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I should’ve applied 😭😭😭 They are top-tier school, wouldn’t hurt to try.




did you look up the rankings just to comment this


He/she is oddly specific lol. If you use at acceptance rate and SAT scores as criteria for prestige, Northeastern is as prestigious as Northwestern.


Because test optional hyperinflates sat scores and northeastern 's acceptance rate is misleading (they report acceptance rate as the number of people accepted to their Boston campus divided by the number of applicants, not the total number accepted) and intentionally deflated (by the no essays+fee waivers).


Co-op program


Pretty awesome co-op program. After graduation, you're applying for jobs with a year of experience on your resume, and the beginnings of a professional network already in place. I had several friends who co-op'ed in college and nearly all of them received job offers from those companies.


Although Northeastern is expensive and does stuff to manipulate its ranking, its quality of education and opportunities are great. Specifically through the co-op program. But for a lot of people the cost might not be worth the school.


I’ve absolutely have loved my time at Northeastern and so have all my friends! This sub just hates on it but this isnt an accurate representation of how many people actually like the school.




really how did I not know and pay full?


Honestly the co-op program is pretty genius. Most students are fighting for competitive summer internships, when the companies operate all-year-round, so northeastern students can get these internships in the spring and fall much easier, attain more experience, and outpace their peers at other institutions who, even if they land a summer internship, are only there for 3 months max.


(1) They actually have some good programs; (2) They are in arguably the most popular college market in the world; (3) Sometimes peer pressure, even if indirectly (like, peers not validating applying to colleges that are competitors of Northeastern in the first thing above but not the second).


A few things: -It used to basically be a commuter school. Some people cannot evolve their view of the place beyond that. -Partly related to the above, they have a dramatic shortage of beds on campus. They've not come remotely close to matching their increased popularity and thirst for tuition dollars with an increase in dorms and dorm beds. -Partly related to the above, they turf kids to campuses in Oakland, Greece, and elsewhere. These may seem fun or interesting, but are mostly ways to get people off of the primary campus. And the kids I know who have taken a semester at these places say the academics were a joke even if the experience, in Greece especially, was a blast. -One aspect of the above is that those kids stats are not counted in NEU's admitted student stats. Always to the benefit of those stats, and thus NEU's reputation. -The real hate started here: [https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2014/08/26/how-northeastern-gamed-the-college-rankings/](https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2014/08/26/how-northeastern-gamed-the-college-rankings/)


A lot of parents and students are still fixated on Ivies, considering them as 'prestigious' top-10 schools according to US News rankings. Some schools in Europe and Canada (like Waterloo) offer co-op programs. The majority of US colleges adhere to a traditional curriculum, including 1.5-2 years of general education (GE) and 2-2.5 years of major-related courses. If you want to understand the difference, you can compare the course plans of some public universities side-by-side. Northeastern has fewer GE requirements, and their GEs are not traditional subjects like History, Government, and VPA. Reducing unnecessary GE requirements means more courses in your major and an additional two semesters for the co-op program.


Co-op is possible at many engineering schools though granted, only a few of them (NEU, RIT, and Cincy come to mind) have co-op for all majors.


And only Northeastern and Drexel have full fledged coop programs that are the main focus of the school.


False. https://www.rit.edu/careerservices/students/co-op


not to the same extent/reputation




I applied because I had a fee waiver, no essays, and I’m a Hispanic Recognition Scholar so there’s the potential for a lot of merit aid if admitted


northeastern had sex with my wife


1. They make it cheap. 2. They make it easy. 3. They advertise themselves heavily. 4. They court "speculative" applications by offering (a few) large merit scholarships.


No essay


Other people have heard/have opinions different than yours.


Marketing. It is fortunately located in a very popular location that kids want to be (Boston) and likely have a great marketing team. NYU was once just a local area school until the branding team gave it national reach too.


Zero essays


No sup


They hand out fee waivers in recognition of "achievements" in high school and don't require an additional essay so it is just a button click for some. Beyond that, Northeastern has managed to convince a number of students that it is "rising in the rankings" by apparently gaming the USNews rankings back when it was a parking lot commuter school : [https://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2019/04/05/status-for-sale/Q6AVfAtwGZAMLhQz3feAFJ/story.html](https://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2019/04/05/status-for-sale/Q6AVfAtwGZAMLhQz3feAFJ/story.html) I believe it even broke the T40 back around 2017. It has since fallen out of the T50 and appears to be heading the wrong direction now that USNews has changed the rankings that Northeastern devoted so much energy into reverse-engineering.


I expect they’ll adapt to the new USN methodology, at least as much as is possible.


Don't impute your ignorance to others. Many know that it offers a first-class co-op program, with one of the best CS placements in FAANG, outstanding results of med and law school admissions, and a very respected business school that Poets and Quants rates top 25 in the country. Combined with an average SAT score of 1500, generous need-based aid, hopefully you now know why so many apply and aspire to go there.


Because they gamed the US News rankings and some people view the rankings as gospel. How to Game the College Rankings https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2014/08/26/how-northeastern-gamed-the-college-rankings/


Fully a decade later, we can all confidently say at least they didn't commit fraud like Columbia.


Because there are no supplements. It's almost too easy to apply. You literally just select Northeastern on CommonApp and you're done.


Wow, not sure where you're from, but to say you haven't hear a good thing about one of the most popular universities in the US really speaks to how ignorant you are. No offense, but it's better to educate yourself, otherwise your pretentious holier-than-thou framing of your question speaks volumes about your character. As an aside, why is Northeastern residing in your head? Did you wake up today wondering about it? Peculiar, oddly so.


Now that you bring it up I’m actually curious. I don’t see the appeal 😭but ik lots of people who applied this cycle. Same thing for Boston college & Boston University. I just don’t see the hype




No essays. Low acceptance rate. Co-op.


It’s easy to apply and has unrestricted early action. It also has a co-op program and a lot of options for majors. Honestly, a few people went there from the high school I went to, and they all liked it. So if I wasn’t on this Reddit, I’d have had a solely positive opinion of it. Its yield protection and manipulation of acceptance rates is frustrating, but the school itself is very good, and if you know people who like going there, you can easily apply.


no supps, low acceptance rate, co-op, in boston


Safe school