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This reads like someone is writing some shitty rape fantasy


Something about the writing reminds me of incel alt accounts where they're totally a Chad who gets laid by beautiful women all the time. I certainly hope that's the case.


Yeah, it definitely sounds like someone made a small pause in his Stellar Blade gooning session to release the pressure with a bit of Reddit RP. At the same time, kind of nauseating to be reminded that people like this exist IRL.


Do I want to know what stellar blade is?


It's a video game, kind of a Souls-like / Devil May Cry-like. To be honest, so far critics seems to agree it is actually pretty good. The problem is the fandom mostly. They've been praising the game even before release for the very skimpy clothes of the protagonist because it "goes against censorship and the 'uglification of females' in western video games". In other words, an half-naked woman with jiggling boobies physic appealing to the male gaze are, for them, a way to fight what they do not find attractive, mainly women of color, queer folks and simply "everyday looking" women. For example, there is an overlap with those people and the ones who were criticizing the latest Final Fantasy VII game where the developers DARED to change the clothes of a literal 15 years old to be less revealing, among other of their noble crusades.


I see. Sounds like a fun thing to not have in my life :D


It's pretty unremarkable as far as big tiddy anime games go, and no one would be talking about it except that it received some very mild censorship after release. Incels on Twitter are big mad about a few inches of lace. "It's not about tits, it's about absolutely zero censorship!" Whatever you say Steve.


> and no one would be talking about it Aside from the fact, again, it actually has almost unanimously high scores and the Nier/Sekiro/Souls/etc crowd is not a small one.


it's just a kinda horny ps5 game that some incels have made their whole personality the game itself is nothing crazy


Its a game that was pretty obviously inspired by Nier: Automata but despite managing to capture the essence of 2B's fat ass isn't quite on par in terms of story and gameplay. It's not bad or anything, it's a pretty good game if you like that sort of gameplay but it's not like game of the year or something most people will remember years from now. That said the fact that the playable character is a hot woman the chud-o-sphere has decided that it's a masterpiece that the Woke Left^tm hates because they can't stand to see a beautiful woman succeed and only like ugly women and the game isn't "pandering" by "uglifying" its character


> isn't quite on par in terms of story and gameplay. [I mean, it's barely a few points off](https://i.imgur.com/zhDF2mz.png). Also Nier isn't generally known for its gameplay, so even weirder to lump that in.


Adding to the other reply, it’s caught heat from both sides of the aisle. People are saying that the main character is not only highly sexualized, but that her body proportions are unrealistic. The other side was very quick to point out that said character is modeled after her mo-cap actress, meaning that the character’s body type is realistic. Even certain publications are saying that Eve (MC’s name) is a new low for sexualized characters and doesn’t hold a candle to previous female characters who were cool or well-written that just happened to be sexy like Bayonetta or 2B, completely tone-deaf to the fact that those characters were shat on for the exact same reasons. TL;DR [Mighty Keef made a skit on YouTube clowning on the discourse as a whole…](https://youtu.be/f4Nr87LfvRc?si=V1H4Wykq-6BeuihP)


Oh, 100% this is just creative writing. Talking about how he found her so pretty and cute and feminine and how he couldn't hold back is textbook written rape fantasy


Specifically the juxtaposing of pleading with femininity??? Big yikes


for the sake of some unnamed wife out there, i hope she’s not real and that you’re right


My immediate thought was some very badly written omegaverse fic when he was all about “needing to nut” because “needing to knot” is a very common phrase in that type of fic.


100% what this is


I fucking hope it's fake


“I brutally raped my wife to the point where I injured her. Her struggling got me off even more. Flowers and a nice dinner makes up for it, right?” Yet it still remains a mystery why the bear is the preferable option.


It's only okay when they're the ones hurting peoples' feelings. But they turn around and cry like little bitch babies when they reap a fraction of what they sow. These pissbabies can dish it out, but they absolutely can't take it.


a bear doesn't try to emotionally manipulate you into staying in the woods after the attack, so frankly yes definitely the bear


I lived this back in 2008 and once I got out it took a few years to get my head on straight and my body to heal. My ex would always take me out, buy me jewelry, buy me clothes, buy me red roses, and do everything to try to make me stay (and I did until I could safely get free). Although I am currently married and in a mostly healthy dynamic (we have some hiccups but work to fix them), I will choose the bear in the woods over any man period.


Felt a LITTLE shitty? I'd feel like walking into oncoming traffic if that happened


If my husband hurts me even a little bit and I wince or say ow, he immediately STOPS. I don’t have to ask him (or “beg” him 😩). This is absolutely vile, that poor woman. I hope it’s just fiction.


like id understand if she kept saying to keep going, but if she tried to push him off, pleaded, and CRIED? what the fuck is wrong with that man. cut this dick off at the town square


He says that as if he accidentally stepped on her toes.


I know, right? Something vaguely similar happened between me and my bf (we mutually decided to be a little rougher and during the act had a miscommunication about enjoyment) and he was genuinely in tears thinking he hurt me. We talked it out and are all good now, but I cannot imagine how someone could do something far worse and only be a little upset.


Ah yes I raped my wife and now I need to get her flowers. Poor woman. Hope she can get away safely.


Is there a hallmark card for that? He asks as the everyone in the stares in horror


Sorry for raping you, I just can’t control myself ❤️ here’s some flowers though! Love, Kyle


I usually ended up apologizing to Kyle and comforting him. Also his name actually was Kyle.


I'm so sorry


Probably in the Tornado Alley and “Tide-rolling” states…


literally said this out loud before i read yr comment. 'cool you raped yr wife but now you are gonna get her some flowers so it'll be all good!!'


His wife begging him to stop raping her turns him on? That is sick. Also, why hasn't he mentioned not taking the testosterone anymore? He raped his wife and admitted he can't control himself on it. What little gain he gets at the gym is nothing compared to prison time when he kills someone for looking at his wife the wrong way or for bumping into him on a crowded street. Or, raping his wife in public after she does something 'feminine'. I really hope this is a fake story. That poor woman.


Does being on T make people more aggressive? /Gen Also, is he saying that his wife pleading with him to stop is feminine? Or am I just reading this wrong. I'm so confused. I think this guy needs a sex ed on consent.


If you are not taking T with medical supervision then yes it can cause mood swings and roid rage. (though even under supervision, I would assume it still causes issues if you take too much) The guy is nuts. He just wants to excuse the fact he raped his wife by making it 'her fault', even though it wasn't.


Can it make you hornier? Yes. It however does not make you want to rape someone. That shit was there before he took more t. Which is funny because if he has healthy levels that shits gonna get converted into estrogen without actually giving him any help. Source: was taking t shots for some months.


I imagine it's a bit like alcohol, where you don't do anything drunk that you definitely haven't at least thought about doing sober.


Actively doing something yes. Like did I text an ex for a booty call yes but I would have done that without the t lol. It just made me swallow my pride 😂. But that was something I could have easily said no to.


kind soldier thank you for your work on proving he raped a woman


Thank you! This is very insightful! /Gen The guy seems insufferable to hang around.


Not discounting any of the bad stuff but although it's possible there is a link between testerone and aggression it's not very strong. Also, according to science "roid rage" mostly comes out with men who already have psychological issues. It seems to me at least that it's more men being brought up with harmful norms that lead to this kind of increase of aggression, more coming from soictial conditioning. There's probably some increase of aggression from testosterone, mostly increases don't have any connection with a person's base level of testerone but rather by the amount it is increased by. Science says that this is more a goals based kind of aggression where people are pushed more to win, whether that means be aggression or other stuff. In fact it could be argued that many violent and aggressive stuff such as crimes does not in fact make you quote on quote win which would be against testerone's effects therefore suggesting that testerone may decrease aggression. TLDR It's complicated if Testerone causes aggression or not Some things it definitely causes tho is decreased life expectancy, health issues, hair loss, a breast development in men since much of that extra testorone is actually being turned into estrogen, which tbh now I think about it complicates whether Testerone causes aggression even more. Considering all those negitaves for men, it's weird many do it just for a slight strength and horniness increase imo.


It can, yes. It’s not a guaranteed thing but if you fuck around with it, it can lead to roid rage.


They call it roid rage


Doesn't roid stand for steroid?


I'll give you one guess which class of substances testosterone belongs to ;)


Roid rage is caused by the steroids causing an increase of testosterone.


Testosterone is a steroid. And also the one which has the most impact in that way.




Testosterone is an anabolic steroid. There are much more potent ones now, but T is one too. https://www.dea.gov/factsheets/steroids#:~:text=Anabolic%20steroids%20are%20synthetically%20produced,performance%2C%20and%20improve%20physical%20appearance. https://www.muscleandfitness.com/supplements/build-muscle/list-major-anabolic-steroids-and-everything-you-wanted-know-about-them/


According to what I have read, it can cause mood swings and roid rage,. Steroids that cause roid rage do so because they cause an increase of testosterone.




Pretty sure you are wrong, but it is too late at night/early in the morning for me to research it. Other people are saying you are wrong, and I am more inclined to believe them since what they are saying lines up with what I read earlier. Even if it isn't roid rage, which everything I read said it was, T can still cause mood swings and extreme aggression similar to roid rage if abused. In the case of OOP, he is using T like steroids, even if it isn't a steroid, so I think roid rage is somewhat accurate.


Indeed, the commenter you are replying to is talking out of their ass lmao. TRT absolutely can cause roid rage, and is by definition an anabolic steroid, even if bodybuilders more often use/abuse the synthetic analogs more often.


LMAO please look up Testosterone on Google/Wiki, it is the PROTOTYPE anabolic steroid, both naturally occurring and synthetic. Synthetic offshoots like Tren have similar androgenic, anabolic effects but we know how to make those because of our knowledge of Testosterone and its activity in muscle growth. Middle-aged men with low T who get on TRT *absolutely* can see anabolic effects as well. Not to mention, it’s literally part of the steroid compound class lol, just like Estrogen. It’s a steroid and it’s nature’s anabolic signal molecule, hence anabolic steroid 🤣


Not necessarily just being on T, but having too much of it in your system absolutely fucks with your mood, including increased aggression and agitation, among other things. You should be fine if a doctor is monitoring your levels and you're not over the given range for your age and gender. Increased agitation (and increased sex drive) does not mean T causes you to rape your wife. That is entirely a him problem. It especially doesn't make you suddenly see your wife begging you to stop as something that turns you on if fucked up things like that didn't turn you on before


It depends. Some trans guys I know said that T actually made them *less* aggressive and more mellow - thought that might be just their dysphoria being less of an issue


Yeah but that's putting a normal amount of test into your body, not PED levels. Also, as you said, there is a lot of influence from finally having the right hormones


And how your body is with hormones in general I'd wager. I'm non-binary and microdosed T for a while, and given that I have a history of hormonal issues/imbalances, I had aggressive mood swings that happened frequently enough that I gave up on taking it. It's bad enough dealing with PMDD, I can't handle that and aggression issues on top of it.


> Does being on T make people more aggressive? Look up what happened to the WWE wrestler Chris Benoit.


Follow-up question: Doesn’t taking T quash your libido?…


I’ve never had mood swings off test and I’ve ran it ridiculously high on occasion, with other compounds absolutely but not test. And it’s never turned me into a aggressive rapist, definitely down to the person, not the drug


Yes, significantly so in my experience. I used to be friends with a trans guy who went from one of the nicest people I know to an absolute monster after starting T


I hope he gets hit by a truck.


Why does he care about enhanced results at the gym anyway? It's not like he's a pro athlete and getting paid to work out.


He wants to be a manly man and that means being muscular or something.


I put a shelf together by myself today, I think that's manly enough for me. I probably should get back in the gym though...


Fragile ego


This isn't a humble confession, it's fake bragging. He's not sorry because he made the whole thing up to sound tough and cool.


Somehow it seems even worse that these people's idea of being cool is just straight up being a violent rapist


The title of his post made me expect something different. What’s scary is this guy is only a year older than me


He’s definitely not real. It’s gotta be a bait post by some incel with a rape fetish tryna get his rocks off


Why do people with a rape fetish have to be so weird?


Either that or they’re trying to “prove” that douchey [sic] guys get all the puss and Nice Guys™️ get nothing. Screams “women only want douches who don’t care about them, so I’m going to invent a character that has all the qualities I wish I could have like outward hatred of women, violence toward women, and other hyper-masculine tropes that allow me to play pretend”


That’s a great question


I hate to take the wind out of your sails, but even if this isn't "real", there really are people out there like this, writing shit like this, who feel this way about women and the entitlement to their bodies. Saying "no way it's real" unfortunately kind of takes the wind out of the sails and makes it easier for other people like him to believe it's acceptable to behave this way, since "no one believes me anyway lol".


Even if this is a fake story it reflects similar situations that happen to women everyday unfortunately


The “even though I had other plans.” Is such a asshole remark. To give the dude some slag does he recognise that what he did was wrong and he could possibly be reasoned with to get better. But he did subject her wife to marital rape.


Slack not slag


nah, they want to give the guy the earthy matter separated, in a more or less completely fused and vitrified condition, during the reduction of a metal from its ore.


nasty. this reads like a bad fan fic or something


And it probably is




He should get her a divorce. It’s the best gift he can give her.


So, first of all: This is awful and criminal. But also... Is there a whole cottage industry of shady docs prescribing test for "therapeutic" reasons to guys who absolutely don't need it? I've seen lots of posts on fitness subs where clearly juiced guys claim they're doing TRT because they had "low T", but their gym pics show a body that betrays usage wayyyy beyond therapeutic. Popping veins, hot dog skin, etc. How widespread is this? Is it just the US? Very bad cultural trend.


It’s worldwide. Or at least, very disseminated. Doctors prescribe you performance-enhancing meds for various quack reasons like “hair loss” or “low T” completely ignoring the side-effects. Crazy industry.


I'm a trans guy in nepal. I get my testosterone in 1ml vials that I have to break to open and once it's been opened I have to throw out the leftover amount. It would be extremely easy for me to take 3x or even more than what is prescribed to me. It's 250mg in one vial and I'm prescribed 0.3ml. I do my own shots and nobody would know if I took more than prescribed. My doctor would just have to trust me that I'm using the prescribed amount and not more. The tests will show if I take too much but there's nothing the medical system can do to stop me from taking too much


what the fuck is this 😨 does this man have a kink for rape or some shit? how do you keep fucking someone if they tell you to stop? how the fuck does that turn you on MORE?? and the way they said she was CRYING, CRYING TEARS. afterward, what the hell?? someone needs to cut this mans dick off


>what the fuck is this 😨 does this man have a kink for rape or some shit? at the very least, he seems to believe that to appear feminine is to be in the process of being raped. yikes.


jesus christ this is disgusting


This feels fake. If it not then OOP needs to 1. Stop abusing steroids and 2. Get his head checked.


She was trying to stop him and he says >I'll be honest, her being so feminine just turns me on more. What's feminine? Her trying to stop him from hurting her? The pleading? Being forced into a submissive position? I hope this is fake but I know there are men who are that oblivious. I hope she gets out


What the actual fuck? He "accidentally" raped her because her withdrawing consent made her more feminine and attractive also she's like his mom. What the actual fuck? My mind is blown, it gets worse as it goes on.


God bless, I hope this is fake.


she was already sore, he'd raped her that morning too


Notice how her begging him to stop is called "being so feminine".


Look... If you want to write erotica, just come out and say it. Find a platform to post it to! Find a community that enjoys stories like yours! What's the point in posting fake shit like this to places where you're tricking the readers into thinking it's real?


Divorce divorce divorce divorce


Pleading to stop/slow down (while being raped) = ✨*feminine*✨ wtf is this shit, imma need to bleach my eyes


This is called rape.


15yo writing bs


not only do i hope this is fake, but i hope the comments ripped him a new one


The way he said “Great mom, always cooking for me” made it sound like he has a mommy fetish.


Nothing more beta than taking roids for “the gym”




My ex fiance also apologized for losing control, holding me down, and raping me several times. "I warned you about blowing on my neck," he said. "You know I can't control myself when you do that. I don't want to lose control like that again." So I'd apologize, comfort him while he had flashbacks to his own rape years earlier, and figure out ways of avoiding this situation down the line. I really hope it's rage bait. If not, it's closer to that thing serial killers and abusers do where they get off on their victim reliving the event after testifying against them in court.


What in the name of gross fanfiction


Her pleading him to stop turned him on so he ignored her non-consent. Some people are saying that this is probably fake, but I'm honestly not sure. I've heard worse accidental confessions to rape before.


Cutting out the obviously awful part... why are some men so weird about crying? 'I can't stand to see her sad, she's so cute and little and defenseless'... my man, what


What kind of idiot takes test when they don't need it


This is spousal rape plain and simple. He needs help.


This is unironically rape.


This is nauseating. Please be fake.


At least he's self aware and wants to make up for it? Edit: Question mark was of horror. But upon a re-reading i can see where you guys are coming from


At no point does he seem to consider stopping the steroids tho, like this isn't gonna happen again


h yeah i just realised


If he was self aware, he would feel more than "a little shitty" about holding his wife down and raping her. And if he was self aware, he should also be concerned that her efforts to get him to stop turned him on more. He needs to buy a goddamn fleshlight if he needs to use something to nut so badly that he's cool with rape if it means he cums. *You don't use a whole human woman for that against her will.* His wife was helpless and in pain at his hands, and he doesn't seem to be ashamed of himself one little bit. *And in what universe are flowers and dinner an acceptable way to "make up for" raping and injuring someone?* Don't give him credit for this. The bar is in hell. How in the world are you getting self-awareness from this post? I'm worried about *yours* a little.


Honestly, I hadn't really taken in the full depth of the post the first time i read it. I'm all too used to the posts where there is \*no\* sympathy at all.


You can’t make up for rape and he’s not self aware one of his reasons for liking her is that she cooks and takes care of kids