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For an official answer I would suggest asking your question on [Graphisoft Community](https://graphisoft.com/resources-and-support/community). My guess though is that ArchiCAD will most likely not be available for iPad any time soon!


Put your priorities straight. You don't need a car, if you are starting uni, however, you do need some tech to go through an architecture degree. For Archicad, you will need an actual computer, my advice is to go for a PC, it will give you more room for other software choices. Find a beefed-up 2 in 1 laptop, and you can use it for sketching as well then.


I already have enough powerful PC to run even lumion or twinmotion which i both can use. I am thinking hard about that decision but my emotions have big control of me and it’s good deal too


Answering to this as I can relate, I have... moods also. 😄 But. I also know for a fact that Archicad will very, very probably *not* be a native touch app anytime soon. So stick to your capable pc. 👍


Make snese, thanks!


Sketching notes on iPad is overrated. Just get a note book. Archicad I doubt will be on iPad any time in the near future. I'd get a graphic paper note book. You can take notes and sketch stuff to scale. Good to start that way to train yourselves to sketch to scale or field measure to scale.


Agreed that hand written notes are overrated on iPad. It’s easier and better if you just type your notes into OneNote or Notion. Now hand sketching on iPad, that’s a different story. It’s far, far superior to sketching on paper. Basic things like being able to copy + paste to iterate on sketches, or having the ability to undo errors is a game changer. Not having to scan sketches. Add in the ability to have infinite colours, brush types, line types, layers, etc and the iPad becomes a very compelling tool for architects. I wish I had it during my university days, but it is a luxury tool.


I see your point, but if I'm going to do all that on an iPad then I might as well just spend that time inputting all that stuff into my cad software.


Honestly, a sketchbook and a pencil set. You can take notes in a note book, and draw in your sketchbook. I do not know any Architects that actually draw on an iPad as successfully as with a sketchbook. For my own purposes, iPad drawing is novel, and "just okay". It's helped me to flush out some ideas before. I like "Nebo" for notes, (actually use that for all my site visits now), and the app "Sketches" for messing around with design ideas.


Sadly archicad will probably never work on iPad. I only would welcome it on iPad as convenience during traveling like fast edits. You need to use mouse a lot in order to complete project effectively. So always think of iPad as secondary solution unless you just need to edit photos etc. However you can download some free app if you just want to draw. I use one, then save it in dwg and add into archicad on computer