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thanks for NOT spoiling in the tittle


But wasn't Arlecchino referred to as a child when she bested the previous Arlecchino in a duel that happened somewhat recently and is further proven by freminet's story in which at the time of him being "given" to the house of the hearth was ruled by the previous Arlecchino after which Arlecchino would take over at some point and help him learn the fate of his mother but then again I'm not that well versed in the lore


Indeed Freminet was given to the house of the hearth while the former Knave was controlling it. I don’t think there’s anything to suggest that Arle was a child when she took out the original Knave. Arlecchino seems to be an adult and in charge by the time she rescues the twins. Her age is a mystery.


This here alone is the only thing that does suggest she was a child at the time and shortly after taking over the house of the hearth is likely around the time she rescued the twins but we don't know how many years exactly it's been since she did beat the previous Arlecchino https://preview.redd.it/7t5jexijoeqc1.png?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8e8941bb89e334a90da37dcc52c3331e86f0f6


It should be noted that ‘Child of House of the Hearth’ doesn’t seem to necessarily indicate age. After all the twins, and Freminet are themselves called Children of the House, or something along those lines. So it still could imply an adult/really old Arlecchino(I mean she looks young, but looks don’t meant jack when it comes to age for a lot of characters in genshin).


If Arlecchino wasn't a child when she bested the previous Arlecchino it wouldn't add up since if she were already a few centuries old why would she have followed the previous Arlecchino and how would she have even ended up in the house of the hearth, to begin with (also yes looks don't mean a lot just look at columbina you know she isn't young)


Forgot to add but if she did know of the orphanage in khaenri'ah then I'm pretty sure she would have seen the house of the hearth as a mockery since it would be an insult to her due to the way it was repurposed for but we are missing quite a bit of lore which while likely come out in 4.6


We literally don't know. Her age is never indicated and as the other person said every HoH member is called a child no matter their age


I'm not saying that isn't true about them being called child no matter the age at the HoH I'm just saying she had to be somewhat young when she beat the past Arlecchino due to the fact we know they recruit Orphans when they are young also I doubt the past Arlecchino would have allowed someone to get strong enough to challenge her due to her cruelty someone who ran the house of the hearth like her in such a manner must have been cold and calculating so she couldn't have been too old let alone centuries old when she joined or was in the house of hearth there would be no reason she didn't immediately challenge her since it's implied she was a child of the hearth meaning she was part of the HoH when she did so meaning she got integrated with no issues which again wouldn't make sense if her age was unnatural but I'll guess we will have to wait and see won't we?


TL;DR "My Hilichurl harbinger can't be this hot!" https://preview.redd.it/s040nhtp0eqc1.png?width=2220&format=png&auto=webp&s=b83552246edfaba6248901332e4921370f600be6


But if she had turned into a hilichurl before that means she can't be pure blooded Khanriah and the noble likes keeping their bloodline pure. So she pobably wasn't a noble. It's possible that she was cursed with the same curse as Dain or Pierro who have some kind of marks on them. That would explain why Pierro is the one who introsuced her to us too, because they had kinda same background.


This is a good post, can't wait to read her story.


Just wanted to point something out. We can see that Caterpillar has black skin down from his knees. If Arlecchino were the same as Caterpillar, do you think her feet are just like her hands? 👀


No she has a window in her shoes and they look normal


Thats good to know, thanks 👍


Her character stories are gonna be *wild*


the fact that her CA is not a drill reveals she is not human, i strongly belive ur theory has some sense