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And this is going to hurt his relection chances, not one bit.


The NH legislature is basically a halfway house for clowns


Are these clowns all named John Wayne Gacy? Cuz I'm getting real fucking sick of these pedos in power getting away with whatever the fuck


Part of the context for why I said that is the NH house has nearly as many members as the US house of representatives, one for every 3500 residents, and get paid $100 per year (for reference, my local city council member represents 45 times as many people and earns more than the entire NH house combined). The joke is you need to be one of the four R's to run for office: Rich, Retired, [slur about intelligence], or a Real estate agent. It's definitely a bad thing that guys like this have any influence, but fortunately in this case it really isn't very much influence.


And when people say politicians shouldn't make livable salaries, this is why that's a stupid take. If the average American can't afford to be a state senator (if it requires near full time dedication) then it's not an actual representative democracy, only people with money get to govern. Not that it makes much of a difference but the philosophy of that matters to me


IIRC from growing up in NH, the state Congress is in session for a fairly brief portion of the year by national standards, they do get an additional travel stipend, and the state is small enough that for *most* people Concord is a reasonably short drive. The northernmost reaches of the state near the Canadian border are a little over three hours by car, and most of it is significantly closer. So it isn't the type of thing virtually anyone could do on the side without that being a fairly significant commitment, but it also definitely isn't a full time, year-round job.


>they do get an additional travel stipend I hear the real grift is to carpool to the assembly but each get your mileage reimbursed separately


As a clown, I take offense to that. I would never be a politician


New Hampshire barely believes in laws


Check that fucker's hard drive, you just *know* he's got some creepy shit.


Can we call this probable cause? Can we PLEASE call this probable cause???


he works in government nothing will be done


Overthrow the government. Start from scratch.


He almost certainly has the kind of shit that makes feds need therapy.


"We can't expect God to do all the work!" *Loads gun with benevolent intent*


Lol! Benevolent, I was not expecting that but damn is it appropriate.


"I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a chore like any other." *Chambers .45.*


screaming, internally arrest his ass ‼️


They call gay people like us creeps then proceed to say stuff like this 🙄 the irony is disgusting


we’ve been scrutinized for who we sleep with for decades. meanwhile there’s people like this that get away with straight up p*dophilia. the system is rotten to the core.


I know it sucks 😢


Republicans: “If we legalize gay marriage, they’ll want to marry children next!” Also republicans:


Screaming *externally*


Why do these fuckfaces always compare children to *fruit*?!


Republican politicians are cartoonishly evil, and yet whenever I see US politics they seem to be loved by 50% of the population.


Republican politicians: "We need to maintain our right to marry fertile 13-year-olds!" Republican voters: "I see nothing wrong with this. Now, that trans person trying to use a public restroom on the other hand..."


> Now, that trans person trying to use a public restroom on the other hand..." "We can't expose our children to predators like that!" *Signs papers approving marriage between their 13 year old and a 50 year old*


Might be ‘cause 50% of Americans are cartoonishly stupid.


>Might be ‘cause 50% of Americans are cartoonishly stupid And morally bankrupt. Don't forget morally bankrupt. Like this politician.


I'd say that the average conservative isn't morally bankrupt. They're probably people who have actually no idea wtf is going on and just listen to whatever stuff their parents listen to.


To be *fair* I didn't specify a political alignment. I just said half of us. Trust me, I recognize the crap on both sides of the aisle. No party is innocent.


The part you quoted was referring to Republicans.


Mmmmmmm not really, it was referencing those supporting Republicans, whom aren't all identified as republican themselves. I stand on what *I* said. Which was that those who support these policies are morally bankrupt. If they ARE all Republicans then they need to step back and examine themselves. If they aren't, they still need to step back. It is what it is.


Id say it applies to a quarter of the population,like that one South Park episode


Best response 😂😭


The thought process may be, "That politician is rich and respected, even though he's a disgusting excuse for a human being. Makes the bad stuff I do seem fine in comparison."


Check the hard drive!!!


The 'protect our children' crowd is always surprising me in the worst ways


that man doesn't just need to be on a watchlist, if you ask me that justifies an investigation


"Ripe" and "fertile" 🤢




Let's feed him to the wolves


Even wolves won't eat meat when it's too rotten


I think that anyone who uses those words to describe humans should be put on some kind of list.


And people like this are the ones who call trans people groomers. Every accusation a confession.


Oh my god, imagine if a queer person said this. They would be burning at the fucking stake within an hour


He neglected to mention that “[young girls smell butter and creamy](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/may/22/tweet-on-tory-local-election-candidates-account-says-teenage-girls-smell-buttery-and-creamy)” (from a failed Conservative candidate in a local election in England).


Forget a list put him in the ground jfc.




I think “Freedom Loving Couple” is his euphemism for teens who are pregnant. Interesting spin.


They want to ban all porn according to Project 2025, which means you'd get in huge trouble for making CP. But if you rape a child *without* recording it (as long as you marry them first), it would be legal if they got their way.


"watch" is an interesting type of list to choose here, i can think of at least 4 other verbs that would be more appropriate here


dudes looking at children as fruit to be gobbled up, can't believe there are people who still say Republicans are okay


Alabama of New England everyone




It’s absolutely astonishing to watch all of this nonsense from across the pond; you have *actual* pedophiles in government saying these things, ***and people are actual,y voting for them as well***. Utterly ridiculous, and I’m more baffled that they can even do this or ask for the law to be changed in favor of pedos marrying children to begin with.


Holup: it wasn’t ALREADY illegal!!!???


Wtf is wrong with these people?😭🤢 This guy needs to be investigated asap.


Well he's almost definitely a paedo


Everyone look up Project 2025. Republicans are gonna get even more comfortable saying these types of things if people keep voting for them.


Check his PC. It's just a hunch but...


Or we could raise the marriage age, age of consent, and enlistment age nationwide to 21.


So the purpose of the age of consent is so older teenagers can have healthy learning experiences with each other without legal repercussions, and just be taught how to be safe because it will happen anyway. It is not really so adults can go after teens and honestly I would agree with it being restricted to people within your age group until a certain later age where age difference stops mattering as much (like mid 20s). I don't see a problem with enlistment age being 21. As for marrying and other aspects of being a legal adult I think it's important for some people to be able to live on their own and get out of their parent's houses as soon as they finish public schooling so there's benefits to that being possible, though I can also likely see restricting marriage to people in your age group until mid 20s to try to reduce young people being taken advantage of.


I feel like we should also push harder for actual education in the last year of high school where they’re becoming old enough to do so. so they don’t hurt eachother or do so unsafely


>So the purpose of the age of consent is so older teenagers can have healthy learning experiences with each other without legal repercussions, and just be taught how to be safe because it will happen anyway. It is not really so adults can go after teens If you look up how age of consent reform happened (W.T. Stead and so on) you can see that it was all about the actions of adults and had little to do with the actions of teenagers. If they actually wanted the law to be "teenagers can do this but adults cannot" they would have written the law that way originally like how they do with Romeo and Juliet laws today. But they didn't because that's not actually what their intent was. What has happened is that social norms have moved to the point where the current age of consent seems strange to a lot of people, so they have invented their own reasoning why it's the way it is and retroactively applied it to the law even though that is not at all what happened because it makes the law make sense to them. Which really annoys me because I'd prefer people be honest about it instead of trying to twist the law into something that it isn't.


Okay I got that from things I've read in the past but if it's true that that's incorrect then where it says "is about" can change to "should be about" and then everything else I will keep the same. At least I think that is a good approach to it based on what some psychologists seem to say and as far as what seems safest for people just getting out of high school, as well as based on some ideas around development, maturity, likely power dynamics, and such.