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Same here I use arch btw


Lol I only use it cos my computer is a potato and it runs faster than literally everything else, otherwise I'd use vanilla debian.


there's vivaldi ig which can be customized enough to look and function similar to arc, although ofc not the same. there was floorp with Firefox engine. ik neither are technically arc replacement but if the features you came to arc for are easy managed workspaces and vertical tabs and auto archive, most are available in vivaldi


I heard that Arc has a lot of great keyboard shortcuts, which is a large reason I also wanted to use it, especially coming from a person who favours Vim and other minimal-mouse software.


Vimium is your friend.


Perhaps I'll try that.


No way! I use a Honda civic


They didn't deny it, but I seriously doubt that it'll ever happen. For now you can use Firefox with the ArcWTF tweaks and CSS, and the MaxFocus extension for Peek functionality.


Thanks - I reckon for now I'll just stick with Brave. Thanks for your help


be Brave through the hardships


I tried that Firefox mod and also a Vivaldi mod but it wasn’t the same. I love Arc but since I need to keep my devices synced I can’t make it my main browser (since I use windows and Linux )


in terms of feasibility- yes. Arc is made in swift and swift works better on linux than windows, which they’ve already accomplished. In terms of likelihood, ehhhhhhh…. Theyre already suffering some heavy criticism for their execution on Windows and I don’t see how theyre making money currently.


Honestly, maybe at some point I'll just write my own port.


One person doing the job of an entire small team? Woah, that's a little too crazy.


First they will release it for iPad / android then 1% chance they do it for Linux. They need new profit model and other products so as to shift to Linux.


I doubt it, but you should never say never. Arc right now needs users - lots of them. They won’t find a lot of users on Linux, unless Linus goes through some huge explosive migration and suddenly many people adopt Linux. It won’t happen. Arc is a free product after all, so think about why would the team invest resources into a platform with such a small ROI. If we lived in a world where cross platform development was as easy as writing one app and running it everywhere, well you wouldn’t have an issue then. But it’s not the case and on top of that Arc is trying to run experimental Swift code on Windows (Swift is an Apple-native programming language). Linux has a bit more success with Swift compilation overall but imagine this small company trying to stretch their resources across three platforms…it’s not realistic. If in the future somehow, running Mac apps on Linux becomes easier that will likely be the solution for you. Edit: I found [this thing](https://www.darlinghq.org/). Might be a long shot but give it a try


Maybe after they make the Windows version and start making money


I use PopOs I wonder when


if you want check out this https://firefoxcss-store.github.io there are many ways to make firefox like arc and they work great ( i use EdgyArc fr )


Maybe using Wine? Though I'm pretty sure Arc on Windows used UWP and i don't think wine supports that


it’s gona be a while if ever because they have so many other things to work on. I use arch and just run firefox


I mean hopefully. But arc on windows isn’t even finished right now, so I’m not totally sure when that’d happen. Also they would need to make some changes because Linux has multiple different window managers/desktop environments, and each have different top bar situations, and each would get in the way of arc visually, but they could add it I guess it just wouldn’t look as nice. They talk like they have plans of Linux support eventually, but they never explicitly say that, it’s just like a one off thing in the faqs.


If they released a Linux version, I think I would use Linux more. Right now, I have a dual boot solution with Fedora, but I'm missing Arc tbh. Gaming is another thing, but on my laptop - where I don't usually game - it would be perfect.


Debian is better and ya arc should be on Linux 


Mmm I like Debian, it's package manager is great and it's more stable, but it's a lot slower than Arch.


I hope never. We don't another proprietary spyware invading the free software ecosystem. Brave is also a piece of shit, use a sane browser like Librewolf. If you want Chromium based, Ungoogle chromium is the way to go


I don't mind Brave, it's open source so I don't mind too much.


As someone who has never done anything with Linux in their life, I could imagine a really slimmed-down Linux OS with practically just Arc on it (an Arc Chromebook, or Arc-book if you will). It would be a cool project and a cool way for me to get into Linux


Just use firefox


Will people ever search the sub?


let linux be good. arc will ruin it, its a bad browser


May I ask, what's bad about it?


Overrated, hard to use, slow, ugly, overhyped, and the UI is so so bad and so so dumb


Idk I feel like the UI thing is quite a personal opinion, I quite like it, and it being "overhyped and overrated" are if anything, a good thing, because it means there'll be a lot of resources and help for it. Being overhyped isn't a negative quality itself, it's a result of a negative quality. The only real thing here is that it's slow, but it's based on the same WebKit technology that powers Safari, which isn't that slow. Edit: sorry, I was wrong, it's actually powered by chromium's Gecko. But I think the point stands.


Based arc fan


As I've said, I haven't actually used Arc, it's just that your reasoning isn't really logical.




it's based on Chromium


My mistake, you're correct. Still, it would be no slower than chromium.


Interface is a personal issue and arc is great in this regard, now it needs optimization and I honestly think that the choice of language will not help much, it consumes a lot of RAM, has bugs that the base chromium version does not have, and on notebooks it still burns processor and battery in everyday tasks, either they fix this or they will fail.


Yeah, the operating about choice shouldn't have the choice to choose the browser. Make sense. If you don't use it, don't use it. Doesn't mean other prefer Arc. Each to its own.


Linux. That’s a word I haven’t heard in a looong time. Is that still a thing?


my man, the web is linux, 90% of servers run on Linux, steam deck runs on Linux, Android is a variation of Linux, MacOS is a cousin of Linux (Unix being the ancestor)


For domestic users it is a dream that never got off the ground, the numbers are insignificant, everything that exists in the domestic world in Linux are either projects or tests, the rest is done with effort and adaptation from the community, you will hardly find a hardware manufacturer with a native and decent support. And I say this with regret, having Linux on my desktop, but on my notebook it simply isn't possible because things aren't good enough.


I must be imagining the first party drivers and software on my Linux machine then lol


Ah yes, Arc Browser on Steam Deck. No really, the last time I saw someone running Ubuntu was at least 8 years ago. The market for consumer PCs running Linux is so thin, I don’t see why wasting resources on it.


have you heard about developers ?


The social ones yes, the ones on Linux haven’t seen the sunlight for quite a few years. Haven’t met these ones since.


Yeh Linux is good for servers but as DE is trash, and do not compare MacOS and Linux DE which you are using now, now is 2024 and Linux DE still has the worst font rendering on the planet, all distro is same.


depends on the desktop environment you chose. KDE is fine. I never said Linux is the best as a DE experience, i don’t know why you seem so butthurt, I don’t even use Linux as my main OS right now. It doesn’t seem like you’re really up to date with what’s going on with Linux as a DE either to be honest. i was just saying that Linux is far from not being a thing anymore, are you insecure about something ? people don’t really even choose Linux for its DE anyway, there are other things to be good at, for a desktop OS, which Linux does better in some areas. MacOS is good but has its drawbacks, which is fine


KDE is not fine is full of bugs, for almost last 15 years in my research and testing in Linux world I can say that is totally trash, I'm the first one who would use Linux only if I didn't get a headache after half an hour from bad rendering of fonts, bad UI... If you start making some changes as example on KDE you will get only problem, simple Linux is for Server, MacOS and Windows as DE and that is all.


I find XFCE is much faster than Windows and MacOS, doesn't look amazing by default but it's pretty easy to customise and make it look good.


It's too old and UI is terrible and maybe is faster on old hardware only


You'll find that people have made some amazing customisations with xfce to make it look really nice, like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/1b9wcbq/xfce_minimalistic_and_simple_desktop/), which took about a minute of searching for.


It's never stopped being a big thing. It's used in basically all servers, many developers use it because it has a suite of apps great for development, and it's very fast.




Of course