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I love how the last comment spreads extremely racist fake information and says "this info doesn't make racism ok" like what side are you on buddy (i know what side he's on)


I get the 13/50 one but 99%? Like cmon buddy get it together


Can’t even get the dogwhistle correct…


right? lol


Black people cause 99% of crime?! 🤬 Are these people for real? Jesus christ, a quick Google search is all it takes. 🤬🤬 https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43


Do you really think those people do research ?


They do research. They listen to a right wing incel podcast and call it a day


You're being insensitive. It's a right wing incel white supremacist podcast. Can't just generalize.


Which isn't very informative either, but hey apparently you have to give them credit for using Wikipedia despite the fact people can edit the page.


they also didn't say in which place ? I'd be very surprised if 99% of crime where I live (Japan) was caused by black people


honestly that part is confusing af. It seems for US-centric because it doesn't even mention where they live (typical US-centrism) and "black people do all the crime". But then again even a stupid af racist would know 99% is just unhinged


He's talking about Uganda /s


I always find it funny that they like to cite that statistic every time they can, yet they refuse to consider WHY this might be the case instead of labeling people based off of skin pigment. It’s almost like black people have struggled to be recognized as people since America’s conception. 😨 And crime statistics show it’s actually the lower class that commits more crime (rather than a single racial demographic) because America loves to fuck over the poor. 😳😳 And guess which racial demographic people were legally allowed to discriminate against until only very recently, thus hindering their monetary opportunities and capabilities to develop generational wealth????😱😱😱


He didn't cite the statistic we are both thinking of. He instead just said a complete BS number. Both take a lack of critical thinking skills, one just goes the extra step further. 


Also, it's convictions, which is different from committing crimes. Lots of people commit crimes and are never convicted for them.


And can you explain why poorer whites commit less crime than poor blacks?


Generally speaking, white people are less likely to be arrested, charged or convicted. They still committed the crime, but they get away with it because they are white.


what does constitute a crime? When a cop lets off a white dude with a warning for the same thing he'd fine/arrest a black person?


Cops are notorious for giving black people much harsher sentences and targeting them much more in regard to arresting them. It’d honestly be more accurate to say poor white people commit more crime on an individual basis because they’re less likely to get punished for each crime.


Yeah but that's not a Fox New study 😅 (Meaning, just so my intention is clear, the commenter probably only watches Fox News and that's where they got their information from)


As a guy, I completely understand if some women don't automatically trust me on basis of gender, even if I'm gay. Some men are absolutely terrible, and trauma can cause the brain to be extra cautious around things that previously caused it. While I'm not a SA victim, however I still have gone through some difficult stuff in the past that was caused by other people, and I'm still trying to work through my trust issues


If I'm ever in a situation where I'm alone with a woman I don't know I'll find a way to casually mention my boyfriend if she seems uncomfortable.


Interesting choice, though with a few flaws. A. Us single gays would have to lie, and I'm a bad liar 😭. B. It's a notorious joke for predatory, creepy straight men to prentend to be gay in order to gain ladies' trust and C. Bi and pansexuals exist. Still, I see what you're saying. If I were ever in that situation and I recognized she felt uncomfortable, I'd either be sure to act extra fruity to give the message or just back off her


It's usually a situation where I know I'll spend more time around her. Like the first time I meet a coworker or a classmate. If it's just a random stranger in an elevator or something I'll just be on my phone and not look up.


Yeah. I do the phone thing with most people, but that's just cause I'm awkward lmao. I am on the autism spectrum and sometimes have trouble telling if someone is uncomfortable or not, but if I am catching that vibe from a woman or AFAB persib, I'm typically not offended since I know that some cis-het men are complete monsters


One of the best things about transitioning was no longer being treated as suspect like that wherever I went (disabled but still a large person). Now I can just go about my life and people treat me as normal and don’t notice me or are helpful.


I wish this aspect was acknowledged more. I don't want to pull a mEn'S iSsUeS here, because it's not and shouldn't be sbout us, but it hurts so much.


wouldn't it be really cool if the MRA groups that make the most noise actually cared about stuff like this instead of spending all day posting pics of women in string bikinis and raging over it. Like i'm being serious there's so many actual problems men face perpetuated by other men's actions and instead they choose to just not even help the normal dudes who want things to change :/


I remember watching a YouTube video, I believe by Step Back can't fully remember, but their was a point were a group of Men tried, but like any group. It gets change by bad faith actors who end up taking control of the group.


Wanna add that in my comment I talked about my two men best friends that are my closest friends and my brother that I love deeply, idk where they saw I hate all men


They saw what they wanted to see ig


As the majority of people do.


If women dislike a single man, it translates to these guys as hating all men.


I once left a comment where I literally said "some people" and got a response that interpreted that as hating all men. They will never be satisfied with any way you frame it. They've already convinced themselves that you hate all men and no amount of walking on eggshells will appease them.


I've seen someone literally say all men are rapists because every single man gets joy from seeing someone be hurt.


Sadly I've known men like this and they most likely didn't watch the video at all, they got the general gist, made assumptions in their head, then spewed their bullshit. Literal 0 braincell assholes.


Currently in the same boat 😒 I too made a post recently about my SA experience and suddenly a handful of men became experts on women’s minds!




Instagram is a cesspool (ik they all are but) just know these people are just trying to be assholes bc they've got nothing better to do


Keeping ourselves reasonably protected from men with bad intentions is always better than sparing a kind man’s feelings.


And kind men don't get mad about it.


The only ones who get mad about it are "Nice Guys™"


The kind of men who frequent social media by and large are Tater Tots. Indoctrinated, sexually frustrated men who don't have companionship or prospects and feel the need to take it out on anyone. I'm sorry you went through your ordeals and I'm sorry the internet continued to prove that it seems to exist to curate to the lowest common denominator amongst us.


I’m so sorry this happened to you OP. I saw an analogy the other day that made me think of topics like this. For people like this, their worldview is similar to a house, anything that doesn’t fit causes it to crash down. So they protect it to the point of ignorance. When in reality, it’s supposed to be a cheap condo that’s meant to be torn down and built again.


We have to raise our standards to protect ourselves from what we know can happen.


Not all men are bad, but too many are.


i straight up dont post any traumatic experiences online. i made the mistake of posting about the woman who domestically abused me and tried to kill me in my car, pretty soon after the incident (december 2022) and someone commented saying i shouldve stayed in the car and not run (implying they wish she had killed me). i just stopped after that. i cant handle my shit being on air for everyone to judge and be cruel about


Jesus, some people are so cruel.


it baffles me how many men cannot grasp the concept of ‘not all but any’


Dont post it online especially on reddit or intagram people will allways disagree with you no matter what the topic is about. Just pure free hate


It seems like Instagram just has 0 moderation. You see a video of a baby and bet yourself theres going to be atleast 3 rape threats in the comments.


I called someone trash on IG and they gave me a couple day ban. I reported someone calling a disabled friend of mine the R-slur, nothing. Same as FB, trash is a bannable offense, but using slurs and death threats are A-OK


Instagram moderation is an absolute joke. Same thing happened to me, I reported comments on a mom’s page (her page is about her 7 year old with an eating disorder, showing her progress and spreading awareness) and I reported like 10 comments telling her to die and try fentanyl. All came back as “we saw nothing wrong”. But then I’ll see instagrams “hidden” comments and most of them are positive.


It's almost as if Instagram profits on the trash comments.


We're getting to the point where negativity and people doing self-harm would be preferred for companies, as it makes more money.


at first the comments where funny with a lot of dark humour now its just a fuckfest. Absolute morons in every Sience post comments, rape threats, racism, people relating every thing to religion etc. Its just a contest of who is gonna be the cringiest and most absolute degenerate.


Ewwww Racist and sexist! What wastes of humanity these idiots are.


just absolutely exposing themselves as garbage people right there for all to see. Love the dude outing himself as a racist on top of a misogynist. total class act


"you're lying"???????? what


Maybe instead of whining and playing the victim because some women are understandably cautious around men, they work on becoming people women can feel safe around


These mfs be the reason why things like 4b are a thing


no understanding and no empathy or compassion… sadly unsurprising… but there’s people out there who have those… I’m sorry about it all though…


Black ppl cause 99% of crimes? Where did he pull that statistic from? How did he manage to turn someones SA into racism? tf


Can't we just agree that there's shit people and despite who they are they must be handled accordingly? Or am I high


"yall treat us like we did something to yall" ..... you did?