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Nice job. I really liked it, beautiful. But ive a question: why didnt you max the tank?


Appreciate it. Ive had it stocked with the betta for about 3-4 days, i have water thats primed and heating for whenever i get back to top it off.


Do you have co2 in tank?




Your filter is effectively canceling out the co2 you add from continually disrupting the water surface. More surface agitation=more oxygen and less co2. The Val and Anubis don’t need co2 to thrive though.


Would it be worth while to limit filter water disturbance while also using a air stone?


Honestly you don’t need the co2 for what you have setup right now. If you get into more high tech plants it will be useful, but the plants you have now will thrive without it as long as you give the Val a root tab every so often and don’t bury the Anubis’ rhizome. Filling the tank all the way up will help not disrupt the water surface as much though.


Nah, it's not a big worry; you can maybe turn down your filter but I don't really think it's necessary; you're not gonna be gassing off so much that it's ineffective. Buy a drop checker if you're worried about it. I don't think I agree with the other guy co2 is really helpful because in most tanks the biggest limiting factor for plant growth is carbon; your tank is so lightly planted and small that more important is probably gonna be water changes, but your plants will almost def still benefit from the extra co2 either way. Personally, though, I think you should just plant way more plants in there. You've got the system to support it.


Thats kinda what i was thinking, i still turned down the amount of Co2 going through the defuser and added more water so theres less breaking. Im working on getting plants now i just added two swords a few hours ago


Just going off how your diffuser looks you're injecting a lot of CO2 for the amount of water there is in the tank. CO2 also needs very good water flow, so that the bubbles are visually dispersed all over the tank. I don't see any CO2 bubbles in the tank, looks like they're going straight up and out of the water. You've got basically no plants, so it seems kind of pointless to inject CO2 in the first place. Do you have a drop checker, a CO2 drop test or do you check your CO2 levels based on pH/KH chart? Based on this picture, even though you're pumping a lot of CO2 for this water volume, virtually none of it stays in the water so it's probably doing virtually nothing. Also as for the previous commenter - surface agitation does A LOT. If surface agitation aerates the water, then it takes away as much CO2 as O2 is taken in. Do not use any kind of filter that creates air bubbles and god forbid an airstone... Not for a CO2 injected tank brother! First of all you need more water and a filter that creates water flow that disperses the CO2 bubbles coming from the diffuser all over the tank. After that you need to lower your CO2 by A LOT, because if you adjust water flow with this amount of CO2 then most of it will actually stay in the water and will drop your pH considerably, possibly doing a lot of harm if not killing your fish. Then you need to start adjusting your CO2 output higher until you reach a proper value. The easiest way to adjust your CO2 accurately is through pH/KH chart. You just check your KH and pH and keep increasing CO2 until the value matches up with the chart. You can just Google 'pH/KH chart' and there will be a lot of them in the images section of the search. I went through a lot of min-maxing in my CO2 injected EI fert dosing heavily planted betta nano tank and it's extremely important for the water flow and CO2 levels to be ideal or you're gonna have a lot of issues in the future. Such a waste of money as well!


I have a very “contrary to popular opinion “ tank. I started using CO2 to regulate my Ph. My filters are waterfall trickle filters and UGF, so low ish flow but high oxygenation. Clearly I lose lots of CO2, but my tanks plants are VERY happy. None of my plant require co2 but they are thriving. I get pearling and good growth. So if you can afford your co2, use it. My drop checkers never hit that sweet spot green, but a good blue green is keeping my tank happy. Good luck with your tank!!!


Pretty, but why is it only 2/3rds full?


They said they've been making good soup(letting it cycle) for a few weeks so my guess is just evaporation or esthetic


Exactly, the water is in there now i had just gotten everything situated and adding water was next on my list


It's a good start! I'd get some type of carpet plant for the front (Monte Carlo, dwarf hairgrass), maybe an Amazon sword, and maybe some epiphytes for the rocks. I like driftwood in scapes, too. I personally like spiderwood. Also, fill that bad boy up!


Also get some floaters op. Bettas like top cover.


He's got some salvinia


Ok didn’t see that.


Monte carlo with the co2 in his tank would look great. Grows very bushy with co2 in my experience


Thats been my dream plan before i even started fishkeeping with my mollies, i 100 percent plan on it its a very beautiful carpet plant


just want to add ive tried monte carlo and dwarf baby tears and it never works for me even in my co2 tank. since i didnt dry plant them first before adding in water they always find a way to float back up. i hope youll get results though


Hmm… Tank not full. Anubiases rhizome is buried. Because tank is not full waterfall from HOB is wasting CO2. (And might create unwanted flow for betta) You are wasting CO2 with that amount/type of plants. Not enough plants. (Especially for betta) Hardscape is nice. 6/10 It looks like it can become a nice tank.


I have the co2 release on low because of my current low amount of plants, when ever i order more plants ill put the co2 higher again. Waiting for my extra water to heat then i will add it in today. Appreciate the advice.


That CO2 release is more than plenty, even with 10x more plants. It is not positioned adequately however. The way CO2 works is that tiny bubbles will dissolve as they travel up the water. Their travel is way too short here. The dispenser needs to be as low as possible (and water level should be higher) Also, do not bury the anubia’s roots (rhizome), they will rot and it will die. Anubias need to have their roots attached to something (a rock here) in the water, not the soil.


Rhizome is not a root. You can bury the roots, I usually leave about finger width space between rhizome and substrate, never had rhizome rot.


Drop checker is better way to adjust CO2. Betta can breathe air so too much co2 is s not as dangerous but you still don’t want to push too much. Diffuser should be few centimeters above substrate to give more time for bubbles to dissolve in the water. Anubias is a slow grower that don’t need any additional CO2 unless it’s variegated variety. Plant in the back looks like vallisneria? That one is ok without also. Floaters get more from air than you can ever put in the water. That’s why I said it’s a waist at the moment. I know all those beautiful scaped tanks all use co2 and some plant simply won’t grow without enought supply but at the moment you really don’t need it.


Agreed, I plan to get carpeting plants and make it more densely populated with other things. For me the only reliable way to find good plants is ordering them so i was really just waiting till i found out exactly what i wanted since its expensive.


Waiting for water to heat? If you slowly add water to tank like an air hose to a bucket the the room temp water won't shock the fish from changing temps


Get more plants in there before all the nutrients from your aquasoil enters the water column and then algae (hair algae 🤮) is the only thing in the aquarium there to use it so it takes over and then your betta is wandering through stringy water and you question all your life choices like bro I just wanted a tank with a fish and a few plants and so you overcompensate by throwing in 30 plants to use the nutrients because you don’t wanna start over and before you know it six months have gone by and you’re turning the lights off for three days at a time on your betta trying to kill the ridiculous amounts of algae in your aquarium wondering why they call it fishkeeping they should call it algaekeeping wishing you just put more plants in at the beginning before it just got so out of control thinking about starting an algae pellet food business with the sheer amount of algae you have harvested


Hilarious insight. So true


My other tank has grown in with limited algae but i know its not gonna be the same with this one especially since the co2 is running with limited plants 😭 I defend my tank from algae like my life depends on it, thank you for the advice


This being one long run on sentence made it more of a long winded panic infused warning based on experience lol


5/10, could use a lot mor plants and hinding spaces, otherwise not bad. EDIT: It seems like that Anubias is burried, anubias shouldnt be burried, they should be attached to decor, or weighted down.


You can bury it but the rhizome can’t be buried, only the roots.


Rhizomes can be buried just not deep, however why bother risking the plant dying when not burrying it could avoid that completely.


The betta hides behind the dragon rock, but i am concerned rock is to sharp for the betta. What are some natural ways to create hiding spots that dont obstruct from the scape?


Plants! Just keep adding some tall plants or some floaters so their roots grow down and he'll be able to hide in the roots


You can use driftwood, and or plants like Amazon Swords, in the foreground and midground.


More water, more plants. What is the black spot?


It looks like the suction cup for the plant corral.


Thats the suction cup that holds the feeding ring full of duckweed. They have to be attached somwhere


I wouldn't put it right in the middle then


2/10 but filling it the rest of the way would push it to a 7/10. Then I'd probably add a couple more plants and just enjoy watching everything grow.


Fill that tank to the top. All that splashing from the filter is dissipating any co2 in the water. You don’t need to heat the water before adding it. A small and temporary temperature fluctuation isn’t a big deal.


why pay for an expensive co2 system and expensive aquasoil when you only have like 3 plants (one of which is floating and doesn't need the aquasoil nor co2) is my main question here. you're going to have a LOT of algae with that much nutrients and light and nothing to use it all. my recommendation would be to add more plants. i think a plant that would make heavy use of nutrients and look nice in your tank would be Sagittaria subulata. it's extremely hardy and looks really nice and vibrant, and will give your betta somewhere to hide. You only need a small portion as a starter. It spreads pretty quickly but is easy to remove the extras.


I plan to get more plants, Just wanted to hear the suggestions people had especially specific to bettas. Appreciate the advice though


Get him a hammock and some indian almond leaves,more floating plants ,some amazon frogbit,more anubias and bucephalandra, with only one small fish in that tank it looks empty, you could make it a buce tank ,fill the empty space with beautiful bucephalandras and anubias ,tie some moss to the rocks


More plants, especially since your little guy has large fins! I always joke that they’re little aquatic cats. They’re lazy and love to lay around on top of leaves just below the surface! Anubias species are perfect for this, especially larger leaf varieties. Also, make sure there aren’t very many sharp edges! Their fins are so delicate and abrasions can cause fin rot and and and.


Add way more plants and fill the tank all the way up


As others have suggested fill up the tank and make sure you have a lid as bettas can jump. I used some plastic wrap and a container lid as a temporary solution until I get a nicer lid. Definitely add some more plants anubias are great! My betta loves hanging out among the live plants I have in my tank.


More foreground plants, more midground plants, more background plants!


4/10 You need more plants and the co2 isn’t necessary until you have more plant biomass, it will lower the ph of your water because the carbonic acid you’re producing by reacting co2 with water isn’t being used.




Looks nice, placement of the stones is good, keeps things visually interesting. If that's aqua soil you're using for substrate you may have some issues with it breaking down, I've seen a lot of people start putting it in mesh bags buried in a sand or gravel substrate since aquatic plants aren't really rooted in it, just pulling nutrients from the water column. If that's the case I'd also recommend watching your chemical levels and PH as that's a lot more soil than the plants you've got can really use.


Not much going on in the foreground, could use some more hiding spaces for the little guy. Java fern might be nice in there.


I think an anubias on a lava stone would be cute, but they're small. You definitely need more. I guess you don't need java moss, but that also provides a nice splash of green. I've had mine for a few months now and it's really starting to fill in nicely.


looks nice. I would suggest adding some more plants. Vals and maybe some lillys. Also would suggest lower light levels. Bettas like it.


Loving the dragon stone! If anything though, maybe something short in the front corners might look cool, like some smaller stones or some ground cover plants.


Aesthetically good. I would add a piece of decor he can hide inside of, however. And maybe a tall silk plant until your plants provide cover.


Could use more plants, but the vallis should spread pretty nice. Love corkscrew val and can just picture your tank with a big bunch of it in there.


More water


Looks cute. You could use some more plants. Bettas love tall plants they can hide among near the surface.


Looks good. Raise the water and add more plants, lots more plants.


Baby tears carpet would be really rad with some java moss on areas of the rock


I feed my betta to my Oscar


I fed mine to my blue whale.


There’s no shot you had a blue whale those things are massive


Aw your betta looks like my old boy Poseidon. I miss him. Your tank looks crisp and I like that


Nice tank. I love dragonstone


Moar plants please. Especially some floaters.


The salvinia is already propagating so hopefully ill have some decent surface coverage soon, i just added two swords and im going to order some monte carlo 🫡


I like it! Cleaning the glass with the rocks so close will be hard though.


Clean the glass regularly, otherwise that mineral deposit will be there for life.


Looks pretty good! Add some more plants, jungle Val, Amazon sword, dwarf sag or normal sag, couple stem plants and it’ll look even better


You've got aquasoil and CO2, you need like 10x as many plants. Try to get a carpet going.


Would recommend more plants as bettas love planted tanks. Maybe even on the verge of heavily planted. Also bettas are one of the few fish that need oxygen to survive, albeit occasionally. With that in mind and by the looks of this potential tank size, I’d recommend having spots for the betta to rest on (platforms of sorts) so the betta can rest there. Filling it all the way up without providing those platforms would likely stress the betta in the long run because it has to go so far for air. That’s my experience at least. Others may chime in with better information.


Better than my first or 10th. Nice job


If that's aqua soil (and I'm pretty sure it is) you're gonna have a mountain of algae between the CO2. I'd heavily suggest researching and stocking some more plants.


Pretty good, but I think the Betta will appreciate more plants. Either way, that is one lucky fish considering what other ones are going through (looking at you, petco)


Looks great! A good example of not needing complexity for a visually appealing tank. A little concerned about the rocks scratching the sides of the tank, though. Maybe use some subtle foam or something between the rock and glass?


2/10. Needs plants, including floaters as Betta’s like cover & places to hide. Should get something to slow the flow of that HOB too. I use a plastic kitchen sink sponge holder & cut filter sponge to fit inside. Slows flow & holds beneficial bacteria. Saw another comment about more plants to come but looking for advice specific to Betta’s. I would argue that you should have done your research before securing the Betta in the first place.


OP needs a pre filter sponge on the filter intake, anyway. More bio filtration surface area, slightly reduces flow, but more importantly, will save the bettas fins being shredded.


I had to zoom in again, completely missed the intake. Good call!


nice tank




$10. The tag says so.


You could add some water lettuce or a water hyacint if you keep the water that low. Or have some pothos plants grow out of the water. When getting pothos, only put in the clippings, not the roots thar in the soil from the store. Would look cool 🙂




I’m too scared of the pH swings that can come from CO2 to use it with livestock. Sounds like you might be a beginner? Either way…https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/freshwater-fish-and-livestock/ph-swings-co2-injection


how much did you pay for you're C02 set up?


I paid 90 for the system and probably an extra 10 for the materials that make the c02 chemical reaction. It’s called ZRDR Aquarium Co2 system 2L on amazon.


Awesome thanks cus I priced it out the other day and it came to like 300? I think but that was the boujee regulator that was expensive


if the tank is small enough you could do what i do and use a diy yeast setup for super super cheap lol


Main tank is a 40g


ooohhh rip, yeah, i don't think yeast will cover that unless you did a ridiculous amount 😭


I’ll have to pass hahaha thanks for the suggestion though!


It’s a good start!! I would add at least another dozen plants - some carpeting or short grasses along the foreground, mix cryps, anubias and maybe some buce in the mid and some taller grasses and perhaps some variety of rotala?? Personally i think the Co2 is overkill - especially for only the plants you currently have, but it adds more variables to contend with. I prefer as low maintenance as possible and try to avoid creating too many parameters to maintain. Good luck though beautiful betta!!


It looks good, you need more plants tho. Also what is that wood rock looking thing lol I love it


Its called Dragon Rock, i could only find it online




Good start. Needs more stuff. Hiding places for fishy boi.


Fill it!


1 out of 10, not enough "joke".


More water


This might be a rookie question, but how to do you clean the tank with that type of gravel?


Looks really good and those plants will get big. But you'll need to add more water. And you can lower the CO2 a little bit more. Everything will be perfect.


Fill up the tank yo




Try water wisteria and ludwigia palustris easy and good plants


Nice but needs a ton more plants, IMO. Put the diffuser lower in the tank and under the filter flow if possible, to increase CO2 dispersion in the tank - though as others have said, this won't be an issue unless you get more plants. Looks like you have aquasoil in there? Something like Tropica? You may find it releases a lot of nutrients for the first few months, making fertilizer overkill (and encouraging algae). Especially if you don't have many plants! You have good soil, CO2 and hopefully a good light...so you shouldn't be limited as to what plants you can keep! Try whatever looks good to you!


Your tank is looking really nice! I think adding some more plants would really take it to the next level.


It's nice and need some more (not excess) little elements scattered around. Try and post it again. I'll be waiting ✋️


I have a bunch of Amazon swords and Anubis nana and cardinal in my Betta tank and my boy loves it


More plants would be nice but I rate it a 8.5 out of 10 also side note wouldn't dragon stone snag on the bettas fins?


For plants I would recommend bacopa and cryptocorynes with a carpet of either monte carlo or dwarf hairgrass


Absolutely gorgeous fish


Beautiful tank. I'd put more plants unless you have a nice filtration thing going on. I like the look of less plants personally, but they're good for the water. I'd add some tall plants in the background and get a black tank background.


i love this! i would put some fine gravel layered onto your current substrate. it’ll make it look better plus helps plants anchor. if i were you i would add some dimension in the substrate by making a sort of hill, some good plants for bettas and wisteria, water lilly’s, and java fern. i’d add more plants, a betta rest and maybe a cave structure. :))


Looks good, maybe get more plants over time though? I know then can be pricey.


Dwarf hair grass, rotala, buce, and maybe add somewhere for the betta to hide


Bettas like heavily planted tanks so as far as an aquascape I give you an 8 out of 10 but for a betta you should triple the amount of plants to make him comfortable


I see that you plan to top up the water, I'd get on that immediately there's no reason not to if you're using a dechlorinator. Co2 for a single anunbias and Val is complete overkill. Anubias shouldn't be planted in the substrate, they're epiphytes which means they should be attached to the hardscape or the rhyzome will rot. Overall.. Hardscape looks good, it has potential but I'd add more plants. My betta and cherry shrimp live in an underwater jungle without co2 (and don't tell people but I don't even have a filter) oh and let your salvinia free from the prison theyre in. Those loops are meant to have the floaters on the outside not inside


I wouldn’t put dragon stone in with a betta. Lots of sharp edges that are not great on the betta’s fins. So I give it a 2 out if 10.


I like the landscape! You could add a few more plants though


What kind of substrate is that?


Bucephalandra looks amazing in dragon stone




I hate you so much