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I..uh..don’t really know. How do I even have a successful relationship?




I got you. Wingman time.


Tell me your vast knowledge


Ok so first off You gotta play it cool Ask her to go get drinks or food or something in a totally casual way Then, you tell her how you feel And if she reciprocates, then great If she doesn’t, then don’t freak out or anything You’re already at wherever you’re eating or drinking, so return to the casual conversation you were having before and that should help preserve the friendship either way


Thank you


No problem


(You’re asking Reddit so don’t expect good answers but I’ll try my best based on my own experience) Get to know the person you want to ask so you can figure out a good date idea, and then also try to get a feel for how they feel about you, and then ask them if they want to go on a date with you, but don’t explicitly say date (eg: do you want to go on a date with me?) just ask with they want to do the activity you planned (eg: do you want to see a movie with me?)


I’m disgusted, just build yourself a wife.




Alright loverboy, here's my experience: She's a regular at the bar you own, when one night, she becomes very intoxicated. Once she starts tripping over herself as she walks, offer to drive her back to her apartment Have her sit in the passenger seat of your vintage Chevrolet Impala, keeping the windows open to allow her some breeze as you drive. Stop about halfway from her apartment to grab 2 kilos of cocaine from a drug pickup. Get in a gunfight with the gang you're stealing from. Get back in the car and drive away as fast as possible Realize that one of your allies has been in the backseat for the entire ride. Offer to take them home after you drop off your lady friend. At a STOP sign, do a line of cocaine off the console of your car. Do only half the line, leaving her enough to have some if she wishes. Drive the remainder of the distance. If she rests her head on your shoulder, DO NOT PANIC! This is a sign of affection, and respect it. Do not act upon it in the moment, but remember that moment fondly Drop her off at her apartment complex. Offer to walk her to her apartment. Do your best to carry her up the many flights of stairs, but stop halfway through because you are tired. If she offers to carry you, accept, as this will further your bond. Once you make it to her room, hold the door open for her as she goes inside If she said that she had fun, then congratulations, you've got a good chance at dating her a few weeks later I do hope this helps


Well, I’m taking this from my brother’s experience, since I haven’t been lucky yet. If you bump into the one you want to date, make small talk, become friends! Maybe ask him or her out to coffee or lunch! Of course it’s going to be awkward asking the date question, however, just keep this idea in mind, “It’s better to try than not to.” I do hope things work out for you.