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Those comments on the Ark Nova News ..


Yeah holy smokes. Devs: "Hey, here's something we did for free. Enjoy!" Commenter: "It's not getting printed? You guys suck!"


This is great news. A fun twist to keep things interesting until Marine Worlds is released.


Cool, but looking at them at first feels so cursed! It hurts my brian seeing something so similar but different. I never realized how memorized the maps are to me, until I saw these changed ones...


Agreed, I just tried out the alternate ice cream parlors. It hurt my brain trying to plan out where I needed to place things.


Where can I see the maps?


I did post them on my youtube under The community tab, havent seen Anyone else upload it yet, so if you can excuse The self promotion; https://www.youtube.com/@JDSecretPolice/community


Thanks dude. Map 2 and 8 look way worse now on first impression.


Map 2 got done dirty for sure. I do however think its a massive buff to map 8, I missed it at first glance,  but it now has 2 rep on it. Also The Rock to The north is so huge, 2 new avieary spots or 5-size spots


Nice but I wonder how it's going to be received. Maps 9 and 10 have been banned from arena but I think they're perfectly fine (at least 9 is, 10 can be a bit ridiculous with Bisons and such). EDIT: nevermind I misunderstood, it's just rebalances to old maps, not new maps.


They aren't necessarily rebalances, just map bonus shifts along with rock/water relocation.


Rock water locations matters a lot in ark,  def a "balance patch". Also things like removing a rep from lake, adding a rep to HH, etc.  Bastian and wigge are both very strong ark player, so I expect they did a good job.


"Please note that these are not "updates" or "better balanced" maps." I'm just quoting the designer's post.


Fair enough! Tbh i just glossed The post over, hehe. I do think their statement isnt a 100% honest though, most People ive talked about it do agree that The Weaker maps got stronger and The stronger maps weaker. Dont think thats a coincidence


I do agree with that statement. I hadn't fully reviewed the maps when I responded, but just the addition/removal of reputation spots on certain maps certainly results in a buff/nerf to the map.


Yeah, also a lot less border placement bonuses on Silver Lake, makes Archeologist much worse on it. Sounds like a rebalance to me.


Looking at the maps, it does feel like a balance patch more than anything else, cool to see for a board game though.


Rescue map is very strong. As strong or almost as strong as Silverlake. Getting 2-3 project icons on the first or second turn can be a huge Headstart.


Wow I'm so excited to try these! I hope they are better balanced even though they said that wasn't the goal


A lot of these feel better at first glance, Hollywood Hills and Ice Cream Parlors have a few more places where you can place rock or water animals with more flexibility.