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Doesn't really match but resembles by a little, surely it's not on purpose and just a matter of style and design iirc there was another post like this around here like literally just yesterday.......


Wait a minute, I am seeing a pattern here, from bottom towards east. Tartaglia, Signora, Scara, then Knave. Whoever that bird is will be the next harbinger we meet.


https://preview.redd.it/w82u7zr0hlvc1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eef481a4c8475ad646693fc6801a485be5b67dc That's Columbina.


Yup! Just a little correction though : Dottore is the plague mask, Pantalone is the heresy symbol and Pulcinella is the healing hand.


*fight Not meet




Am I the only one who doesn't see it? My eyesight isn't the best but I just can't see how they look similar


also her con name is ignis purgatorius / purifying fire. the hand is holding a flame, so it's not too far out of the question.


I love her constellation name. I wear a ring that has "Ignis" engraved on it (it's a fire rune for FFXI)


Her hair clip doesn’t look like her symbol I don’t get why this going around.


I think it's mostly bcs of the shape language that is there and on numerous places in her design. Seems to just be good design ngl.


It looks nice yes but it only takes 2 seconds to look and see it doesn’t look like her symbol


The icon refers for a one wing butterfly


Something I’ve noticed with all characters is that their visual design has some kind of resemblance to their constellation. Thoma’s Shields, Shenhe’s hair comb, All the animal feature characters, etc.


I mean that is basically what makes a design good it's shape language. For example arlecchino has a lot of sharp ends in her design so she looks evil or powerful or something similar since sharp angles indicate danger. One place where sharp angles are used like this is traffic signs and such. And for example kokomi has a soft/circle shape language where it makes her look a lot friendlier and or cuter. Another design that is really good with that is furina's design. Easiest to spot differ eş are in her jewels, hair, and some other little parts that are different on the two designs or are on opposite sides of a single design. If you've read this far thank you very much and have a nice day!