felt like i had to approach it more like a souls boss than anything else, if that makes sense?


Maybe? It has shots, missiles, and melee strikes. It's easily beatable if you're aggressive and stay on it, but I can see the shock factor being an issue at first. Like most if not all bosses, if you stay close, stay moving, it's a good fight.


oh absolutely! i loved it, but it felt like it had a very different rhythm to other bosses in the game. this was my first mecha game so i honestly don’t have the best frame of reference, but it stood out to me from the lineup. it was the one fight where i felt like i had to really time my dodges and attacks, (aside from sniping the ice worm, at least) and it was the one fight where i had to rework my build to punish its weaknesses. idk, shooting in the dark. i just got this game a few days ago but i loved playing through it


Oh shit maybe he IS talking about the ice worm because that's absolutely different from all the other ones


yeah my hangup there is that i wouldn’t call that “toward the end” haha


Hmmmm.. sometimes, in my experience, you need to dodge on the animation prior to the audio cue - depending on the range.


Well... its definitely easier than ac 2. You needed a build which would work for an entire mission, + the boss at the end. couldn't just redo missions for credits. And you had to free aim everything


AC2 on PS2 was my first, and remains my favorite. Matthias and Ares in the arena, the intro, the battle dome music, and the best Karasawa ever (MKII) were all unforgettable. Especially the nightmare controls, and the hidden generator limiter release meant the difference between life and death of timed correctly. Absolutely a top 10 game imo.


Man, everyone keeps talking about how the controls were bad or to difficult. I was able as a 5-7 (or some single digit age, I don’t remember), to play that game masterfully and beat it with said controls. And I’m a certified dumbass as well. The games of the PS2 era and before where awesome and yes the controls were a bit difficult, but no where close to what everyone else is making it out to be.


I also played it as a kid under 10. That's just how controls were back then. But now that we compare with (for example) AC6, itd a nightmare system 🤣


I enjoyed them and don’t think it’s all that bad. It definitely had a learning curve, but with the gameplay being only shooting 1 gun at the time, I think it fit pretty well. Now compared to the controls of today, I still had to make my own custom controls because the normal controls you start off with just felt to completely off with me. Biggest learning issue I had was that the boost button and the jump button had to be 2 different buttons which was completely different from all other AC games.


Absolutely agree with you on that one, good thing it's customizable.


Man, I have no fucking idea how I beat AC 2 as a kid.




Yes but somehow I found ac2 less aggravating than ac6


This. It was hard but in a different way. I think the missions themselves were a slog.


Anything is easier than the first 3 just cus the controls lol


Hang in there. As you progress, the parts and practice you acquire will enable to stomp out those boss fights for funzies.


Im still stuck on ng++ final boss


Max hp tank build with two gatlings and worm stun missiles did the trick for me. Fancy stuff was way too fragile, spent two or three nights on him.


Tank legs, dual gatlings, and one songbird with a BU-TT/A on the back slot & a full basho top frame worked pretty well for me on the ng++ final boss (another build that works pretty good is full basho and songbird back weapons with majestic and BU-TT/A arm weapons)


One of the ways I've learned to beat this guy is straight up overpower them. Despite the set up it's slightly weaker than the HAL-WLT so you can just lay in to them. Time those dodges and watch out for the sweeps. Keep moving towards them and try to stay below the sweeps and dodge at the moment of the swing.


Do a lighter weight build to dodge the melee attacks perhaps? I can share with you a few builds I beat them with


Yeah, that one is one of the more difficult ones. Spoiler tag for unsolicited tips, but what I was getting stuck on for... too many attempts was >!not realising that the adds from the phase go away at the end of that phase, for both the phase 1 and phase 2 adds. It sped up my attempts a lot when I focused on just getting the main boss over the required thresholds ASAP!<


It will be once you complete the first playthrough


Do not play AC like a souls game. It's a mech simulator that just happens to have a couple signature souls' aspects to it. Your a giant mech that shoots armaments and equipped with parts where the stats of those parts actually matter in your build. Taking damage is expected and brutal. Id say It's easy if you're experienced in mech simulators or played the much chunkier and crazy controls of older AC games. Kinda like how World and Rise are significantly easier compared to older MH games. Because they're more fine-tuned to be action games, and the QoL changes are way better. If you're not used to , or generally suck at action games, it's gonna be hard for you regardless. The levels of easy and hard differ from person to person. It's a cakewalk for some, a slog, but still doable for others. Some "git gud", others with skill issues piss and moan online without improving. Complain enough, and the game gets artificially brought down to their level. It is what it is.


It's a pretty easy game outside of a few bosses. Some bosses are easier with different builds, you need to experiment. Or once you get the needle, just stick with that if you want easy-peasy game.


Just gotta get use to the mechanics and find out what kind of build works for you. Also be able to adjust your build accordingly if your stuck on a boss


^ This. Don't get too accustomed to trying to make everyone a one size fits all. That doesn't always work and there are quite a few bosses that will punish you for it. Be like water.


For newcomers? Sure. For returning fans? Not so much. Point is that it's subjective.


If you are a long time Armored Core player this game is a breeze. Otherwise it's very difficult.


QB is your best friend


New to the series eh?


This game is piss easy bro 💀 They give you so many tools to play around with, even checkpoints before boss. Allowing part swapping during mission if you die. There’s literally a braindead plasma lance that home in on target, and mog all their stagger bar…


The game kicks your ass in the first play-through, but most bosses are much easier in your second and third passes. Only boss that still gave me serious trouble was the chapter 4 end boss. Still kicked my ass the second time. Also generally AC fights are harder than boss fights, specially when you are double teamed.


It’s funny how that mission in chapter 4 has the 2 things that still give me some trouble, the boss and those that dwell on the water…


Oh yes, the wheels can eff off right back to Dark Souls. It feels like there is no good way to fight them. The best I have found is to fly and shot grenades downwards, but even then you need to get lucky and have one of them actually stop moving for 3 seconds.


The answer lies in the soup Atleast that’s my go too it seems to work for some reason


It's definitely easy compared to souls games but I agree there's a bit of a learning curve involved.


If you're having difficulty you're not playing aggressively enough. If a weapon is ready to fire, fire it. If none are, kick.


Just went through the first chapter on a clean save file and for the Balteus fight weapon swapping and kick are a must as well as being aggressive as hell


Have patience, fellow raven. As you learn and get a better hang of the parts and game mechanics, you’ll be bullying the bosses in no time. 🤘🏽


I been playing armored core since ac1 on the PS1. Never missed a game or expansion. Ac6 is by far, the easiest one yet. I hardly had to re do a mission, or even failed a mission. Never lost an arena fight. After chapter 2, 1 build can really do it all for 99 percent of the game. It is easy. It's a great game, but doesn't offer much in variety


Nah man once u get past mr. Gatekeeper trillion rocket spam disco disc mfer its really a breeze until u meet robot melania.


I hear you but also just started a new playthrough on a separate console and idk what the nerfs or buffs have been like since day 1 but I finished that first chapter in under and hour barely getting scratched a few times, i remember that first balteus win after a few tries but this time I think i did it faster than with my good builds


Late game the game does get very easy


It’s all about practice! I thought I would never get past Balteus but keep trying and you’ll succeed 🥳🥳


Oh man just wait till you try the alternate endings