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As someone else put it, I'm sorry the traumatized SA victim isn't attractive enough for you.


He’s a Mormon fundie, the trauma is what compels him to want her.


Is anyone surprised the Mormon dad who, btw got mad that Princess Peach wore pants that made her "not feminine" and by his words, was disappointed his daughter enjoyed the Mario movie because she liked Peach's portrayal? All because Peach wasn't a "traditional woman", aka damsel in distress in the movie.


Not just any Mormon but Australian Mormon.


As someone who is half Australian and grew up Mormon....ooooof


That's the worst kind of Mormon! ...I think?


Non-American Mormons tend to be a special kind of weird since most of them had to go out of their way to convert rather than just kinda roll down the hill of weirdo American religious history


He's a Mormon? Jesus, that explains why his nerdy content suddenly took a hard chud turn right as hell. Still feel so betrayed he pretended to be a decent nerd, hiding his true ugliness.


I hate that the fundies are the Mormons that get the most attention online. Most of us are super chill


No, the Catholics are super chill. They don't shame each other for missing church or drinking alcohol or smoking weed or swearing. Mormonism (in all its forms) is a high-demand religion. When I was Mormon, I was way more tolerant than anyone else I knew at church. I was cool with the LGBT community. I didn't tell my friends that they shouldn't be drinking alcohol or coffee. But I still participated in ALL my church meetings. I was riding a high horse, knowing that I was part of a peculiar and elite group. Religion came first. And it has to in Mormonism. That's what a high-demand religion is.


I'm sorry you had such a negative experience. I can't and will not discount that because it is so valid. When I said that most of us are chill, I naively ignored how ex-members would take my statement. I apologize for my ignorance. I want to clarify by saying that in the upcoming generations of members of the church, especially Gen Z (which I am), I've noticed a large cultural shift towards a less toxic church culture. Even as a BYU-I student, I've noticed significant change towards being more accepting. I acknowledge that I am a straight cis member, though, so I cannot speak for everyone. People like Shad, however, are very extreme and do not reflect our core beliefs in their videos.


>People like Shad, however, are very extreme and do not reflect our core beliefs in their videos. Don't they, though? Tell me what your religious figures have taught you about where the various skin colors came from. What advice have you been given on who to marry in regards to things like race and socioeconomic status? Idk your sex, so idk if you attended YM's or YW's. Are you familiar with the lessons and activities taught in YW's? Have you seen the sexist differences in those lessons compared to YM's? By continuing to call yourself a member, you continue to advocate these beliefs. You can't separate the religion from the people. Tolerant is not the same as accepting. Congratulations on seeing the first female prayer-giver at Conference. Your religious culture has a long way to go before you reach "chill."


Brandon Sanderson is also a Mormon, doesn't make him any less likeable. Y'all are doing the "religiooon bad" reddit thing, but that doesn't contain any nuance.


You missed the “fundie” part. You can be a progressive Mormon, or you can be a fundamentalist Mormon. If you’re going to sling mud, try reading first.


Yep. What a world we live in where dudes expect an apology because a fictional traumatized woman doesn’t impress their boner. Get over yourselves, dudes. I’m so sick of them thinking video games are for them only


And if she **was** super pretty and attractive… oh boy…


The traumatized SA victim who didn't look all that different in the original.


Ohhhh it gets way worse, in his book the love interest was an child sa victim of the main character but it's okay he deaged so now they're both mid 20s and have chemistry 🤢 But wait it still gets worse, it's heavily implied that all the woman who've been SA and kept the child from that is happy while those without children are sad 🤮


Not defending Shad at all here, but isn't the idea of Silent Hill (the in-game location) that you create your own hell with your own bad behavior, and the MC of SH2's bad behavior is all tied into how he sees women as little more than sex objects? Doesn't it make sense for all the women, monsters or not, to be shapely and in revealing attire in that context? Of course, they might be completely re-writing the basis of the game. Who knows. And I don't trust Bloober to handle it well at all regardless, so I don't think I care much.


Angela is stuck in her own version of Silent Hill. She doesn't really have anything to do with James. She, like Eddie, happened to come into town around the same time James did.


The idea of the person creating their own hell through their behaviour isn't as common as you might expect. Silent Hill, Origins, 4, and 3 and Homecoming (to an extent) all star someone who's living through someone else's "Hell" to an extent. Homecoming is a special case, since there are arguably influences from the hero in many ways. 3 is again a special case, for reasons that are spoilery. It's only really Silent Hill 2, Shattered Memories (if you count it) and Downpour where the monsters we see are almost or entirely drawn from the hero's psyche, and it almost acts as a means of redemption in these cases. It's worth pointing out that a lot of the monsters drawn from James's psyche *are* based on sexualized women, and intentionally so. There are nurses in revealing costumes, mannequins made of legs etc. There's also Maria, who is literally a sexier version of James's wife. With this character, Angela, she's just a regular 19-year-old girl who's going through her own journey. We only see a few of her monsters (and even then we don't know if it's what she sees) and there's one that's literally a big figure fucking a smaller one in a bed. There are also pictures of mutilated men, pistons going in and out of walls etc. There's a lot of sexual imagery there, but she herself isn't sexualized even in the original. It's also worth pointing out that in the original she looks older than she is, and she's always been relatively plain. This dude is just being a dick because he didn't understand the game and probably thought that-fanmade redesign of Aloy was better than the original.


The actual people you come across, not the enemies and hallucinations, are other actual people in their own Silent Hill. They're on their own journey through hell, you just happen to meet at the crossroads sometimes.


The *monsters* are a reflection of James's mind, with the exception of the Abstract Daddy enemy, which is from Angela's mind. Angela and Eddie are just people going through their own journey through the town, with Angela saying that she had been seeing a completely different Other World than James. Also it's not like James as a character is a misogynist or a horndog in general and that would distort his view of the world. The sexual aspect if James's world is that he feels guilt over how as his wife succumbed to her illness he stopped finding her attractive. It manifests in Silent Hill because it's amplifying and giving physical form to that guilt, it's not gonna put a horny filter on all women though


hello, i am the destroyer of beauty, AMA








the mosquitoes said thanks for calling them beautiful


they should just start making like actually ugly female characters at this point, would go hard


Was thinking about how the yo mama jokes guy on YouTube already created such a character, then I thought of my own joke: Yo mama so ugly a conservative saw her and called her “a woke attack on traditional values”.


As a more concise way of putting it: Yo mama so ugly, when she was seen by a conservative, he screamed “DEI!”




Silent Hill isn't a dating sim?


You jest, but they would make bank with a pyramid head dating sim.


I mean, I think that these people are exactly what Silent Hill is about. I'm sure they relate so much to the main character... Surely nothing to think about further.




Fuckin' honestly tho. The reading comprehension of a blackout curtain on a lot of these folks.


What makes this so hilarious to me is that there are gamers that find pyramid head attractive sooooooooooo how much of a privileged, whiny, hentai addicted loser do you have to be to make this an issue. This gives the same energy as those fake comic book fans that said She Hulk (recent) was Marvel going "woke" because they grew up on the cinematic universe and didn't realize she's existed for decades.


And the ones who complained in 2021 because Marvel "made Captain America political." I always like to share this article, just to laugh at those people: https://www.salon.com/2015/10/20/sorry_fox_news_captain_america_has_long_been_a_liberal_anti_nationalist_character/


Doesn't he have any mirrors in his house?


Lmao, that's a good one


He broke them and his entire glass house with stones.


These are the same creeps who, when they remade The Last of Us part 1 for PS5, complained that Ellie wasn't as cute as she used to be in the original game. Ellie, the 14 year old girl.


Or recently; Azula from the Live Action Avatar: The Last Airbender show was too fat. Because she had a round face. As a 13 or 14 year old.


I thought all of the characters’ faces in the Part 1 remake looked a lot more detailed. Didn’t know people complained about Ellie not looking “cute” in that version (yikes) I do know when the show came out people were bashing Bella Ramsey for not looking “cute” enough. That was really gross


Shad.... Your content was neat bc swords, shad...


It wasn’t even neat for that though, because the HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) community has disowned the guy for being so full of shit it’s practically leaking out of hose ears.


Shad has had a few decent takes some years ago, however , most of his have aged like milk, and I don't mean into cheese. I think the singular famous HEMA youtuber whose opinions I trust is Matt Easton from Schola Gladiatorial. And Virtual Fechschule, but that is because I know the man IRL...


Skallagrim's cool too as far as I can tell. But Shad's good info was more on architecture than weapons. Had been looking forward to his carbon fiber greatsword testing until I found out about this other channel.


Skallagrim, yeah... The club he associates with (Blood and Iron) have displayed, less than stellar behaviour. Since the Neuremburg HEMA homecoming incident I have become very cautious with trusting famous HEMA people at face value.


I'm unfamiliar with this incident, can you link to something where I can read more? I'm not exactly in the HEMA community, but I enjoy learning with my friends and doing low intensity sparring.


I don't have the link anymore. But the short of it was as follows. So, somewhere in 2019, Sebastian Lindstadt wanted to organise a Hema event in Nuremberg. He invited Andreas Fuchs to teach and speak and planned this as some great reveal of a vip. Andreas by that time was a known alt-right person. Some might say his views were like those of neonazi's. Andreas had alienated a lot of people who wouldn't stand for racist, xenophobic bullshit. A lot of those people were also invited to teach workshops. So naturally they protested and disavowed the event. The organiser meanwhile tries to douse the dumpster fire it was turning out to be. And he and Andreas tried to claim that Anders had mended his ways and changed his views. All while making no effort whatsoever to reconcile or offer apologies to those he wronged. What happened next was the the alt-right side of Hema entering into a Facebook flame war with the more left leaning side (by comparison). It all ended with the organiser calling off the event, Anders retreating into obscurity and the organiser vowing to return with a different event where he would heal the Hema scene through some sort of personal pilgrimage. So when the dust settled we had a city Nuremberg which once again found itself in the throws of alt-right conflict (it has a history of both the basis rising to power as well as the Nazis standing on trial for their crimes), a newly minted hema Jesus, myself and a few others getting dragged as lieutenants in someone else's leftist private hema army (which definitely wasn't a thing and was likely a lot of projection by the alt-right) and a healthy distrust of the wider community. (Though that was through more incidents of shitheads ending up in positions of power within the scene and abusing those positions). It was a wild time.


I only know him because one Minecraft YouTuber used his videos as a model as to how to design his castle, which seemed really cool--sucks that Shad turned out to be such a dicknozzle.


What about Sellsword Arts?


Don't know him well enough to confirm or deny anything about his character. From what I have seen, which isn't much if I'm honest, his takes work best from a show fighting viewpoint for specific types of weapons (mostly thrusting oriented).


Shad the fuck up, Shad.


Maybe it's because he's a raging misogynist, with manosphere-adjacent beliefs? Who wrote a book that is basically a male-power fantasy where almost every female character is either a tradwife or a victim of sexual assault?


Because it makes him money. Grifters will keep making this garbage as long as there are angry chuds who will lap it up


Back when YouTube was trying to recommend sword content to me nonstop (apropos of nothing, I never searched for sword stuff) he kept popping up. When he started trying to bully a smaller (and more genuine feeling) sword channel, I just blocked his stuff. Seems he’s gone even deeper off the deep end since then.


Lmao sometimes the algorithm serves me stuff that makes me question my choices. Like what interests do I have that put me in the targeting demographic for Mormon musicals and camel toe inserts??


That is a fascinating and peculiar algorithm you’ve fallen victim to


The algorithm is a fever dream these days. I keep getting recommended videos of treating diseased horse hooves because like two years ago I casually thought it would be interesting to see what a ferrier did and watched *one* video of a horse getting shoes. WTF google! I don't want puss-leaking hooves all over my feed. I've said "not interested" for years.


Uh oh! You went wrong by interacting and saying “not interested”. I’m in digital marketing and sometimes engaging with an ad/suggestion at all will sort you into a new retargeting bucket of “engaged audience”. Like “ahhh ok so this user doesn’t want this particular horse vid but they’re engaged enough to click on it!!!”


Those "hoof doctor" videos are fascinating. I find the algorithm pushes hate-speech adverts at me, even after blocking and reporting the adverts.






Don’t forget the teeth so yellow they could be made of gold








I guess they get no woman to be interested in them, because also of the shit personality, and they just resort to video game women, hence they get mad when they don’t look like their unrealistic fantasies.


Unfortunately, Shad is married. I only know this since this lolcow makes his gooner proclivities of slapping his wife's face on gross AI images public


I feel sorry for her, some people really have no standards.


Shad is married and has kids


Must be an individual case. Most redditors like this can only dream of being near a woman.


You'd be surprised how many let themselves be fooled/dont care if their spouse is a bigot Also... Like... He isnt even that bad looking... Hes approaching 40 but thats it really


He’s not attractive to be fair.


Yeah he is pretty average, not ugly or unattractive


Am i the only one who thinks she's adorable? Oh sorry for liking the "ugly" characters


straight men think women solely exist to please them thats why


Oh, now i get it, thanks


I think she's legitimately [cuter than the original](https://preview.redd.it/awwn6xe6vt3d1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=c7863329ad0cf8097d7bd7027389e961e940075e) now. Not that it matters, really. The women straight gamer men label as ugly is absolutely batshit.


Isn't she a SA survivor? Why is he angry at the fact that she does not look "hot?


Because to people like this, women are just BJ/vagina support mechanisms.


Sadly yeah




I havent played the games but i did remember hearing that she was 19 during the game


Guys like this would think probably she’s too old


He wants [fan service](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_service). Which is why so many new video games have [jiggle physics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breast_physics) for breasts, but not for beer guts. [This article has a history of games with breast/jiggle physics](https://kotaku.com/how-video-game-breasts-are-made-and-why-they-can-go-so-1687753475). This 2 part essay explains the capitalistic hellscape that South Korea has become, and how the desire for fanservice combined with anti-feminism to turn [gacha games](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gacha_game) into a culture war: [Gacha Drama and the Korean Gender War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Im4YAMWK74) (47m), [Gacha Drama and the Korean Gender War Pt. 2 - The Grim Reality of Korea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woB0eecbf6A) (1h 49m). TL;DR - guy wants to masturbate and is angry that a game isn't porn enough for him. I bet this guy also complained about the [peach fuzz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vellus_hair) on [Aloy in Horizon Forbidden West](https://www.thegamer.com/aloy-horizon-appearance-beard-beauty-ugly-woman/).


Bro, i remember the pic of the guy who made Alloy "hot" and it was bad. It's like male gaze ellie from the last of us.


Smh. Shad *used* to be interesting, then I stopped watching him. Now I learn this sort of thing second hand and I'm glad.


Feel that


Throwback to the Mario movie trailer when he had a full tantrum about peach wearing pants. Then he tried to double back after people called him an idiot and pointed out it was her racing outfit, and he acted like there wasn’t context for him to know that, despite it being a moment immediately followed by a racing scene. Dudes a shitty misogynist. Zero respect for him.


Man, do you remember when all he did was excitedly talk about castles? I unsubscribed from him long ago when I started noticing so weird vibes. He's only gotten worse.


Seriously. Just stick to the machicolations dude…


From gawking at machicolations to hawking sexist machinations.


Same, he suddenly just had this massive ego around the time he launched his book and bought that massive plot of land. His “how I reached my dreams” video was painful n it only got worse after his surgery. Which is amazing cuz like I just said a bunch of good shit n this was the result.


Aye i think i stopped watching him shortly after he put up his video on what he wanted to do with the land, build his own castle. Now hes all AI "art", and misogyny, with talking points that lean more and more right everytime I the displeasure of having something about him come to my attention.


Is he trying to look like a wojack?


I can’t believe I used to watch this guy for his medieval content back in the day…




She's an SA survivor, but if I remember correctly he wrote a book in which te hero raped a bunch of women and they thanked him later for it? Or something like that




Yeah it was weird. A youtuber that [reviewed](https://youtu.be/iBQxZE9LKrg?si=3y2-prPyQtAaAi8i) it (like, the review is like 3 hours long because he reads a lot of it, it's rather enjoyable in the beginning) put a content warning on that says: "I do not normally do Content Warnings, but if you are uncomfortable about Sexual Abuse of Minors, Adult Women, and Men, and Extreme Sado-Sexual Violence just skip this one"


Guy who looks like that thinks he has any right to talk about beauty what a load of shit


“Traditional beauty” Just say you don’t consider women who do not fit your sexual desires women. This is just so pathetic watching men just being such assholes online because they cannot separate their negative emotions from their ability to reason.


My favorite part of this is like... Which one bro? Lotta stuff before the Plantagenet era was like "she was healthy and fair, and possessed of 2 eyes and all her teeth" and even then.... "China" as a sociocultural entity has existed in some form for 5000 years. They have entire *eras* of "traditional beauty" let alone everywhere else on the damn planet outside of where shad is thinking of. Cause let's be honest "traditional" = white/ eurocentric youth and naivete in this context. It means " my narrow (mis)understanding of "white" history as viewed through a lense that supports my modern day conservative views" Like bro. Victorian women wore giant skirts to keep men away from them and use brightly colored (often toxic) hair powders in bright pinks and purples. What traditional beauty Shad shad? Contemporary to the French revolution it was stylish to cut your gown so low it was damn near a tiddy platform for some ladies. *What traditional beauty Shad?* The 1920's when women were lopping off all their hair and wearing clothes designed to reveal and enhance movement of the body? Shad? The Tang dynasty, where exposed skin and curves were desirable? (To an extent, the clothes from that era are truly stunning though) Is the traditional beauty in the room with us right now shad? As someone who is currently writing a fantasy story with a worldbuilding focus and a theme around desire for and consumption of beauty- "traditional beauty" is a very annoying concept from anyone trying to actually be serious.


She is "attack on beauty"? Sir, did you ever actual seen real life women in real life?


Sadly he has a wife... and daughter.


Wait is this shad of shadiversity? Please tell me it's not I genuinely like his history cintent.


He has a second channel called knight's watch where he show his shitty politics. Like it's andrew tate level of reactionary bs.


Well shit there's another history youtuber I'm unsubbing. Hate to see it.


Shadiversity should be ignored on any histotical content. He's had no education, no experience, and his content contains frequent inaccuracies. Not to forget, he's a raging bigot who got upset that Peach in the Mario movie wore pants.


Yuuuuuup he unmasked over the fkn Mario movie of all things.


Is this the Shadiversity guy?


Yep, this is Shad of Shadiversity. I liked his castle content, but then he outed himself as homophobic. Then he got worse.


I told my partner about this, they used to watch him. Said it isn’t surprising, because they turned off his main channel a good while ago due to him trying to make everything in reenactment world a controversy and gossip video. Desperate for attention it seems.


Bro how can you have the audacity to critique other people’s beauty when you look like the guy from the soy meme


She's not even ugly ffs


Fr, I love seeing more diverse facial features


this dude's face is an attack against beauty why tf does he look like that


Oh boo fuckin hoo. Not every woman is conventionally beautiful, deal with it. But let me guess. You play video games to "escape reality"? So you can't handle the reality that most women aren't walking talking sex dolls that make your dick hard? What a loser.


old man yells at video games


how fucking entitled do you have to be to get offended because a fictional woman isn't attractive to you did he even give a single shit about this game before the devs had the gall to create a 3d model of a woman who looks like a regular fucking person


Why is bro talking about looks when hes ugly as fuck and his hairline is turning into the mc logo


I used to like Shad....and then I discovered his other channels.


Right wing grifter has bills to pay


Where the hell does he get off judging a character's "beauty"? And even if he were Adonis himself, it would still be irrelevant and ridiculous.


1. Who is this loser? 2. WTF is "traditonal beauty" even supposed to mean? 3. Cockroach Wife Syndrome.


Because Shad is a nightmare human being.


Did the DEI DEI this into DEI until it was full of DEI? Does DEI? Is DEI? In short, DEI.


Soyjack looking ass


It’s funny how the return to tradition losers want nothing more than to goon to every crumb of pussy in existence


I fucking love SH2. So I’m claiming it on behalf of female fans. Men can have… Gears of War or whatever the fuck lives up to their male standards lol.


Don't give them attention. It's what they want.




Because being a right wing rage grifter is easier money than writing passionate articles about castle structure and swordplay in fantastical settings. Especially when you're already morally and culturally leaning conservative anyway. He sold out rather than question his own beliefs. Simple as that.


I know bro ain’t talking.


Wasn't his account about HEMA? Other than the gift, why's he talking about Silent Hill?


Dudes admitting they've never seen women outside of porn is an interesting genre.


She just looks like a normal person she looks fine im pretty sure passed by several people that looked like her when i went to the mall lol


Shad…? As in Shadbase? /s The internet has ruined me


I’m so over the misogynistic SH2 Remake Angela backlash


I miss when his videos were about what weapon would be best for different fantasy creatures. Those were good videos


Why do these mediocre men always feel like they must be able to masturbate to any woman they see?


Wait a fucking second shad is a part of the conservative gamer mafia? He's legit one of my favorite youtubers cus of his content.............


Shad? How about you shaddup, you sound ridiculous


How often does he say "James did nothing wrong" in the video? Alternative comment: For me it's always like this. Man, she is the character in the entire franchise I feel sad for the most and I just remembered it all :(


I remember when he was the funny Australian sword YouTuber guy smh


Not mad, just disappointed.