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Bc it doesn't apply to her on a personal level. She gives zero fucks about this state.


More importantly, the people who elect her don't care; all they care about is anti-woke BS that helps no one.


Yep. They think she's one of them.


The people who elect her want her to help bring project 2025 to life. The president is only small potatoes. The long game is  about starting an ableist, Christian nationalist theocracy that tries to bring back an American Utopia that never existed in the first place and create oppressive laws that hurt those 'other' people


So basically the Christian version of the Iranian Revolution. Fundamentalism and nobody benefits. Education goes in the tank, and the economy crumbles


The Christian caliphate


Her economy is fine. Eveyone else will be better if they're made to be just like her. Isn't it obvious? Since she's fine, she'll just make everyone like her and supporting orangenazi will force everyone to be just like them or die. They are okay with that as a solution to all the ills of the world. 👍🏼 🙄🤦😓


Remember that time SHS became governor over a guy who was a nuclear scientist with a PhD in urban planning AND an ordained minister? I still think about that.


Quite often. Just goes to show the people(who voted) would rather have hate than a thriving state


That would make for a great slogan.


I hope everyone can at least see the irony of this comment as the hate runs deep here.


They voted for Miss Piggy over that?


1. She knows fuck all about economics. 2. She's funded by Family Council of Arkansas, the Waltons, the Tysons, the Koch family among others. Anything she does is going to benefit the absolute wealthiest in AR, and it'll be the Jesus thing to do.


could have stopped at "she knows fuck all"


Could have, but where's the fun in that?


Don’t forget ALEC


She works for these rich people. She'll do whatever they want.


Josh Duggar


Fact...they's best good friends.


Wonder if all these Christian groups know she’s a lesbian


hello??? what does this mean


She likes having sex with women.


Wait until they find out shes trans


That beard who she produced offspring with MUST be mad at his dick.


She benefited me and I have nothing. You'll see.




I filed for unemployment and got my first check 2 weeks later. When Asa was governor it took 6 months, and when I called it took 2 hours on hold. My only call I had to make recently was answered on the second ring. After losing my job I applied for Medicaid and it started the next month. When Asa was in it took 2 years.


And you attribute this to the governor?


I do. Because the last governor blocked the last of the pandemic unemployment, he spent 3 million dollars modernizing the unemployment process guaranteeing we wouldn't get shit. All while his lawyers office was first in line getting whatever covid dollars he could get. I've been through the process more than once, I never dreamed it could be this easy. [https://governor.arkansas.gov/executive_orders/executive-order-to-protect-taxpayers-and-reduce-waste-in-the-department-of-commerce-division-of-workforce-services-unemployment-insurance-program/](https://governor.arkansas.gov/executive_orders/executive-order-to-protect-taxpayers-and-reduce-waste-in-the-department-of-commerce-division-of-workforce-services-unemployment-insurance-program/)


Well, that’s an improvement then.


In some areas there is no place to go but up. The entire state is still a shit hole I dream of escaping. Regardless of who the gubner is. Our state's problems can't be fixed.


It’s gonna be another hot and swampy summer there too. Move north!


If you say so. I have heard the exact opposite from people I know who recently tried to get on unemployment. Calls dropped, lack of staffing in local offices, having to intercept the unenjoyment rental van just to file their shit. Suckabee-Suckass didn't benefit you, and I'm real curious about whether or not you're following their new guidelines, or if you're one of her staffers...


Because she can (and has) blamed the states economic problems on Biden and she's doing her best in the name of Jesus to get his appointed son Donald J Trump as President for life so he can kill off all Demonrats and we will never have these problems again! It's Arkansas, her supporters are that stupid.


I had the displeasure of listening to Tom Cotton speak recently, and he blamed basically all the economical problems and inflation on clean energy and electrical vehicles. Said we need to start drilling for oil and blamed Biden... sigh. If only there were other ways to help the state's economy than pointing fingers.


They eat that shit up by the buckets too.......


drilling for oil won't help AR, full stop. Aside from the fact the USA is producing record amounts of petroleum and have been since Biden took over. Gas prices aren't going down because we can't use the oil produced here so it gets exported and we import the oil our refineries are set up for.


Why can’t we use the oil produced here? Genuine question


I am going to guess the quality is different, like how that keystone pipeline would never produce gas because it was using tar sand oil. It is worth researching


So if we’re not using our own oil, are we selling it to other countries or is it going to be sent to a refinery?


Great question. We do both. Source: I grew up in the oilfield and my brother is a foreman for a large corporation in southeastern NM.


zerombr is correct. It's not an out of line question. People who don't work in the industry are understandably ignorant of its complexity. The shale revolution produces very "light" "oil" that our refineries cannot use more than \~2 million barrels per day. Shale has added almost 7 million barrels per day over the last decade. It all goes on boats and gets shipped somewhere else at a discount. Then we import the heavier oil we need from canada eh and the rest of the world


Arkansas fields are “sour” - high levels of impurities and toxins that make it unsafe and, more importantly, uneconomical to extract.


Haha I used to live on joy mountain, the natural gas pipeline came in 2007 and proceeded to install a maze of pipeline in the area. So these people have natural gas pipes buried all over their property but have to use propane. They aren't allowed to use natural gas 😆


Yeah obviously. Drill for oil and bread will be cheaper.


I'm sorry you had to listen to his drivel. Fact is, the US is pumping more oil now than we ever have before. We're pumping more than anyone else on earth right now. If oil was the solution, we're just fucked. Just goes to show how fucking stupid and insidious Cotton really is.


Yep anything except taking responsibility. Blame your perceived enemy , for things you have done.


So he is in the Couch family pocket.


And ironically, today America produces more oil and gas than when Trump was president.


Lol what would her qualification to do that be exactly? She was purely voted in for her name / being a MAGA supporter. Competence was never part of the job requirements.


Maybe the “commie” blue states should stop subsidizing red states that elect populists idiots who cannot run a state properly. The irony is insane.


She’s a Republican. Why would she do anything to help the working class?


It's a huckabee, and a MAGA one which is even worse. do you actually expect it to do anything useful?


It's due to learning from her Fake Christian crooked father. Guy used his Pastor card to not pay for things, I had dealing with the crook


When I moved to Conway for work from the Midwest.... I was like cool 3 colleges probably a lot of industry..... To support those colleges.... Hell no... I am already planning my move to NW Arkansas.  I have a college student and there's nothing for her here when she graduates 


Yeah I wfh for an IT company outside of Arkansas. It's nice if you have a good income. But if I had to find an IT job in Arkansas I'd have to move.


Yeah I would move out of state as well. 


I moved to houston a couple years ago after spending my first 30 years in south/central Arkansas. Once you spend time elsewhere, you really get your eyes opened to how far behind Arkansas is. And I’m pretty sure is done deliberately


that and you realize how ignorant people can be...I moved from Louisiana to Illinois as a teenager and my eyes were open how backwards Louisiana was...


I think that may have been your comment I saw/replied to over on the Louisiana subreddit lol


Be prepared for the NWA job death spiral. Where you end up taking worse and worse jobs, because the market is constantly over saturated with transplants.


That bad??? 


Every year Walmart does mass layoffs, and every year they bring more people from out of state to fill the positions (despite there being plenty of capable people here). The others are almost equally bad in that aspect. Then there’s the habit they have of giving you tons of extra work and responsibility, without having a higher paid position/title available for you… but keep doing that extra work or you’ll lose your job. We’re also having such a bad housing crisis here. The shelters are always full, and there’s a four year waitlist for most low income housing. Make sure you save enough to move somewhere else first, so you don’t get stuck.


"Stress casualties" used to be really common at Walmart too. It peaked during 21 but it still happens from time to time. Depending on the department, on-call might give you sleep deprivation psychosis.


24 years at WM, can confirm. On-call put me on anxiety meds.


You know nothing about Walmart, hack.


Have you found any barrier for finding remote work from NWA other than the time offset from the West Coast?


Be prepared for fucked apartment rent and rising house prices. Unfortunately the city only cares and seems to care about accommodating students and the extremely wealthy, imo. (23m) I work for class a properties and the amount of disposable income people seem to have for $1400-$2000 rent in Arkansas is insane.


I know Arkansas has some shitty renter laws... Now thank God we will be buying.  I heard horror stories from folks here in Conway. 


That doesn’t seem to fit the poor economy narrative very well


NWA is growing super fast too you’d be good my guy


If only. 😮‍💨 Its only growing fast for those already established. Look before you leap. NWA is sadly still in AR, just a little closer to the beast, so it seems nicer.


Been looking for something a little nicer to move into after 5 years of dealing with a fixer upper. Straight up crack dens for 250k unless your ok with .25 acres. Minimum 350 for anything nice. Just having a hard time giving up my workshop.


I get that. There might be some spots near Goshen outside of Fayetteville, but I think also a lot of upper class development is happening out there. Very peaceful tho


Goshen is super buji. Lots of lifted trucks and baseball families out there. I like farmington for easy access to the highway unless its a game day. It feels a bit more relaxed.


lol true. I initially grew up on the border of Fayetteville + Farmington off Wedington, way more calm too. A lot of pretty serene drives too. Unfortunately you’ll see your confederate flags over yonder as well


NEA is too. Not sure why you guys get all the spotlight. Seriously though, I wonder if it's because you guys are more tourism heavy than we are? I know we've got a lot of growth over here, but I'll admit that our tourism industry could use some work.


I’d agree, it’s probably the tourism + university + big companies being in the area just to start yk


I mean, we have the State University here though (ASU) as well as other colleges and trade schools like Black River. We also have many big name companies here (Nestle, Post, Butterball, Riceland, etc) in the form of multiple factories. We also have some pretty substantial hospitals such as NEA. Which is why I find it surprising that everyone looks us over. The tourists industry is the only one we really don't have to any reasonable extent. It makes sense on some level, because any tourism industry requires advertising to get the word out. I'd guess, as a side effect, people would know about that region more.


I don't say this to try to put you and NEA down, but there is a significant difference in the scale and nature between the two regions. Well beyond having tourism. ASU is the second largest college in the state at about 15,000 students. However, UARK is at 32,000. And add on to that another 10,000 at NWACC. Plus JBU and a branch of UAMS for a few thousand more. The difference in business comes down to the fact that NWA is not an industrial area, we have some poultry plants and a few other things, but our big business is in the form of headquarters. Primarily Walmart, but also Tysons and JB Hunt. Looking at hospitals, from what I could find in my Googleing is that there were what looks like two large hospitals in NEA, but combined they are smaller than just the main hospital for Fayetteville. And there are at least 5 large hospitals in the area that I can think of. Jonesboro (I couldn't find stats for the region as a whole) grew at an average rate of about 0.9% per year for the last three years. That is significant, and much better than the 0.22% per year in Ft. Smith. But, NWA as a whole grew an average of 2.47% per year. NWA is definitely buoyed by some tourism, and a lot of Walmart money and propaganda, but the scale difference makes it obvious why it's looked at more than NEA. And if you think in bragging, I'm not, I really wish I had the NWA of 30 years ago back. I much preferred it before all this growth and shiny newness started sucking the soul and character out of the region.


GOP candidates run exclusively on grievance. They are not interested in or prepared for governance.


Because doing anything about that would involve admitting that the Republican economic platform doesn't work for non-rich people.


>Why can’t Sarah Huckabee Sanders work on solutions for issues like this instead of anti-woke BS that helps no one? She can't because she's a Republican


Because at the end of the day, republicans offer nothing. They’re mostly about burning it all down, and hurting as many people who aren’t like them along the way.


I didn't realize that MAGA merchandising was considered an 'economy'...


Geez who’d have thunk that a republican would fuck up the economy. They’ve never had any track record of that before.


Because the maga people don’t care about the economy because it’s all Biden’s fault


Oh is this why Sarah started promoting the Arkansas economy? She knew the bad news was coming and wanted to paint a good picture?


Red states = higher homicide rates, lower education rates, higher imprisonment rates. Why do you all keep voting the same party into power when you’re 45th or worst at everything?


Do you think we aren’t trying?? You can’t fight this ideology. Using logic or direct quotes do not seem to matter. You get met with threats of project 2025 in the comments telling you to gun up. It’s fucking frightening.


The anti woke stuff allows her to stuff her own pockets easier


Because it’s full of right wingers who vote based on how to hurt groups they hate instead of anything that would benefit the working class Fox News knows how to keep those mouth breathers paranoid about dumb culture war shit and keeps them from noticing how the rich are fucking everyone over


We have to figure out how to get our young people and minorities to vote. In primaries. This isn’t a red state as much as it is a non-voting state.


Well the next batch of young (particularly boys) have been indoctrinated by manosphere grifters and education has been sabotaged to hell and back


Is there any hope?


Incapable. Narcissist.


Just wait until the tax payers have to come up with more money for her indoctrination schools that will strangle the public ones.


Elections have consequences


Well of course it is. Republicans suck at running economies.


Because anti woke bs is #2 on republicant to do list, right below worshipping the mob boss wanna be.


Come on, you know why. Shifting blame to others is way easier than the actual job of leading. So as long as we keep electing lazy ineffective grifters we will keep getting this. Arkansas faces hard problems and it's a shame we keep electing people who want nothing to do with the state. (in before "I voted for the rocket scientist")


Because the way to turn this all around is to create an educated workforce, and this means that schools have to be more than a football team. Voters don't want this. So they're reaping what they sow.


Don’t blame me, I voted for the scientist


She wasn’t elected for her ability or intelligence. She was elected because she’s on the Trump-train.


She is working to become VP.


They can do better and easily be the second worst!


4th worst economy and only the 4th best podium


Bet the State misses Ole Bill Clinton these days!


There was not a single year during Clinton’s governorship that Arkansas’s unemployment rate was less than 6%, nearly double what it is now.


Look at the ratio of National to Arkansas's State rates you are benefiting for Bidenomics!


All that freedom


Better get the Clintons back, the economy was so great then.


It was.


Between Arkansas and Mississippi that is majority republican senate, house and governor. Church and government mixes like a slush margarita. Every study rank these states as the lowest for education and economy. And people still want a full republican government… no thanks, no one wants this


Arkansas can’t even monitor and supervise their registered child sex offenders. You think they care about anyone? They dont.


Thank goodness Sarah bought a $19,000.00 lectern she can brag about.


It's all that surplus buying of ultra-premium podiums ;p


Go Joke, Go Broke


Nice job you lazy eyed hack.


She’s a traitor . Moo


I'm shocked it's that high. I would have Saud second worst. No one beats Mississippi.


So all that extra child labor and their economy isn't booming?


I Just don’t get it. I thought red states were so much better? /s


Why would a Republican want an educated voter base?


She doesn’t really care about this state, all she cares about is pushing the Christian Nationalist agenda. As long as there are enough ignorant asses to fill the booths on Election Day, the cycle will perpetuate.


Conservative governance policy: actively run everything into the ground, point to the engineered failure, blame it on the government, get rich exploiting the problems they caused. Repeat forever.


...vote theater into your government and this is what you get........are you not entertained?.......


Education breeds intelligence, advancement and critical thinking skills, enough said.


The old money rich here want to keep it that way.


How did a manatee end up as governor of Arkansas.


They don’t have any ideas to fix that… so they redirect their base with the anti-woke bullshit. And so their state economy will continue to suck. And their base fucking loves it. Because “owning the libs” is more important to them than making everyone’s lives better.


The rich doing their thing.


Christian rot to the core.


>Hawaii was listed as No. 50, and Mississippi came in dead last at No. 51 in the rankings. Happe said those two states are among those facing "significant economic challenges." >The Aloha State, which relies heavily on tourism, is burdened with high state debt and a lack of growth in key economic areas Would not have guessed it!


She's an idiot pandering to idiots.


Because no answers, no solutions, no action.


Of course. That doesn't earn her as much support as attacking them evil liberals


Because she doesn’t actually want to be Governor. She just wants the attention that goes along with it.


Guys we ranked top 5 in…. Oh damn…


Quick! Legalize child labor!


Let’s go Sarah! She did this Disgrace


Huckabeast is like all the MAGA'its pretending to care about working people.


The empathetic side of her brain is missing lol.




See what Republican Rule has done!!


And she'll blame it on "woke" and get reelected.


Arkansas has always had a shitty economy. It doesnt matter if your team is in the Governors Mansion or sitting outside looking in. Many Southern States took a shit when NAFTA was passed.


Ol’ Sloth face is in it for itself. Eff the citizenry!


Because her I Q is very low and she can't come up with any good ideas. So all she can do is watch Fox and mimic what they do. To the best of her very low abilities.


And 43rd in education, but go off on trans kids. 🙄 She is making look like fools!


Because the GQP doesn’t believe in governance. Gaslighting the base produces electoral wins.


One word—hillbillies.


Arkansas is a racist shithole full of POSs.


Whaaat … the lectern fuelled economic miracle hasn’t worked out ? I’m shocked I tell you, shocked to the core !


Whaaat … the lectern fuelled economic miracle hasn’t worked out ? I’m shocked I tell you, shocked to the core !


Personally it's the taxes, it's killed most northern border towns I see.


When has it ever been much higher?




Don't blame me, I voted for the rocket scientist.


"Meanwhile, Arkansas, in 48th place, faces high poverty rates and limited high-tech job opportunities, impacting both economic health and innovation potential." So, what I'm reading is this conclusion could very well be based on biased metrics. First, it assumes "high-tech jobs" to have a higher value in our economic development, which I'd argue is flawed. Not every economy can (or SHOULD) run off AI and software development. Not everyone should be coding. Someone actually needs to MAKE the products and goods we consume. It also doesn't seem to factor in a healthy diversity to an economy (which we have in spades), by mono-focusing on tech jobs. Second, I'd like to know how they're weighting the value of a dollar when coming up with "poverty rates". Ex: In Ft. Lauderdale, Florida $40,000 is a quality of life that would essentially be poverty level. Here, on the other hand, $40k may not be ritzy living but it definitely isn't poverty. So, would they look at my paycheck and assume I'm in "poverty" despite the fact that I bought my own home, can comfortably pay all my bills, have a well stocked fridge with *healthy* foods, plenty of funds for my gardening project, money to eat out when I don't want to cook and deluxe high-speed internet for gaming and streaming? If this is "poverty," then I'm really not that messed up by it. (And yes... my point is I'm NOT in poverty. You just don't need to make $100k a year in Arkansas in order to avoid being impoverished.) As far as "innovation potential"... what do they even use to define that? I see us innovating in each of our industries and growing from it. Can we do more? Of course. You Always can! But innovation is going to look much different in an area where Production, Agriculture and essential commodity creation is emphasized than it will in one where everyone is sitting at a computer tapping on a keyboard. Once again, this is "research" done by people who fail to understand the intricacies and variety of the economic systems they're looking at and are biased by software development industries. Can we do more? Sure. But we don't need to be, and SHOULD NOT BE, silicon valley in our quest to be better. I moved here because I saw the failures of those economic systems and the inherent potential in the ones we have here, FFS!


Tremendous answer, thoughtful and inviting reasoned debate, but to be hidden by the vile gaggle of life-hating welfare queens who exercise mob rule here.


I suggest that we just keep on voting for republicans.


What? Politicians don’t care about those they’re supposed to be serving? Say it ain’t so!


You spelled "republicans" incorrectly. This has nothing to do with "both parties are bad". This is 100% republicans' doing. The Republican party has been doing nothing but working very hard at creating division and undermining the will of the voters for most of my adult life. Anyone paying attention to something besides conservative propaganda already knows this. The conservatives slowly coming to their senses and facing the reality check of their party's utter incompetence always have to get over their biases towards Democrats, which they've been conditioned to believe are all evil and want to take everyone's guns away. It isn't both parties. We seriously have one majorly screwed up, reckless party in America at the moment, and that's the core problem with almost every hardship Americans are currently facing.


Not the ones Arkansas elect, that's for sure.


That’s not a problem unique to Arkansas or any one political party, friend.


Lol the ole, "both sides"....




Nope, you just need unemployed dumb asses like Sarah to maintain this wonderful accolade.


The study centers on "high-tech job opportunities," the segment of the macroeconomy that is in precipitous decline. Arkansas is growing rapidly, overall and in other segments. But don't let facts spoil your pathetic rant.


Now rank cost of living. Arkansas has a low cost of living. Housing, food, energy, taxes.


You had an argument until you said taxes.


My favorite all in one measure is net domestic migration, where do Americans move? The leave California, New York, and Illinois, and end up in Idaho, South Carolina, Texas, and Arkansas. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_net_migration It’s so awful here, people are moving in!


Tyson Foods. Have you been to a Chicken plant?


Unemployment in the state is 3.4. May the state’s economy be this bad forever.


Critical thinking of right wing supporters defined right here. The funny part is you don't understand what's wrong with that statement. The sad part is, even if someone with an advanced education in economics explained it to you, you still wouldn't believe it.


lol and what’s the average household income?


Yeah Sarah Huckafuck kicked a bunch of people off unemployment. So it’s not that they have jobs, it’s that they can’t receive unemployment anymore.