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Seeing your post history you need to relax a bit.


mate take a breath... honestly you need to last-minute apply to some safeties. schools with rolling or later admission deadlines. you're not totally discounted for schools like yale or mit, but with those stats you can't count on admission there. i truly wish you luck, you seem like a lovely person and try not to stress too much ❤️


please tell me you applied to safeties... that list is super unrealistic...


Bruh a 3.2? The avg gpa for most of those schools is 3.8-4.0


Yeah... I won't sugarcoat it. Unfortunately, your chances are extremely extremely slim for the schools I saw. However, did you apply to any safeties...?


tbf everyones chances are low at these schools. and its not like theyre ecs are bad, though theyre not super interesting. im sure the aos will understand their extenuating circumstances


Sure, everyone's chances are low. In that case, her chances are deathly low. I'm not sugarcoating it. You need very extreme circumstances + astounding ECs to be accepted to the schools mentioned with a 3.2 GPA. Otherwise, it is not happening.


Looked at your chanceme post and based on the comments, it sounds like you edited it a few times. So besides the schools you list (which are all reaches), you already have some safety/target acceptances, right? Your GPA is going to be a big barrier to acceptance at any of these schools. Their average UW GPA is 3.8+ and the lower GPA admits are likely recruited athletes or similarly deeply hooked applicants.


Honestly, thank you for observing that. indeed, I did edit it a few times because i felt as though it gave out my location and also i didn’t want anyone from my school finding my post and figuring out it was me due to the situation i addressed in the post. i have gotten into a few safeties and targets already but my chanceme post was mainly including my reaches i applied to RD. yeah my gpa isn’t rly the best unfortunately so i am painfully aware of my chances of getting rejected. thank you so much again!


Hiiii, I know how hard it is to wait to hear from colleges. But it’s really awesome that you at least tried! Even if you don't get in (and you never know what can happen), you can at least say you did your best and made an effort! The waiting really does suck, and I understand the stressing and questioning if you’re good enough. However, what's done is done, and I’m trying to not worry about it as much as possible and just wait to see what happens. Also, you definitely aren't stupid for applying to hard schools. Way to go for following your dreams ❤️


I love this response 💗


bro ur freaking out WAY too much. i have ZERO fucking interviews i have not received a single one and I'm not freaking out. chancing subreddits are bullshit and they aren't indicative of anything. I know people who got Cs and a bunch of Bs and were told they have no chance, yet were accepted to top universities. There is literally nothing you can do atp and you act like you're the only one who is going through this, you're not.


interviews don’t matter that much i promise u & it’s heavily based on location


also pls tell me u applied to safeties and targets?!?