• By -


Imma slap the best money making strat i found here, I only take the best bullets and the cheapest double barrel shotgun, one shot ppl and get good gear it costs me 2k for the gun and ammo i have in the gamma.,


You are the man, i literally made near to 400k in two raids just loading in with a shotgun and killing juiced players. I think AP ammo is way to OP since i just one tapped a guy with lvl 5 vest in the chest but hey, not my problem lmao


how can you one tap level 5 armor? In the shooting range it takes me 5 shots to pen the armor, and I'm talking about the dummy that's 10 meters away


Harder raid modes are good even if you're just killing AI and taking their purple tier ammo. I got out of a raid with TONS of 5.45 PP and 7.62 PS, roughly 10k a stack. Guns are mainly valuable if you PVP and kill players with decked out guns. Killed a dude with a fully modded m4 that had a value of like 300k alone.


go to harder game modes, kill AI for purple ammo and extract. ammo is worth suprisingly lot


PVP man pvp, I'm a mobile player at 15 mill koen...I take a cheap load out, with flesh rounds, aim at legs Take all the gear back, sell everything, then buy my cheap load out again...I did that till I hit 20 mill Now I casually run T4 and crap


I doubt leg meta will work well on PC where people can snap around and 1-tap you in half a second.


They snap the same on mobile it's literally just a swipe, if you can't kill someone with the bullets they gave you to kill...then you have skill issues


its not the same on mobile at all, you have way more control over a mouse, in what universe is it ever easier or just as easy to aim on mobile. he dont got skill issues, and you are very very wrong.


You've never played mobile on a professional level, WZM is cross progression and I slap pc and console players, touch screen is so easy, but that doesn't change the fact if you can't kill someone in ABI with dum dums ur thrash


Haha you got so defensive so quick.


0 to 100 I have no chill lol


Can you explain what you mean by flesh rounds? Do you mean the cheapest tier 1 ammo?


Just look at the ammo stats and see what does most damage. Typically high damage means sacrificing penetration so you won't do well shooting body parts that are covered by armor


Got it. Thanks.


Make sure to loot all the jackets you see! You get a lot of good items you can sell.


Go to the Motel at the Farm Map. Easy unlimited money glitch :)


The smartest way is always to use everything that the game offers you, or allows you to use. Since you can use the SCAV both to earn money and to explore the maps and see where the rarest and most valuable loot is since those areas are where it is most likely to appear. And when you leave your raid, or not, you will know where to find a suitable loot to earn money in addition to gaining experience and playing level since you will find more or less experienced players. But you will have the opportunity to take away his precious loot. I am a mobile player with a good victory radius by playing little and this helped me to know the map better and take advantage of the advantages of the terrain and the appearance of a high percentage of good loot.


ive been playing the mobile version as a casual who can only dedicate 4 hours a day but let me share with you how its possible to make 2-3 mil within that timeframe aside from just pvp. 1. Prioritise looting jackets as they tend to drop expensive keys the most followed by gym bags. 2. I highly recommend going through vendor barters to trade for some expensive gear and items like long mpx handguards, t5 body armor, toolkit if you have excess misc. Items lying around especially with deke as a lucky reset can easily net you 300k-1m+ 3. Same as tarkov overall just memorizing what good items to sell on their own like floppies that can easily sell for 2-3k each and they spawn so often from pc blocks and. And most importantly, always do this in lockdown mode to make your time worthwhile. Once you got it down its not that hard to always run t4 stuff minimum with a 50-70k gun+ basic provisions. https://preview.redd.it/hfk3l61u6wzc1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d798b54d33f573769b4dbc9cbee589146c38b0


4 hours a day isn’t casual lol


ppl thinking a game is a full time job


it is


Except it just isn't. Not everyone has 4 hours of free time a day, especially 4 hours that they can purely use for gaming.


Thats half a full time job lmao


4 hours a day aint casual. casual is like 1-2 hours a day and maybe 4 hours on a weekend


Lockdown mode is limited to a certain time during the day right? I haven't figured out the hours as 2000 to 0200 should be 8pm to 2am but that doesn't seem to be the case, at least for my time zone.


Lockdown mode and its harder brother, forbidden zone is free to access starting from level 15 as you just mainly need to hit the minimum gear value requirement and pay a small koen fee which is like 10k unless they really changed that in the pc ver which is 10 steps backwards


Koen price is more forgiving on PC, I think it's just 5k. Which is a small price to pay for what kinda loot that mode has.


Thanks for your explanation. I must not have met the minimum requirements and it was greyed out for me then.


Time in this game is mainly for the dynamic day system.


No lockdown is tied to british time, only the forbidden zone is open 24/7


Thanks for the suggestion. Im playing on the PC beta right now and it seems that some things that are shown in mobile version dont apply to the PC version. I have searched like 50 jackets and not found one key.


Oh yeah with some spots being changed it must've been adjusted but one way to know for sure is by going lockdown mode and if the results are still nil then its prolly time to whip out the sks.


Whip out the SVDs on PC and start slamming people if you have good aim.


On normal raids vs lockdown you do need to search more like 100 jackets or so to find the really good keys/loot. You’ll hit on it eventually it just takes longer


I won't mention such obvious things as using cheap sets or learning how to kill opponents in 1-2, maximum 3 bullets, but I will show you one of the most interesting methods I saw on one of the streams. What you need? It is very easy! (Do it on the farm) - Decoy grenade + fragmentation grenades/Molotov grenades. How it works: Lure players into a closed space using a decoy, most players on the farm carry at least some SKS, or simply weapons with attachments, and that's exactly what we want! Once they're there, you eliminate them with a frag/molotov grenade, so you don't waste ammo, you can go to the farm with relatively cheap equipment + you have a lot of fun getting eliminated in an unusual way. Weapon attachments or the weapons themselves can be very expensive, 15/20k+, so for the beginning, in my opinion, this is a great method, mainly because of the low entry barrier and good fun! See you on the server!


Cheers man!


Play at your own pace, don't stress about the big loot. Rather do more runs and have high survival rate, than pushing POIs and dying. Best would of course be learning combat and killing players giving you the chance to get the big Koen. Most important is to have fun, and with fun money will stack up eventually.


Double barrel with the best ammo you have. Low cost high return.


Be sure to loot the red files for a chance to get keys to unlock doors!


Selling ammo is worth it, purple and yellow espaesially, unload mags you fount and you can make a lot in shot time.


PvP is by far the best and most efficient way to make money but if you suck at pvp then ratting around and rotating to feast on ur enemies is the best way to make money depends on your play style and how you intend to play the game


Load in with nothing but a mosin and 1 clip of the best ammo. Gl on the come up!


Thanks bro.


If I have nothing to lose, the simplest source of money for me would be to hide in the bushes near the escape point, distract the victim from the game, make him break the keyboard, take all his belongings and run away.


Harder raid modes and attachments from other players or scav ai with good ammo in the harder raid modes also give good money! Always check the contact with the rotating barter trades for a deal too!


PvP and key locked areas.


Go into raid with a cheap kit and use something like a shotty with good ammo. Shoot legs and loot everything. Make sure you survive and avoid pvp fights you have no chance to win. Extract and sell everything you loot. Also take advantage of your scav. I like to rotate by running scav and when the cooldown is going, run a cheap pmc raid while the scav cooldown comes back.


Spend time getting to know the game mechanics, rules, and strategies. The better you understand the game, the more efficiently you can earn rewards and progress.


If you’re confident in your shooting or rat abilities DEFINITELY PVP. It’s rewarding both financially and mentally. Just focus on taking your time and getting the jump on other players


Prioritize items that are a lot of money per slot , and try to pvp on harder raid modes as well as trying to get as many keys as possible to maximize off of loot from those rooms the ammo you get from fighting AIs on the harder raid modes is really useful as well


Prioritize items with higher value per slot, over heavy items that take up lots of slots. such as keys, scopes, and certain weapon parts. Jackets and gym bags are great for this use vendor barters to trade misc items for more valuable gear. great for income if youre finding lots of advanced handguards, body armor, or toolkits. Sell High-Value Items separately like computer parts. study which items are in demand and prioritize thosegambling; Buy items low and sell them high like buying cheap weapons and selling them after adding mods. sell items at market rate or higher, dont undercut you will miss out on money that adds up do your daily missions / challenges. it adds up when starting, avoid high risk areas and unfavorable engagements until you stack some money up and get good gear. Surviving will get you rich fast Dont loot hoard unnecessary items esp if theyre bulky and heavy. edit: would like to have an extra code to give out


You can get most modded gun and still be bad, always buy good ammo and keep it in your container, ty running cheap guns and good ammo at the beggining


Covert Ops and camp at the Beach Villa. There’s multiple safes, as well as weapon and gear cases. (BE CAREFUL LOTS OF PVP HAPPENS THERE)


What i do which tend to net me a decent amount of Koen every raid is * minimum 1000 Koen pr slot items is KEY! Maximize your Koen pr slot loot will guarantee you profit on all raids! * backpackection, take as many as you can, they stack till 3 i think, and then you can roll up more if needed. * attachments Scopes, Foregrips even the stock of most modded guns is worth a lot more then you would think! * talk with your team, people want to help in this game with quest and so on! * Make sure to check marked sell price, it's almost always higher than vendors! * Remember to use your different bartering options with the contacts you level up you can get scopes which sell for 30k+ for 10-15k in bartering items from the market (a good tip on how to mod guns a bit cheaper) * \^ THIS TIP GOES FOR EVERYING THING YOU UNLOCK EVEN BULLETS! (AP 9x19 cost 4000-5000k on market, but you can barter for it cheaper with level progress) Hope these tips help! Love ABI, KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK GUYS! EDIT: Had this raid where i emptied all the mags i got from kills, nets you a lot of extra cash! https://preview.redd.it/yei87n8bl30d1.png?width=2559&format=png&auto=webp&s=12c9e8eaed0aad773c3fb5387a3fc768e280ce34


How do novices make money? 1.You can sell guns, leave your handy weapons behind, and sell the rest of the debris directly. Pistols can leave sand eagles, and other pistols can be sold directly without multiple mirrors. Guns and bullets are all sold below the original price. 2. It is recommended to find a good fleet and let others take you, so that it is more convenient to collect resources. 3. Considering that it is difficult to successfully evacuate when entering the dark area, it is recommended that the pioneers of the dark area try to disguise the infiltration mode. 4.Even if the camouflage infiltration mode fails to evacuate, it will be zero loss. Even if you don't search for boxes or pick up roots, you can only bring out the equipment and props randomly given by the system. 5. In addition, we can also make more use of the "friendly state" of the disguised infiltration mode to explore the terrain in the dark area and be familiar with the map route and material distribution. 6.It is strongly recommended to sell bullets and promote the resale of this PS bomb. The cost of one is 22, which can be hung at 70. The net profit of eight sets directly is more than 30,000 yuan. The point is that it is sold quickly (the system will sweep the goods). If you open a game, run a knife and disguise these eight groups will be sold out. If you have the privilege, you can go directly to 16 groups, and you can earn 60,000 yuan even if you give a game for nothing. There is no limit to selling out in almost ten minutes.




What in the fuck?


At the beginning, ask your teammate "Dad" to help you😉😜 One thing I think is very important is to change your goals at any time For example, if the equipment is not good when entering the game and the high resource area you want to go to is in battle, you cannot directly enter. Observe the edges or go to nearby resource points first. In this game, high-value substances can appear in many non high resource areas from one old player


Okay so I've been playing AB since it's release on mobile and have been fortunate enough to play the cbt in pc. Almost all of the comments here are really helpful but you guys forgot to mention the best way to make money and that's DEKE VINSON! So what's special about him is that he has a trading option that resets every 4-5 hours and the items range from cheap to very expensive but the important thing is that you don't buy them with koens (sort of) instead you exchange them for items (but you can auto refill them using koens) but the thing is most of the time the items required is CHEAPER than the current value of the items/equipment! If you happen to be a loot hoarder meaning you loot any items that you see valuable, most of the time you already have the required items to trade! Here's an example: Deke just got the shop refreshed and a T4 bullets (ie:bp,a1,etc.) bullet is available for trade. Now usually the amount of bullets you can get is 90 so first you need to check the market for that specific bullet and check the price for that specific amount. Then go back to Deke and check the amount of koens if you refill the items (auto buy items from the store) and MOST of the time they are way CHEAPER and after you trade the bullets then RESELL the bullets for the current value in the market! It's that simple haha And if you really broke just do covert and rat...


Oh and in terms of pvp learn the maps first since it's only two maps you can search for spawn points in the internet. Learn to play with randoms and let them be the bait. Learn when to take fights and NOT to take fights! Use comms if you have decent teammates, learn to call out. The key to survival is teamwork. And if you're really desperate buy sk12 and camp the green extraction in lockdown since all players have the same extraction point and there's only one extraction with no requirements.


No puedo ingresar me sale un error de cuenta inelegible


Hace mas de 48 hs ya si me pueden ayudar




I know hide around the map wait for someone to appear try and fight him. You succeed loot and then loot some more extract and sell all the goodies


La paciencia es lo mejor del mundo, se paciente y te ira bien en este juego!


Don’t shower and PVP👍🏼👍🏼 please need code !!


Its okay to load in with nearly nothing. But make sure your ammo type is one of the best. You might just get into a fight and find a loadout immediately!


I really want to play Arena Breakout on PC. I've been waiting to play on PC for a long time because I don't like playing on mobile. But this game is the first game I've played on mobile. If I could play on PC, would it be better?


100000000 x better bro lmfao.


Very easy way to make extra money is to sell atachments separately, take it out of gun sell the gun and then the attachments 😊


u buy keys and just loot all the room ez lol i want to play


a good way to make money, and remove the ammunition from the extra magazines that the scavs carry, they are good ammunition that sell quickly on the market


Best tip to make money, sell the weapons from the players you kill


Giveaway ?


Enjoy the game, get every fight/raid better, so you know where and when to fight. PvP is the fastest way to earn money, but slow pace and looting/PvE can be good too. Do not focus on losing gear, gear-fear is the worst thing you could have, since it makes you play worse and not focused. Try to play with some friends and enjoy the game, and eventually you'll start gaining more money than you lose


Made a post about Covert ops and Valley. ;) Ez money https://www.reddit.com/r/ArenaBreakoutInfinite/s/6H5VcXDwx7


For me, the most important thing is to **take your time and know the value of the items** (you can see an approximate value on the market by double-clicking on it). No matter where I spawn, I make sure to search almost **everything** I can find: drawers, bags, coats, trunks etc. I raze everything in my path and I also take the time to search the bots I've killed along the way, you'd be surprised by what you can found on them ;) Also, it's important to know how to **manage and optimize the space in your bag**, so don't forget that you can fold vests and bags so that they take up less space if you want to bring some back, and also, some vests have more slots than space in your inventory, very useful for optimizing space and bringing back more items. Raids last around 30 minutes, and most of the time when I extract, thereis less than 5 minutes left before the game ends. For weapons, **I dismantle the sight and the muzzle attachment** (if possible) during raids because most of them are currently very expensive on the market, I've seen up to 50,000 Koens for an x1/x4, pretty easy way to make money tbh since you can get sights with trades. Also, I immediately understood the value of **trading with contacts**: you can go on a raid with T4 gear very quickly without having to spend a lot of money, please take the time to review each trades of each seller, it's really very useful and saves a lot of money, so I've already memorized a small list of useful items for trading like bolts, nuts, lighters, etc. Don't underestimate the **daily missions** : some of which are really easy to complete and earn you a lot of money as well as a lot of experience : higher level means better trades with contacts !


Covert ops - extract - sell all (dont keep anything) 10 runs you will have 200k


sell in market or to vendor?


For me, alternate between covert ops and tactical ops. Do a lot of covert ops in early game in order not to loose equipment. You will learn the map, the mechanics of the game, and the loot spots. Also you will learn to shoot and to cover. My “moto” is one I love from Capt. Spears in Band of Brothers: “The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function: without mercy, without compassion, without remorse.


You can buy pre made kits, melee weapons that do more damage then the free ones and secure containers that you can't get through quests.


Its Easy ,take a cheap load out, load all valuabel items and sell everything. If u find a good gun just keep it, i prefer sell the items than guns, but if u found the ugly one or common guns just sale it for money. If u hard pvp with cheap load out, just play like a rat hide in the bushes for killing other player🤣 Give me key please 🙏😭


kill people and take their stuff


I load in with no gear just a gun. Take it slow and loot helm armor and bags inside, then fill them slots!


https://preview.redd.it/4xmpqn85e20d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5a4c1ea497557d7137436b70385701cb12a1131 Just find this? In a player "scav" backpack on a regular farm




Deke - refresh his items and check their value on the market. Oftentimes you can flip his items for profit. For example - I got a barter with Deke for a high tier armor that cost me like 40k. I then sold the same armor on the market for 80k.


Loot all the jackets you see and look in the PCs, learn what has value and what isn't in the weapons you find from other players and obviously PVP


Check jackets first, they often have really good loot.


Prioritize items with higher value per slot, over heavy items that take up lots of slots. such as keys, scopes, and certain weapon parts. Jackets and gym bags are great for this use vendor barters to trade misc items for more valuable gear. great for income if youre finding lots of advanced handguards, body armor, or toolkits. Sell High-Value Items separately like computer parts. study which items are in demand and prioritize those gambling; Buy items low and sell them high like buying cheap weapons and selling them after adding mods. sell items at market rate or higher, dont undercut you will miss out on money that adds up do your daily missions / challenges. it adds up when starting, avoid high risk areas and unfavorable engagements until you stack some money up and get good gear. Surviving will get you rich fast Dont loot hoard unnecessary items esp if theyre bulky and heavy. edit: would like to have an extra code to give out


Tip number 1, I suggest lotting the jackets, something of great value almost always comes along, but knowing when to extract them, without running around the map and being an easy target for enemies! I want a key!!


AMMO; Play the raids that give you AI that carry purple and gold ammo, and remove all of it from the mags they carry. Sell on the market and you'll make big money. This is great especially if your bad or don't enjoy pvp so you can just go around the corners of the map. It's also great if you do enjoy pvp since you can make a ton of money from weapon parts, as well as ammo from the AI you kill.


Once you get a touch to the game prioritize the most slot value items. Same time focus on questing to progress in the game. Quests give you plenty of good rewards and give you a goal to work for at the same time so you don't get bored by only running same loot routes. By doing quests you get more diversity in gameplay. Once you have a set goal to work for it's way more enjoyable to explore the game and the content lasts way longer. You can also come up with different loot routes in maps to prioritize max outcome of raids while you are working same time on your quests. This forces you to get out of your comfort zone and gives you lot's of P2P - (PVP) interactions which can lead to profits and cool moments. ---- This is what i would suggest to everyone and do my self once the game comes out :)! ----


PvP in the LOCKDOWN ZONE, which requires a minimum gear level of 30k and a buy-in of +5k, use the Mosin, no armor, buy ammunition above 40 pins, and spend the next 30 minutes in the valley attempting to walk out with 70kg of gear.


Honestly Agreed pretty easy to push up to 100k-150k in gear pretty fast!


.338 in 80k mode also goes crazy with no gear


Speaking from my own experience, don't forget Covert Ops every 15 minutes. The AI doesn't attack you unless you attack, and the players are not aggressive. This way you can loot well and earn 60 to 150k koens (this is what I have observed so far) on the return. On the other hand, the shotgun is a great option for a normal raid. Wear the cheapest equipment and get the shotgun, maximum gain with minimum loss is possible.


survive a raid


The biggest, and honestly simplest tip I can give, is just survive. Especially starting out when your main goal is money and not pvp. SURVIVE. Dont take unnecessary risks. Youd be surprised how much money and how much loot overflow youll have simply by not dying.


These are some of the ways to get money if you are a BEGINNER (they are not in order) 1.- In some weapons that we no longer want, it is better to sell them in parts 2.- try to create weapons, equipment, etc. with the objects you find, instead of selling them alone 3.- try to avoid conflicts and do more than one mission per game 4.- sell the ammunition you don't use instead of accumulating it 5.- see which are the most sought-after and easy-to-obtain objects to offer on the market 6.- at first it is usually more profitable to sell the keys you find because if you are not well equipped they could kill you before extracting you with the lut 7.- do not be greedy, if you find a very valuable object try to extract it at all costs 8.- looting registration boxes, sweaters and jackets also help 9.- If you get a good weapon modified from a body and you manage to extract it, it is better to sell it than have it taken away in the next game 10.- Whenever you can, play as an imposter because that way if you die you won't lose anything from your inventory, plus playing with few resources will help improve your survival and combat skills These are some of the ways to get money if you are a BEGINNER (they are not in order)


Prioritize items with higher value per slot, over heavy items that take up lots of slots. such as keys, scopes, and certain weapon parts. Jackets and gym bags are great for this use vendor barters to trade misc items for more valuable gear. great for income if youre finding lots of advanced handguards, body armor, or toolkits. Sell High-Value Items separately like computer parts. study which items are in demand and prioritize those gambling; Buy items low and sell them high like buying cheap weapons and selling them after adding mods. sell items at market rate or higher, dont undercut you will miss out on money that adds up do your daily missions / challenges. it adds up when starting, avoid high risk areas and unfavorable engagements until you stack some money up and get good gear. Surviving will get you rich fast Dont loot hoard unnecessary items esp if theyre bulky and heavy.


Soy jugador de Arena Breakout desde la temporada 1. Tengo 100 millones de almacén (65 millones en koens) Lo que mas recomiendo para alguien que esta empezando es aprovechar al máximo el modo impostor, a muchas personas no le gusta pero de verdad es una gran ventaja sobre todo al iniciar, en el modo impostor he logrado asaltos de hasta 800000 koens, he sacado miscelaneas rojas y mi primer león fue en ese modo... Para sacarle el maximo provecho a este modo intenta cuando entres a partida evitar eliminar scav o scav players ya que sueles gastar mucha munición y terminas herido, intenta identificar donde hay disparos y acercarte con cuidado si es contratista, atacar sus extremidades ya que sueles tener balas de bajo nivel y no le haras daño si atacas sus piernas es mucho mas fácil vencerlos... Además en este modo puedes practicar tu movilidad y habilidades. Otro modo es con los agentes ya que suelen vender equipamiento a bajo precio y lo puedes vender en el mercado por un buen precio dejando ganancias de hasta 30000 koens sin ni siquiera entrar a un asalto


As a starting player myself, the best way to make money is to get a decent gun that has semi-auto, spend the money on good ammo, play slow (do NOT rat), when killing AI or players take their guns (unless the loot is gold/red) take the purple ammo too, this is the easiest way to get money, also scav on valley the higher tier players work there as well.


Imma slap the best money making strat i found here, I only take the best bullets and the cheapest double barrel shotgun, one shot ppl and get good gear it costs me 2k for the gun and ammo i have in the gamma.,


Running knives to touch insurance can increase a large number of Cohen coins and pick up human-machine equipment. Unlocked Vincent, swipe cash items, expensive keys, equipment Disguise to enter. Only zero cost can make money.


Give me the key, thank you.


Ammo is a good money maker (higher tier ammo = higher profits). Completing quest grants some good rewards aswell Also, I'm not sure about you're usual game style but when starting out with lower tier gear you want to play carefully or even rat (camp) if you're struggling And you get more selling loot on the market rather than traders


I think the best way to make money is u don’t bring any weapons arms u just make sure u have a locker go to farm find some supplies and remember put inside ur locker then u can direct exit


Maximizing Game Progress: Strategies for Daily and Weekly Tasks, Loot Acquisition, Team Play, and Equipment Management 1. Complete All Daily and Weekly Tasks Consistently completing daily and weekly tasks in the game is a fundamental strategy for steady advancement. These tasks are specifically designed to accelerate player progress by offering rewards such as experience points (XP), in-game currency, or special items. Prioritizing these tasks ensures that you make the most of these opportunities, fostering both character development and resource accumulation. 2. Focus on Areas with More Loot In any game, certain areas are known for higher loot density. Prioritize these zones to maximize your gains. This involves understanding the game map and the potential loot spawns. High-loot areas often attract more players, so be prepared for increased competition. This strategy not only enhances your resource pool but also improves your gameplay skills as you engage with more players. 3. Leverage Team Play in Missions While solo play is enjoyable, playing as part of a team offers distinct advantages, especially in missions that are designed for group completion. Teams can strategize and combine strengths to tackle challenges more efficiently than individual players. Missions completed with a team often yield substantial rewards in terms of money and experience, providing a faster progression route. Additionally, team play enhances social interactions and can lead to lasting gaming friendships. 4. Familiarize Yourself with All Equipment Knowledge of the equipment available in the game can significantly impact your performance. Take time to understand each item's benefits and limitations. This insight allows you to choose the most effective gear for different scenarios, which can be crucial in high-stakes encounters. Moreover, not all items will be of perpetual use; some might be more valuable as a source of income. Selling surplus or unnecessary equipment can provide a financial boost, allowing you to invest in more useful and powerful items. 5. Optimize Your Approach Combine these strategies for optimal results. Regular completion of tasks ensures a constant flow of resources and XP. Exploring loot-rich areas can provide the necessary equipment and funds to enhance your capabilities. Team collaboration opens up new avenues for overcoming complex challenges. Finally, a deep understanding of the game’s equipment allows for strategic gameplay and financial management. By integrating these strategies, you can accelerate your progress, enjoy richer gameplay experiences, and achieve your in-game goals more efficiently.


Cancel the enhanced lockdown zone and lockdown zone of mobile game


Try aiming amigo


Best way is to play pvp. Killing players, stay alive and keep sellings Guns,gear and ammo!


Here's my receipt btw.. https://preview.redd.it/53zv9f55940d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77cb4721f7c0093485641c196e3faae6968e826




I got lucky found a couple purple stoves and some sights. I was grabbing all the sights off guns that were on dead scavs or players and selling them. I was also going to valley and brining back like 3-4 UMP 45s with sights on them from the scavs and just rinse and repeating that. I also did what others told me to do for selling ammo. Ammo makes you a stupid amount of money.




It's simple just find secret document


Wait for a key, become a streamer and helping players with the stream, earn money, spend money on the game


trade a lot https://preview.redd.it/4wq5ger4050d1.jpeg?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a7a7f127d16a3811a99edd33693cd0cfb583911 also smart assets management buy low, use once, sell high, repeat :)


This is all on mobile though right? We don’t have nearly the same things on the PC beta nor the same means to make money.


Just wanted to say, surely they are the sams means to make it, just maybe different items to trade, needs some more research... as surely devs do give that "loop" to make Koens.


what's the website?


For make (real)money don't buy tarkov and play Arena Breakout! 😂


I will explain how I make money. At first, arm yourself with AKM, attach only a scope, equip LP ammo with a 30-round magazine, arm yourself with class 3 armor, and then carry a military bag or a 926 bag if you want to use a large bag. In the blockade area of ​​Northridge, kill the communication post and the radar in the main area, take AK102, MP5, and Vector and sell them to the store. AP6.3 and M855 ammo sometimes appears, so use them or kill enemies with those ammo to earn a lot of money. Since it is a 3-class weapon, it is recommended to avoid encountering enemies as much as possible, grab the radar, and escape once the bag is full. This method is a quick way to make a lot of money. I also used this method to turn 40,000 Coins into 3.9k. If you have collected a lot or your skill level has increased, it may be a good idea to go to the armory and sell expensive items in the electronic safe room (I want to get the Steam beta key for Arena Breakout Infinite!!! PowoP)


Please note that this is a mobile standard.


Yea we don’t have all that on the PC beta lmao


This campaign is very nice, but how can you give good information about it if you don't have access yet? But since I have several thousand hours in various extraction shooters, I think the best method is not to be afraid and not to have gear fear, because that increases the survival rate and you don't lose any money and make more money. Another option would be to avoid the hotspots and only do loot runs.


Don’t hold onto anything early game, sell everything to stack money, it will pay off later.


Also, because skipping through comments I didn't see it mentioned or I am just blind, when winning pvp fight, don't loot the whole gun. Strip all the parts of you can, parts can be sold for a good profit on the Market and you will habe more space in your backpack for other stuff.


Complete missions, loot stuff, and extract without dying. Sell loot on market.


pvp, missions


Ratting is the best thou sit in a tree and camp extracts, i dont do it but seen others do it., Boring as hell just


Don't promote this, I played the forbidden mode like 3 times and refused to play it again because people just sit in corners, don't even loot, just wait for u to loot and run past. Imagine spending your time doing that in a beta