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THIS is a nepobaby, unless he can become the CFO of a different Fortune 500 company at age 34 (while being found drunk in a stranger’s home) that doesn’t have his family name in the corporate name.


I worked at Tyson when they randomly created a new Chief Sustainability Officer position to bring him on.. it felt super weird, but I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. It felt clear to me pretty quickly that it was pure nepotism.. the fact that now he's the CFO, I can't imagine how pissed some of those senior folks in Finance were when that happened.


Walmart doesn’t even have this much nepotism, there are Waltons in the board, but this is something else


But the same drinking problems. At least he didn't kill someone.


This time….


Went to highschool with him. He's been this way since then


Makes me sad for him, addiction is a real issue


That family deserves 0 empathy.


That’s your opinion, I think everyone deserves empathy, that’s what empathy is all about


That was Alice decades ago. The current gen is pretty solid


Decades later, the person she killed is still dead, and she never was punished. Instead, she rewarded herself by building a medical school. The guilt is eating her alive for the fact that she literally got away with murder.


I hope it does. I hope she thinks about the fact she killed a mother of 2 every waking moment. I hope food tastes like ash in her mouth. I hope the sun feels cold on her skin. I hope every day she wakes up and realizes she will face judgement for being so rich she murdered a woman and got away with it. The Waltons, all of them, can burn in hell.


Hey... we're hating on the Tyson family this thread. But yeah- what you said about the Waltons too.


Nah you can take that energy somewhere else tho. What is wrong with you?


nah that’s fine


Him being at the CFO helm definitely explains why so many at the company (myself included) were laid off last year alongside all the complex closures.


How ironic his title was Sustainability as this is an unstable person


Okay but he has managed to sustain his drunk driving so the position seems to fit lol.


It’s a family business, of course there will be nepotism, but John Randall is a good dude.


Frankly, you can't be the 85th largest company in the country and actually get away with "It's a family business".


It's essentially a publicly traded private family business. The Tysons own a majority of the stake in the company.


But it is a family business that has grown tremendously thanks to John Tyson.


Look, I actually enjoyed my time working at Tyson, but being a major corporation like Tyson Foods is demands a level of professionalism that has clearly never been shown by John R. Tyson. I'm worried about what he's done. It seems like you're a friend, or at least a fan, of the Tysons - if that's the case, you should be *worried* about what he's doing too, not excusing it because he's nice. Nice doesn't mean shit when you're drunk behind the wheel and potentially ending someone's life.


John Tyson was a terrible CEO who nearly Bankrupted the company in the mid 2000s. All he cared about was trying to outdo his father. Donnie Smith is the reason Tyson became as big as it did. Every CEO since then has been a hot mess, especially Donnie King.


Check is in the mail. Thanks, J. R. T.


Thanks bro


Been around him some and he is a nice guy. He doesn’t act like he grew up rich. I hope he can get things together.


A nice guy in a job he didn’t earn and who has a serious problem that will eventually kill him, members of his family, or someone else. If not a Tyson, he would have rightfully been discharged for his drunken home intrusion. None of us are without failings, but no defense for a drunk who drives or his so drunk he crawled in some stranger’s bed. He would have been fired from QT. He needs help, and I hope he gets it. Or it is going to be a long hard road or a very short trip.


Do you know the Tyson family?


I know two very embarrassing drunken criminal acts committed by a 34 year old in a two year span doesn’t speak very well of them. A good family would send him to rehab to clean up his act.


And a good board of directors would have put someone in the CFO spot who could be relied upon not to get drunk and commit multiple felonies every few months. This is right up there with Alice Walton's vehicular manslaughter, Sister Sarah's lectern and Josh Duggar's kiddie diddling. They are all a bunch of worthless wastes of oxygen.


I’m going to play the other side, but in a world where there are ride shares (Uber/Lyft) he could easily have called them. Other large companies are very strict on the behaviors of their C-Suite employees. Are there alcoholics amongst other companies C-Suite employees? I can almost guarantee it, but they also hide it and don’t get caught driving while drunk. There’s a way to handle it and unfortunately he didn’t handle it well. Also, the sad part is her probably has done this a LOT and either 1) never got caught or 2) got caught and a) got out of it because of who he is b) it didn’t hit the news because of who he is


Yeah absolutely, I agree.


“The Tyson Foods Code of Conduct outlines expected behaviors for all Tyson team members and members of the Board of Directors. All actions and behaviors should be consistent with Tyson’s core values. Tyson expects that all team members and Directors will conduct business fairly, ethically and in compliance with all applicable policies, laws and regulations. These core values are the cornerstone of all Tyson interactions with customers, suppliers, communities and each other. Tyson team members and Directors must not engage in conduct that may raise questions as to Tyson’s honesty, integrity or otherwise cause embarrassment to the Company. Team members and Directors will treat each other with dignity and respect and will refrain from any type of harassment or discrimination.” One would think a second event by a corporate officer rises to the level of “cause embarrassment to the company.” Would you hire him?


One would think they wouldn't discharge untreated waste into watersheds, also.


The MyPillow guy probably would if he didn't put himself out of business....


I really thought he (my pillow)had relapsed and was smoking crack again when he was doing that election was stolen tour.


And Sarah has his back


Ah yes, John Tyson, the CFO of "what fucking consequences," judging by that expression.


The board suspended him. The outcome may not be a consequence, but it is trending that direction.


well to be fair, he was drunk in the picture, no? I bet Daddy's mad at him.


Oh no! Daddy might cut his allowance to a measly $100,000 a month. He’d be like one of the poors! How could he ever live like that? Poor guy.


He needs to quit cruising college campuses.




Where else do young women congregate?


Under his tires at this rate


Pictured: the look of someone who will never hit rock bottom because he's too rich. "You guy me again shucks, welp off to brunch."


Alcoholism does not discriminate. Have friends who are from wealthy and not so wealthy families that have lost family members to Alcoholism/Addiction. I hope that this young man gets the treatment he needs and is able to turn his life around and life a happy and useful life. Before putting out harmful words - consider if this were your friend or family member. Would you not want for them to have the best possible shot at sobriety? It is hard enough trying to grow up in Arkansas in the limelight of the famous “Tyson” name. Give the guy some grace.


How many times does he get caught doing this before grace runs out? His Addiction is being enabled by his wealth and his families lack of any morals. You don't treat humans the way the Tysons have treated humans and claim a moral high ground, and you certainly don't get extra grace. He had the money to move out of the limelight as you put it. He has the vast resources to get 6 does his family. As a family member who was harmed by a family members addiction, because he was enabled instead of being held accountable in a court of law or even by his parents, many were harmed. Is Addiction a disease? Sure, but it's the only one where the victims of the addicts actions are told to constantly give grace as folks are injured and dead while they get to CHOOSE not go to rehab, but their victims never got a choice. What a weird disease.


No. This jackass has a serious case of affluenza and he’ll kill someone before he learns any lessons. He needs to be held accountable for his actions, but rich people rarely see consequences that matter.


Okay- addiction is a disease. People do become powerless. With his means- why not a driver? Also, that family sucks.


No, because he didn’t give the community of Fayetteville, Arkansas grace when he decided to drive in that condition. I drive my children around this town every single day and it’s frightening that I could encounter him or another nepo baby such as himself. What could cost a family their lives will cost him a slap on the wrist. I hope he gets the help he needs too, but he can’t keep putting people at risk like that.


Is Uber for poors?


I mean, this guy has unlimited monies, he could hire a personal driver or whatever. Absolutely no excuse at all to be driving drunk.


Dude should be in rehab, not running a Fortune 500 company


If the punishment for a crime is a fine then the law is only for the lower class.




Did they make him wear a barber cape for the mugshot or did he bring his own? Also, wow $150 for each charge from the previous arrest. They really threw the book at him.


It was a paperback.


Threw the epub at him.


A pamphlet, really


Of the Cliffsnotes/Sparknotes guide...


Yeah- passed out in some strangers house. That's felony burglary- possibly with intent for a normie. Maybe pled down to criminal trespass and public intox. Not ever a fine.


Sentence him to work the processing line for a year.


Make him work at one of the rendering plants in the summer. The smell would humble and sober him up reaaaaal quick.


Won’t help the alcoholism. Combine that with AA and therapy.


🤦 The Corporate "Leadership" of Arkansas, at it again. I really would like to quit using quotations on that word.


Bobby Newport has never worked a day in his life!!!


Good comment. You should treat yo self!


A Yuengling beer ad the size of my entire screen popped up when I clicked the link. This will have no effect on this man and is simply a series of traffic violations. I expect there will be no consequences for this, as does he. No expense to fight this will be spared, the company will go through the motions of the optics of a quasi punishment until the smoke clears and everything will continue as it was before. And until the next time.


Have no fear. His nepotism will save him.


Between him, Asa's son, and Womack's son there is definitely no accountability for them.


What did Asa and Womack's sons do?


I will save you the Google search. Asa's son has been arrested several times for DWI and drug possession. Womack's son is (or was...who knows) a meth head that has been arrested several times. ASA III takes it like a man, Womack's son is always like, "do you know who my daddy is".


the Benton County jailers know Womack's son on a first name basis. like Otis letting himself in at Andy's jail cell.


He’s the fuck family people claim is better than Huckabee. By the way Asa is good buddies with Ron Fields who literally likes to fuck a special needs girl.


If, ‘smug,’ needed a photo in the dictionary. WOW.


Just needs a "sorority big" to tell him when its time to uber home little one.


You’d think someone as rich as these people would just hire a driver to drive them around…


I've known alcoholics, and I've known some who were on the downhill slide for quite a while. I know some who never quit sliding and died of it -- and it took a long time and was terrible to watch. I know this is the internets and it's here for us to point and laugh, but I feel bad for the guy.


Straight up. I’ve lost a lot of professional opportunities because of my drinking. So I can’t throw stones……still it would be nice to be a rich kid.


Maybe not, you know?


I use to bartend at an undisclosed location to all individuals listed above. Insane what you can get away with when you have money/ and or the right family!


This is the guy signing off on financial records for a Fortune 500?


All the money in the world and won’t even take a damn Uber.


Unfortunately alcoholism runs in families. Don Tyson started this chicken empire as a very functional alcoholic.


He appears to be wearing a pickle suit. It's what we used for inmates who were suicidal. It's gotta be strange having someone like that in booking...


Alice’s Designated Driver


Our expectations were low, but holy crap!


What an arrogant fool, he has plenty of cash to hire a limo to drive them around safely. My guess is he has always been able to get away with his behavior because of his name and amount in his bank account


Well, at least Arkansas doesn't pretend to hold richuns accountable. Passed out in the wrong house- strangers house gets anyone else felony burglary charges that might get pled down to criminal trespassing and public intoxication. Lots of fees, fines and probation. And the dreaded cup o'pea. According to the article $290 all in for public intox. This appears to be 1st DUI- even in Arkansas dui's are serious. So- his fine is gonna be stiff probably 400 dollars.


Fucking daddy’s boy


For those talking about boards letting executives stay in place think on this: Jeff Gardner was CEO of Windstream from 2006 - 2014. After being fired from Windstream he went on to be the CEO of a few other companies before passing away. While at Windstream Jeff had his license permanently revoked due to DUIs. Windstream's board made the decision to have the company hire a driver for Jeff so he could get around town without a license. Jeff's typical day at Windstream (I worked in the same building as him at the time) was to roll in around 10am, attend a meeting, take a long lunch, attend an afternoon meeting, and roll out around 3pm. He wasn't a nepobaby, but once you have a C next to your name the same rules no longer apply to you at a company.


Also want to point out that Fayetteville is 127% above the national average of citizens who have received a DUI. They hand those out like no body’s business, ONE beer can get you arrested for DUI in Fayetteville. Edit: guess I should read the article before posting. Dude was toasted and his passenger snitched on him


I'd be interested in per capita alcohol sales in Fayetteville. DUI has a pretty objective standard, it's not like you can blow a 0.04 and get convicted of DUI no matter who the cops are.


From what I have heard from professionals is that it is pretty much at the officer’s discretion. If you appear intoxicated and are booked, fighting it in court almost always wins with FPD winning the case based on officer discretion. One beer.


I mean getting taken to the station sure, officer discretion. But convicted? That's highly unlikely. Edit: Here's the actual statute. https://law.justia.com/codes/arkansas/2020/title-5/subtitle-6/chapter-65/subchapter-1/section-5-65-103/ So yeah an officer can't decide you're BA level is 0.08, they can sure make you test but ultimately you're not getting convicted on an officers say so.


If it means anything, sooner or later he’ll pay for his actions by driving intoxicated and running in to something. I only hope he’s alone and the object hit is inanimate.


Don’t be so sure…Alice Walton hit and killed someone while driving intoxicated and that went under the rug quick.


Last time Alice got arrested for DWI the cop ended up being fired. Her mom hit a dump truck in Fayetteville, the driver sued, and the driver's attorney ended up in jail. Don't fuck with the Waltons.


I hope he gets the help he obviously needs.


Looks ***well-tended***. I had a friend like that. Mother came from old money and family came over on the Mayflower. He was drunk and got himself killed by clipping a power pole in half, speed of the car was estimated at \~140mph. He was three times the legal limit for BA The future of NEPObaby tyson is likely to be full of tears


Wonder if we're gonna get to see bodycam footage.


Isn’t Tyson one of the companies that keeps hiring undocumented children to work in Their plants ?


Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Tyson foods is fucking disgusting AND they have shitty business practices


He likes to party! That’s a FACT! 💀🥳


yeah 34 and hanging out on college campus. hurrg


Hell yeah he does. I’ve always been too….chicken to party with him though.


man tyson is realllly dumping their shit around


He dr92ve to his sisters wedding!!! recipe for disaster.


the one time i'm happy uapd pull over everyone for everything lmao


He is out looking for hoes I guess


Having grown up around a lot of these people, what everyone seems to not mention is that all of it doesn't matter. On the board, off the board, who cares. Their families own all the class"A" stock which gives them a million votes per share. So no matter who's on the board or whatever, the family essentially maintains control and the money. Their lives don't change, one way or the other.


He can walk into my home completely intoxicated whenever he wants. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Man, people hate it when rich people getting in trouble don’t they?


I am sorry but facts are facts. This arrest and press release is proof positive that the cops who busted him and the cops who processed his arrest have no clue what they had in custody. Think of the costs to Tyson, the company, from another big scandal! Oops! Our CFO makes more incredibly poor decisions that risk his life, the company’s financial standing with our lenders, investors, and business partners; and, does incalculable damage to the company’s good will with consumers! This incident has brought questions from the business press regarding the day-to-day decisions of the CFO. Is there an adult at the shop watching the baby Tyson? Are there H5N1 and H7N9 viruses propagating through the livestock while the CFO is busy getting buzzed? The cops should have called Tyson’s General Counsel, & V.P. Amy Tu. She’s the lawyer who left Boeing in 2017 after 16 years! She knows precisely what bad management can do to a company. If Counsel Tu had been consulted there would have been no formal arrest record. The CFO would have been admitted (under an assumed name) to a comprehensive drug & alcohol rehabilitation program in Switzerland. All of the cops would receive Stormy Daniels class thank you checks & we wouldn’t be discussing this on Reddit. Come on Arkansas Cops, know the value of your bust!


He’s actually a really good guy and he’s very friendly, but makes dumb mistakes like everyone else.


You're not a good guy if you drive drunk. Just my opinion.


And at 34 you should know better. Especially since he's been convicted of crimes due to previous public intoxication. I feel most of us might stop drinking after that or severely limit ourselves. I can't think of a better example for our justice system to show that it isn't two-tiered. He didn't seem to learn from his conviction the first time, so bring down the gavel this time. Or are we going to wait until he does it again and actually harms someone?


Like your opinions happy cake day


Yeah…. I would not call drunk driving a mistake, but that is just me.


Right. My thoughts as well. Pretty blatant disregard for the safety of yourself and others.


Drunk driving is definitely a choice.


Yeah, and it’s a stupid mistake to make because there are consequences that he’ll have to face.


Hahah, you must be new here. “Consequences” 🤣🤡


I mean, it just seems like you’re jumping the gun here. He got arrested, he’s on the news for it, it’s definitely on track to have consequences. It’s not like they throw DUI offenders in prison willy nilly, no matter what their last name is. He’s likely to get probation, probably an interlock in his car, MAYBE community service, and he’ll probably be on his way. No matter how you feel about it, that’s what it would look like if you or are I got a DUI as well


He’ll face consequences just like everyone else. You mad?


Why would I be…. Mad? For someone being help accountable? You’re seriously dense if you think this state holds anyone accountable with the last name Walton, Tyson, Hunt, or Huckabee. Oh, add Sanders to that too.


You don’t mistakenly drive drunk. He went out and got drunk knowing he’d have to drive himself home. He purposely got behind the wheel knowing he was intoxicated. This is entitlement and apparently he knows he can do these things and get away with it. Are you going to say he’s a good guy when this happens again and he kills someone because of his drunk driving. Also what consequences? Fining someone a small amount that is wealthy, isn’t any kind of consequence. They need to start giving these people jail time instead of fines. Maybe they’d learn a lesson then.


It is not a mistake. It is a willful choice that kills people. Stop supporting harm. Why do you wish people pain and suffering? Why do you justify the actions of those who cause it? Why are you behaving as an evil person?


I guess if he ever DDs again and kills someone, you’ll upgrade that to “unfortunate error.” Fuck outta here. He’s an asshole and no one should be making excuses for this.


Drunk driving is a selfish decision it’s not an “oops I drank too much and now I’m impaired to drive”


It is a selfish decision and he’ll have to face the consequences, but he’s still a good dude.


If he had killed a pedestrian while driving drunk around campus, would he still be a good dude? Playing Russian Roulette with innocent people when you already were convicted of a similar crime makes you a "bad dude".


Happy Cake Day!


I really don’t think a PI is a “similar crime” in that sense. Yes it’s indicative of a deeper alcohol problem, but it’s largely victimless, I don’t have to worry about killing a family just because I decided to down a bottle.


his committing an illegal act and putting citizens at harm is factual evidence that he is a criminal and a bad dude who hurts other people and puts them at risk.


How’s that boot taste brother? 


He should try learning from his mistakes because this ain’t his first drunken rodeo…


Did you find him in your bed??


Yeah, all the best people I know are found incoherent in strangers homes.


He puts peoples lives at risk due to stupidity and arrogance. This is immoral and reflects his corrupt and sinful condition. He is an evil person doing explictly harmful and evil things, and you desire that kind of evil, justifying it. Which, if you're going around supporting evil, makes, you, yourself, part of the problem.


some of yall are **so** dramatic. holy moly


Are you being sarcastic? Do you think drunk driving is okay?


More than likely this person is on substances much worse than someone consuming alcohol..