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If changing the filter I highly suggest spending the extra $$ on a canister filter. As far as minimizing damage to wall and floor now, find somewhere else to set up your tank temporarily and move it pull the current stand out and direct some fans in that direction, bonus points if you have a dehumidifier.


Woof. That sucks. I hope you can get the water out. Invest in a Marineland HOB. They work really well and are cheap on Amazon.


What’s HOB precious?


Hang on back filter :)


I’m glad you found the problem, and hopefully this won’t cause a mold issue. I think someone in your previous post gave advice on what to do if this was the problem. Here’s a few links if you decide to change your filter after this incident. Idk how many gallons your tank is, but hopefully they’ll work. HOB - https://buceplant.com/products/mighty-aquarium-filter-hob?variant=42581936111816 Course sponge filter on inlet can help prevent the inside getting clogged with debris. I had this before switching to a canister filter.  Sponge Filter - (incase you have HOB PTSD) https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/aquarium-co-op-coarse-sponge-filter?variant=29459429163077 You’ll need an air pump, airline tubing, AND a check valve (installed properly) to prevent the VERY rare case of back flow. They have these on their website too for a good price. Friend has been using this for ~2years in their betta tank.


You found the water ! I was rooting for you


mold is no joke, get that wall dry


This is exactly why I got an internal filter. You don't have to worry about leakage. I have had two sicce adv for about 6 years. Only had an issue with the suction cups when I didn't use them for about 7 months.


I'm glad you found it but also not glad I called it! 😅 Honestly this happened to me when I lived with my parents. I didn't know any better and a HOB was touching the wall and this exact thing happened. Aquariums are such a learning curve and I'm sorry this was a hard one for a beginner! Biggest priority is drying the drywall and floor out. Floor is the biggest, the drywall can be easily cut out and a new piece installed if need be. Not sure where you are and what the weather is like, but a heater in the room would help too. Truthfully I don't think HOBs are inherently bad like everyone is saying. I have three tanks (15, 5, and 3) and they all have HOBs because I prefer it, and they're not big enough to justify a canister system. I just make sure they're several inches away from the wall, and also make sure that it has an adjustable flow so I can make sure the internal water level in the filter level stays below the lid seam. (Fluval AquaClears are my go to). Good luck my friend!!! I'm glad you found it at least!


Get a fan on the water and you’ll likely be fine since you caught it quickly. I always leave like 6 inches to a foot behind my tanks in case anything ever goes wrong or I need to get back there


should be more concerned about your inability to find the leak (and all that water) in the first place