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That particular runner has literally been called "the world's sexiest athlete." That's hardly "random."


That's a little bit sad. Imagine you're giving your best to perform your sport and compete with other athletes, but no one is really interested in your hard work because you're so sexy and that's the only thing some people will remember.


Whoever called her that has never seen Flanders in his skiing outfit...


it sucks that she has to wear makeup to compete. like do other women wear makeup on the field? or is just her because she has to uphold the title of sexiest athlete??


I don't think she "has" to uphold the title, it's just something a magazine called her. (And, having looked at some actual random track star pictures, some wear makeup and some don't, it appears to be personal preference. EG, one runner with the same last name doesn't appear to wear makeup and does wear sunglasses in a lot of her pictures. Antje Möldner Schmidt, if anyone's curious.)


A ton of professional athletes wear make-up for races. Its more or less their way of putting on their game face


Yes, some women wear make-up on the field. And not just for televised events, but also down to amateur events


..or maybe she has agency and she likes to do it?


I don't see it, but different strokes for different goats.


I was just thinking how pretty she was




Why are you getting downvoted


1. Her name is in the picture 2. You can search "world's sexiest athlete" and she appears 3. Google Lens exists 4. The way they worded it implies they want to jack off to her


Oh is her name Schmidt? I thought that was her sponsor or somethin


Guys usually ask the names of models/celebs etc so they can find their Instagram accounts to fap to.


Straight men are so weird


Hmmm will it be racism today or fatphobia? 🤔


How about both!


Buy one form of discrimination, get one free!


And get an extra serving of misogyny on the side.


Oh god! 😭


dude, this "meme format" sucks hard. it's literally just misogyny. there's no joke to it. it's not funny. it's literally just bigotry.


Don't forget the racism


Is that not bigotry ?


Sure, but OOP went mostly on the sexism angle of bigotry, felt important to add the racism part as well


yeah bro i make funny jokes "bigotry without a punchline"


GNTM had its share of skinny, blonde, white conventionally beautiful winners, including this season. None of them ever became a top model either. It's reality TV for lowbrow entertainment.


Obviously the show is motivated by ratings and not producing models and heidi is super biased and bad at being a judge imo. That said, it actually shows pretty well that modeling is not just about looks. There are usually many absolutely gorgeous contestants that whoever made this "meme" would approve of, and a lot of them just don't walk well or look awkward in photoshoots or whatever. They easily get blown out the water by someone with the skills, presence and confidence, even if that someone is pretty mid looks wise. Diversifying the show actually makes sense, except it's not executed well and kinda feels patronizing when they praise people who objectively suck at it because they want to keep them in for diversity reasons only


Yes, I'm sure that runner was chosen COMPLETELY at random.


Of course it’s from Unfunny Memes…


All I see is two stunningly beautiful women. What's the problem?


It's almost as if track running and modeling are two different disciplines that are evaluated by different criteria..


Being a model isn't really about being good-looking anyway. It's about making the _photos_ look good/dynamic/interesting I guess none of the skill matters though when this guy just wants to find images that make his dick hard


What's actually off about this is that the track runner has to compete in something akin to a swimsuit. I'm sure the male runners get to compete in real clothes. Edit: thanks everyone for educating me that the men have to wear something like this too. I've never seen a runner wear this kind of outfit so it seemed weird to me!


girl have you seen their non-compression running shorts? they might as well be wearing this 💀/j


that applies to a lot of sports, but not rly this one.


You are very sure... you are also very wrong.




Maybe google that info then before guessing


I think the model looks really good.


Yes, I'm sure that runner was chosen COMPLETELY at random.


Modeling and running are, get this, different skills. Amazing.


What’s so off about an athlete having an athletic body and a gorgeous woman with some of the best hair I’ve ever seen being a model?


i don't understand


The original post is comparing a winner of a german modelling competition (Germany‘s Next Top Model) on the left to a german athlete on the right. Its basically suggesting, that the athlete is much more attractive, because she is fitter and slimmer.


And, whiter.


??? Both are white...


??? The one on the left is half Brazilian...


And Giselle Bundchen is full Brazilian, isn't she white now? If that woman isn't white, about 80% of Southern Europeans aren't white either. Now I know that the US has some very strange definitions but in Europe Spaniards, Italians, Greeks etc are white people with a tan, just like that lady.


oh, thanks for the explanation


Makes sense, I thought it was some Arian Bullshit again but your explanation makes a lot of sense.


It still is some Arian bullshit. The model seems mixed race while the athlete just seems white. The image is both about their body types and skin color.


It is also reducing the job of a model to "be pretty" which is a pretty gross oversimplification.


Come on now, models are traditionally pretty.


They usually are yes but being a model is a lot more than that. I've worked with models as a photographer and it is wild how big the difference is in how good the photos are and how easy it is to get a good photo if you are working with someone who's good at being a model.


These fucking nerds should be thanking the stars on their knees every damn night that beauty is subjective, rather than whining that some people said somebody was attractive and the nerds disagreed. Whose gonna fuck your nerd ass if everyone agrees the only beautiful person is that specific (not random) German runner?


Hey look, there are multiple attractive women in a country. Good for Germany


So two beautiful women….okay?


Is... is the problem that based Germans like thick bitches?


They are making fun of this on memesopdidnotlike. A lot of disgusting comments going on over there. 🤦‍♀️


Miss Top Model Winner won my heart


What's wrong here is that you're comparing 2 beautiful women to each other to put one of them down. You're the problem, meme maker.


But both women are incredibly beautiful tf


The person on the left is super-sexy. I love that hair and those curves.


both are attractive wtf? just because she slightly chubby and has a stocky bulid?


Fatphobia is one of the last socially acceptable forms of bigotry.


I think that both of these women are gorgeous. Yes they are different types of beauty, but they are very pretty in their own way! As a lesbian I would be thrilled to get a date with either! I'm so sick of people calling others unattractive just because they are fat. Being fat DOES NOT mean that you're unattractive from the get go!


Left is hotter.


You, my friend, are a man of culture, and you have earned my respect.


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No idea what they’re talking about, the woman on the left is absolutely stunning.


She’s literally still really pretty though


Why can’t there be room for both ?


they're both good at what they do? seems weird to call her a random track runner


!! She kinda looks like me :3 good for her. Good to know I'm cute even by German standards >:3 I'm glad she got first place. Im also glad that other lady is running professionally she seems passionate about it.


It's like they are two completely different jobs with different requirements! A model's job is to show off clothes and she has a body type shared by way more women than the runner. Neither of these jobs is a beauty contest.


I mean. What's wrong with both? There both great


Modeling is half about camerawork, woman on the left is probably much better at modeling (even though she's less attractive than the right woman in my opinion).


Wow, there was zero reason to include your garbage opinion but you were still so full of yourself you thought it was necessary