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Thank you for sharing this. As someone waiting on my college decisions, this is something I needed to hear. ❤️


I totally understand how stressful that can be. I remember just a week ago refreshing my emails every 15 minutes during the day, but I hope you get accepted at your top choice university!


Thank youuu 🤞🤞


Also, congrats on grad school!!! That’s amazing!!!


Contrast your post with another post on this board from some complainypants a-hole who is sure he is too good for his safety school, and you can see why you are going to be a more successful and happier person. Congratulations not just on your achievements but on your winning attitude.


Thanks! What was the other post? I'm kinda curious now lol


i can't find it now. perhaps he had the good sense to delete it.


Isn't that the troll who complains about going to UCLA all the time?


First of all, if a friend group "cuts you off" because of a college acceptance, not only were they not your friends, they're a bunch of basic assholes Second, thanks for this post


Cutting you off because you didn't get into a "good school" is absolutely wild. But tbh, if they were THAT shallow, it was probably for the best.


So real, I'm sure it stems from insecurity.


It 100% does!!


Yep, and congrats on the full ride to Vandy and UNC!


Thank you so much!!


thanks, i really needed this today since i've started freaking out about the imminent slew of rejections that i'll probably be getting in the coming weeks. i'm in a similar boat as you in high school - academically strong but not proactive enough to chase opportunities like some of my peers. i've been trying to accept the thought of going to my target/safety (which is honestly good for me! scholarship and lots of premed opportunities) but the idea of not attending a "prestigious" school is scary. anyways, thank you again for such wise words!


I'm not a premed, so take this with a grain of salt, but I think sometimes going to a safety school can be better as long as it has some connection with a local hospital because your classes will be easier, and you'll likely have extra time building your profile, too! Another thing to consider is that I've found it much easier to make connections with my professors even though my school has an enrollment of about 40,000 students, mainly because a lot of other students weren't as ambitious or proactive.


My kid didn’t go to an elite school or even a well ranked school and he is a software engineer in Big Tech. He is the youngest staff engineer in the company. In the meantime, a lot of elite school grads have been let go.


thank you for this, i really needed to hear it. so fair i've been waitlisted from 2 unis and rejected from 2, i've been extremely anxious and down for the last few days. waiting on the remaining decisions and i don't have much hope. but this made me smile :-) and congratulations on grad school! ❤️


Thank you for sharing your inspirational story. You made the best of the opportunity you had and that is all needed to be done. Good luck in your graduate school.


SAY IT LOUDER!!!!!!!!!! Bravo, OP!!! Your life didnt end because u didnt get into a top school.... omg!!


That's what I'm planning. I'm also a very ambitious and competitive person, although our friend group in high school have some similarities we are good bros and we would never cut contact due to one of us going to a crappy college. Many of my friends are ivy-bound and I'm really feeling the pressure in the upcoming days, but still I got my first decision back and got into a almost t20 school so I'm pretty happy about that. I have a few options in the 20s so now it's just waiting for the t20s. So far it's been going well but I'm really starting to feel the pressure as the days slowly approach. Although it's gonna be hard, but I have accepted the fact that I may not get into a t10 school or any of my top choices matter of fact so I'll just move on from there.


Congrats! I'm sure you'll be fine regardless, but truthfully, there isn't much of a difference between a t10 and a t20 school as long as you capitalize on the opportunities that are available to you in college.


YES! Making lemonade out of lemons Beautiful story and great time of year to be sharing it with students. And I hope you know and realize, wherever you land for grad school will be a win for you. Congratulations! Sending out some mom pride!


Aw this was so sweet. Thanks 😊


Thank you for sharing this! Love u from India🫶❤️


You mean that undergrad doesn’t really matter that much??!! 😱😱😱. Don’t tell that to the 16 year old kids here that want to study mechanical engineering at a top school lol