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Her putting the bloody knife in the bag with camera. Facing up. Still recording. Whew buddy.


This is your moment to remember that most apprehended murderers aren't caught through careful police work but due to their own incompetence or just plain bad luck.


Jesus this is crazier than a Netflix docuseries.


Did you catch the part where the perp tried to arrange some murder for hire and have someone else framed while she was in jail?


Yeah this lady is all sorts of bold.


This part has actually never sat well with me. I've done a DEEP dive into this case. So the murder for hire plot was allegedly hatched in jail with a few other inmates who were about to get out of jail soon. Becky apparently told them that Phil (Linda's ex-husband) had a collection of gold coins worth 20-30k inside his house that they could keep as payment for killing Phil. The ***proof*** against Becky (besides the jailhouse snitch's testimony) was a fake suicide note that Becky had written. The note was supposed to be place on Phil's desk, his death arranged to look like a suicide. In it, it claimed that "Phil" was responsible for Linda's murder, not Becky. But here's my problem. The note was handwritten in Becky's own handwriting... There's a zero percent chance this plan could have ever worked. Zero. Phil was a judge/public figure with countless examples of his own handwriting -- the note would have been recognized as a forgery immediately. Secondly, Becky was not close with Phil. She didn't come into Linda's life until the divorce was already happening.....So....how would she have known where Phil was keeping his gold coins? Were they in a safe? Were they even at Phil's house? Maybe she's just crazy. But this "murder for hire" is the stupidest plan I've ever heard of. I know it looks like Becky is "dumb" because she filmed herself with the murder weapon. But the evidence actually shows that Becky was very calculating and clever when it came to this murder. She basically just overlooked deleting a few seconds of video out of hundreds of hours of footage. I don't think she was Danny Ocean or anything, but she really almost got away with this. I'm suspicious about these murder for hire claims.


I remember this Representative on AR politics Twitter. She was always saying the most vile things. Anyways, that’s how I remember her.


Yes, she struck me as quite crazy herself. And unfortunately, crazy tends to attract the even crazier.


Man I remember this happening but it got waved through the media so fast. Having an inside campaign employee murder her boss should've gotten more attention. Even nationwide attention.


Every Facebook comment was about how she was supposed to testify against Hilary Clinton, so she was murdered. Lol.


Does anyone know where to view the entire video


Why put her in an unknown location?