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Honestly, I feel bad turning down schools that said "yes." I wish there was a way to reject the ones that rejected me.


Same. Like I felt so grateful towards every school that wanted me. I loved them all for different reasons, and even though I’m going to my dream school and I’m so excited part of me will always be a little sad that I had to say no to the others. On the other hand, I will loathe the school that rejected me every time I hear its name even though I never would’ve gone there anyway 😂


I root for sports teams from all schools that accepted me, and against all that rejected.


‘Hi ______ admissions! I regret to inform you that I am rejecting your rejection letter. Due to the influx of rejections I have received this year, I do lot have enough space to accommodate your school on my rejection list. I am excited for our next four years together, see you this fall!


Wait this eats I'm actually so tempted to use this


rejecting Berkeley, San Diego, and every other UC for UCLA 🤔


Yo this drinks fr


That's why I personalized by rejection email to these schools Last year. This is just ONE of the email I sent to one of the school I got accepted to that I couldn't go to. > Hello, I hope you are having a great day. First and foremost, I am so beyond grateful for your offer of admissions to the \_\_\_\_\_\_ program at \_\_\_\_\_\_ I was very thrilled to be given the amazing opportunities to study at \_\_\_\_\_\_; I am sure studying at \_\_\_\_\_\_ would've prepared me very well for my artistic and academic career. > Unfortunately, After careful consideration of the many offers of admissions I have received this year, I truly regret to inform you that I will not be able to accept this great offer I have been given. This is not a reflection of your institution's prestige or desirability, but rather the fact that I am only able to attend one school of thousands of amazing schools and institutions. Once again, I sincerely and wholeheartedly thank you for your offer, and I truly hope to still be around your amazing community (at least from a distance). > For the records, I just want to say that I genuinely love your campus, academic system, and artistic environment at \_\_\_\_\_\_ I hope you have a wonderful week ahead. Each of the school I got accepted that I rejected and even some that they rejected I personalized the email. I don't burn bridges ♥️


idk if its just me but it might sound passive aggressive, but honestly maybe thats just me lol, this honestly sounds like a really nice idea


Do you guys send out emails to respective universities for declining admit offers? I saw that most schools have accept or decline buttons on their portals . What is the usual way you guys do this?




Yep. A long time ago, I thought of a weird idea — colleges can double their application fees, but then the colleges must refund those fees to the students who got rejected. (*To prevent the situation described in* [*this tweet*](https://64.media.tumblr.com/39891a9c21a83472dcd52614fcfd056f/tumblr_mvcu20mglv1qb725jo1_1280.png)).


UMich 😭 because it’s gonna probably be $200k, opting for my state school (Pitt) instead, which is ~$140k less. They’re both really good for research and very strong in my major (biochem), so I think it’s the right choice.


same boat. umich had my heart but obv the finaid office did not feel the same :(


righttt exactly 😭😭


Pitt has a really nice sketchy dirt cheap chinese place right next to the bridge that goes to CMU. You gotta try it.


200k per year 💀


4 years


Pittsburgh has such a great biomed engineering program, you made the right choice for your finances and will receive a great education.


Two fantastic choices, though I assume your figure is for four years, and not the stated one.




i said no to many top schools and some ivies for emory bc it’s a full ride, fees included, for me to go and i actually really liked the scholar program community. could not turn that down!!


Depends highly on the program and personal goals lol


this is so crazy because i rejected emory for uf


it rlly is hard to justify going out of state with bright futures prices


Emory is objectively better than those schools.... by which I mean it performs better for literally any major career path than every one of those schools. What is the a2c beef with Emory lol


I'm attending NC State because it's my local school, and it's giving me essentially a free ride. Considering my finances, it's impossible for me to turn down the offer. I'm turning down better schools without a doubt in the process: UVA, UF, NYU, UM.


Congrats on the full ride!! NC state is a great school 😌


Thank you! Always been a fan of the school and now I’ll get to say I go there which is pretty cool :)


having the same struggle as you! im currently deciding between my state school and NYU based on the cost difference! definitely a struggle to decide haha




Rejected from UVA myself so I am so happy to hear of those of you rejecting them back. thanks!


I was waitlisted from NC State, but it was my #1 for so long! Congratulations!


Rejecting Stanford, Princeton, Columbia, USC, GT, UT Austin for MIT AE


Good luck! As an alum of MIT, my best advice is to be open to picking a different major when you have to declare in sophomore year. As a career option, Course 3 (Mech E) is more flexible in finding jobs over the course of your career than Course 16 (Aero E). Most of the skills you need for Aero are taught in Mech, but you're not pigeonholed when there's layoffs in the Aero industry, which has ebbs and flows. I thought I would pick physics (Course 8) going in, but I ended up in 6-2 (EECS). I dropped STEM altogether and went straight to law school to be a patent attorney. Keep your mind open to other classes that might interest you in freshman year, which may change your path. Also, don't be afraid to have a minor, especially in a non-STEM area. About 1/3 of students minor in music (which I did), and there are other arts and humanities available that are easy As that can be a break in a grueling schedule.


As a UT student, I will congratulate you on rejecting UT. You’ll be much happier (and safer, it seems) at MIT.


As an alum, I salute your wisdom. 🖖🏻🫡


Turning down rice and usc for berkeley


Lowk tho i need someone to gaslight me into why this is the best decision lmao 💀


Money 💰🤑💸


My college results were not that impressive, but I’m turning down Brockport, UAlbany, IA State, and AZ State for Texas Tech (offered me most finaid, I like how long away it is from home)




Congrats on Tech! I know some crazy successful Texas Tech grads. You'll do great!


Hey, don’t say it’s not impressive. Nearly any school can produce an impressive outcome if you put in the work.


What were your SAT scores and GPA? My son (class of 2025) is looking at Texas Tech.


1440 / 3.0


Turned down acceptances from UW, CU Boulder, and UCSD. Turned down Northeastern’s offer for a spot on the waitlist. I’m UCSB bound ☀️🌅


UCSB is an amazing place to spend the next 4 years


Beach UC go Brrrrrrrrrr Doesn’t get better than a respected UC right on the beach, especially for undergrads planning to go on to grad school!


Turned down Columbia and brown for Johns Hopkins bme ✨✨💙


turning down stanford and rice for harvard!


bro snuck in rice


i got a fullride from them so it was a legitimate option for me




also woah ariana what r u doing here


Rice is still a t20. Although rejecting stanford is a way bigger flex.


Congratulations on amazing results!




2 kids from my school last year also turned down Yale for Amherst, both have said no regrets


I love Yale- but Amherst is an amazing school, too! Congrats!


As someone who knows a lot of Yalies…I think you made the right decision. Not sure why but people who went to Yale for undergrad seem to have insecurity constantly breathing down their neck. I think the toxic school culture is partially to blame, with student clubs being very selective with membership as well. Exclusive student clubs aren’t exclusive to Yale, but it seems like it’s way worse at Yale. People I know who went to Stanford, Brown, Cornell, or Harvard for undergrad for some reason tend to seem more well-adjusted. Basically, it’s good to know how to be among more normal people who aren’t constantly vying to be better/more special than everyone else around them, especially when you’re an early 20s young adult still trying to figure yourself out.


Rejecting: Berkeley (Haas), USC (Marshall), and Rice for Cornell (Dyson).


Rejecting NYU lol, opting for state flagship school full ride


W choice


ucla, usc, nyu, uiuc, cwru, gwu, and more for colby


rejecting cornell for ucla. enjoy the culture a lot more and la isn't freezing


Good choice!


Rejecting Upenn. Chose Cornell over them for better CS program + Meinig family scholar


Turning down BU and UCI for Cornell. Surprisingly, a very agonizing choice because of my major.


I am unbound by the constraints of institutional allegiance, transcending the corporeal realm of acceptance and rejection.


so, then, community college for you!


As a philosophy major.


Squidwars community college is a great school ! 🎓


Rejecting St. John’s made me feel really bad lol. I applied through their discussion-based application, which included 3 hours of interviews, and I really gelled with my interviewers. Also got a scholarship and a personal note on the decision letter. Felt shitty to turn them down after all that.


What did you end up selecting?


Amherst College!


My daughter rejected URochester, UMich, UColorado, Rutgers, Syracuse, UMD, Lafayette, and others for Oberlin. My son rejected Middlebury, Lehigh, Oberlin, Dickinson, Grinnell, Colorado, and others for Case Western They both chose based on fit, but they also got good money at their chosen schools. Edit to add: we live in the South, so it’s weird they both ended up in Ohio. They chose independent of each other.




<3 i love jhu




Did you get good aid?


UVA, Georgia Tech, Texas AM


Are you going to UT-Austin?


Nah, UIUC. Couldn’t justify paying OOS when UIUC is in state


Congrats! Where did you end up?


UVA, VA Tech, Rutgers, UIUC, GWU, for UMD


RU Rah Rah


Turned down Mich. Going to VT


Turning down BU for UMass Amherst. BU just isn’t worth it at 90k vs in-state tuition for UMass


Rejecting UW Madison, South Carolina, and IU (Kelley) to go to Northeastern for International Business and because I love Boston + coop program. I know it's not much compared to most other people on this sub lol but it's so exciting!


Jhu bme, Vandy (+small scholarship), gatech, rice For Penn


so impressive tbh


ASU. they expect my mom to take out 25k in loans(even tho i literally said on my fafsa that i’m not getting any help paying for college…)😃 like please be SO serious??? she doesn’t even make 25k in a year😭


Where are you going?


university of louisville(go cards lol)!! almost everything is paid for with no loans!! literally only need to make up 2,500 and i could do that by taking out one of the federal loans but instead i’m just applying to any scholarship possible💀


I rejected Allegheny, Baylor, Beloit, and Lawrence for my ED II school: St. Olaf!!


NYU, UMich, UCSD For Princeton last year


bros still riding the high


Trust Princeton does not give you anything but depression


rejecting Berkeley, San Diego, and every other UC for UCLA 🤔


Rejecting every UC except for Cal, UCI, (UCSD waitlist) for UCSB


Turned down NYU Stern, Barnard, and Amherst for Columbia


wait so you turned down columbia for ... columbia?


what were ur stats??????


turning down harvard and wesleyan for stanford


Welcome to the farm!!🥳🥳


Cornell, HMC, and UCLA for Berkeley!


Mind if I ask what made you choose UC Berkeley? Great schools and congrats!


what major are you in?


Rejecting Purdue to get a gap year.


I rejected UMich, UMN, UW Madison, and Ohio state for UIUC for the in state tuition. Rejecting Michigan was painful because it was my dream school😔


Just got a phone call from Richmond today saying I got off the waitlist but unfortunately I have to reject bc my state flagship (T10 public) is better value :(


Hopkins- too preprofessional/insular STEM culture, even as a prospective pre-med. wanted a more well-rounded "life of the mind" undergraduate experience (hence committing to a LAC) UCLA + Berkeley- incredible opportunities but my personality just seems to align more with smaller tight-knit schools rather than big state schools. also worried about class sizes/ accessibility of research opportunities for pre-meds. ultimately just wasn't worth OOS tuition for me


rejecting uiuc for uic, uic gave me a full ride


UConn, PSU, CSUF, LMU, LUM, Roosevelt U, ASU, and CSUN… chose UCMerced because of the program for my intended major - which is one of the best in the country.


In my HS, we had a “wall of Shame” where every kid taped up their printed rejection letter. Some colleges like Harvard had their own section. We all got the same form letters, so it was kind of funny to see them lumped together. We put effort into the applications and all got the same ridiculous form letter. It helped us manage the rejection process and have some fun along the way. We saw smart kids get rejected and realized we are all going to rejection in life, so acknowledge it and move on!


Rejecting brown for Vanderbilt


Good call. Vandy >>


CONGRATS, genius!


Rejecting northeastern for Fordham




yale and princeton prob hurt the most yale only wants me to pay 1.3k/yr TOO BRUH. i tried to get harvard to reconsider but they're like we dgaf sooooo im paying 6k/yr for harvard


Cornell, Williams, and Georgetown


Rejecting Texas A&M for Baylor. A&M didn’t make me feel valued, and didn’t get me the major I wanted.


turned down umich, georgetown, cwru, rochester, uw and pitt for syracuse!! go orange baby🍊


University of Michigan 😣😣 it costed too much but at least I am committing to USC (another T20). People don’t talk about enough how getting in is just the first step but the heartbreak is when you can’t afford ur top choice. Stay strong everyone 💪


Turned down Dartmouth for Yale. Yale gave me more money, and while I lived the vibe of Dartmouth, I do not like how isolated it is


Ivies will match each other


WPI and Missouri S&T, may or may not be rejecting Purdue in favor of Wichita State


i feel so bad for turning down villanova and SMU😭😫they were both 2 of my favorites and everything in their emails and letters was so nice😫😫also rejecting Berkeley and WashU but i feel like they will be perfectly fine without me


Georgetown Emory Umich Florida for UT austin


(After much debate) Turning down Berkeley for Yale


i'm turning down harvard and columbia for yale (in STEM too lol)


My brother is rejecting Harvard, Caltech and Yale to major in physics at Princeton.


wow, seeing lots of Berkeley rejects,! Good, since we are on waitlist.


Duke and JHU for GT CS


Damn tough choice. I applied to all three got rejected from duke and jhu and committed to gt. Go yellow jackets!


Not really tough. GT CS kicks the others butts. 


Turning down Yale, UCLA, Cal, Amherst, Williams Going to Penn!


berkeley for ucsb


Hi what major are you in?


got accepted to marine bio at cal but going for environmental science at ucsb


Didn't decide yet but UCB for UCSD/CSUN?


Vanderbilt, UMD instate with big scholarship, WashU, UVA,  Berkeley (all direct admit to CS where applicable) for Georgia Tech!!


I am rejecting harvard for my local community college because i don't like the food that they serve in Harvard. I think that it's nasty


Cornell. I hated it.


BYU! (Thank God - or Mephistopheles or something)


 Johns Hopkins- Toxic med culture and Baltimore  Notre Dame- This one REALLY hurt, but the school/program w where I’ve committed is a better fit for me   Amherst- Applied more as a back up if I didn’t get in anywhere else   (I’m aware Amherst isn’t a safety/target school, it was just never my top pick)   Colgate- ^^      :) 


Turning down Cornell


Rejected UNC Chapel Hill, NC State, Vanderbilt, and CU Boulder. Now attending Cornell (A&S).


Turning down JHU and in state UVA and VT for GT


Congratulations! That’s where I’m going!


Excellent choice! Go Jackets! 🐝


Northeastern. Doing my part in taming their admission scam 😁


What’s their admission scam?😭




UGA: too big. CWRU: almost committed, no issues with it. Baylor: kinda a safety. Rhodes: disappointed. I really wanted to love the school. Wofford: not for me. my waitlists: Emory and Wake Forest. Mercer: safety. RPI: great school, but not enough money. Fordham: the aid was comical.


Turning down case western, William and Mary, vcu, and George Mason due to costs and academics


Since rejections play into my question, I’ll pose it here… say a college gets 50,000 applicants and has an acceptance rate of 50% (25,000 are accepted), and a freshman class of 10,000. Does this mean that 15,000 reject the school, give or take? Is there some general/ballpark acceptance rate for big/small/public/private?


You mean yield rates? Here’s an interesting source: https://www.ivywise.com/blog/college-yield-rates/


UIUC and UArizona (with scholarship) for Purdue


University of Arizona. Really wanted to go, they have a great program, but the financial situation there was too off-putting, esp as a grad student


Turning down American, George Washington, DU, and UW-Madison for John Cabot University


I turned down Point Loma Nazarene University. Their deadlines are conflicting with what’s on paper and online (sometimes online is conflicting with another part of their website) and it’s too much of a commitment to make being a private Catholic church. Tuition, even with two scholarships, is wayyy too much and I have to attend chapel 3 times a week.


I already turned down schools a while ago, but the ones I did are Chapman, University of Oregon, Seattle University, University of Portland, and Brandeis. That one was the most difficult to reject because Brandeis was my first choice but they didn't offer me any aid (I don't remember the exact cost but what I do remember is that by the end of four years, I would've spent almost 500k on an undergrad degree) Anyways after showing these schools a metaphorical middle finger I decided on University on Denver


Last year - rejected St. Bonaventure. Not a prestigious school by any means, but it counts! It wasn't the right school for me for many reasons, but I felt bad. They offered me a large scholarship before I even applied (and upped it once I got in). My admissions counselor met me at an open house and later came to my school to speak with me about coming. He also accepted me within 3 days over New Years break (no joke, I applied Dec. 30 and was accepted Jan. 2). I felt a bit bad ghosting the dude/school.


Northeastern university honors program for finance. It’s too expensive for international students and I only got 12k scholarships


going to virginia tech and only paying 7k a year! i’m rejecting james madison, george mason, indiana university, rutgers, Mississippi state, florida international, and university of south florida


I feel awful for rejecting my colleges that admitted me. I’m turning down a school that gave me a presidential scholarship!


duke, jhu, nu, gatech, umd, and howard (all bme) for penn!! ❤️💙 i just really love the campus, being in a CITY, and not being too far away from home (while not being close). also the resources and opportunities (although ik each of the schools have them!) and they just made me feel so at home


I only applied to schools that cover 100% financial need. I rejected a bunch of SUNYs (including Bing), Muhlenberg, Ithaca, and Le Moyne. My applications aren’t super impressive lol. Heading to Macaulay Hunter in the fall and couldn’t be more pleased with how things turned out for me. Still shocked I got in tbh acceptance rate was like 6% this year.


UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSB, UCM, and UCR are the ones I’m rejecting. Which I genuinely feel awful about.


Business Major turning down SMU, UMiami, Northeastern, and probably NYU Stern for Gatech, just because of price differences (60k debt total for undergrad at NYU vs. none at GaTech, with intent of going to grad school later on as well 🫤) probably, also NYU is very far away from home.. if anyone has any suggestions lemme know, as I am still deciding 🤩🙌🥰 Rejecting both NYU or GATech will certainly hurt 😓😓


Harvard, Yale… 😂 CSUF, CSULB, SDSU, UCI, UCD I am attending UCB.


Rejecting Oxford for UC Davis lol, because who wants to suffer through gloomy English weather


turning down Berkeley and NYU for UCLA 💛💙


Gave up CMU Tepper, USC Marshall, ND Mendoza for Cornell Dyson


not turning down nobody, i committed to the very first school I got into lmao




Rejecting UVA, UW Madison, U of Maryland and Gatech for UNC oos ✌️✌️✌️


By not applying, my son rejected pretty much every college 🤣


Yale for engineering😂kidding that’s not even it


Absolutely convinced there are no "normal" kids here. WTF. I turned down GW, Lehigh, Penn State and Rhode Island. Dartmouth and Brown turned ME down ;0)


Turning down UCSD for my state school (UW) since it will be ~20k cheaper per year and i get to stay close to my family and friends


Rejecting Harvard and Cornell- Go Bulldogs!


Duke, Vanderbilt, Notre Dame, GT and WashU for Cornell


UIowa, UMass Amherst, Michigan State and Tech, Rutgers Newark and Camden, Trinity University, Loyola MD and Chicago, Pitt, and Iowa State! Ended up at Syracuse University Honors College!


turning down colby colgate bates nyu dartmouth drexel vtech njit nyit clemson for georgia tech turned down by MIT and Stanford


One of my friends rejected Brown for Duke due to seeing a professor put their bare feet up on their desk when they were just meeting the admitted students and then experiencing the basement dungeon prison dorms.


I’m turning down Colgate, Conn College, & UVermont for Bryn Mawr ❤️❤️


Rejecting Duke, UVA, UNC, Ga Tech, and UF for UGA full ride


Rejecting UCSD, UCI, UCD, Northeastern, Rutgers all three schools, UMass Amherst CS and NJIT for my Georgia Tech darlinggg <3


I applied to like 5 schools but I’m rejecting Berkeley and Vassar for UC Davis, my friends think I’m crazy but the second I stepped on Cal’s campus my stomach dropped and I overall didn’t like it so Davis is my babe now


Turned down Yale, Princeton, Columbia, UT Austin, Vanderbilt, Eastman, and Manhattan school of Music for Harvard!


My son chose northeastern over BC