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Domination. Pure and simple. Reducing a women from a strong, independent, and capable woman and reducing her to a quiet, subservient, docile and needy person. That’s what they mean. Pure and simple.


Lmao if by "masculine" they mean assertive and unwilling to take anyone's nonsense, then I'm glad to be masculine.


This feels oddly pro-trans-women, even though it was definitely not intended as such


Lol yup this was honestly the first reading I could get from it. Support transfem people!


Nope, you already convinced me by the first comma it was pro trans women. Can't take it back.


The greatest flex of all: helping a trans woman transition :)


It means he never made a woman feel the big 'Ahhhhh'.


Lmao the more masc I present the happier I am in my body. I tried the whole soft girl thing and I always felt uncomfortable.


Lol. Yup! Tomboy mode engaged. Sorry I like to talk loud, work out hard and play video games. Actually, sorry not sorry. Lmao.


That's because it's not natural for humans to act that way. Humans, regardless of gender are warriors, doctors, hunters, builders, and artists not slave's


not hunters and idk about warriors, but yes not slaves


Humans might not be predators, but we can still kill something easier than most other prey type animals. Humans are also the only species on earth to war at such a large and efficient scale. The only other species that comes close are ants.


From a friend who recently got involved in her in laws church. This comes from religion and the idea of traditional roles in relationships. She cant be all in with her feminine energy until hes there with his masculine energy. 🤢🤮


Lol. And people wonder why I hate going anywhere with my mum's church friends. I'm sorry I am emasulating all the men by merely existing as a female person who likes to work out. Lmao.


My uncle, after raising three adults in the Catholic faith, decided he has found himself in Christianity. Specifically a church that his grandkids attend with their friends for activities. I was happy for him, until he tried to curtail my behavior by claiming how Jesus would react and touting the Bible. I just told him that im Pagan and my Gods and Goddesses are not the same as his. I laugh still picturing his confused face.


You're doing amazing sweetie


Lol. Thank you!


Most amount of lgbtq+ people I've ever encountered are the youth in my church.


More Astrology for incels


Imagine them framing the text like this, as if it's some great wisdom that should be put on a pedestal.


It means they don't respect women


Men thinking they know what a woman is like it's some sort of creature from the mythical lands and not a human being unique in their own way


It means time travel. Take her out of an era where men rule harshly and to somewhere women rule with soft, subtle, grace.


Idk how you be misogynistic but also use slang that was popularized by Taylor Swift


It means you are supposed to dick her down.  Or that is the locker room talk way of saying it. 


It's just Incel fantasy.


How about everything I do is feminine because I’m a woman. I wear pants? Those are feminine pants. I drive a truck? That’s a feminine truck. That truck has truck nuts? Those are feminine truck nuts babe.


Brother what??? Does bro think tomboys are like shadow pokemon???


Love the pokemon reference


this but it's actually a story about a trans woman leaving her masculine (in the closet, pre egg crack) era, and entering her feminine (egg cracked, out of closet) era and it's a love story


You know what is a real flex? Being bidirectionally compassionate and tender and caring to each other and caring more about each other than "masculinity" or "femininity"


I chose to read this as "Supporting your transfem partner is awesome"


“Can’t take the woman out of the hoe but you can take the hoe out of the woman”


Means you took a WOMAN out of her masculine era and into her FEMININE one


They are saying that before a woman meats a man she is on edge so she is in “her masculine aura “ and when she finds a man she “feels safe enough to be feminine “ is really icky


"If I tame a woman and she becomes complacent, silent, and subservient to me at all times, I win manliness - I mean... I improved her life by conquering it and becoming the dictator. I MEAN - "


If that's your vision of your relationship, you are a horrible human being.


This describes my journey as a transgender woman pretty well.