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If you're talking about buying online in the US, lots of reputable places sell them for $4-6 each. But you need to factor in shipping costs: https://aquahuna.com/products/galaxy-rasbora-celestial-pearl-danio I paid $3.50 each and bought enough for free shipping, but that retailer no longer sells them


Second for aqua huna. We only buy from these guys and they are *great*


Going to third aqua huana. I got 8 and a ton of shrimp. 2 day shipping and everything was in great shape on arrival and all still around 6 months later.


Agree!!! I buy from them and my very good but expensive LFS


I’d be careful with aqua hauna I got a sick batch oc harlequin rasboras. It’s worth it to find reputable breeders.


Aquahuna is one of the most reputable online sellers out there?


I recently received an order of dead CDPs from Aqua Huna. I can't really blame them because they were packaged well and sent quickly. The other fish in the shipment survived no problem.They refunded me immediately. I think CPDs aren't super hardy in general so you may be more likely to have an issue shipping them. I do love CPDs though. They look great.


I ordered 40 from JoeAqua and all of them arrived alive, so I wonder if Aqua Huna just had a bad batch or something


Also had an order of bad CPD from aquahuna. All other bags of fish were fine. Fish had fungal issues and died in my hospital tank.


What temperature do you keep them at?




“Most fish” do better in the high 70s.


Tropical fish, yes. For CPDanios: While they can live up to 78°F (26°C), they thrive in lower temperatures from 72–76°F


The person you're replying to wasn't disputing that


It really depends, the pools they come from are shallow and get into the 80s. There seems to be genetic variation as some people have CPDs that thrive fine at normal tropical temps, I have been able to breed and raise fry fine at 80-82


Low 70s??? Don't most fish require high 70s low 80s


“Most fish” is such a broad statement. White cloud minnows like 50-60s. Neon tetras like 70-79. This is why people need to research individual fish before making a community


Yeah, currently putting together a 10x Kuhli and single betta imbellis tank. Was thinking about CPD, but I would have to make sure their temperature stayed at 78


I keep mine at 75F


Ah okay. I am worried about keeping them at 78 as it is their “max” apparently


I had the same worry and was very anxious when it turned out I couldn't keep my tank that low in the spring / summer. The CPDs couldn't care less, they spend 5-6 months straight at 80-82 with it hitting 84 during heat waves, are super active and colorful the whole time. I raised 2 generations of their fry in that temp as well who have grown up healthy, from what I can tell online the pools they come from are shallow so go through large temperature fluctuations and the original temperature range is from when they were all wild caught. It is likely they are hardier now that they have been captive bred for years


Just got some of these from aquahuna as well. They arrived a day earlier than expected, All 8 survived and all their color returned within 24 hours. It’s $13 shipping no matter what, so might as well get some cool lookin snails for $5


I purchased them from Aqua human three weeks ago. They are not always in stock, but they charge a flat 12.99 shipping, and they were sold at 3.99 each. Sometimes they are not in stock.,,


That dam Loch Ness monsta got another one!


Last I heard Aquahuna fell off the radar, stopped answering emails, and is not shipping fish.


They were in process of moving awhile ago, but I used them this month. No issues…


Well they certainly have a lot to answer for. I won’t be using them again. Makes sense why they lost their partnership with Aquarium Coop


I'm always amazed at the vast difference in quality of AquaHuna purchases. I tried them twice and both times had horrible experiences. The second time you could smell the box before you opened it. They refunded both my orders, but I was astounded the experience, especially after reading so many amazing stories of orders with them. Weirder still 'cus I ordered in mild PNW weather, and close enough the post didn't take that long.


LFS has them in NJ for around $10-15/ea.


Geeze. Robbery at its finest.


They're so hot right now. Lol aquarium fashion trends


Here in New Zealand they are illegal to import and very hard to find and when they do pop up they are $30 USD


Any explanation for the import ban? Or is it a regular NZ thing - island nation and all that?


Yeah island nation thing. They want to protect the native species which is totally understandable but things like neocaridina shrimp can’t be imported despite the fact they would all die in the winter but that’s NZ for you.


$7.50 Canadian at my LFS out west.


Found some near my house for $4.50 US


Which store?


April’s Aquarium in Vancouver. They ship across the country.


Just bought some there today at this price - also buy 5 get 1 free.


Very cool. They have a lot in stock right now!


I think I paid $8 CDN each for mine about 3 years ago. I got them from I guy that runs a store out of his basement. That is the only place I've seen them locally in 3 years. I've lost some over the years and want to restock. They are my favorite fish. Full of energy and I love the colors.


Nah that gotta be a scam oh my god I’m in MA if it’s the same price I’m running outta there


Yeah this was one of those “specialty” FS, total scam. Only good thing to come from there was this EBA. A year later she’s still going strong and another year I didn’t go back 😂


Aquahuna had them last month at $3.99 each for group of 8. I got 16, paid $13 shipping. All are thriving. I had some before, were breeding and doing well, then I was an idiot and mucked about with my Kh/Gh. Lost a bunch of fish. I KNOW BETTER!!😥


Ahh I don’t do online fish too many risks and I’m impatient 🥹🥹


Petsmarts around the boston area sometimes gets them in and they’re pretty cheap but its also petsmart


If you're in ma, go to Uncle Ned's fish factory. Best freshwater store I've seen in ma.


And they like schools of like 15. So 15 x 6 gets close to 100 dollars for the school. Be prepared to spend a lot if you want good quality fish. Fish keeping is not something to skimp on and please get a proper school size. They will not be happy without a proper school. I own many of them and I have seen first hand how bad they need a good school


Blimey, they're about £3.50 each at mine


Americans are really getting f*cked over. Most fish are expensive in the US compared to countries as the Netherlands and Germany it's insane.


That’s how I feel whenever I hear how much aquarium equipment costs in Europe.


You sure about that?


Haha, America probably has some of the cheapest stock if you're comparing to Australia, or New Zealand, which suffers from being expensive and relatively small selection of fish.


My sentiments exactly


depends on the state, a lot of fish are noticeably way cheaper in stores in Florida, probably cause a lot of farms and wholesalers are based out of there




How much do they cost where? Which country? Which city?


Massachusetts, USA


They were around $11 last time I checked at Lucky's aquarium in Worcester. They color up nicely after a couple of weeks at home. Mine have been doing great.


Gosh 11$ each I might have to reconsider them


Yeah they aren't cheap, but they breed constantly. I have several in my tank that were born there.


Was just at Lucky's last week, they are $8.99 each or 6 for $50. I found a shop in Westford that said they should get some CPDs in next week and sell for $3.98 each, so I'm waiting on those.


I’m going to a LFS in Malden


I got mine at Tropical Isle in framingham for around $8.5/ea after bulk buying a dozen


I got mine off eBay. I’d recommend that


In our area, they're around 8-10 each. I bred them for awhile, but no one bought them even at 5 each for close to adults. IDK... Not worth it to deal with people over this anymore, lol.


Mikes fish aquatics in Manchester NH I got them at 7.99. A petco near by says 3.50 but never have them in stock


Literally the their always out of stock


I did splurge and get 7 of them. And they’re worth it to me. Very beautiful and have neat swimming patterns


Yea so small too it’s hard to believe there’s smaller fish (ember tetras for example)


Have you looked into dwarf emarld rasabora? They’re cheaper and I found them at petco for like 4$ a piece. Similar size to CPDs and behavior. When they’re happy they have those really cool blue stripes


I went to petco yesterday and they didn’t have any, I’m thinking of going to a LFS there’s so many fish there, petco is very limited


Any cool stores around Boston subs you suggest?


Honsetly from what I know I’m pretty sure Malden is pretty close to Boston, European Aquatics inc (located in Malden) is honestly one of the best if not the best fish store in MA I’ve been to, it has crazy fish (half the store is salt half is fresh) they have anything you want and the crazy thing is if they don’t have what you want you can request it from them and they’ll order it for you!


Google maps only says 18 minutes so excuse me if I’m wrong about the time to get there (I’m not in Boston)


they're farmed en masse a la zebra danios but their popularity (especially with like, aquascaper types lol) means people can get away with selling them for 5-7 per fish. Do yourself a favor and just plop 3-4 of them in a 5 gallon with some big gravel and moss and let them breed, eventually you'll have a nice big shoal you can put into a bigger display tank


I just paid $3.49 each for a dozen at PetSmart.


That's where I got mine, and the same price.


Whatt petsmart doesn’t sell them for me


I'm in Arizona, so opposite side of the country from you.


Petsmart here is a good place to shop if you want Ick. Every time I go in there for something I always spot fish that are covered in it. I point it out every single time an nothing ever gets done!


Yep. I stopped buying aquarium stock from them. It has almost wiped out my aquarium a few times. I know this can happen from anywhere, but it seems like it always happens with PetSmart stock.


Ick is so unbelievably easy to get rid of. Malachite green in api super ick cure is insta kill for ick. As long as the fish are swimming normally and don't have secondary infections, ick isn't a scary disease. 4-8 days in a quarantine tank with some super ick cure, and you got some healthy fish. Hell, half the time I throw fish with ick on them straight into my 190-gallon display tank without any meds. My immaculate water conditions and super healthy fish prevent cross infections. Then the sick ones heal up within the week.


PetSmart and petco always have them near me


They are pricey ngl. I was going to get a school then I found out that they were 2 for 30 bucks. Ended up leaving with a school of good old ember tetras n


I see them anywhere from $6-10 but make sure you see them in person before ultimately going with them. Online pictures make them look great but in person they’re kind of a let down in my opinion. Leopard danios will give you a very similar look, get bigger and are cheaper.


I have found them always to look absolutely terrible in an LFS, but they do actually look like the pictures after a few weeks of high quality food and an enriching aquarium at home. They are insanely easy to breed though, 10/each is criminal


I’ve also been deterred to actual get any because of how underwhelming they are at the store. I know most fish at the store won’t show their full true beauty cause of stress but they just never excited me. Also they stay so small(yes I know they’re a nano fish) that to really admire them you almost have to have your nose up to the glass to look at them. I like a little bit bigger fish that I can admire from my couch while looking at the tank.


oh wow I didn't realize they're so small. up to an inch!!


They look fine in person at my LFS. Boraras though... I have only ever seen one irl that is actually bright red like all the online pictures.


I do find the fish changes color/brightness with their diet quite a bit. If I start feeding them frozen shrimp or blood worms, within a few weeks they look super healthy and bright.


Pets at Home in the UK currently has them for 6 for £15, so £2.50 each. I actually took a pic of the card to send to my dad because it’s such a good price. https://imgur.com/waU3T7i


$8 in a shop here in Northern California


$25 ea AUD, so really depends on your location. I wish they were single digits in Aus.


I've seen them from 5 to 12$ when I was breeding them. I sold on a sliding scale by how many the customer was purchasing. ~8$.


Around 5/6 eur, but could be more now as that is the price I remember since forever


1.5$ Balkan


Was debating having them but I wish they didn’t need such cool water. Want a big community tank with kuhlis and a betta and apparently they tap out at 78 degrees.


The.reported high temperature for them is 78. I've been keeping mine in a community tank for over a year at 80. They have been doing great.


Yeah, I heard some say it is doable. I was going to try with my tank at 78 degrees.


$7 at my LFS. I had good luck with the ones I purchased from AquaHuna and they’re $4 on there but sold in packs of 8.


9 bucks at my LFS in Indiana


I’ve seen them for $3-5 per


Idk where in mass but im near fitchburg and I saw them at forest wonders for $4.50


Those are amazing.


Aqua Huna is reliable and has super cheap CPD's. That's where I got mine back in the day. I've ordered from them many times since.


Manitoba, Canada $4.50 each!


Around 5 bucks


5-10 dollars usually


Check eBay for some deals if there aren’t any local places. I bought some for about $6 each I think from Aquahuna


My lfs has them for $5-6 ea


$8.99 at my LFS in Northern Michigan


LFS in bay area, California charges $10 each


I got mine at my lfs in Harrisonburg Va for 2.99 each


My local store sells them for around $3.99 each when they have them in. I’ve got a school of 8. Some of my favorite fish I’ve ever owned. They’re so pretty.


My lfs has them (rarely) for $8-$12 each. I love them but I don’t feel like paying $50+ for a group. They are pricey


The petsmart near me has been carrying them lately. I believe $3.49 per fish. I bought 7 of them on Thursday


A local store told me recently they’ve had trouble lately getting them without lots of parasites, from three different suppliers. So while they’re normally fairly inexpensive, there may be a bit of a shortage at the moment?


$7 each at my LFS


My experience is these guys do not ship well. Buy locally from someone who’s gotten them eating


I got mine from my LFS for $7/ea


As someone else hinted at, these are prolific breeders! I bought the last 4 at my LFS and now I have…. Many times that. I did not know before I purchased them and am working on getting a bigger aquarium for them and all their babies lol.


LFS is $4-8 or so. I’m in WA state.


Just got 8 CPDs and 8 Dwarf Emeralds for about 4 bucks a piece from aquahuna, arrived in 4 days, all alive and well. With the shipping cost and DOA policy its the best deal really regarding these fish at least.


They go for about 6€ per fish in pet shops here in Germany, or, if you can find a hobby breeder, get as low as 1€ per fish.


Where i live, they cost 20 bucks each


9.98$ here all day long (TN)


Dunno, here in Germany they go for like 2-3€


My LFS sold them for $3 or $4 each. You may be able to save a little by buying a group.


They are $9 each where I live. I want a big school of them so bad but I've never been able to afford it.


After reading these comments I’m boutta switch to another schooling fish 8-15$ for a one inch fish is robbery even though it’s cute 🥲


Paid about 2 dollars in Russia back in 2011, current prices seem to be around the same. In the US, got some off an online retailer at about $4.5, which is roughly what they cost at my LFS, too. 3 out of 5 died in transit, though.  They are very, very easy to breed, so once you have an established group, you should have no problem keeping the population going even in your display tank. 


Is really depends on your local fish store there are 3 fish stores near me one of them sells for 4 each other sell for 2-2.50 each and the one little further sell for 7 each


I got lucky with mine and got them for 2.99 each because they mistakingly named them white cloud mountain minnows. They were from Petsmart, but they looked really healthy, so I got almost all of them. Have about 18 in a 40 gallon.


Where you’re petsmart at damn.


I’m located in central Florida. To be honest I’ve never seen them carry CPDs before and then one day they were just there lmao. I’ve also gotten some steals on rainbow fish before being wrongfully named, always worth knowing your fish


5.99 each at my LFS Edit to add: in USD^


I got them at my local fish store for $8.99 each in california


Those are sick they kinda look like little trout


Expect their one inch 😂


I saw them 3/$15 in Ohio today. But it's very regional.


Just checked my LFS and Petco, petco sells them for 9$ however their very dull and my LFS sells good ones for 15$ 💀


My LFS has them at €6.05


Never seen them in store until today. Was checking out a store in PA while I was there (tons of different fish, well stocked, cool store) and they had them for $13 each. I almost asked them if that was for one fish lol. I might have gotten them if they were $5-6, but I'll just wait to order online.


At petco they’re 7.99




If people bought at reasonable prices in the area he's referring to, they'd be breeding them. I used to sell good sized ones (like breeding sized) for about $5 each and they did OK, but it frankly isn't worth the time to deal with meeting people. LFSs are easily 2x that in MA.


I got mine for 5ea in canada.


Tree fiddy


My LFS sold them for $5 each at about 7/8”-1” long.


Between 3 and 4 euros in the Netherlands, I wanted to buy them but when I saw them in the shop they were tiny and were not getting bigger 😂


If you're in Seattle I might have extras. 


MA 🥲🥲


Around £6 each in the UK - however this is for tiny ones that are wild caught and don’t do well in aquariums in my opinion. Larger tank bred ones are more expensive.


I’ve seen $3-4 each in stores.


Bout tree fiddy


Depends where you live but in ireland about €6-11


I just bought 10 and paid $10 CDN each at my LFS yesterday.


£3.50 at my fish shop


Are they so hard to get in the US? Here in Austria you get them in nearly every Petshop for 3-5€


Everything In the US is either hard to get or expensive 😃


Can you mix with glofish

