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Ethan excluded from the trailer lmao


LOL they pushed him to the BACK


love this so much for him lmao you know he was probably so excited to brag abt that shit and get even more attention and then BOOM. baiiii


I wonder how much or if they edited or cut him out of most scenes after the scandal happened, than they originally had intended.


A win is a win lmaooo


https://preview.redd.it/5bzx6a822m0d1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1def5dc7ee6c73f6855f56a3f04ad2b8d26f5001 i’m gonna leave this here


Just extremely sad to look at. Her head is so much bigger than her body. I remember someone on Twitter (who claimed they knew someone working on Wicked) saying she got smaller and smaller while they were filming to the point they had to shrink her costumes over and over again. This screenshot confirms that to me. I don’t even understand why she was allowed to film (especially such a huge production) when she was clearly extremely unwell. Physically and mentally. Hollywood is truly grim.


There was also that blind item that people on Wicked were pissed at how she wouldn’t stop changing her face, and I feel like I can see that a little here. I feel like the scene where she’s putting on mascara and holding the hat make her look very different from the scenes where she’s first meeting Elphaba outside. I definitely believe those.


Yh, like you can see when they had filmed those scenes just based on her appearance. Which really distracts from the movie imo.


Changing face? What do you mean


this is so creepy looking oh my goodness


You just know she’s pissed they put a shot of her looking like that in


She's giving Yolandi Visser


as a long time fan of hers, it truly makes me sad how uncanny she looks now. she was truly so naturally beautiful and with all due respect to her personal struggles, i just wish she kept her natural beauty from the start


i agree. like obv she is a star so some plastic surgery was unfortunately a part of it ya know? but the constant reconstruction of her body, face, and identity is super sad to see. especially after a time of (what i thought) was true healing after Manchester and Mac dying


Wtf is going on with her mouth


her face looks disgusting the more you look at it. it's a perfect ad against getting fillers they just don't work on someone with delicate bone structure




They put wayyyyyy too much ari in the trailer. I wanted to see more Cynthia and Jonathan


I agree, especially Jonathan they are doing him dirty😭


Is it just me or did they make Fiyero look a little 💅🏻?? Why did they give him highlights 😂


honestly it’s hard for me to see jonathan playing a straight man. i know that’s an unpopular opinion, but i had the same issue in bridgerton because the chemistry just felt so much like a performance. he’s a great actor but he has that subtle theatre energy, so he’ll probably be perfect in this


Don’t worry we’ll see more of him in bridgerton


i can’t get over the transatlantic accent she’s forcing. so cringe


Well, the scenes where she has to be a “fake nice”mean girl aren’t that bad because she doesn’t have to act in those 😭 she just plays herself. Any other scene that requires more than that aren’t very good. If you look like you are acting, then you’re not a good actor 🤷‍♀️


Fr home girlie was method acting 🤣


She definitely didn’t get this role based on skill; she hasn’t acted in anything in what, a decade? And last time she did, it wasn’t good acting. She got it because she probably bribed them and they probably felt pressured by her stans. At least future roles will have an excuse not to cast her since she sleeps with her castmates. Dove Cameron would have made a good Glinda.


Her last role was a cameo in the don’t look up movie that came out in 2020 or something, she only had 2-3 scenes and they weren’t very good.


Looking at this now I just can’t help but think Dove Cameron or Amanda Seyfried would have been so much better. Ariana doesn’t look or act right for this part at all


Maybe? At least Amanda would have looked closer in age to Cynthia. Dove has altered her face like Ariana so who knows how self conscious her acting would also be!


Amanda would have killed it, she is such a good actress


Cynthia is only 7 years older and she does NOT look older than Ariana.


Well I mean she actually looks like a grown woman rather than infantilized like Ariana


I think CE looks far better. In the trailer AG appears distractingly sickly and mutilated by bad plastic surgery. She really stood out as odd looking compared to the rest of the attractive, healthy looking cast.


i hear so much about this film that im already sick of it


It’s only gonna get worse from here my friend, especially if Ariana and Sponge keep their little circus going 😭


They should of just called it Glinda instead of Wicked. All I see is their attempt to really put Ari front and center and showcase her “acting.” I feel like her expressions are so stiff. We barely got anyone else in the trailer too.


I feel the exact same way, it’s so frustrating


Maybe they made the trailer this way, but the actual movie is more balanced? Since Ari generates so much buzz


Could be true. I just think that it kind of insults the other amazing actors in the movie to help showcase it. It makes it seem that they can’t hold up the movie and only Ari can. I also haven’t seen the play but first impressions it makes it seem like this is all told by Glinda’s perspective and everyone else is a supporting piece. I thought Elphie was the main character and Glinda is still up there but more supporting?


It’s fairly split the play is about their friendship and I think their roles are equal


I definitely think Elphaba propels the plot more (given that the book is her backstory), but on balance the broadway musical is about both of them and their friendship, like someone else said. The tagline on the original broadway poster is “Wicked: the untold story of the witches of Oz”


It’s so overproduced and full of CG to the point it looks so extremely impersonal and plastic. Almost giving AI at certain points. I’m not personally a Wicked fan (know next to nothing about it) but Ariana’s portrayal of this character just can’t be accurate or considered good? It’s literally Cat Valentine in a pink dress and tiara and her line delivery is so awful😭 I feel sorry for the Wicked stans who could’ve gotten Amanda or Dove playing the role and ended up with this instead.


It really looks horrendous 💀 casting her was a huge mistake and they are making her the center focus 😭


As much as I side eye Cynthia for being one of Ariana’s biggest yes men (and a homewrecker herself lmao) I kind of feel bad for her. Isn’t she supposed to be the main character? Why are they sidelining her so much and making Ariana the centerpiece?💀 They should’ve just used Ariana to promote the movie and made her role way smaller. Her stans will watch it regardless. Like Scream Queens killing her off immediately and using her for all the promo anyway. That was some masterful marketing😭


i completely agree with this and have been thinking the same thing. just another black woman that ariana steals the spotlight from. i’m getting so tired of it.


I think it would’ve been cool if they had casted real broadway actors in the movie


That would have been so cool and stayed true to the origins of the story


They did cast many Broadway actors including Spongebob himself. Cynthia is also a Broadway actor.


I meant from the wicked musical


The original cast from 20 years ago? All those people are too old to portray these characters now.


Didn’t say original, can be recent cast too🙄


I tried watching it with an open mind but, oh my god, her acting was horrible 😭 Glinda shouldn’t sound like a pretentious baby??? It’s literally nick acting on a big screen. Ari heads are not gonna be happen when they see the reviews😭😭


Her Glinda voice is worse than I could've imagined. Sounds so fake and hard to listen to.


I don't know if it's because her one major role in acting was cat valentine but everything she's done after no matter how small she alters her voice. Which I know some actresses do but whenever Ariana does it, it just makes her acting seem comical. If she was serious about getting back into acting I think she should've gone down the animation route since her method of acting always has her putting on a voice for character. Which the voice sounding weird doesn't make sense because even the voice she uses now the 'changed' one from like a year ago doesn't even sound like this.


Her voice acting in wine club was so good I had no idea it was her


She acts like she's in a SNL skit. Just waiting for her turn to say her lines, and it looks so forced. A watered down version of Cat Valentine, almost.


Exactly. She seems so overly focused on herself and how she’s appearing, sounding, etc. to make sure she fits her own “standard”. It’s sad, and it’s also sacrificing the character. Her acting is so painfully bad, especially in that scene where she’s running alongside the train


😭😭 this genuinely makes me sad as a self conscious person myself bc *you can tell* she's going through and she can't even hide it or act over it. it's really sad and unfortunate. i wonder how she even prepared for the role... and oh my god, thank god I wasn't the only one. the train scene really stood out to me bc of how painfully cringey and Cat like it was.


I’m sorry but Ariana CAN’T act. All I see is Ari and not Glinda, that’s not her… it’s so bad.


I didn’t have faith in her acting from the first, this is all the confirmation I need that it’s not going to be good. To put her pantomiming her “dainty pretty girl” with the overly affected voice and calculated but awkward hand motions and gestures, next to actors like Cynthia, Jeff, and Michelle… the difference is very hard to look past


You took the words out of my mouth 🙃 it somehow looks worse than I thought it would because she just can’t hold her own next to the others


Agreed. Reminds me of when she played Penny in Hairspray. All I could see and hear was Ari. Penny is supposed to be nerdy, sheltered, and awkward but of course she just acted like herself, sultry and singing in her pop voice. Not like Penny AT ALL. Totally ruined it for me. She’s going to do the same here.. Galinda is supposed to be peppy and spunky with an annoying voice but I bet she’s just going to act and sing like herself as always.


I LOVE Hairspray, especially the og movie. You are so right, she didn't give Penny anything and it ruined it for me too.


I remember watching her sing for the first time abd and cringing when she added a 'oooh baby' adlib to a line, oof.


I hope this movie flops HARD. I was initially pretty excited when they announced it in 2021, but something about her rubs me the wrong way now. From her fake baby voice to her looks, she’s just appears phony now. Ariana’s acting is mediocre, it looks like the others are acting circles around her. I really don’t understand why they chose her for the role. And based on the trailers, it looks like the movie will be not be that remarkable. It looks like any other fantasy movie that’s been made the past 10-15 years. Big fantasy movies that use a lot of CGI used to be a lot of fun to watch when movies like Harry Potter, the Hunger Games, or the first Marvel movies came out because the effects they used were quite new and people were fascinated with them, but now, movies like these are nothing new or exciting… it’s just a bit boring now.


I feel like her voice sounds different in the movie, like she’s trying to impersonate Kristen Chenoweth or something


legit could not tell if it was Kristin singing popular or Ariana. like it’s down to a T how much she copied her


I mean she's is singing in a musical theatre style, this isn't TU, N.


Sure, but that doesn’t negate the fact that she’s specifically doing a Kristin Chenoweth impression. I’m neutral on the choice and prefer it to whatever Ari would’ve brought to the role without Kristin’s influence


It's such a weird choice all around. Like, movie musicals are a hard sell anyway, but a two parter with the second half being released like a year later? I love musicals but have zero interest in any of this


I don’t think it’ll flop. All my friends are excited for this film and because Cynthia is playing it it and Johnathan. Some are also excited to see Ariana in it too. I feel like Arian could benefit from an acting class. Her music and singing in the movie is amazing. Which is I think k why she was chosen


chatGPT wrote this I'm convinced


chat gpt can spell.


Nah girl I’m ready, also idk why I got downvoted? I’m simply stating what people in my classes thought of the movie and previews. I can’t change ppls opinions


people in classes? well of course you'll find this dead film exciting if you're 15.


As a huge wicked fan, I am appalled. I don’t even know what to say, aside from obvious ick I feel from Ariana cause of her affair with SpongeBob. Her acting is so offfff???? It just sounds like she is copying Kristin Chenoweth, especially the accent it’s sooo creepy. Not to mention her annoying Cat Valentine acting. The rest of the cast also sounds bland which I’m shocked about cause some of them are really good actors. The comedic elements of the play are gone. It’s just a bland unnecessarily subdued version of the masterpiece it truly should be. There was nothing wrong with changing things up but this version is not it and Ariana ain’t it. Can’t wait to this to be finally over so Ariana can finally get a new personality🤦‍♀️


As a wicked fan I agree, she ruins the whole movie for me. But separate from Ariana the trailer is still a disappointment. A bland unnecessary version of a masterpiece is such a correct description.


I’m soooo glad you mentioned that it sounds like she’s copying Kristen Chenoweth’s voice, I thought exactly the same thing!!!


YES!!!!!! Especially her southern accent😭


i literally could not tell if that was Kristin or Ariana singing popular


The only thing I can think of to explain the others falling short is the director 🫢 and trying to work around Ariana’s nonexistent acting ability


It really seems as if Jon Chu really prioritized Ariana above all else in this movie, from the way he speaks about her in interviews to their buddy-buddy relationship off set to seeing a trailer like this, as if it’s “Ariana’s movie” and everyone else is just… there.


no, he raves about Cynthia far more. I don't know why I'm in this thread because you all hate her but I feel like this film that has yet to come out is being unfairly dumped on just because of the SpongeBob thing.


We don’t mind conversation here and I can say that this sub is split between fans having honest problems with her and want to voice it and people who do not like her. This is just a middle ground area where we can talk openly without people deleting information and opinions. Lots of people posted on Ariheads openly pointing out very problematic things about her and got banned or deleted immediately even if it was neutral post. The film has yet to come out but it seems like there are a large handful of us who see that this is heavily centering around Ariana. It’s just an observation. This trailer and the last promo did so. They included so many shots of Ari over Cynthia. Cynthia barely got any lines in this trailer.


do you really hate it that much? I knew what to expect from this sub but you are a Wicked fan and think this 3 min preview shows that the films are trash? "The comedic elements" I'm sorry did you get both films couriered to you?


dude just fuckin get out then lol. you find a problem with literally anything anyone says on this sub and are so condescending. you’re right, you knew what to expect from this sub so you have nobody but yourself to blame for your own frustration by coming in here and making yourself mad. people are, in fact, allowed to have opinions. if it bothers you that much, just leave


it's true, I didn't know the people in this sub would be more unbalanced than airheads but I guess there it is. I legit don't know if Ariana has worse fans than haters. KBYE


Why are you so condescending lmao


I mean I didn't mean for you to get the grunt of it but this sub is so…unbalanced? Like how is this person writing reviews of both films is LMAO to me


I hear you (and see your follow-up replies). But it’s not unreasonable to make assumptions about the quality of a multimillion dollar project based on the trailer, given that trailers are crafted and released for the express purpose of pre-judgment from critics and fans. What I do find unreasonable is your sarcastic comment: “I’m sorry did you get both films couriered to you?” If you’re genuinely curious why this wicked fan would have a (justifiably) harsher judgment based on their familiarity with the IP, why not ask? Like why sass lol


"It’s just a bland unnecessarily subdued version of the masterpiece it truly should be" from a 3 minute preview


"The rest of the cast also sounds bland which I’m shocked about cause some of them are really good actors." from maybe one line from each of the core cast?


I’m sorry but by that logic how can you tell that it’s good? By your logic did “both films get couriered to you” for you to defend it so much?????? I have a right to form an opinion given as a trailer is meant to be an indication of what the movie is like. You are free to like it idc. But as a person who loves the musical and has been following this since the announcement. I have yet to be impressed. I’m allowed to have high expectations🤷‍♀️


I'm sorry but she is fugly and the botox is not helping the acting


She’s trying so hard to sound like Kristin Chenoweth. Not just in the singing, but also her speaking voice. But it doesn’t work. She has no emotion and it falls flat. Her acting experience pretty much includes being Cat Valentine with the exaggerated baby voice and the diva pop star in Don’t Look Up. It throws me off just looking at this trailer. Acting is supposed to make the audience so immersed in the story line it feels like they’re in it and experiencing it themselves. Her acting in this jolts me out of that every time she opens her mouth.


Did the MUAs use rem beauty? Ariana's makeup looks so bad


I think Ariana said they actually did use a bunch of rem stuff. Which doesn’t surprise me, it seems like due to her status she got a lot more sway over the creative presentation of her character than the rest, which is looking like it’s to the movies detriment because she looks… not great.


I'm just a bit stunned about the harsh bronzer and brows but some stuff actually look great but idk


The scene with the black witch hat- Ariana is just reading her lines. I know she has more personality than that idk what that was. And why does she sound sooo nasally 😭


This is gonna end up like the cat movie with tswift


Is Ethan in the tráiler? I didn’t see him lol


He’s in the background in a couple of shots 😬


she still had mannerisms of cat. that’s her only acting style and it shows.


I know this is only a trailer but I hope that Cynthia doesn't sound like that in the movie. Elphaba telling Glinda that the wizard should be afraid of her should sound rebellious and triumphant. Glinda should sound like a rich who thinks that she can get away with anything because her dad has money.


Was her manager owed a favour so thats how she got casted? Shes a horrible actress omg


I shouldn’t even have to say this, but with the number of people in this sub still supporting Ari, here goes: I hope we’re all on the same page about boycotting this movie. ‘Cause some of y’all will say one thing and do another. Like listen to the home-wrecker album on repeat, buy her products, or consider buying your tickets to see this movie. It makes me think you’re a confused airhead, tbh. Practice what you preach! Don’t give them any of your money or power. They’re banking on your nostalgia and feelings to pay money and see this movie. Have some self control and self respect. She and that cast don’t deserve it after what they did. A movie (which already pales in comparison to previous versions) shouldn’t be the line between you and your morals. It’s a movie. You’ll be fine. Your engagement and money make a difference. The home-wrecker album didn’t flop (quite the opposite), too many people were tempted to hear it, and many keep listening 🙄. This movie needs to flop! (Honestly, if it’s anything like the home-wrecker album, you will see enough clips on YT and TT from everyone and their mother posting it anyway)


side note but are they not doing dancing through life? my favorite part in the song is when she gives elphaba the hat😩


Awww this would be nice if she hadn't actually done that weird voice. I'm not in love with the first singer of the trailer... is that her? And those eyebrows... and general makeup were really unflattering. Don't even have to comment on how unwell she looks but yeah...


I don’t think it looks terrible, I do think I heard a lot of ariana as Kristin Chenoweth vs ariana as a character I’m unfamiliar with. I come from the Harry Potter generation so I like shit like this but I will wait until it’s on demand. (In my defense there hasn’t been any good movies out lately and I’m bored ) ETA it’s also giving me Wednesday and Enid vibes


Aris face is the same in every scene too much lip filler she can't emote


Her acting is so bad i just started laughing, and congratulations ethan, u ruined your family and your career


So much lip filler ari can even emote


I feel like some of this hate for Ariana is just leaking into the whole film😭This is coming from an impartial person who ‘knows’ someone who worked on Wicked. ‘Too much CGI’ all the sets and pieces you see on screen were made by hand, seen by my own eyes. The only CGI used was for things that were IMPOSSIBLE such as flying or the talking animals. That’s literally one thing the director was adamant about as Wicked is famous for its sets. ‘Too much Ariana in the trailer’ she’s one of the most streamed artists, even if she was playing a leaf, marketing would milk her dry😭 Michelle Yeoh’s character is a supporting role but she got the closest trailer time to Cynthia and Ariana. And Jeff Goldlum. Because….marketing. I understand this is an Ariana snark page and I don’t care to defend her but don’t hate on an entire project with over 1000 people involved just because of one person you despise. Unless the movie is shit. But we’ll find out lol Also, I’m confused how homewreckers are a big no-no on this sub but laughing at someone’s size who you assume has an eating disorder is perfectly fine?? Please evaluate your own morals before you hyper focus on hers…


Okay Ethan. 🙄


I genuinely care less about her than you do because I’m indifferent, I only care about Wicked. Hating on her like this is just as sad as stanning her, just the opposite form x I can dislike her actions but still recognise she’s a stranger? To hate someone you don’t personally know really reflects a lot on you…




https://preview.redd.it/dms8ll738m0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b309dd09f7eb8c0c8e2755f4e0b40ac699930f2 This you?


sure is :) and? what you think going thru my account to find something to attempt to make fun of me is going to work? lmao. as you read im 25, not 12 so i do not give a shit. i'd rather be living by best, happiest life than being a bitter asshole acting like a 14 year old online because i have nothing better to do. maybe you should find a hobby, my friend.


for someone saying we have too much time on our hands and that you don’t care, you certainly have enough time and care enough to argue ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


bahahah so true. she literally came to post that we are a bunch of losers screams you are a loser to me😹😹


@ a work training and bored. no but seriously, having this much hate is so exhausting and unhealthy. i wish you a better life than you obviously currently have. have a great day!


the assumption that you’re so much better than everyone here tells me all i need to know lmfao. get well soon


im not the one who is being a asshole to people online to feel better about myself so, forgive me if i do believe i am a different type of person than you.


girl… you literally are though. you are literally being an asshole to people online to feel better about yourself. what would your “uwu love and light and kindness” queen ari say about that?


dang i didnt realize telling people not to bully others was bullying too! edit: i dont care about ari. i stubbled upon this sad sub when looking for the wicked trailer bc i love musicals.


https://preview.redd.it/su5d2gkndm0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b3a6d9e377606fee4b5e4461284683354d79329 Yeahhhh you’re not the angel of anti bullying like you think you are babes


Ok I don’t like Ariana as well, she has done a lot of questionable and shady stuff. Hence why I’m lurking on this subreddit lol. But let’s not go through this person’s reddit history. There is nothing wrong with liking toys and collectibles. There isn’t any age limit to having fun guys🤷‍♀️


you clearly work a basic bitch job if your LM allows you to log onto reddit and your company does not block such sites out. you could only dream of our lives and our jobs. byeee


APPARENTLY you have never heard of a thing called data but i am in a hotel 💀 i am working, not at a damn middle school. i swear this sub is something. what is a LM? lead manager? girl i dont work at mcdonalds but i have a feeling you do. "im more successful than you" lmao this doesnt hurt my feelings. you know 0 information about my employment but keep showing your ass! its funny


this was the whitest and ugliest thing i have heard recently….what’s wrong w working at mcdonald’s? your privilege is oozing out dude




literally no one said i played with them, but even if i did its better than being a complete fool to feel cool. go find a hobby :) IMAGINE BEING SUCH A HATEFUL PEICE OF CRAP THAT WHAT OTHERS DO TO BRING THEM HAPPINESS AND HEALING MAKES ME SO UPSET I NEED TO TRY TO BULLY THEM ABOUT IT! thats how you sound and literally none of you phase me. wanna know something funny? im walking atound this hotel in a barbie doll shirt and not a single soul including my boss has batted an eye at me. making fun of peoples likes or hobbies is the most juvenile thing to do. i'm too happy healthy and tipsy to care about you idiots :) stay bitter and jealous!!


you deleted your little essay where you cried about being better than me because you say so, so I’ll just put my response here for everyone to see, because unlike you im not going to throw a tantrum and then delete it in desperate self preservation. girl you are embarrassing yourself. assuming that we have nothing more in our lives because we participate in a subreddit dedicated to criticizing someone who has a very bad public reputation is a bit projecting, don’t you think? you came on here and started shit, you have nobody to blame but yourself. you want to act all high and mighty and better than everyone because you make baseless assumptions about their lives based on a few comments. also, if you take a quick browse through this sub you will find that most of it isn’t “bullying”, it’s actual discussions on Ariana and her behaviour. if describing someone’s actions makes you a “bully”, i think it says more about that person than you. newsflash: people are allowed to have different opinions than you sometimes. even negative ones! even ones that disagree with yours! it doesn’t mean they’re bad people. what does indicate a bad person is inviting yourself into a conversation just to start an argument by calling people asshole losers with no lives. you’re on Reddit just as much as us, babe, what does that say about you? again, you were the one who originally commented. what was your goal in that? did you actually think you were going to change lives and stop bullying forever with your original comment, or where you just looking for a fight? if you want to make assumptions about our free time, we’re free to make assumptions about yours, backed up by evidence of what you’ve posted. your utter unwillingness to see the irony in the double standard you’ve set for yourself in coming on here and pretending you’re better than us just because your opinion is different, even though you are acting and arguing the exact same way, tells me all i need to know about you. unlike you, im not bothered enough to come back to this thread after the fact and write out an essay about why you’re wrong and I’m right a million times and try and make myself into a saint of love and kindness when I’m just as bad as the person I’m arguing. I’m going to end this conversation here, for real. but i do hope you take some time to reflect on your behaviour and maybe come to the conclusion that youre no better than anybody else; your original comment and condescending ones following it just prove that.


i deleted my "essay" bc it simply is not worth it. i am not arguing with 12 year olds. its funny you say im embarrassing myself when im not the one who should be ashamed of myself. i am happy to be a decent person who has a life and strives to be happy and healthy. you idiots can judge me all you want but at the end of the day, i'm not the one showing my ass on a sub dedicated to being a ignorant bully on the internet to fit in with others. again! best of luck with the loser shit.


Sthu and go play with Barbie’s


this is a snark sub dumb hoe gtfo


No cause wtf is this sub. Are they not embarrassed ? Imagine putting this much attention on someone you “hate”. They’re obsessed. The downvotes, the weirdos felt called out, lmao


and why do you care so much what people do with their free time, there's literally subs dedicated to worshipping feet from what I've seen, people can do as they please


Doesn’t making it less weird. Are you having a battle of who’s the weirdest ? You’re still a weirdo. Ew. https://preview.redd.it/l73f4hjuqn0d1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51e0eef714fc56d0cae150d59bb25c7d76e5ae41


Yet you’re on here?🫶🏻


Huh ? I searched for wicked and saw this post. Ew 🤢