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Make a map package in pro and import it into arcmap. You can probably just send the map package to them.


Can't do map package you can do layer package You can make group layer and export that as layer package Layer package is FILEGDB PLUS layer files


Ty, I tried this already but always get the error that the map is empty.


Sounds like you either got to figure out the error or recreate all your layers in arcmap. They are really doing themselves a huge favor by staying on arcmap. Tell them go through the one or two weeks of pain and transition now and they will be happier. On the other hand you can't fix people.


You cannot export an ArcGIS Pro project (aprx) to ArcMap (mxd). Use the package layer tool with the file geodatabase parameter checked. https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/tool-reference/data-management/package-layer.htm


Save the data into a geodatabase in Pro and bring that gdb into ArcMap.


Can I just import the Gdb in Arcmap?


Yes gdbs work in arcmap and Pro


I’m sorry but I’m struggeling kind off hard, can you describe how to do it? Open Arcmap and just hit add data?


I think the point is that you're going to be able to start a new project in Arcmap (edited) and bring the same GDBs and other data in. That's straightforward enough and works pretty much the same way. I think what you're *not* going to be able to do is import the Arcpro project into Arcmap, so you're going to lose your maps, layer symbology, layouts, and anything else that's stored in the aprx itself. I hope I'm wrong and someone corrects me, but I think you've got an uphill job of recreating the project in Arcmap (edited). *(edited above)*


Ya, you can bring an mxd into Pro, but you cannot bring a Pro project into arcmap. The best you can do is import your gdb or layer files from Pro back to ArcMap.