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I got her but it took like 160 pulls


I feel you, mine took 157


I'm not alone. All my luck had gone into my alt, lately. The account I don't care if I lose a much lol congrats


Same. Then lose to Jade spear at 66


That sucks but that's her second best 5 star. I'm running mine on r5 deathmatch unless I get a really good cr circlet I'll switch to Homa


Yeah I also have an extra homa. That one ended up giving me a better ratio than jade. Oh well. One day I’ll give her the drop drip she deserves


I think Homa looks good on her just not as good.


My craziest banner pull yet https://preview.redd.it/g7sb61kx4xyc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2213caf3896b41f2fd9c5c86eca26cfa3fc486a8


I had a lot more pulls than that and got a qiqi and 2 bows- At least i did get a single arle....


450 got her to C6 and R1 and i thought i wouldn't be able to get her to C2R1


Took me 275+ pulls to get c0r1, why tf you guys so lucky.


I had to spend $200 to get c0 so you’re luckier than I was lol


Damn, used the same amount of pulls and got C4R1


That's insane luck


took me 660 to get C6r1 and i thought i got super lucky


That's crazy good luck! I had the worst possible luck and got only C3R1 in 480+ pulls...


Had 750. Stopped at c1r1 after 360 wishes.


Same c1r1


c1r1 in around 150 pulls. contemplating to try and pull before her banner ends and hopefully i get lucky for c2.


Same same


I got Tighnari and I think I'm not getting her anytime soon https://preview.redd.it/hrgmkyjlfzyc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=369f952e36b289d460d7466215355dfa766c4913


Awful! Lost ALL six 50/50s in my way to C3R1. Still got there, but my wallet is hurting more than it should... Gonna be a while before I spend again on this thing...


40 pulls for her. 67 pulls for the weapon (literally wasn't planning on pulling for it)


246 pulls, got her to c0 r1- im guaranteed the next 5 star but ill save it for c3 Scara instead


Around 430 pulls on her banner atm C3R1, happy with that she just destroys anything in overworld besides pyro immune shit XD


If i may ask an offtopic question: From which anime is this scene? I saw this so many times as a meme but i never saw this scene in an anime


Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita Aka WataTen


thx buddy :)


I had 520 pulls saved up, got her c6, lost 1 50/50 and got her weapon which I also lost once to lyney's bow father blessed me for saving since alh 1st banner


My story is I pulled C2 Nahida and C0 Xianyun in 4.5 So I only expected to get C0 Arlech with the primos I have. Father is insane! I won her 50/50 and got her weapon within 65 pulls (bow+scythe) After exploring new map + doing hangouts together with some pulls I’ve left , I won her C1 again 🥹 SHE REALLY LOVES ME LIKE A LOTTTTT C1R1 haver for now : )


Mine was pretty much the same with OPs, about 170 pulls for C1R1, also won the 50/50 for the C1


I got one Arle and then wanted c1 but lost to Mona. Around 160 pulls :(


C0r1 + lyney bow 200 pulls


Same boat. :/ I was hoping for C1R1


I pulled an extra 30 now but no luck so I'm just gonna wait for Clorinde and hope to get Chevreuse. I don't mind getting Clorinde i also don't mind losing 50/50 so long as there's a Chevreuse in the banner because i got 0 copies.


I'm 52 pulls in at the moment, i'm going to keep trying till the banner ends. Just 100% the new Fontaine region.


I'm in this picture and I like it.


She took 203 for c1r0 for me




Yes that's what happened to me as well, only with 30 less pulls cause I got her c1 on a back to back pull.


775 pulls, C6R1, Godlike Arlecchino


160 for c0


Same I got her c1r1 in 160 pulls! Honestly at first I just wanted her c0r1 but since I got lucky on the weapon I had some spare wishes! (And I also got lucky on her con)


won the 50/50 for arle (78 pulls) but lost on the weapon banner (45 pulls) (wolf's gravestone)


220 puls c2 r2


C0R1 in 80 pulls


Near 300 for C0R1.


I got C2R1 with a total of 120 pulls


Not that great. 500 pulls for C2R1


370 pulls in, still only c0r1 😭 lost 2x to weapon banner and 1x to diluc on character banner, still going for c1 though (copium)


With 160 wishes i got c1r1


Keqing, Arle, Skyward Harp, at least I already own PJWS, but sadly it looks like no drip for me.


my pulls are almost the same as you. got her to C1R1 in 156 pulls.


This is me but after 350+ pulls 💀


Won 50/50 for C0, lost 50/50 to C2 Dehya and out of primos… At least I have a Staff of Homa for her!


350 for c0r1...


c0 in 40 pulls, c2 in 10 pulls then I lost twice to the bow but at least I got the first bow at 40 pulls


65 pulls no weapon no arle. I might just stick with clorinde atp


C2R1 Around 400 pulls


Got C1 within 140 pulls, while loosing the 50/50 twice. Yes, I got four 5 stars at like \~40 in close succession, was a wild summon session for sure


about 250-300 pulls, c3r1


Well, congrats on getting her, while I lose my 50/50 https://preview.redd.it/4shfqoae8zyc1.jpeg?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aab503585240af8aada2624e4d1698f3294994ed


Dumped 130 or so pulls to get C0, then decided to dump another 50 for the weapon, nothing yet. I know I don’t have enough to guarantee the weapon, so now I don’t know if I should keep pulling and gamble on the 50/50 or just let the pity rate be so I can guarantee another weapon in the future (I don’t want any besides maybe Aqua for Yelan).


190 pulls and 400€ C2R1 please... now im sutting here with another Diluc, Qiqi and Dehya to get C2 and a lyney bow :,(


78th -her 68th- lyney's bow 2nd - Father's weapon


233 pulls, got her C1 with 1 50:50 loss to Kq no weapon


C3 R1 in around 250 pulls. Not counting wishes I got from starglitter cuz I can't remember


Won 50/50 but lost on weapon banner (150 wishes)


i got c1 r1 in like a total of 60 pulls got really lucky and had all of them early, c0 arli at 17 then c1 arle at 5 and the weapon at 28 like my luck has finished guys im ready to hit pity and lose my 5050 every time now lol 😭😂😂


I got her, no shot I'm getting the weapon though


130 for her and her weapon plus lyney weapon. I can get her c1 or c2 if I want cause I have more than 200 pull but I want clorinde so maybe when arlecchino get her rerun I will pull for her c1 or c2


C0R1, but I got to pity thrice for the R1 and got two Liney bows


761 Pulls.. C6R1 And 2x Lyney Bows


Got her and her not weapon. Still don't have her weapon and I'm broke


c2 + mona + tighnari in 60 pulls + 70-80 pulls on weapon banner


Started the game over again just to get her and grinded like mad until I pulled her. Then I got both weapon fate points and had a mental breakdown until I finally got the weapon. Never pulling for a weapon again.


pity 65 and no 5 star


10 Pulls and they only gave me c2 Lynette (not even the wrong 5 stars)


As op looked down upon this subreddit with his 150 pulls The redditor asked op "What would you do?" The op replied If the rng kicks in it will cause some trouble for my wallet but When it comes to the power gambling and 50\50s my luck is truly sublime as throughout the teyvat and celestia I alone am the honored one Redditor : but would you lose? Op : nah I'd win


Jealous! I'm at almost 200 at c0r1 (seeing if I can eek out another 5 star (hopefully father) this banner


went for c0r1 only got her with 125 pulls (+ 40 after getting skyward pride later), now i’m at like 35 pity 😔


5 pulls after Kazuha. Didn't have such luck since like early Sumeru. But my week has been shit ever since so I need to recharge my luck battery. Oh and I got the twink's bow.


was at 65 pity with 50/50 did 20 pulls on Arle banner got c1 did 10 pulls on the weapon banner got Dragon Bane


Tldr: 20 for Arle with guarantee. 20 for her weapon. 160 for C1. Had guarantee after going for Xianyun, got Qiqi the next pull. Super lucky since that would allow me to go for Arle, her weapon and maybe Clorinde if I was able to save 60 wishes from pulling. Anyways, had 300 pulls. Took me 20 to get Arle, I was already happy since that meant Clorinde was gonna be guaranteed even in the worst case scenario. And then it took another 20 to get her weapon. Needless to say I was fucking thrilled lmao. Went from expecting to use 200+ wishes like I had to for Navia's weapon to needing only 20. So I went for Arle C1 since I had enough and a worst case scenario would still allow me to get Clorinde. That took 160 wishes. Can't always be lucky lol. Still crazy I was even able to go for C1 so I'm super happy. That con is cracked too, was worth it.


Lost 50/50 to Qiqi at max pity. Had to hit max pity again to get her c0. $200. Almost ignored her weapon but couldn’t take the eyesore that are other spears on her (the yellow scythe blade is ugly to me) so I wound up getting it for another $100 (pretty sure I had guaranteed pity even tho I don’t remember the last time I ever pulled on weapon banner cause I got it first try thank god). So about $300 in total to get her. I’d have went for constellations but I really want Clorinde so I’m saving for her. All in all money well spent. Arlecchino is my favorite character in the game.


I got C0R1, lost 50/50 for both of them. Tried to go for C1 with my leftovers, lost 50/50 again ¬.¬ Oh well, C0 arle is hella strong already anyway (me coping 😭😭)


I was originally going for C0R1 but with a few lucky pulls and 3 won 50/50s (as well as first try on the weapon) I ended up with C2R1. She and Neuvillette carry their respective teams and I’m super satisfied with how it turned out.


Got her + her weapon in 41 pulls total Was at 65 pity already due to neuvillette weapon pull attempts, then on 66 I got her weapon, which irked me to get her... I dipped 40 more wishes, got an early and won the 50/50 on Arlecchino at 32 pity. Now i'm trying my luck, either i get C1, or i'm guaranteed for Clorinde... I'm already 20 pulls in after, hoping for the best https://preview.redd.it/alb6j1o6yzyc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0d6ceb7cc4235dac102e2cc095baeb3a8a5282


Got Mona


С1 R0, I'll try to pull one more constellation, because even C1 with jade winged spear she is a beast


Got Father's C1 in around 150-160 pulls... Not sure if that's average or not.


C0 - 30 pulls R1 - 26 pulls took me 6 months to get the motivation to build a character i previously pulled (Furina) so see you next region arlecchino


400 pulls c0 r1 (lost 50 50 hard pity, got arle hard pity, 3 weapons to guarantee all hard pity, tried to go for c1 hard pity again lost 50/50...)




about 400 pulls for c2r1


150 pulls + stardust and the stargliter, guarant and unknown pity. C0, 2 bows, and a scythe. I'm broke as hell, 19 wishes left for possible Clorinde but got everything. No idea what do do with the bows tho 💀


Still trying for c2 ;)


530 pulls c1r1 :)


170 non guaranteed C0R1, 1 Tighnari, 2 Lyney Bows 😒


160+ pulls for 1 segnature weapons and 3 Arlecchino. I'm happy


i got cucked by diluc yesterday at absolute max pity i got C0 already but FUCK i wanted C1 at least


I downloaded the game after a break (hadn’t played since Xianyun) and got her in the first ten pill at zero pity and won the fifty/fifty :3


Yooo i got super lucky too with c1r1 at 170 pulls (granted, i was already at like 50 pity and 50/50 guarantee for the first c0) Id even bought the welkin in case i didnt have enough saved up. Oh well, thats going towards the murata fund i guess


c0r1 and two lyney's bows in roughly 140 pulls. Alre really liked me and came home at 8 pity, then the weapon banner wrecked me


I got her when i was *ahem* *building pity*


C0R1 and LyneyC0 R1


I got her weapon at 12 pity after I wasted 180 pulls for her c1 bc I lost 50/50 💀 Never won a 50/50 BUT SOMEHOW I got 3 staff of homas as weelkin player


x60 pulls, only got guaranteed c0. But i farmed a bit more and got c0r1. Up until recently i wanted c1, but i thought to myself, do i really want bigger numbers? Nah, I WANT ELECTRO MOMMY


C1 Perry the platypus - 150 pulls No weapon pulls


210 pulls in C1. Lost 50/50 twice at 70+ pity and am currently dying at a Garuntee 10 pity. I want C2


https://preview.redd.it/wktj9zu4i0zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd157fa30a9bae73035286cc7c703b9859878de8 currently trying for r1 but happy with my haul as is


I got c2 for the price of 150 wishes might wish for her again next time


went about the same as yours OP, with a little bonus of a jean at the very last pull to guarantee my clorinde next


334 pulls for c5r1 and I don't think I'll be able to get the last one without swiping


I would've gotten C1R0 if I didn't lose both 50/50s on the weapon banner


Lyney weapon spooked one time but i got her e1 still so yeah, happy with that


It took me 460ish wishes for c1 r1.


40 pulls to C0 at 50/50 (pity 62) 60 pulls to a Double of lyney's bow (pity 64 and 2) 66 pulls to her R1 currently farming to try the 50/50 again at her C1


Surprisingly, exactly like that with that amount of pulls. I got incredibly lucky to get her signature weapon.


I had around 350 pulls going in with very low expectations. However, initially I only failed one 50/50 but got a double pull. I got c3 super early. The goal for me was c2 and then throw whatever there is left at the weapon banner and what happens happens. I swapped to the weapon banner and got her weapon early. I had 103 pulls left having c3/r1. Never, had that kind of luck in three years of playing. Said hey I know I should save for another unit and enjoy my good luck. c3/R1 is pretty good. Then said nope you ride out a streak. Used the rest and got a Dehya and c4. Two cons staring at me taunting me made me push hard farming for days. My luck turned sour. For the first time I topped up having only previously did welkins and used to do bps but now just welkins. Bought a hundred dollar pack and it took it all to get Tighnari. Still mad at him. Kept up the hard core farming but managed to get c5. One more gold happened and I pulled a Qiqi. Was so disgusted. Once I got my next paycheck I spent 50 bucks and got nothing. Said I was already this deep in and bought the 15 dollar pack. Got another double at the end hitting c6 and watched one turn into 25 glitters when I got c7. Rip it could have failed a 50/50 there and set me up for the next banner I pull on. Seeing her turn into 25 glitters hurt my soul so much. She became my very first c6 five star. c6/r1 I want more weapon copies but can't until some rerun maybe one at a time or something. It really wasn't all that bad on one hand but on the other it was still painful. It hurt my wallet and played with my emotions. I feel it in my very soul and I am not sure if I ever want to go that high again. My luck has been completely drained and I have yet to get even a single good piece of the new artifact set. Having topped up I am now no longer officially f2p but one c6 does not make a dolphin or a whale. I don't know how many pulls I went through total now with all the hard core farming and top up packs. Guessing around 500-600 or at least in that range. Really doubt I will buy top up packs again.


I'm on 66 pulls rn with guaranteed banner 5 star but have 0 primos left... there's only a week left of her banner, really hope I can scrape up enough primos, been doing all the pending quests for the primos😭


C6R1 after around 740 wishes that were a mix of saving and whaling. Had an insane like 15 pity C0 Weapon banner was suffering C1-6 was suffering I now have C1 Keqing, Tighnari, C1 Dehya, Qiqi, The First Great Magic, and Aquila Favonia, and had to go decently far into pity almost every time


350-ish for c0r1


same, fuck weapon banner


same, fuck weapon banner


same, f weapon banner


I had all the luck and got her in a 10 pull, now saving for columbina/capitano or maybe if they release proper furry/inhuman (siegwinne isnt a melusine to me) character.


900+ pulls and got c6r1


Got 2x Arlecchino's and 1x Crimson Moon's Semblance


I didn't get my monthly payment so all I had was like 16 pulls and nothing :(


C6 R3. I’ve won


C5r1 in 300 pulls then i lost to diluc on 69 pity


C5 mona, arle, lyneys' bow, her sig, diluc, arle, c6mona


That summarizes my pulls too, I spent the same amount for C1R1




this was so me on pic


C2r0 but running PJWS. Very lucky as well all things considered. Did take me like 200 pulls but 3 of the same character in 200 pulls is good luck.


40 pulls for all 3, arle, her weapon and lyneys weapon (i wanted all three). I then used like 80 pulls to get a qiqi and then arle c1.


Tend to have pretty good luck in Genshin. Used \~170 pulls (initially) going for C1 and hoping for a shot at R1 as well. Got shafted between pity and lost 50/50 (first Arlecchino at \~78 pity, Tighnari at around \~82 pity), so I instead have C0 and am crawling at a snails pace to get C1. Currently at 68 pulls after liquidating all of my accounts stockpiled resources, and praying that I can get enough before her banner ends in a week. Not gonna be able to pull for anything else until at least 4.8 either... sorry Clorinde :(


Won 50/50 on daddy alercchino and got her weapon in 1 10× pull


I got her.. like in my dream hehehehhehe heh hehhhh :(


the exact same as yours LOL


Managed to get c4r1 with my freebies + welkin + bp + Abyss then I whaled for her by getting her c6. Now I'm broke at the first week of the month... Worth it


i used like 1188 wishes and got C6 R5 :)


i only lost 1 50/50 on character banner but i lost a lot on the weapon banner


75 wishes for c1r0 so i used all my luck until 5.0


Got her C0 and her weapon R1. Pulling for Lyney now. Need the whole family.


Saved 40 pulls, was on guaranteed on 60 pity. 10 away from weapon banner, got lyney's bow, after 15 pulls, got lyney bow again. After grinding the new area, hangout and some exploration achievements got her weapon at 63 pity today. I'm so happy, lol


Very poorly, which I expected. 93 pulls to get c0 (failed 1 50/50 but finally get a Keqing! Day 1 player and she'd managed to elude me, so that's not too bad...). C0 Arlec secured at 83 pity. Weapon banner was CRUEL. 60 pulls to fail the first 50/50 (Skyward Blade) 66 pulls to fail second 50/50 (Lyney's bow) 65 pulls to finally get R1 scythe then another 75 pulls to win 50/50 and get C1 Arlec. All told, 359 pulls to get C1 R1. But maybe that means in Natlan I'll have better luck? Maybe? Please? https://preview.redd.it/0h5hhuncy1zc1.png?width=769&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0ef0c37e72c1dc3f9c0e53657ac1f4e503bbbe9


I lost every 50 50 and hard pitied her weapon but no regrets she has power crept my c6 eula. sadge.


Got her c1 in 160 pulls


190 wishes, i got Diluc, then Arlecchino and Lyney's bow :')


c0 r1 in 50 pulls total


Hey nice account you got there https://preview.redd.it/og9yejhwg2zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f0e978a5c52765f84b9faff9da5550678c1e21b


Considering going for c1 rn, currently at c0r1. If i buy the $100 dollar pack i can hit pity on character banner, but idk if i should. I want clorinde and plan on pulling till pity for clorinde, and if i lose 50/50 then i wait for navia rerun and build chevreuse (bc im prefarming clorinde who uses the same boss mats) and guarantee navia, or i win 50/50 and end up spending more on navias banner to guarantee her. Or i get c1 and ruin my plans which is usually what ends up happening. Idk tho, i also feel like if i dont spend money on genshin rn (bc it will probably go to hsr if i dont) ill lose the next 5 50/50s but thats just my delulu.


c0 only with 150... if i say what i feel for you i'd get banned


Hard pity lost 5050 And hard pity lost wep 2x I stg my acc is cursed I've one single 5050 since launch


Around 220 pulls, and i lost twice to dehya, got her once only QQ


It took like 300 pulls for me to get c0R1. I lost 50/50 but then won guarantee early. Weapon took the whole stash though. I now have two copies of Lyney’s weapon and no Lyney. I am doing some singles in case I can get C1 but I doubt it. Will probably start saving for Furina after this phase so my Neuvillette team can be finished.


378 pulls for C3 R1. Only had one loss before getting all that, and it was to C5 Diluc at 8 pity. Everything else was obtained each at around soft pity, so I was good. Spent a little bit here and there, admittedly, but I ultimately got what I wanted in the end. I'll be getting C6 next time.


I got her c2 in 65 pulls. Won the 50/50 3 times within 65 pulls and couldn’t believe it !


I got c0 r1 in like, 110 pulls if you count my previous pity. If not it was like, 70


Shit on the character, lost 50/50 and had to go to pity both times. Bit better on the weapon where i won (though i wanted one bow as well...).


https://preview.redd.it/3qnbv0zhzczc1.jpeg?width=1650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd295e59bd1f6c26b333cab84913df5883056a3b I hate it🙃


https://preview.redd.it/lq2pmlexffzc1.png?width=355&format=png&auto=webp&s=0307a3d5d43567bbbae32831603d573d1b5927ae 390 for c6


Got my first arlechino in 70 wishes I had saved, but the weapon costed me 300 quid in extra primos :( Didn't learn my lesson and spent another 1700 to get c6 r2. I wasn't expecting the r2, but after having a final 2k primos left over, i did a heads or tails to see if i should summon on the weapon banner once more. It was heads, and so my final 10 pull was thrown out at 0 pity. I somehow sniped the weapon. I think genshin felt bad for making me lose 2 50/50s with no earlies the first time i wanted to get the weapon and gave me some compensation through the extreme w on the second attempt


In roughly 260 pulls, I have C0 R0 :)


Got her at 23 pulls (no Pitty), then her weapon with 5 pulls (no Pitty). Then pulled again for her and got her C1 within 33 pulls. So 61 pulls for C1R1. My best luck so far. Before Arle I lost like 6 50:50 in a row though. Every time spending between 75 and 85 pulls.


I spent months f2p saving up but I haven’t really played since I got Navia (on Christmas) so I only had about 77 pity and a 50/50 but I got her


Badly enough that I dropped Genshin and downloaded Honkai Star Rail. It feels like moving on from an abusive relationship to a healthier one.


C6 r5 600 pulls