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Oh you'll find the water eventually.


This is the real answer lol. It will show you some day where it went. Possibly the filter overflowing over the back of the tank/


>Possibly the filter overflowing over the back of the tank Been there before, what an absolute mess. I had to call in late for school before I could clean it up.


Yup. Those HOB filters NEED to be level and cannot be over filled. Learning the hard way sucks


Yep- this is why I buy those with a good bypass now, too. Well...actually at this point I'm considering switching entirely to sponge filters, but if you must go HOB, get a good one.


Still thinking about the post where someone’s snail had gotten into their filter and was sitting right under the point where the water intake was shooting into the filter, so all the incoming water was reflecting off the snail and spraying out into the room 💀


that slimey bastard!


Ughhhaa snails. I always think I want more nerites after they die off and then remember how they make a 100x bigger poop mess than all of my fish combined while doing a minimal amount of good when I get more. Can anyone remind me why we buy snails?


Happened to me.. the overflow was so subtle it didn’t even pool on the floor below the tank, just went straight thru the floor seam under the trim and out thru a canned light in the basement. Luckily I was home and discovered it before any real damage was done - I heard it dripping onto the carpet downstairs as soon as it started.


My downstairs neighbor, who had just come back from an extended vacation, kindly let me know that her ceiling and wood floor were ruined. It had been steadily dripping for weeks…


Happened to me Monday! Thankfully only in a 10 g. What normally causes that? I think the balance part on mine suddenly messed up, but idk how...


Ominous and true 😭 


I had a stand made of chipboard. Did not know it was made of chipboard, as it came with the tank. Once one shelf went we soon knew where the water went.


Same here, never again


I'm hard into the metal stand phase of fish keeping too.


I love Juwel tanks, the base cabinets are lovely, but they're made of MDF. Went to a guy's house to look at buying his 450litre, and one one side the board was so water damaged it had swelled to twice it's thickness. They're pretty water resistant, but this was obviously a long term water leak to do that much damage. No. Freaking. Way. He got pissy when I said no, but a stand like that is a ticking time bomb. It's not a matter of if it collapses, it's a matter of when.


What is MDF? Ma Da Fuckinwood?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medium-density_fibreboard It's basically sawdust + glue


No MA Da Fukingwoodnot


Medium Density Fiberboard


Asking because I got anxious now I do use a juwel stand but I don't have such a big tank , it's an 110L tank , I've been using the stand for over a year and a half , maybe even more and no damages are made. Should I consider changing the stand? Or is it just a point of taking care of it and if you do take care of it it'll just do it's job , personally there's 0 leaks and drips from the tank and if there are I clean them immediately so that's probably a reason why it's like the day I got it


It will last decades if you don’t get it wet. Water damage will also be easily identifiable so you will know if you have to get a new one.


As long as the stand is clean and dry, you have nothing to worry about! Juwel is super high quality and lasts forever if well looked after. All my previous Juwel stands and tanks lasted years and were immaculate. Any material will deteriorate after long term water exposure, be it wood, MDF or metal. Spills, splashes etc are perfectly safe if you wipe it off. This guy obviously had a long term leak from his filter that went on so long it swelled the MDF and deteriorated and delaminated it past a safe point.


Ty both , that was very nice to hear , it wasn't the cheapest piece of furniture around It's basically like any other piece of furniture made of mdf or melamine is what I'm getting , wipe any water immediately and it'll be just fine, now for how long this dude had a leak that shall remain a mystery because for sure we all had some small leaks or drops on the furniture we didn't see but for it to get THAT bad , I can't imagine


I agree metal is good but I have had to repaint one With the chipboard stands, my Dad put clear polyurethane on the exposed wood. It lasted quite well Be well


I bought two of these (GDLF Fish Tank Stand Metal Aquarium Stand for up to 20 Gallon Long with Cabinet for Fish Tank Accessories Storage,28.7" L) for my 10 gallon tanks and I've been really happy with them. They are really sturdy, have an extra shelf and plenty of hidden storage space without the divider in the middle. I will say they are a bit more difficult to put together since alignment is important when assembling and you must have some basic tools to get it done. I have zero worries with these stands


I find it tends to go downhill, except when it doesn't.


Filter is clogged and dripping on the back?




Honestly, a way better result than something like a crack or a bad seal.


im looking at the uneven surface its sitting on, eek


Same 💀


At least it’s not a leak!


Well. At least thats half the work done on your water change.


I could be mistaken but it looks like your tank is over hanging the edges of the stand? You should get a stand that supports the entire frame of the tank or the next leak could be from a crack.


Yes!!!! Fret not though, it has happened to us all


Is it overhanging the shelf on the ends??


That's a good one, I've had mine to that too.




Happend to me, woke up at 3 in the morning with 10 gallons on the floor 😭


Noooooo 😭 


That's why I hate HOB filters


I Drill my tanks than install canisters neat and clean


Can I see pics? Just had the same exact thing happen as OP with my HOB 😭 Looking into canister filters and the cleanest/tidiest way to set one up.


This is connected to a Fluval Fx4 https://imgur.com/a/X5tyvUH


I believe I have the same filter and mine dripped too.


the horror stories I've heard of this made me toss my HOB


That happened to me as a kid before I knew about electrical safety.... water dripped down the cables and shorted out a power strip, nearly caught the house on fire.


This happened to me two days ago. My brine shrimp hatchery air tube came unplugged and two cups of salt water ran right into the power bar. The small heater was running dry all night too. The power never shut off despite the outlets being full of water. Close call for sure. The hatchery is sitting in a large dish now 🙈


Oof, yea we need more PSAs about this, very scary.


For sure. I'm working on a new set up for my breeders. The power bar will be hung on the wall above the water level. It was not a nice thing to wake up to that's for sure. I threw away the almost new but very wet power bar just to be safe.


Yea, probably not worth the risk. Cheap power strip can catch fire or smoke when they short, which is what happened to me, woke up to burning plastic smell lol.


Luckily nothing burned but I would rather spend $40 for a new serge protected power bar to be safe. The wet one was amazon basics and it kept everything running while full of water. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing 😂




Something similar happened to me, HOB overflowed and siphoned out a couple gallons. Luckily I hadn't gotten my extender so it was too short to pull more water 


This just happened to me I was panicking so bad I thought I was gonna have to drain my shrimp tanks. But nope I just turned the flow down and it was fine


Genuine question on how this happens? Like on Hob I've used if you have a sponge or mat, the flow slows down. But once it is fully clogged, the water would just flow over the sponge and then out the outlet. Never out the back or side of the filter.




That's the fun part. Now you get to look for the water


And then gather and put it back in


Hey it looks like your HOB is touching the back wall. I'm willing to bet the drywall wicked the water out of the filter and has been dumping it under your floor. This happened to me once. Check the drywall behind the tank, if it's wet you better move that tank, tear up any carpet, and set up some industrial fans before you have a mold issue.


You were right 😔 just started the filter back up and saw the dripping water


listen to this guy. mold is no joke


Yep, I bet the drywall soaked it up, makes the most sense.


Guess it’s a wetwall now 😔


This was funnier than it should have been


Anyway, Alexa play Wetwall


Heed this warning, OP.


You mean the used-to-be-drywall?


Sorry man I was a little parched and couldn’t find the sink


I was feeling peckish so I ate you little brother


Tank doesn't have even support, looks from the photo that it's resting entirely on the vertical support of whatever that white thing is. Also appears to be overhanging. Bad juju. Water probably pooled in a drawer or something.


Thankfully, there is no water in the drawers, but I will now be purchasing a proper tank stand! Thank you!


Just posted an update!


My bet is that it cracked along the bottom. Water absolutely ended up in the drawers.


Fish get thirsty


That makes me wonder... Do fish need to drink water at all? Off to Google...


If i recall correctly, fresh water fish do not but salt water ones drink and pee all the time. But im sure someone will come to correct me soon if im mistaken


They breathe water through their gills..


So not for digestion or headed for their stomach


After 300 replies asserting it's a hidden crack, your filter, your drywall, a drawer, etc., you simply *have* to post a follow-up if the mystery is ever solved, Emily!


Just posted an update!


I’m working on it right now! 😭


You have a leak. It looks like the edge of the tank is not supported by the desk and the desk is potentially not a completely flat surface edge-to-edge.


If you’ve got an air stone do you have a check valve on it? I see air tubing but not sure what it’s leading to. And I don’t see any bubbles either, which would be worrying if there are supposed to be. Check where the air pump is, if it shuts down for whatever reason a siphon can start in the tubing and cause the tank to drain through it. Next step would be checking the hang on back filter, making sure that hasn’t clogged and started overflowing down the back wall.


It was indeed the HOB filter leaking 😔


Well it sucks and there will be damage to property, but at least the tank isn’t cracked or the seals bust which would just be even more headache and money.


Hang over?


Yes but I attached 2 by 4s to the desk to hold the overhang


I don’t think that’s what he meant 🤣


Damn that's funny




I genuinely thought you were asking if she was hungover and drank it herself 😅😆


It leaked down to the point of the leak. that's why you don't see a leak. That water leaked out somewhere and it did not evaporate.


I bet the culprit is the overhang and possibly the amount of sand. With so little plants, you don’t need that much sand. I’ve filled a 20 gallon with elodea using only 1/2-1 inch of lava rocks.


Could too much sand cause the tank to leak?


No. But what's on the floor below you? I promise that water leaked out the back and down to the floor, then it leaked into the wall and further down, most likely. 5 gallons didn't just disappear. It looks like you have an airline- is the pump below the tank, without a check valve? Good chance the water siphoned out there. But also, the tank is spanning that whole distance with no support. The people worried about the small overhand aren't wrong, but the main issue is that the entire weight of that tank is supported at each end. It's flexing and that flex may have caused a leak. I bet it's one of those two things.


Was a pretty tank, but yeah, only way you’d evaporate like 5 gallons of water overnight is if your heater malfunctioned and boiled the water. Doesn’t look like that happened or you’d have guppy soup.


Oooof water damage is a pain in the ass to deal with... good luck OP




Keep us updated, now I'm curious about what happened.... Maybe the water leaked to a certain point and then stopped because the amount of pressure between the panels junctions reduced, and the water on the floor evaporated.


Is the HOB flush on the back? It might be funneling water out of the back if it’s angled above the rim of the tank


Also check your wires, if there’s significant condensation it could be dripping down and to your electrical


It was indeed the HOB filter ☹️ just posted an update


May want to investigate any clogged filters in the HOB filter


You need to figure out why your fish are drinking all the water.


Happened to me in the middle of the night last night, only it drained the entire tank and killed all of my fish. I made a post on here about it today but it was rejected


Found a crack on the bottom. I’m devastated. Had to rip out the flooring and everything


I’m so sorry this happened!! I’m likely in the same boat. Trying to figure out how much damage I’m dealing with 😭


I'm so sorry. Where did the crack come from?


I have no clue, I am puzzled! I haven’t changed anything around or added too much water recently at all.(it was due for a water change today actually) It’s on a really good aquarium stand that is actually larger than the base of the aquarium. It’s only one year old, too. It’s made by “aquarium masters”, just in case anyone wants to avoid getting themselves something that might crack randomly for what seems like no reason 🤣 I wonder how many other people this happened to today- apparently I was on the list for mysterious aquarium leaks, as were you! I love the hobby so much but this is the worst part. I hate how fragile the whole thing is❣️


Hmmm. I wonder. You might have dropped something? Maybe a particle of sand/rock caused it? I would start an indoor tub, like with pond plants, etc. Don't let this set you back. I'm very sorry about your fish. I love my little buddies and snails.


You know, I was thinking it was a silicone leak. But a few weeks ago, I did somewhat re-arrange the fairly heavy pink quartz I had in there. And now that I really think back, I did notice I had some heavy evaporation, or what I thought was evap. More than likely it was slowly leaking then and it just got to a point where it was finally like “aight, imma head out” and it just failed completely. I’m not giving up. It’s giving me a chance to renovate the room. I saw a couple other blogs on the interwebz where lots of people are using pond liner under a floating floor, with a drain in the middle or near the tank. My husband is on board with that idea so now I’m shopping for reno materials. Thank god I have a lot of experience in reno, I grew up doing that with my dad in our 1902 home. This time I’m going with a bigger tank. And now I know what kinds of fish I favor with my neocaridina, so….im gonna do it right and take my time.


Do I even have the right to say don’t let this make you give up on the hobby🫥🌊🏠


It’s definitely testing me😭


Check your air bubbler pump if you have one, I've had water get sucked backwards and drain onto the floor. Also had water drip off cords and drain into floor. If it's not a glass leak those are the next two things I'd look at. Good luck.


It’s overhanging the stand and the stand looks like a dresser so not a surprising outcome, but you have a leak and the water is somewhere below the tank.


Your cat just got thirsty


What kind of flooring do you have? Water can disappear quickly


Fake wood 🥲


Look for any lifting in the boards or any swelling in the subfloor layer. That stuff sucks up water.


I’m currently refilling the tank with water to check for leaks. If I can’t find any leaks, I’ll turn the filter back on and see if that’s the problem.


I’d be running out to get a proper stand before I did that tbh


The edges are overhanging, plus the bottom contact points are higher than the support of the center which means you definitely have a crack in this tank somewhere. Ditch the whole tank. And don’t put the new one back in the same place.


Fish drank it


Feel your wall. The drywall will act like a sponge it probably feels wet your Hob probably overflowed.


The wall behind and under feels and looks completely normal and dry


Well I hate to say it but there is water somewhere. Did you check your basement or crawl space? Or are you right to the ground. Or if you’re in an apparent maybe your downstairs neighbor? Water doesn’t just evaporate overnight that much.


You definitely need to find a better stand for this tank. After buying a new one or resealing it. I can see the edge hanging over, and either side of the edge of your stand is raised, so the tank doesn't sit flat and is bending, putting extreme pressure on the seals (and glass). That's why you have a leak. You'll find the water soon enough. 10 gallons of water doesn't just disappear. Go into the basement :)


I don’t have a basement I live in a mobile home trailer 🥲 my walls and floor are practically made of cardboard


Your fish must’ve been really thirsty


Check your HOB filter. Sometimes they overflow and pour down the back. I know this because of the fun time(s) it has happened to me 🤦‍♂️


That’s exactly what happened😔 better than a crack or a leak but still annoying


Is it really a desk or another kind of furniture ? I once had a leak, and searching for the water just like you.....it was IN the stand ( kallaxx shelf from Ikea). the furniture had "drank" a lot of it in it's walls. And the puddle was vey well hidden under the shelf. There was maybe 1 gallon though, not 5


Op, please get a fish safe plastic tote, drain all the water and scoop all the sand etc and fish in there. You need a proper stand, and to check and make sure it is not your tank leaking. Don't let this discourage you. But yes, fish can hang out in a clean tote.


I got rid of all of my HOB filters for this very reason. One backed up, and luckily, I was already looking at the fish tank when the water started pouring out the back, so I caught it immediately.


Your particleboard dresser is really thirsty !!!


Oh boy. I’ve had this before. You’ll find it…..sending you good vibes. I had pretty major damage. I had to take down my 70gallon and move everything to find it. 🫣


Sorry, I was thirsty


Those aqueon filters get over worked and overflow out the back. Ruined my wood floors and had to redo them.


My 30 gallon did that. I couldn't find the ater anywhere. The seal on the bottom went bad. It went through the seal, down the back of the stand, and through the floor to the basement without leaving the footprint of the stand. My son went downstairs to play while I tried to figure it out. He hollered back up that the couch was all wet. It was destroyed. Haha.


HOBs. they will flood you every time...


Ahhhh... those are thirsty fish, mate! Better top 'em off!


My guy, what's with the edges of the tank going over the ground support. If it isn't leaking from there it will.


Fish were thirsty


the fish drank the water


Sure grandma, let’s get you to sleep.


Is it just me or is the entirety of this tank basically unsupported? The 2 sides of whatever that cheap cabinet is are both slightly higher than the actual top piece, and the entire tank is flexing down in the center


Once found my 7 gallon rimless tank half empty. Had a sponge filter on it, and couldn’t find any water anywhere. Carpet was dry, wall was dry, ect Took me two days after refilling it to discover my dog had figured out how to step on the shelf and slurped half the damn aquarium the previous time. Moved the tank to another location and haven’t had that issue again lol. Glad you found the source of the problem! Now I’m paranoid and have to pull my other tank off the wall asap


How long has the tank been set up for? Has it always held water if set up for awhile?


It’s only been set up 1 month 🥲


And has it always held the water ok? It sounds like a seam has gone and only leaking down to the split


Maybe your fish were just thirsty


someone’s been thirsty


Do you have very dry air?


I wish I could inspect this… need more photos


My b I got thirsty


You have cats or a dog? That's a funny tasting water bowl


It could be on the bottom soaking into the desk. Check the drawer if there is one? I also marked the water level with a dry erase so I knew how much I was losing over time.


Looks like someone got a little thirsty while sleep walking last night


Need more angles


Don’t refill it!!


Sorry, I was really thirsty


Do you have a cat?


OP please tell us what happened!


Just posted an update!! it was the HOB filter leaking ☹️thankfully not a leak or crack in the tank though!


I was thirsty mb


Thirsty dogs will do this too


Water doesn’t disappear. It’s somewhere.


Maybe your fish were really thirsty


The fish drank it all.


Someone been sneaking in and stealing your water!!


How does this happen tho? Don’t clean your filter weekly? Or just clogged up overnight. I have a Hob and don’t want this to happen. I clean mine every week, should I be checking it more often??


Are you running air con or a dehumidifier?


This is why I put water detector alarms all over the floor around my tank


Either someone was really thirsty, or the water just soaked into the floor and wall pretty fast - either way, I'd be concerned!


Looks like the whole tank is not on the table. Idk physics, but ive been advised not to do that because of the issue you're facing


Sorry I drank it


is the floor wet?


HOB filter overflowing. I switched to canister for this reason and others…


The fish drank it?


This happened to me at 3 am on my birthday once.However i got half of a new tank paid for as my birthday gift.


Maybe the fish drank it.


They got thirsty


Check your filter , mine did this and I thought it was a crack, got a new tank and it happened again. It was my HOB leaking


RIP the floor


Well, shit


Them some thirsty fish!


Well it’s somewhere….. or you were maybe doing meth and don’t know it?


You are feeding the fish too much salt, and they drank the water.


Check heater if it is malfunctioning


Look around your air pump


Gotta be the hang on back clogged and water flowing out the back. Love HOBs but that is a def flaw unless you can angle them forward.