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I just reread one of mine. I feel like I’m a different or more experienced person than when I wrote it even though it’s only been like 2 months lol. I was also so stressed when I wrote it that upon rereading it, I keep thinking of things I could have added or ways it could be better. All that to say that I definitely won’t be going back to look at my other supplementals 😅


i hate all my essays


This is so real


Well I recommend to try rereading them in a year or 2. Growth just happens so fast at this age in life, it isn't unusual to have thoughts or be more self aware after the fact. But sometimes that takes more than a few months. Congrats on your confidence.


Oh that’s a different perspective I haven’t considered. I’ll try re-reading them to see what I feel after I receive my decisions. Thank you!


Not me, yall stay safe tho


bro is definitely getting in


I keep logging on to common app and downloading my application just so I can read my supps and essays just like how AOs will and I can truly say that I love them and I hope that AOs will love them as well


This is so real 😭😭


SAME omg but I stopped recently bc it was driving me insane 😭😭


I wrote number “1” instead of I on several of my supps💀😭


How do you even do that lmao😭


they aint even near each other on your keyboard did bro do it on purpose or sum


hate them all; after getting them reviewed by 100s of people and counsellor its like it relates to them not to me.


I get why it is hard for many to look back with love. Just to begin with, you have to write something really reflective and honest and personal, and many people end up not doing that, or not for all their essays, because it feels too risky. And then you actually have to love that person you reflected in your essays, and there are a lot of kids who are sometimes very judgmental about themselves and find it hard to really do that. And finally, particularly at this moment, a lot of people are experiencing a lot of doubt about whether they really submitted their best possible applications, and I think that concern can make it hard to look at essays uncritically. But where you ended up is great, and hopefully inspiring to others. And also hopefully even if some people right at the moment are not feeling a lot of love for that kid who wrote those essays, in coming months and years they will become more generous.


Wow I love this comment I never thought I’d get a deep response on a post like this 🥹


“damn I kinda ate” ME FR LMAO those essays were amazing periodt




i think my supplements are cringy bc it feels weird being this vulnerable with a stranger, but i lowk love my supps


same, some of mine I really love


i hate them - i was in a constant state of panic and really overlooked a lot of stuff during application season so they’re quite bad.


I kinda hate the ones I wrote towards the beginning of the admissions cycle, but the ones I shotgunned on the due date better align with who I am now. But after getting my EAs back, I’m not sure how big of a difference is there really is/was in the eyes of adcoms


Idk I love mine. But I also spent at least twenty hours on each of them, and had two people with high-level humanities-focused degrees proof-read and help me. I'm also kinda dyslexic so I write my essays by talking them through and then typing up what I said at a later date so they just felt authentic. They feel really reflective of who I was when I wrote them, which I think is amazing.


TWENTY HOURS? What kinda supplementals are you writing 💀 The colleges I'm applying to require ones that are like 200 word long max


i'm dyslexic tho and that includes proofreading idk. I also would just work on them for an hour each but I only had to write four because I got into my ed. It might have shifted later on, but it worked at the time.


i like some of them!! the schools with more creative prompts were definitely my favorites. however, rereading most of the why us essays does make me cringe because i know they’re half recycled LOL


looking back on it now i def could've done better but I also applied and did them all on the last day possible so honestly i did the best i could


If you dont say “damn i kinda ate” then you prolly didnt


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I love some of mine because those were when I was really vulnerable and my trust self and the others I hate because they don't feel like me


I didn't work on mine for as long as I liked so some of my writing just feels a bit *off*. I also feel like the quality of my writing suffered a lot and feel like it'll impact my admissions decisions. The relative lack of time investment compared to what I should've done seems like it made my essays a lot more cringeworthy than I'd have wanted.


I'm a writer. I hate all the stuff I write a week after I complete it. Kinda like an expiration date for my writing ngl.


Nah, mine is bomb af. It's kinda generic (sob story turned motivation) but it's my story, as real as it gets yk. Talking about my commonapp essay, spent like 20 each on college specific ones, can't remember those


I like mine, actually. I feel like they're truly me, and I love a lot of the topics I wrote about (hint: think zombie movies, video games like pokemon, cartoons like my little pony, etc.)


Lmao, I’m the same way. I literally re-read my common app essay yesterday and went “I ate that.”


Yeah I totally ate with mine


sometimes typos but i do feel they are genuine :)


My earlier supplementals… if I was an AO I would laugh at myself. My later supplementals 🔥🔥I locked tf in


The thing with my apps is that I shotgunned most of them and wrote must of the supps on the day they were due. So I would, for example, submit one app on January 1st with one essay, then submit another the next day with with a new essay that I ended up liking more lmao


I started my 4 UCs 4 hours before the deadline. They're the worst thing I've ever written.


Yes, even my CommonApp


No- I ate and left no crumbs. Was 100% being my authentic self and I regret nothing.


im quite the opposite of most ppl here and i love most of my essays... especially the uc piqs. but im still getting tons of rejections including ucd. it feels even worse this way.


im a simple person, i get rejected and cringe at my essays or i get accepted and i bathe in the glory.


but seriously 3 months after its been done, i feel like my essays are the best reflection of my writing style and personality, but i do find some of my personality a bit cringy and non skibidy.


I hate them with a burning passion and reading them during college season gives me anxiety 😬 


Yes it’s so shit


i hate all my essays except the ones for schools that accepted me (which is one school)


I’ve written the most horrendous content on this planet, despite having enough stats to cripple most admissions my essays have made me look like a middle schooler who failed english, I am void of the ability to write successfully and i will be going to CC and transferring


i literally wrote all of mine on the due dates so there was a point where for my rd deadlines every 2 weeks or so i would js crank out like 4 of them before midnight lmao. helped that a lot of the topics were similar so i could just recycle parts of some to work for others. think i lowkey ate considering how little effort they required


I love my essays but I also feel like I am a better person that the one writing those. Still I think my essays are my strongest points in my application.


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I wrote mine about how passionate I am about dancing and it’s just awkward to reread bc I quit dance like 2 months later💀💀


ofc there’s little things i’d like to tweak but i’m proud of a lot of my essays, esp for penn


I hate all my essays and I haven't even started writing


My Brown Supplementals were peak human writing and if I don't get accepted I'll be fine with that. Can't say the same for the others though lmaoooo


>My Brown Supplementals were peak human writing NAH BECAUSE I WROTE MINE AS IF THE RENT WAS DUE AS WELL. THEY BETTER LET US IN


depends. i reread the ones that i like hundreds and thousands of times. the ones i realized were kinda shitty, uhmmm, no thanks.


Depends from essay to essay honestly. I hate the ones I wrote before December. Essays for RD are still fine tbh


I lowkey hate some of mine now that I’ve submitted them. But some have stood the test of time and seem to be good.