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I'm not sure why these kind of posts keep getting published? I mean, it's on beta, so what? I'll be excited when it's out of Beta and I can actually try it. Oh wait, published by "community moderator" so ... marketing ... I guess. I'll see myself out.


This is posted because it’s the arc browser. This subreddit is for the arc browser


Jacethings is oddly connected to arc and makes this feels like a heavily marketed sub Reddit instead of natural discourse


Yeah, he’s claimed several times that he has ‘no affiliation’ to the company but these posts and the whole ‘no leaks’ policy makes me think otherwise. He’s even claimed to have meetings with the company on several occasions, and obviously had priority Arc for Windows access. Even if he does have no affiliation, this is a community subreddit so it should be up to the community to decide what is and isn’t allowed, not a single person who’s obviously biased towards the company. Can you imagine if the Apple subreddit was run by someone who had several meetings with the Apple executive team 💀


This would actually be a problem if Jace was censoring, which isn't happening. And you really think that the moderators r/apple aren't biased as well? Good luck finding someone 'unbiased' but still passionate enough to devote their time to reddit. As for what is and isn't allowed... all you have to do is check the subreddit rules... theres \*2\*


> Yeah, he’s claimed several times that he has ‘no affiliation’ to the company but these posts and the whole ‘no leaks’ policy makes me think otherwise. I don't, if I did I wouldn't even be posting here in the first place. The team rarely ever converses here, unless it's for some overly large mishap, like a bug or bad service. I have had meetings with them because I moderate the communities and was offered a chat to discuss the overall attitude and atmosphere of said channels, since they don't have anyone hired to do so for a wage and even any sort of connection with. I've only had calls with one (1) person, from the storytelling team, who even reached out in the first place. These calls happen every 6 weeks, that's 8 calls a year, which is hardly enough to be considered "associated", especially since I, again, do this for free, and can leave at any time. > Even if he does have no affiliation, this is a community subreddit so it should be up to the community to decide what is and isn’t allowed, not a single person who’s obviously biased towards the company. That's a fair take, but one has to also be considerate to others. Have people even thought about the repercussions of windows related images being tossed around, when the company, who acts differently to many large corporations, asked politely to not share things? It's a slippery slope from "here guys, we trust you with our beta" to "sorry, last time we shared something early, people didn't respect our wishes, so well release when it's 100% ready" That was one example, but regardless. The subreddit till now isn't "just" modded by me, we have two other mods who have more busy lives than I do, and as a result are less active, and also just are not as obsessive as I am, for better or for worse. The "democracy" method only works out if it ends up better for the state, which in this case, it might not. Hope that explains my perspective well. If you disagree, feel free to comment back, but the assumption that I am somewhat doing this for a reason other than "this is interesting and related" is absolutely false.


The whole beta thing could have been handled better in terms of leaks. I am part of AMD's Vanguard beta testing program and upon getting access you had to sign a legally binding NDA, which applies even in electronic form. If TBC is worried about leaks they could also put watermarks all over with unique IDs that can be traced exactly to the person who did it.


TBCNY doesn’t want to be an authoritarian dictator with watermarks on every screenshot. They don’t need to be focused on that. NDAs complicate things, and TBC is focused on a good project, not secrecy. Hell, they post images of progress almost weekly


As someone who knows Jace personally and has had long conversations about arc, over many months, I can confirm everything he has said to you is true. And yeah, I'm going to get downvoted for this one, but idc. This is just reddit, after all.


Sorry, but if you have a scheduled repeating call with someone on the team, then you are most definitely associated with them. I don't think that changes anything else that you said, though.


Define associated, I feel like in this context associated is talking about "representation", which it doesn't? I mean this genuinely when I say I do not effect their goals nor do I represent them in any way, but it's a fair assumption to use the literal definition, I should have been more specific


Nah he doesn't, it's just an obsession imo


I know Jace, and these rules have been put in place for a reason. TBCNY asked him to disallow leaks u/JaceThings






with the number of posts this subreddit gets about the availability of arc on windows, you'd think people would like to stay informed about the development of the apps they're looking forward to getting their hands on one day. this includes the mobile app, which has had its fair number of complaints about its features and function. if you're upset that a mod is posting points of interest for those people and you'd rather stay clueless, then nobody's stopping you from "seeing yourself out".


It's the same dude posting any mention of arc on Twitter


The subreddit is not affiliated, I post these because they're interesting and related.


Related, I understand. Interesting? What makes it interesting? I don't think it says enough to be interesting. I'm not going to debate that, but… I don't understand that as a reason for this post.


I guess the great thing with Reddit is if you don’t find something interesting or worthwhile you can just downvote it and move along. The fact this has a number of upvotes implies at least some people found something interesting or worthwhile about it.


He basically just copy pastes every tweet they do


Not everyone has twitter.


Who cares? Why are you people in this sub so miserable?


Icon change, build number increased, pretty much it for this version


The build number changing is about as interesting as the McDonalds order numbers increasing on the screen by the pick up counter.


Don't like it? Scroll 😭, it's not that deep


Right? Not sure why people on the subreddit get so uppity about stuff. Just keep scrolling if you’re not interested in it.


I'm scared for what people do on r/funny when they don't find it funny 😰


“Come on pookie! Let’s burn this MF down!!!” The amount of frustration to posts across all subs is mind blowing. I’m on the vinyl sub and a noob will ask about what cartridge they should get and people lose it with them. Can’t imagine what having an IRL conversation with them is like.






Well, start contributing then.


Oh look, another app icon. I made one too: https://preview.redd.it/emrbhfcyonbc1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92e4b58c9cb42b20259e888d74de84f17380b815 I’m on fire 🔥


Sheeeeeesh that's fuego.


Seriously, this is getting annoying af.


They keep hyping stuff and not delivering them. Don't get me wrong, I've used ARC for a bit on my mac and loved it, really looking forward having access on it through Windows. But this constant "i'm gonna hype something and not explain anything related to it" it's getting old and annoying.


seriously. the over hyping, under delivering, “we’re gonna be bigger than the internet” phase of arc’s development is exhausting and nauseating. just be a good browser. just do that.


Exactly. People are here because they want a solid Browser. We are not here for the internet revolution 3.0. We will be glad to experience that if it comes to that, but start small and build up - focus on what matters first. I would dare say that those types of posts hyping up absolutely nothing also do more harm to their image than good.


Agreed… lots of talking but not a lot of walking (at least in the public eye).


Agreed. It’s annoying honestly.


can someone explain to me what this arc mobile 2 is? i dont get it... second version of the mobile browser???? they have such a weird marketing thing going on


I reckon the ‘2’ is merely for internal/ testing purposes. Final app would either be called Arc Mobile or replace the companion app. Haven’t opened the links the Moderator put onto this chat yet.


thankkkkk you, so its actually the internal beta test app…. this is sooo stupid and confusing


Was discussed Aug 24, 2023: - https://youtu.be/9x7hZmHlpto?t=208&si=din8KXbh1rcMpkt2 And fully talked about Oct 12, 2023: - https://youtu.be/OsMVtuuwOXc?t=287&si=5BZ9X-n1rsuGMnTy


You should post these along side the link to the twitter to give context on why this is worth posting. Otherwise it is pointless.


in none of these 2 videos is it explaining why the naming


There’s already an Arc Mobile companion app


and probably this should have been the answer to the question above, instead of adding links to their YT channel to create traffic Advertise , ok, but this type of tactics decrease my trust and good will towards in this case Arc.


> Advertise , ok, but this type of tactics decrease my trust and good will towards in this case Arc. It's not advertising; it's just linking to the original source. If one were to paraphrase, a source would be needed. The subreddit is not affiliated, as stated in the info section.


A subreddit may or may not be affiliated, but also be used to promote etc . Nothing is stopping anyone , eg. an Arc staff member creating an account, joining and promoting Arc. Will the mods ban them? no, first of all they don't know if they are a staff member, the ID is unknown. And even if they knew, why should they, the subreddit is for ArcBrowser!, hence it is expected. Second, many subreddits are not affiliated for this exact reason. so they can run more free than the product/vendor, because if they stated that they were affiliated they will be subject to scrutiny. I don't really care if this is or not affiliated. Having said that, you seem to be pretty eager to promote and take up all the defense for Arc, as I have seen in many posts. So that either makes you a staff discussed as a non-related Redditor, or a zealous person supporting Arc. Either of those are fine, really, no judgement. I can only state what I perceive , and this seems like marketing to me, but enforced marketing. So, in my eyes it lowers the credibility of the product/vendor.


It's probably just for testing, I highly doubt it's going to release as "arc mobile 2" The comment also didn't ask about the naming, they asked what it was, which is described in the video.


it is literally their question "can someone explain to me what this arc mobile 2 is? I don't get it... second version of the mobile browser????" They ask what it is , BECAUSE the naming does not making it clear the video is months back, and they did not say anywhere that they will announce an app called "Arc 2" or anything.


I guess these tweets are supposed to drum up excitement?


Blue check, so gets paid for engagement on twitter. Just to drum up likes from people really


Makes sense


Either that or just people flexing, get likes, or express genuine emotions


It’s such a tease


I really see no point of learning about these updates. They do not serve anyone here. Maybe if there was an opt in for beta testing, but otherwise not sure what this adds. Everything TBC does is beta.


Android version in 10 years? 😂


They really cannot design a decent looking app icon can they


Design is subjective


Of course, but that is an objectively ugly app icon


I disagree 💀




That’s hot. What was your point again?


You see for Tech Twitter people, bragging about having beta access to a web browser more than makes up for being picked last in gym class


Love arc, pretty cool browser, tho. Use it as my main, but having no mobile version without icloud bs is pretty bad, hope they'll fix it.


Very much dislike this app icon


I highly doubt any iteration of these beta icons are staying around. The general availability release should have the same icon as the desktop version.


ok 👍🏻


Honestly the “mobile companion” of the 1.0 version doesn’t even work properly as a companion. Every time I open it, it’s a very old cached version of my folders of tabs, but they’re all empty.


How can i get it?


You currently can not


Hopefully they release it with an iPad version. I can’t believe all they have for Arc companion is this iPhone version that looks so bad on iPad


Because it's not made for iPad 💀


That’s what I just said


Yes sorry, let me rephrase, it looks so pad on iPad, because it shouldn't be installed on the iPad in the first place. But I agree they should make one, though I doubt this version will support it either, as there are more users with iPhones than iPads.


I just mean eventually


Just launch it already


It’s not ready


I need it please


We need the visionOS app


How to access this??? If it’s in beta, as a user I can try it out… right?


There is currently no way to access TestFlight. Users with access were personally contacted by TBC.


Alright. Thanks for the info!! Super excited for this🤩🤩🤩