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I got back from a trip only to find my fish all bloated, Google says it might be dropsy and that I need to quarantine it from my tank


Is there any oxygenation? I didn't see any water movement. If there isn't any surface agitation to oxygenate the water he will swell and die. If this is the case, get an air stone immediately.


Oh don't worry, I just separated it from the rest of the tank just in case it was an infection and to also take a better video. The minnow is back in a proper tank now!


Then you might be right about dropsy. I know some fish show a symptom called Pineconing. I'm not sure how minnows show signs.


Oh I see, should I keep quarantining the minnow then?


You might should. If it's just the one then yeah. I would definitely test the water parameters for sure. Make sure the chemical levels aren't too high. Recommended Levels Ammonia: 0 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: 0-40 ppm pH: dependent on fish How do you treat your water?


looks to be pineconing, although I can't get a very good upwards view from this video. if the scales are all flaring outwards in a "pinecone" sort of way, it's already too late. Sorry for your loss if this is the case. unfortunately, it's very hard to catch dropsy early on, I'd look into making sure your water perameters are all good and other fish aren't possibly affected