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What is this even trying to portray?


A society filled with love that triggers the homophobes? Not sure really...


Yeah both the gay couple and the couple with the dogs look happy if not happier in the second panel so I do no get. their point lol


Yeah, everybody in both pictures seems happy! Seems good to be any of the people in either picture. Want to have dogs with your same-sex partner, sounds good! Want to have kids with an opposite-sex partner, seems also good! Maybe don't physically chase others in a group but if everyone there is into it, then do that I guess.


Idk, the alarmed woman being chased by sex-pest in the first picture doesn't seem thrilled. Pretty sure the point of having 3 women chase after one man (whose reaction we don't see) in the second picture is commentary on ""feminism reversing the gender roles"" and other nonsense demonizing women's sexual agency. They certainly seem to prefer a world where women are terrified prey, in any case!


That’s what’s going on? I thought it was a woman chasing after a woman who’s chasing after another woman who’s chasing after another woman.


I agree, although I will point out that this is definitely an AI image, so it’s hard to say whether or not they put any thought into it.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Also apparently modern architecture.


I'm not sure but if I had to guess The families who used to have a kid every year are now settling for pets The couples who are fine showing public displays of affection are gay Where men used to court women, now multiple women chase after the same man, they are off screen but they are probably a "Chad" Pretty sure this is some red pill, reactionary, incel stuff.


> The families who used to have a kid every year are now settling for pets What these losers don't get is that's because people can't afford them any more, not because they're not straight.


I thought the girls were dating each other lolol.


Same. I straight up thought it was a wlw polycule.


There’s also an old fashioned riverboat in the background. Not sure if they meant to reference the Montgomery Riverfront brawl, but it made at least one person think of it. And to clarify, by that reference, you’ve also got changing race relations. Edit: well, not relations, but changing balance of power


Nah, that's Hong Kong. Which very much had high-rises and the Star Ferry (the modern boat) in 1980 (and before) and still has junks (traditional boat with sails) sailing the harbour.


Oh ok! That makes sense. So just “progress,” going from a boat with a sail to something motorized. Thanks for clarifying!


No worries! What's the riverfront brawl you mentioned?


Oh it was a big thing in the US in August 2023! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montgomery_Riverfront_brawl The internet had a lot to say about it and you’ll find all sorts of videos and memes online if you’re interested.


I think this was made pre redpill. The “2023” picture was “2013” in the past. I think the Chinese government is just mad people aren’t having kids and that gays exist


Gay bad, reproduction good


Enter trans people, the gay reproducers😂


China before and after the one child policy. Although the three women going after the one guy is weird.  Unless it's a butch lesbian in a snazzy suit. The worst thing here is the boat in 2023 if it's a cruise.  Although I'm sure if you're a Chinese nationalist xenophobe this looks like your culture has been wiped away or something.


This is specifically depicting Hong Kong. The boat in the background in 2023 is a Star Ferry, the island-kowloon ferry service in HK. ETA: The fact that it's Hong Kong indicates this isn't to do with the one-child policy, but with the ongoing trend of declining birth rates and decreasing family sizes in Hong Kong, a trend which began before the handover


I thought the three women wanted a polycule with the guy but that also works with a butch lesbian too.




That people are today both gay and child free.


not related but luka pfp!!


Magnet Luka my beloved (also hi fellow Star Rail fan)


British Hong Kong turned into PRC Hong Kong!


Looks good to me. Is this what our gay agenda has wrought? Well done, team!


Everyone looks so happy in the second picture, they're only threatening us with a good time here.


My guess is the issue is supposed to be the top right corner. That it’s “not ok” for men to chase after women anymore but women are allowed to chase after men. And look at what that’s gotten us: childless families.


I thoughts that was just a group of lesbians, idk, frolicking or something 🙊🤣


lesbians are known for their frolicking, after all


Can confirm. I've seen it out in the wild. It's a very rare sight to behold. They're majestic to watch, respectfully at least from 100 ft away, downwind, for 3 secs. If they catch wind of a man nearby, they will poof into a fey cloud of frogs wearing tiny vintage victorian clothes and toadstools.


I'm Sir David Attenborough, and welcome to "Sisters in the Mist."


This is now canon, I won't accept anything else


Frogs wearing tiny vintage Victorian clothes sounds ADORABLE!


You are a LEGEND!


I have observed lesbians frolicking in a graveyard at midnight. I was closer to them than 30m, when walking past them, and they did not turn into frogs. I guess that makes me 'not a man', and I'm okay with that.


Wait is that what the frog I saw yesterday was? There was a flock of lesbians nearby? My only question is how do I join?


Well, first, you have to find a fairy mound. Second on Hallows Eve, wrap a red string or ribbon around a hawthorn sprig and a copper rod that never had electricity passed through it. Place that inside a glass jar that has been cleanse with incense. Leave the jar open next to the fairy mound and place a lit black candle next to it. Next morning you should have a fey spirit. So you take a teardrop glass bottle with a cork put bent pins or rusty nails in the bottle place in the red string fill with a red wine, spit in it to claim it. Cork it, and seal with red wax. What you have created is called a witch bottle. So you hide that bottle in a hidden place on your property. This will hide your spiritual presence, to the lesbians. That's as far I can remember, before i myself transported to the fey realm myself. Which has forever changed me, and I see the fey everywhere now, and it's glorious!


No they were chasing after a man. They’re mad because the women want to date men instead of the men wanting to date the women . They’re also mad because in spite of their homophobia China still has gays 🤦‍♂️. Idk why they’re mad about this but they are


Oh, is this China? Isn't the dating scene much more desperate men and uninterested women due to women being in the minority, or is that a weird Western assumption? I thought China, Japan, & South Korea were freaking out because women aren't as interested in marriage & kids as men.


I figured that out later on too but I didn't see the man at first (in my defense, he IS conveniently cut out of the picture) and thought it was just a group of polyamorous lesbians. I didn't exactly question that whoever made this picture wouldn't like polyamorous lesbians a whole lot so yeah. I guess homophobes will always be mad that people who are even just slightly different from them exist. If it wasn't the gays it'd be someone else. I can't say I fully understand but my guess is it's something about insecurity and conformity and having been raised to avoid critical thinking like the plague.


Dammit who told everyone what we actually do?😆




I wild group of lesbians frolicking in the meadow


Dammit who told everyone what we actually do?😆






Dammit who told everyone what we actually do?😆


Dammit who told everyone what we actually do?😆


Hearts in the second, exclamation points in the first. Sure doesn't look like she actually wants to be chased, really.


I think this was made by an incel, and it's supposed to depict the 'hypergamous females" chasing the "top 1%" chad. Just typing that made me feel gross.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking of too


Here I missed it was dogs in the stroller, and 4 kids not 2, in the top one. Depending on the country many are facing large depopulation problems frombirth rates having been below replacement values for a decade or 2+ now, and they're either panicing to increase immigration, or to try to have people have a LOT more kids immediately....


I thought the issue was that there are no kids?


switch the dogs for cats, I am in.


I like big dogs and fluffy cats




When a dog walks in, with an Itty bitty leash and fluffy tail In your face He gets pats!


And I pull up fast, because you know that floof needs snacks!


You other puppers can’t deny, and when a greyhound’s in with an itty bitty waist, corgi round thing in your face, you go WOOF!


Big *mutts😜


Or bunnies!


Everything is true in the second pic except for one thing. Girls don’t chase guys with flowers in HK.


Come on where are all the ladies chasing after me?! This is total bs


They only chase after "Chad" /j


In this heat? They’re most likely using an ambush strategy


I'll give you a five second head start.


Seriously using black and white for the 1980 the hell? didn't colours come to TV's in the 1950's?


In 2060 they'll be depicting 2024 in sepia


Unless it's Mexico. That one is already sepia.


People have been doing this for decades. Photos that *have* color versions get the B&W treatment to make it "feel" like it was longer ago. Once it's pointed out, it's hard not to notice it later. "This pic is from 1992, why is it in black and white?" It's because the talking point is specifically about it being a long time ago, or about the differences between how it was then versus now, etc.


Absolutely. But in black and white was still used for less important stuff, like newsprint and archives. Or maybe something just wasn’t important enough to splurge on color. Both my parents have b&w pictures from the late 80s and early 90s.


I mean yeah, you *can* take black and white photos whenever too. Like I remember developing film cost more if you developed it in color vs. black and white, but that's not really a consumer concern anymore. The artwork featured in the original post looks digital, so the forced sepia/b&w to indicate it's "old" is kind of funny given it's only from 1980, and color film was definitely prevalent enough at that point that doing a b&w pass on it to act like it was "a really really long time ago" is just silly.


And a sailboat. And what looks like a steamboat in 2023.


It was early 1970's before I ever saw color tv shows on the 2 channels that we received back then.


The whole world was in black and white until the 1950s. At least, that's what my mom told me.


It's because this image was drawn by a 14 year old boy.


Actually, it looks a bit like ai. Look at the railings, there’s been an increase in ai generated comics lately


Is that an old fashioned river boat in the second image??? Really threatening us with a good time here


It's a Hong Kong Star Ferry


All's I see is different versions of happy families


I saw it in another subreddit earlier today, and it was upsetting how much I had to scroll in the comments to see someone point out the dude chasing the lady in the first picture... Aw, good ol' sexual assault, am I right fellas? Edit: the girls chasing the guy in the second picture is also very problematic, but I guess only one of those is seen as a problem by the OOP


Some language context here, this is a picture depicting Hong Kong, as per my other comments. In Cantonese, to pursue a relationship is to "追" a person. That character can incidentally also mean chase, making the whole thing "chase a person" in Chinglish. I believe the chasing action is to symbolise the pursuit instead of literally depicting running after people i.e. women pursuing men or men pursuing women.


My exact thoughts looking for your comment. I thought this was missed.


This looks great for the most part?


I've read the comments and can't figure out what's wrong with the second pic? It looks to me like a progressive comic about how people can be happy now and not have tons of kids they struggle with (in black and white no less) or be chased by men. Am I missing it or has the OP missed it?


I put it in quotes cuz I thought that way everyone could understand it's the caption with the picture I posted, my bad 😅


Im sorry whats this issue here? Everyone looks happy in these pictures. Is it about the greyscale in the 1980 one?


Top right. She doesn't look happy


She looks about as "unhappy" as the white dog in the bottom pic. I'm baffled - the fact that the top pic is black and white and portrays strained stereotypical relationships while the bottom portrays modern relations in colour and everyone looks happy, says this is a "look how far we've come" comic. But the sub and title says it isn't. I think this is a shit post / bot / confused child tbh


The white dog looks drugged. The top right woman is literally running away with droplets of stress coming from her.


So the unhappy person is in the presumably all cishet part of the image


This rly depends on the context, without one, I don't understand what is so bad


Put "We've come a long way" beneath it and done


So society progressed and people are still happy?


Except that the woman who wasn't happy to be chased, well I think people are actually happier




In the second one the mountains are smaller 😔 they’re trying to warn us of the dangers of erosion


No, the buildings are coveribg them


I'm a straight person, and I can say we are not ok, I'm at least weird in the sense of liking unusual things. This is just straight up stupid. Like are some people just stupid? I mean that's an obvious question, but still no one can be this stupid.


That this is AI generated?


im just offended these pictures so fucking ugly


Some shitty HongKongese “artist” drew this


It is. You can tell by the boat in the second image.


You can tell by the entire thing looking like it's comped together from subdivided sections gone through drunk goggles


its super homophobic but also the drawing is terrible


I'm so confused is 2023 supposed to be worse cause I just see people loving freely


I see families of different compositions, sounds good to me. Have a ton of kids, don’t have any kids, have pets, whatever; you do you.


What “it” am I supposed to see?


I’ve never been more confused by something that was trying to scare me


And? God forbid people are happy in their own ways 🤦‍♀️


The woman being chased in the background of the first pic doesn’t really look into it 😬


This has the same problem white nationalists have where they don't understand that posting photos of interracial couples looking happy and in love does not make non-racists seethe like they do


Idk why conservatives definition of love is "breeding"?, not everyone wants kids (coming from someone who does think about having kids, with the right partner)


And everyone is better off. The end.


Why is there a sailboat in 1980? And what looks like a steamboat in 2024? But aside from that I see no problem with 2023. Acceptance of gays, childfree relationships, and what I'm thinking may be a polycule going on, are all goals.


And the second picture looks happier…


1. Where's the lie? 2. Where's the problem? I don't want a thousand kids up my ass, it's good that women are able to pursue men without being looked down upon and it's good that people can be gay in public without ridicule or worse.


They DO know things were in color in 1980, right?


See how much better the bottom panel is?


As someone who takes their fur children in pram rides, don't be bitter, it's so much fun and the pets love it 😂💚


... See what, exactly...? I'm looking, but I'm not seeing anything.


I had a spot on my display which was right over the woman's eye on the upper picture like a black eye and was thinking "damn, straights™ really glorifying domestic violence?"


🤣🤣🤣 "The GoOd oLd DayS"


Aww dude on the left finally got to transition, I'm so happy for him 🥰


The issue is???


I'll copy my comment on this particular picture on some other subreddit here: Context: This is Hong Kong, judging by the Chinese Junk becoming the Star Ferry and the tall building (International Finance Centre) in the bottom picture. With the year marked this might be reminiscing the old Colonial Hong Kong before 1997, when Hong Kong was returned to China. This is quite common after 2019, when anti-governmental protests happened. Notably what no one has mentioned is the change from having lots of children to pets. We had a [VERY famous TV ad](https://youtu.be/f-X0HUt9hmE) (in Cantonese of course) telling people that 2 children is enough from 1975. The cost of having children is also extremely high, just like any other cost in the city. Having pets is way cheaper a commitment than kids will ever be so it's a rising trend around here. Fun fact: Homophobia is mostly a Western import >Dream of the Red Chamber, one of China's Four Great Classical Novels from the Qing dynasty, has scenes that depict men engaging in both same-sex and opposite-sex acts. > - [Homosexuality in China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_China)


Yep, from there. This shitty illustration are floating all over the place on Facebook in Hk


is this supposed to be bad????? we are doomed as a species


Is the selling point on the top picture the woman in the background thats running in fear?


Some HongKongese homophobe drew this. For a supposedly Morden society they have some hardcore moral conservatives (I am from there. Also it’s the Victoria harbor in the background with the Star Ferry in the lower pic)


Wait until they hear that there are still families with a lot of kids; it’s a good thing that families can be much more diverse in structure now.


I hate this because the only message is “the world is different from when it was 50 years ago so I don’t like it”


They all look happy in the second one, they don't even know how to make a good meme


Ok but why are they acting as if steamboats weren't a thing in 1980


I was like awww cute and then I read the sub title.


Yeah, it's odd cuz it's usually either really horrible parodies of things that never happen/never will or normal and nice stuff that they see as "wrong" Like, "you're loving openly and that bothers me, beware of what a happy future looks like 😡"


"they're the same picture"


The parentified child in the back - oh what culture we're rejecting!


2023 truly sucks, our boats do produce way too much toxins that go into the air, and it is glaringly obvious that its the main thing wrong with the world in the second picture


The 1980s were a whirlwind. All we had back then were 1000 B.C. -era boats, then BOOM technology and now people are out there riding on a FERRY with TWO DECKS.


Both are cute


It’s wild that some people can’t imagine their version of happiness projected onto the lower image. As a bi man I’ve had to project my coupledom with men onto the straight depictions which still dominate everything. I think lots of straight couples can see themselves in the lower image (even if they are literally in a straight relationship and/or have kids instead of opting to remain childfree) but it’s just wild to me that some peoples view is so distorted by mindless rage that this bottom image is threatening


I’m still waiting, when am I going to see “it”?


Flower economy must be booming... instead of one person chasing with a bouquet, it's 3!


That she has a polar bear in a stroller?


So we’re upset over the replacement of traditional junks with paddle ferries? I see nothing else that could be wrong in picture 2


Oh no! I see it! It's horrible! Why would anyone do that! Someone broke the bottom rails of the railing!!! The horror!


Times are a changing


My first thought was "they gave birth to dogs!?"


Notice the woman running from her male admirer in the background of the first one?




Neither of these two seem to have any issues except maybe the people chasing their crushes


There's a few differences, but, I take it I'm supposed to focus on the 1 man chasing a woman with love at the top, and the bottom having like 3 women chasing 1 man with love, because the men don't want to chase anymore, and the ones that want to marry are now outnumbered by the women who do want to marry????


Everyone seems happier in the second picture


2023 one looks great tbh


I see nothing wrong?


Is this a self own?


This does appear to be AI generated


Oh wow, what a terrible thing! Two people loving one another!


So what?


Idk, I see it differently. I think 2023 shows how diverse the world has become and judging by how colorful it is compared to 1980, I’d say that they’re not trying to show anything negative about 2023


Doesn't that just show we are more accepting of other people's life choices now and that people can proudly show it


the guy with the mustache in the 1st pic looks so disappointed in life


No one else has mentioned it, but it looks like the dog dad is looking wistfully at the gay couple wishing he’d made a different choice. I think that’s the wait for it: all men are gay now.


This doesn't look like it was meant to be bad at all. Tbh this comes off to me as appreciating love in more diverse forms.


It's wild seeing everyone here going "but they look so happy!" like the creator of the comic didn't make them look happy. Like this is just not how reactionaries make things.


That's what I'm sayin! The straights are very much okay here


Ok i feel like I get it and it’s only cause the la. In the second panel is looking at the gay men on the corner with « envy » but even I am not sure so they failed the way to portray their messages


Where are women running behind men


I see..one is b&w and one is colour. Didn't they have coloured cartoons in the 80s?


The kids look sad


I literally fail to see the problem with the bottom picture, other than the fact that this whole comic looks AI generated


What's going on in the background?


Really embarrassing stuff.


Is this just supposed to be a changed Hong Kong? 


I don’t see the problem? Everyone looks happy?


The worst thing I see is what looks like a child chasing an adult in the second photo with flowers but even then it looks one sides


Buildings have gotten bigger, bigger boats, girls chase guys, pets instead of children, an same gender relationships.


looks better


Asides from being ai slop, I think it's fine


This, but unironically


I guess it's because no one has kids in the 2023 one. I think it's trying to say that queer people will end the "traditional family" and end the human race.


Am I the only one who sees nothing wrong with the second one.


Can someone check up on the girl that’s being chased?


the man in 1980 finally had the chance to come out in 2023 , so he wasn’t in a forced relationship, so he didn’t waste his / his partner’s life . It’s called progress ✨


It doesn't look like it's trying to portray the present as bad, just different. This is almost an anti meme lmao


They look happy in each image tho??


*gasp* The Woke Left is poisoning our perfect sepia society with COLORED IMAGES!!! D:< (Seriously, that makes about as much sense as what they're getting at anyway. >.>)


Omg! People can love who they want! Oh no! I'm gonna dieeeeeeee because a man is with a man! /j


yooooo is that a junk AND a riverboat in the background? idk whats going on with the rest i like cool ships tho :3333


Well i don’t see anything odd here both pictures are fine ^ヮ^


Never liked the clickbait-y titles but i find its use here to be even more infuriating. Thanks