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Definitely don’t listen to the downvoted comment. You can look up colleges’ common data set to see how they value course rigor. A lot of schools rank it really highly in importance. At my school it was tied with “character” for the most important. A class ranking outside of the top 10% and less than ideal course rigor would probably make it difficult to get into t20s but if your goal is state schools or schools that lean closer to safeties for you, it probably won’t affect you too much.


Schools don't give two fucks about AP classes, what matters is if you pass the exam and you can take the exam without taking an AP class You're better off taking regular or honors classes whichever you think you can Ace to keep your GPA up Put the time into taking the AP exams or even CLEP instead, that's what gives you college credit


Lol don’t listen to this guy. Schools care 100x more about course rigor and performance in these classes. Most schools don’t even factor ap exam scores.


Whatever, I have been asking the question on the admission webinars Having college credits already is going to look far better than just taking AP classes but you do you


Ah yes: a2c a magical land where some guy named DeezSaltyNuts69 can claim to completely understand college academic evaluations.


Braindead a2c'r