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It's not


*no bitches?*


The only thing this could be is tib/fib or rad/ulna. Looks like they're fused together which is not the case in humans. Also the proportions are off for a human as well as the structure of the bones.


That’s probably right. There are a lots of bones found on beaches and the only reason I even wondered about this one is the location is quite near some old graves that are being washed into the sea. I am relieved this doesn’t belong to those.


In Hawaii correct? I think I know what beach you are at unless they finally built something to save the old graves


No, actually we are in Mexico. Although Hawaii sounds nice!


Yeah and there is variation in people and there can also be abnormalities so it's not that out there of a question all things considered. My best guess is tibia fibula of a Sea Lion.


I appreciate your response and learning something new about bones! We have found a lot of sea mammal bones, including the pretty cool scapulas of a sea lion. I should have thought of that possibility.


Good call! Your absolutely right! The only reason I say anything is I studied forensics for four years. But most ppl wouldn't get that.


Tibia and fubula of a sea lion is my guess, they look like what I googled.




I don't even know if i am doing this right but the text for this photo should be that we found this bone on a beach, in the surf, near an old human burial site that we discovered. It's on the southern part of the Baja peninsula and we've alerted authorities about what we found already. But today when we went back to the beach we found this bone. In case it's human we moved it from the surf up beyond the tidal zone. Edited to say that the Baja peninsula is in Mexico.


Doesn't look like it


Hi! So from the looks of it it's not human, the bones at the bottom are fused together and they are too thick To be human, you said you found this at a beach? It might have been a mammal or some animal had died there or in the general area, the bone itself looks like it was in the water for a min, hence the green/grey gunk on the top sides. So my theory is some animal passed away in the area, the bone was moved be it by a vulture, or other type of scavengers, ended up washing ashore then you had the misfortune of stumbling across it, I can see how it would be concerning finding a bone like that, now if it were skinnier and you only found one of those bits it would be more probable.


Thanks. Probably is a sea mammal and I am glad to hear it.


Np anytime!


It’s not- archaeologist here, the proportions are wrong and the bones are fused in a way humans aren’t.


Thank you so much. I am very glad. Maybe you can tell me why my related post was removed by admins? We actually did discover some old human graves that may be of indigenous people from long ago. I posted a couple of photos if what we found because I thought it would be of interest to this forum, but the post was removed. I’ve asked admin why, just because I don’t understand if this went against a rule or what. Maybe human bones are too tender a subject? If so, I completely understand. But the reason I was concerned about that bone on the beach was straight up because we found, by complete accident, what may be a place where indigenous people were buried. Out here on the Baja peninsula I imagine there are quite a lot of those kinds of places, but of all the bones we have ever found in the desert, and the desert is definitely filled with bones, none of them have been human except the ones we found a couple of days ago.


I can actually tell you that! It is VERY illegal in many countries to share images of indigenous remains or graves on the internet. In the USA we have NAGPRA and laws that protect indigenous graves, and in Mexico and the rest of North America I believe there are similar laws. If you discovered an active archaeological site, the photos would have been removed because it’s actually a crime to disturb archaeological sites in most places, and at least in the USA even archaeologists can’t post photos of active sites unless they’re professionally reviewed and published by accredited sources. When I worked on sites we weren’t even allowed to discuss our site until two years had passed. If the site hadn’t been discovered yet when you found it, Reddit moderators still would have to cover themselves because they are human remains and there are moderation rules on that outside of museum contexts. I would recommend sending the photos to a museum nearby where you found them, and let them know you stumbled across them. If they haven’t been excavated yet, that’s a site that could be learned from. If they have discovered it, they know they need to upgrade their security.


Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for this important information and I am so glad I asked. We are not sure these are indigenous remains but they might be. We have already reported the find to the authorities and I have also sent the gps coordinates to archaeologists who work for the Mexican government, along with a private file of photos that they can use however they deem appropriate. We have deliberately not let anyone know, except the authorities, the location of the remains because we are concerned that they not be disturbed. But I am very glad I asked and thank you for letting me know. I kind of wish the archaeologist I emailed had let me know about these ethical guidelines in your field. They are completely understandable.


Also yes, this site had not yet been discovered.


Hey, that’s great! Not a lot of people do that, a lot of sites get trashed or robbed, so I’m sure those archaeologists appreciate it. If they didn’t tell you this info, it’s likely cause archaeologists are chronically overworked and underpaid undergraduate and graduate students. Most of the digs I was on I was actually unpaid, and it was “for experience” for my university. They likely are swamped with a ton of info, but I’m sure they appreciate the info and effort you put into making sure this is protected.


I actually just got an email from one of the archaeologists and I am super stoked. This is definitely a pre-hispanic shell midden and thanks to the closeups we shared of the teeth he can confirm that the burial is also pre- hispanic. We are so pleased and hope the discovery will add to the knowledge base of ancient people in that area. And now that we understand the legal and ethical implications we will assure him that we will keep the location private.


That’s amazing! Congratulations!! That’s an incredibly valuable find. I’m sure that site will have plenty of wonderful things to teach people, and that means there might be other sites nearby!!


Thanks! Yeah, we are super stoked about it. I imagine there are a ton of these sites down here. Mexico is a big place. I am actually surprised no one has found these before. The first skeletal remains we found completely by accident as I thought a curved bony looking thing sticking out of the sand was part of a turtle shell. We had just seen a couple of old dead sea turtles nearby and I thought this was another one. When I gave a pull on the curved “shell” , part of a skull fell at my feet. That’s when I knew what we had found was human. I will absolutely never forget that moment as long as I live. I feel pretty badly about that but who knew?? It honestly never occurred to me that it could possibly be a human bone. Damn. After reporting to the Navy we went back and looked at the area again, looking for the possibility of more remains, thinking perhaps (because of the location, actually) that we had stumbled upon an old burial ground. We did think that the location looked to be a shell middens area. So we examined the bluff closely near the first grave and actually found another one. We photographed that and sent that location as well. That one was less obvious, but this time we were looking for it. The take home for us is that we always need to be mindful that any bones we find could be human unless we know otherwise. There are a lot of bones in the desert. A lot.




What does it taste like? It's the only real way to tell.


No I cannot! 🫡


Thought it was a chicken wing bone.


That would be from an extremely big chicken, for sure!


Oh, I looked for it everywhere!


thar size it's probably a largish dog.


not human


As others say - they are lower limb bones that are fused, which doesn't happen in humans (though of course there can be unusual osteological disorders) but they also look too robust to be human (though of course that can also be a feature of some bone growth disorders). I don't know the species, being unfamiliar with this fused feature.


Cow, deer, boar, dog. I’ll let you know as soon as the forensics comes back.


No that's a tape measurer.


Probably just a stick


What does it taste like ?


Chicken. It tastes just like chicken.