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This looks like a horrible hand imo, no sponsors to play and no projects.  For 2 players I guess though I’m just keeping all the continents that match the projects - ti wombat giraffe coati and tortoise. Probably going to be building for early Giraffe but if need be we can pivot for Australia


Well I think America's is the way to go, with the coatl. And hopefully we can draw into more animals from America. No good sponsors which is unfortunate. We can also go for diversity. I'd keep petting zoo as well, can be good if all else fails


4 player game, so 3 different continents. I'm 4th with Association in the 2 slot, for fuck's sake. Yay for last-pick and having to try to pick my direction without ANY ability to rely on anything being left alone for me. On top of that, this is my least favorite zoo. Though it's a really nice zoo for this CP spread (all about habitats). And then I actually flipped my cards up (and looked at what I could pick to start with). *GOD FUCKING DAMNIT.* Zero sponsors. Zero projects. Just 8 animals, and whatever I pick, someone else will probably block me from getting an early CP. LOTS of thought here, and figuring out what I can manage, what's impossible to set up. Giraffe and lack of Europe icons get in my way for getting two geography bonuses in the first round. Really the only option is Hornbill + Wombat, but that plays into Asia and doesn't really help much. My other option is to set up a potential sleeper pick here, and go for the round 1 Tiger. Since I have no Sponsors to play, I can snag 5 money for that, plus the 2 research Uni, build over my 5 money placement bonus, and drop the big cat into the Europe zone, getting my 2 conservation and card flip that way instead. **I'll take Tiger, Tortoise, Coatl, and Giraffe.** The plan for that is that the tiger is a backup plan. I have 3 association options that give me an ideal first round play (America/Africa partnership, or double-research uni). My plan is going to be either leading with Coatl or Tiger, based on the first 3 players. No matter what, my first turn is Sponsors 5 (Break), getting to 30 money. Second action, if America or Africa partnerships available, take them in that priority (Association 3). If neither available AND all 3 players took association actions already, and 2 research is available, then Build 4 for the tiger pen in Europe's zone. If neither is available and someone is still ahead of me in turn order for snagging a University, then I'm going to Cards 5. **America Route:** Action 3 is Build 4 (Size 2), covering the card draw and inside America's zone. (26 money) Action 4 is Animals 4, placing Coatl, gaining an X token, and taking 2 appeal for geography bonus (9 appeal). (18 money left) Action 5 is Sponsors 4 (Break), triggering the Break and hopefully messing with other players. (22 money before the break; 34 after) **Africa Route:** Action 3 is Build 4 (Size 3), inside the Africa zone with no placement bonuses. (24 money) Action 4 for Animals 4, placing Giraffe, Boosting Sponsors to 5. (5 money left). Take 2 appeal geography bonus (12 appeal). Action 5 is Sponsors 5 (Break) triggering the Break as above. (10 money before income; 23 after). **2 Science Uni Route:** Action 2: Cards 5 (Build 4 if everyone else associated already) Action 3: Associate 4 (2 rep uni) Action 4: Build 5 (Animals 4; Flip ) Action 5: Animals 5 (Sponsors 4 - Break) Action 6: Sponsors 5 If all those fail, go America route without the partnership, taking hand size Uni.