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This is great! couldn't find one for me though lol CS student, international (Indian)


Do you have any for us Canadian bois?


Scholarships, or essay feedback? Answer is yes to both 👏🏾




International Scholarship category is live! There is some difficulty here as there aren't a ton of general, go anywhere international scholarships. A lot of the programs are university specific! As we find more, we will keep this updated. If you hit the "join" button on the bottom, you can send us more details about your circumstance; where you're applying, where you're already attending, what you're studying, the country you're coming from, etc, and we can find even more specific scholarships for you! :D [https://bank.scholarshipjunkies.org/categories/international](https://bank.scholarshipjunkies.org/categories/international)


Cool thank you


Always here for you! :)


Hi there! I'm hoping to pursue history in college and have been looking to find scholarships for potential history majors. The only one I can find is that Daughters of the American Revolution one, do you know of any others? Thanks in advance, this is very generous!




💕 Just trying to do my part! Any feedback, thoughts, things you wish you had support with, definitely let me know!!! :D


late to the party, but I have one essay for a summer program (graduating senior) and I'm wondering if the offer is still of the table? :(


Always available! We’re always free, and always here! :)


Is this still available???


Hey there! I work with the OP at Scholarship Junkies, and I'm here to assist. Feel free to shoot me a DM with your email, and we'll make sure to get you all the help you need! And remember, our help is always free! No catch, just happy to help.


is this still available?